Womens health:How to cope with “that time of the month?”

Mar 14, 2017
Hi Everyone.I wanted to know how does one cope with menstrual pains,the fatigue,the dizziness,being bloated etc.

That time of the month comes with a lot of problems especially with your digestive system.I wanted to know how does one cope with out using medication?What food to eat,exercises etc?

Assistance would be highly appreciated.


Mar 20, 2017
I live in an ayurveda based community and all the women take the first day of period to rest completely. they refer to their period that way like "I'm resting" right now lol.
very important for first day, if you can swing it.
I know eating very light first day can help.
Never use tampons they are sooooooooo bad for you. Avoiding those could really help.
I would keep exercise very light. no squatting. and you don't want to raise your legs above your head for any reason. Which reminds me haha, no sex for sure!!
I have an extra copy of this ayurveda women's health book, i would legit send it to you in the mail if you message me your address.
Good to see you around damsel it's been a minute since ive seen ya.
Mar 14, 2017
I live in an ayurveda based community and all the women take the first day of period to rest completely. they refer to their period that way like "I'm resting" right now lol.
very important for first day, if you can swing it.
I know eating very light first day can help.
Never use tampons they are sooooooooo bad for you. Avoiding those could really help.
I would keep exercise very light. no squatting. and you don't want to raise your legs above your head for any reason. Which reminds me haha, no sex for sure!!
I have an extra copy of this ayurveda women's health book, i would legit send it to you in the mail if you message me your address.
Good to see you around damsel it's been a minute since ive seen ya.
Good to be back :D thank you!!
I use tampons ... I really do not like using pads ... I’ve tried but they are so uncomfortable.I normally crave a lot of sugary stuff :eek: I could eat a whole cake And finish it in three days.Clearly I need to change my diet.


Jul 27, 2017
Hi Everyone.I wanted to know how does one cope with menstrual pains,the fatigue,the dizziness,being bloated etc.

That time of the month comes with a lot of problems especially with your digestive system.I wanted to know how does one cope with out using medication?What food to eat,exercises etc?

Assistance would be highly appreciated.
Well when my wife hits that time of the month. I try to be...kind? Nice?

Any type of exercise is healthy. I prefer some type of resistance over cardio man or woman. Food - that time of the month I say just give in to your cravings. It’s your body’s reaction and you want to be in a positive mind state as much as you can.

The rest of the stuff? The female stuff is up to you.
Heavy flow pads etc.

You’ll get over it. All you ladies always do.
I seen my wife at this phase so I know how you feel lol
Mar 14, 2017
Well when my wife hits that time of the month. I try to be...kind? Nice?

Any type of exercise is healthy. I prefer some type of resistance over cardio man or woman. Food - that time of the month I say just give in to your cravings. It’s your body’s reaction and you want to be in a positive mind state as much as you can.

The rest of the stuff? The female stuff is up to you.
Heavy flow pads etc.

You’ll get over it. All you ladies always do.
I seen my wife at this phase so I know how you feel lol
Yeah we get over it after two days of intense pain and fatigue.


May 10, 2017
Sometimes some women suffer horribly with their periods, I'm sorry you are one of them, I used to be one too!

Although it's been a long time since I've had one due to a hysterectomy I had when I was 48, I still remember my coping mechanisms and I hope at least some will help you.

I used to try to take the first couple of days very lightly and mostly rest (some light exercise is good if you feel like it), drink plenty of warm beverages, and put a heating pad on my tummy. Cinnamon water used to help me the most, just boil some cinnamon sticks until the water has reduced in half. Don't allow your feet to get cold, if you have tile or concrete or a cold floor, wear shoes or slippers always, even when you are not having your period.

Tampons are really bad for you, and most pads are too! I was using a disposable cup that it took some time to get used to but were lifesavers! I used to have extra heavy periods and my uterus was full of fibroids, I also suffer from PCOS which makes for very painful ovaries, and for some reason, the bleached cotton on pads and tampons just make it worst.

Hoe at least some of it helps! Hugs to you.


Aug 19, 2018
Exercising throughout the whole month, resistance training is your best bet. Eating a lot of healthy fats like avocado, fish, salmon because it's anti-inflammatory. Any food that's anti-inflammatory will help relieve the pain. And like another poster said eating lightely on the first day. If you can do a water fast during your first day of period it's even better, because it will help cleanse your body and get rid of the toxins that cause the pain.


Jul 28, 2018
Supplementation is always an if-y thing as everyone's body works slightly differently.
And OBVIOUSLY observe the advice of your doctor.

But magnesium can help with muscle cramping, in general and when AuntFlo is visiting.

I have listened to some health talks that say that the western diet is usually lacking sufficient amounts of magnesium, and as a result, many of the populace suffer from charlie horses and other muscle responses. One of the more popular combinations is Vitamin C, D, and magnesium, as well as magnesium by itself.

Also increasing the amount of water can be very helpful as well. That can clear out some of the goo already in the system, as well as help the body prepare for what comes next. I know once that 64 oz (.5L) of water a day came under controversy almost as soon as it became popular. But if you can find good clean/filtered sources of water, your body will often response very positively to the increase.

Fatigue can sometimes be counteracted with increased vitamin B (full range) supplementation. And by increased I mean start taking it or take more.


Dec 21, 2018
That time of the month comes with a lot of problems especially with your digestive system.I wanted to know how does one cope with out using medication?
I give my wife mineral oil to drink, it helps her.

One time her simblings were visiting us and she had those terrible, horrible cramps at night. She would scream and contort in pain. Earlier that night we saw the movie "The Babadook" and her screams were way more scarier than the movie. I gave her some pain pills but they simply weren't enough. When the pills didn't work I gave her diazepam but it didn't work also, her brother and sister also didn't help. Somehow the diazepam kicked in as the dawn approached. The morning sun has vanquished the horrible night, none of us had slept.

We refer that night as "the night of painAIN", since she would scream "i'm in paaaaiaaaaain at the top of her lungs.

Nowadays I just give her a pill of paracetamol + codein (500 mg + 30 mg). Ah, the perks of having access to opioids.


Dec 21, 2018
Sorry to hear about your wife.
She should probably get checked by her obgyn.....screaming in childbirth pains "that time of the month" isn't entirely normal.
She might have a more serious condition going on..fibroids, endometriosis, infection...to name a few.
Worth investigating.
She had polycistic ovary syndrome, underwent some treatment too but the codein is ever present, standby, just in need :D


Aug 8, 2021
The way I cope with it is I drink tons of tea and since I'm vegan I don't eat any dairy or sugary products which I heard has helped to worsen cramps. When I was vegetarian I used to not consume dairy when I was on my Period and I found that it helped. Since I'm vegan I tend to eat a lot of beans (not too much though) and I don't eat them when it's my time of the month because they worsen my cramps.
I drink a lot of water, do mild exercise, and cry in pain lol xD
No matter all the hacks I do the cramps still exist so I have to take medication
My period just really hates me yall!


Feb 18, 2020
Take vitamin E (mixed tocopherols) & Curcumin (turmeric capsules aren't powerful enough)


Feb 5, 2018
Not sure if someone has mentioned it but, Red Raspberry leaf tea (not the flavored tea, but the real herbal tea) is good for menstruation and overall reproductive health. There are some other herbs too that are helpful that I've read about in passing but I can't think of them right now..


Feb 5, 2018
Oh! Also do vaginal "steams"....where you boil certain herbs and sit over them for at least 10-15 minutes. Again I'm having a brain fart right now (pregnancy brain), so please google and make sure I'm giving you the correct process and the name of the actual herbs lol But I have read that doing these steams help the uterus to contraction more efficiently, which lessens the cramping pain as well as the length of the period.