With the world’s eyes on Afghanistan, how does the Taliban represent Islam?


Dec 1, 2019
I'm surprised that lefties and atheists are always supporting mass muslim immigration into our Christian countries.
Immigrants let to be there by satanists so they are all in alliance with them. They rob and kill people for satanists in my country. Here are flat of white person who was robbed.


Dec 10, 2018
You missed my point. Christians are taught a certain thing, say no sex before marriage, yet its incredibly common for a 12, 13 yr old boy / girl to have a gf / bf. Islam forbids such a thing as a boy and girl should never be alone together, especially those in puberty.

As i said, in the west religion is being removed with the tv pulling most of the weight. When i was a kid you had to stay up late to see "adult content", these days its on at 3:30pm, right when kids get home from school.

The west is largely godless compared to the middle east (and I'm including Christians living around the holy lands). No one can really argue this as one can't even pray in school today. While some "free" countries dictate the way you can dress, such as France.
I think you are mistaking the western secular Christian in name only types with actual devout Christians.


Jun 28, 2020
I think you are mistaking the western secular Christian in name only types with actual devout Christians.
Nope, i come from a small town of about 3000 people. All of them Christian.

Lets use @Tidal as an example since we both know him. Admits to using porn and prostitutes. Like your Mary thread with him mentioning the priests contradicting his own statements, I've caught him lying several times so bearing false witness isn't a problem for some.

People have said you were Cassidy? This Christian VC user has taken on completely different people under different accounts. Another example of a habitual Christian liar.

I don't remember @ who, but I've made the comment "like ducks to water, many Christians have no problems with lying" multiple times here. While one of the 10 commandments is thou shall not bear false witness.

If we only looked at the beliefs, you worship Mary, @Red Sky at Morning hates this but worships Jesus. @Todd hates this and worships God alone. All of you claim Christianity. How can you all have Jesus's message with such radically different beliefs?

Don't get me wrong, there are alot of deviant Muslims today, Those that never pray, smoke and drink alcohol. But comparing the "west" to the "non west" religion is largely removed. Just look @Lurking009. Openly says its evil to kill the adulterer when the Bible commands this. Christians today prefer mans law over Gods.

We live in a "modernized west" where God is LARGELY removed. Many Christians Never attend church, many more never even pray at dinner, let alone anytime else. We are at a point where actual believers (which very well might be the Taliban) are demonized across the globe. Even those that have been propagandized the past 20 years have to ask how some small tribal group can beat the #1 military, the United States without the help of the Almighty?

I live in the states and my entire life I have seen Christians take part in alot of what they themselves call evil.


Nov 4, 2018
This finger pointing is useless horse s#$&t. People are evil.
Christians without sin cast the first stone, or remove the plank from your own eye. Hopefully there is an equivalent in Islam.
Respect each other. We have a common enemy which is selfishness/self-righteousnes, iniquity within ourselves.
May 15, 2017
Nope, i come from a small town of about 3000 people. All of them Christian.

Lets use @Tidal as an example since we both know him. Admits to using porn and prostitutes. Like your Mary thread with him mentioning the priests contradicting his own statements, I've caught him lying several times so bearing false witness isn't a problem for some.

People have said you were Cassidy? This Christian VC user has taken on completely different people under different accounts. Another example of a habitual Christian liar.

I don't remember @ who, but I've made the comment "like ducks to water, many Christians have no problems with lying" multiple times here. While one of the 10 commandments is thou shall not bear false witness.

If we only looked at the beliefs, you worship Mary, @Red Sky at Morning hates this but worships Jesus. @Todd hates this and worships God alone. All of you claim Christianity. How can you all have Jesus's message with such radically different beliefs?

Don't get me wrong, there are alot of deviant Muslims today, Those that never pray, smoke and drink alcohol. But comparing the "west" to the "non west" religion is largely removed. Just look @Lurking009. Openly says its evil to kill the adulterer when the Bible commands this. Christians today prefer mans law over Gods.

We live in a "modernized west" where God is LARGELY removed. Many Christians Never attend church, many more never even pray at dinner, let alone anytime else. We are at a point where actual believers (which very well might be the Taliban) are demonized across the globe. Even those that have been propagandized the past 20 years have to ask how some small tribal group can beat the #1 military, the United States without the help of the Almighty?

I live in the states and my entire life I have seen Christians take part in alot of what they themselves call evil.
You don't understand the concept of Christianity what you have is a religious spirit in that aspect let's talk about Menonites and Amish which are American or Mormons that live very family oriented lives. What about monks orthodox and Catholic that devote their lives to God. We aren't basing holiness on representatives and how they fail. This is something Muslims can't grasp because you have a works based religion.

It is good to do good works, but it doesn't save you. You see the result of that thinking is religious pride which is itself a sin lol. Probably one of the biggest sins at least in Jesus eyes. It's called a religious spirit. And its demonic.

We are saved through faith which yields repentance. Jesus saves good works don't. That's the gospel.

So your concept of who's a Christian and how that makes you better because of western culture doesn't mean western culture is an accurate representation of a born again believer hence why Christians are persecuted in America these days. Your ignorant to the plight of Christians across the globe often at the hands of Muslims.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Worshipping Jesus seems OK according to Revelation 4 @Daze !
“9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; 10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.”

^ I will be sticking with what seems to me to true Christianity, and trying to show kindness to those on the edges of the faith (even when there are substantial areas of disagreement I have with them). If a person comes to Jesus in faith, but with a hundred odd ideas, He will take them from there. I love the simplicity of the Gospel!



Jun 28, 2020
You don't understand the concept of Christianity what you have is a religious spirit in that aspect let's talk about Menonites and Amish which are American or Mormons that live very family oriented lives. What about monks orthodox and Catholic that devote their lives to God. We aren't basing holiness on representatives and how they fail. This is something Muslims can't grasp because you have a works based religion.

It is good to do good works, but it doesn't save you. You see the result of that thinking is religious pride which is itself a sin lol. Probably one of the biggest sins at least in Jesus eyes. It's called a religious spirit. And its demonic.

We are saved through faith which yields repentance. Jesus saves good works don't. That's the gospel.

So your concept of who's a Christian and how that makes you better because of western culture doesn't mean western culture is an accurate representation of a born again believer hence why Christians are persecuted in America these days. Your ignorant to the plight of Christians across the globe often at the hands of Muslims.
Ah, my old friend Seek. You many not remember me (Alex) but i remember you very well. How is our Christian, Muslim for a day, Christian friend doing? I still remember how happy @DesertRose was when you "converted".. for a day.

Hey Seek, do you remember when you said you "were leaving" and made this extremely long post and i pointed out hours later you were liking random posts? What is it with Christians and the bearing of false witness Seek?

Hey, for fun i have still have a screenshot of this 5 year old post.

Such nice words from a believer. Calling others "disgusting human beings".

You keep representing Jesus Seek, so nice to see you again.


Jan 23, 2021
Nope, i come from a small town of about 3000 people. All of them Christian.

Lets use @Tidal as an example since we both know him. Admits to using porn and prostitutes. Like your Mary thread with him mentioning the priests contradicting his own statements, I've caught him lying several times so bearing false witness isn't a problem for some.

People have said you were Cassidy? This Christian VC user has taken on completely different people under different accounts. Another example of a habitual Christian liar.

I don't remember @ who, but I've made the comment "like ducks to water, many Christians have no problems with lying" multiple times here. While one of the 10 commandments is thou shall not bear false witness.

If we only looked at the beliefs, you worship Mary, @Red Sky at Morning hates this but worships Jesus. @Todd hates this and worships God alone. All of you claim Christianity. How can you all have Jesus's message with such radically different beliefs?

Don't get me wrong, there are alot of deviant Muslims today, Those that never pray, smoke and drink alcohol. But comparing the "west" to the "non west" religion is largely removed. Just look @Lurking009. Openly says its evil to kill the adulterer when the Bible commands this. Christians today prefer mans law over Gods.

We live in a "modernized west" where God is LARGELY removed. Many Christians Never attend church, many more never even pray at dinner, let alone anytime else. We are at a point where actual believers (which very well might be the Taliban) are demonized across the globe. Even those that have been propagandized the past 20 years have to ask how some small tribal group can beat the #1 military, the United States without the help of the Almighty?

I live in the states and my entire life I have seen Christians take part in alot of what they themselves call evil.
Are you expecting Christians to be perfect? In all aspects, all the time? It seems to be so.


Mar 4, 2020
Immigrants let to be there by satanists so they are all in alliance with them. They rob and kill people for satanists in my country. Here are flat of white person who was robbed.

Yes, even Jesus says it's wrong to let thiveving scrounging ungrateful heathen immigrants into our countries..:)
Jesus said- "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs....do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces" (Bible: Matt 15:26,Matt 7:6)

John said-
"...many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world...do not take them into your house or welcome them.
Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work" (Bible: 2 John 1:7-11)


Jun 28, 2020
Are you expecting Christians to be perfect? In all aspects, all the time? It seems to be so.
No, of course not, neither are Muslims. As @Michi has said, "People are evil".

I am simply trying to point out the fact that God is being removed, Especially in the west. Which includes the US, Europe, Australia, basically every English speaking country. As i mentioned earlier..

~quote~..In the west you might hear a "God bless you" when someone sneezes. Compared to say life in Afghanistan and other Aramaic countries, were people commonly say "Alhamdulilah" which translates as "thanks and gratitude is for God". I mean even in the everyday language, God is remembered. Even by Atheists. I watched Disney's Frozen in Arabic some years ago and a character actually says "Alhamdulilah". I was surprised by this because we both know DIsney is satanic... ~end quote~

Christian / Muslim values in the west (yes, those Muslims living in the west) are very secularized.


Mar 4, 2020
Lets use @Tidal as an example since we both know him. Admits to using porn and prostitutes. Like your Mary thread with him mentioning the priests contradicting his own statements, I've caught him lying several times so bearing false witness isn't a problem for some.

Haha Abdullah, there you go making a fool of yourself again by bending the truth, but as you're a Jesus-rejecting muslim I suppose it's only to be expected that you're a natural-born liar.. :p
"A liar denies Jesus is the Christ.." (1 John 2:22/23)


Jun 28, 2020
Haha Abdullah, there you go making a fool of yourself again by bending the truth, but as you're a Jesus-rejecting muslim I suppose it's only to be expected that you're a natural-born liar.. :p
"A liar denies Jesus is the Christ.." (1 John 2:22/23)
I like Abdullah as it literally means servant of God.

You know whats interesting as an American? Its crazy how much English has an Arabic context. I literally grew up around it while remaining completely ignorant to it. For example I remember one "Married with Children" episode where Al has 3 workers and he calls them all Habib. Clearly its to insult them but habib in Arabic means beloved.

I can give alot of details on "this" intermingling.. such as 1 2 and 3 literally being copied from Arabic ( ١ ,٢ ,٣ ).. just turn the ٣ and ٢ on thier sides to see a 3 and 2...

...but won't for times sake... anyway... I merely point out what i see. I can easily screenshot your quotes of you admitting to porn and prostitute use (if i haven't already ;) ) to prove my points.

Truth of the matter is i have no reason to lie. If anyone thinks me to be so, by all means bring your proof. I'm not going anywhere.


Mar 4, 2020
I like Abdullah as it literally means servant of God...
Truth of the matter is i have no reason to lie..

1- A lot of muslims call themselves 'Mohammed', it's always seemed a little bit disrespectful to him in my opinion.
No true Christian would ever call himself 'Jesus'.. :p

2- As for lying, you said I use porn and prostitutes.
Prove it, because if you can't, it makes you a liar plain and simple, and the internet is of course a fibbers paradise.
As Hamlet ruefully observed "It is as easy as lying"..:)
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
You worship the worshiper @Red Sky at Morning . I will spare you the verse describing Jesus praying to God.

I will also pay you the kindness of not going into detail of you own "leaving" while remaining to make near daily profile posts.
I left when I felt like I had simply had enough of the arguments and the clashes of world-view that are the bread and butter of this place. 11,111 posts seemed like as good a number to leave on as any.


A certain passage came to my mind….

Genesis 7 verse 13 says “on the very same day” that the rain began to fall on the earth, Noah and his family entered the ark. Everyone came through the one door on the ark. Others were invited, but only those whom God said would come entered in. Only those who were called entered in through the one door.

Then, verse 16 tells us that “The Lord shut him in.

What came over to me was that despite me finding some people difficult or rude, I don’t get to call time on them. Noah didn’t shut the door, God did.

Grace is at the core of the Gospel. The Lord has shown it to me, and I am supposed to show it to others, which means the door stays open.


Jun 28, 2020
A lot of muslims call themselves 'Mohammed', it's always seemed a little bit disrespectful to him in my opinion.
No true Christian would ever call himself 'Jesus'.. :p
Yes, i believe you've mentioned this before. Why is Muhammad the most popular name on the planet Tidal?

Goes without saying Jesus (Isa), Noah (Nuh) and Moses (Musa) are very common Muslim names as well.

There are Mexican Christians here who have kids named Jesus but in Spanish it's pronounced "Hey-sus".
Yes, we know, only your sect of Christianity is correct, the other 44,999 are going to hell. Right?

Its kinda interesting how the Jews were afraid of saying Gods name, while many Christians think Jesus is god, while you acknowledge very few Christians are actually named Jesus.

You actually even seem proud of this when you don't worship Jesus. Obviously you should never give the name of God to creation, but according to you, Jesus is not your Creator?

We've known one another for about a year now? Its interesting to see you demonizing Catholics to forming some type of a comradery with one. Not to be offensive but I seldom see people like your posts however in the Mary thread it seems Snowfall took an instant liking to you.

So who is Tidal? The world may never know.

Btw, I'm not scared of you, not even a little bit. I've even announced multiple times that I'm in Houston TX. But still have no doubts that you are zero threat to me.

Peace Tidal.