LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)


Mar 15, 2017
I almost feel bad posting this, as if it's mocking the disabled, but it's a perfect example of this trans privilege that these people aget these days. Would a normal disabled woman or man be getting positive attention?

I feel very sorry for him and angry at producers. He is being used as a freakshow, disguising it as acceptance. There is no way a normal looking man or woman would have been allowed to get on stage if they sounded like that.


Apr 24, 2022
I feel very sorry for him and angry at producers. He is being used as a freakshow, disguising it as acceptance. There is no way a normal looking man or woman would have been allowed to get on stage if they sounded like that.
It is a freak show.



Aug 11, 2021
The elites like to laugh at us lowerlings.
Look at American Idol auditions.
Or Fear Factor.
Remember the teachers grabbing cash?
Jerry Springer Show?
Maury "You Are Not The Father" Povich?
My 600lb Life?
Hells Kitchen

  1. Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.
  2. Malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else's misfortune.
  3. delight in another person's misfortune


Mar 15, 2017
This is as huge as Trump being able to rejoin Twitter from an ideological point of view.
James Lindsay's specialty is dealing with education system's ideology and its hidden agenda to transform mainstream society into a "woke one". Several months ago Lindsay took on the LGBT+ movement on Twitter and was banned after saying "OK groomer" during a heated exchange.

See his entry half way down, gives link to research article proving queer movement is deliberately moving in on kids via drag queens reading to kids.
Last edited:


Mar 15, 2017
The mainstream media jumped to conclusions yesterday after the shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado.

A Guardian reporter alleged conservative commentators were the trigger:
"...In the coming days, the massacre at Club Q will be cast as an isolated tragedy, and those who point out the right’s complicity in the violence will be accused, with predictable cynicism, of politicizing the tragedy. But what happened in Colorado Springs this past weekend was the foreseeable continuation of a trend of escalating violence targeting gay spaces, and drag shows in particular.."

Now this comes out. Will the media openly admit they were wrong?

Oct 2, 2017
The mainstream media jumped to conclusions yesterday after the shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado.

A Guardian reporter alleged conservative commentators were the trigger:
"...In the coming days, the massacre at Club Q will be cast as an isolated tragedy, and those who point out the right’s complicity in the violence will be accused, with predictable cynicism, of politicizing the tragedy. But what happened in Colorado Springs this past weekend was the foreseeable continuation of a trend of escalating violence targeting gay spaces, and drag shows in particular.."

Now this comes out. Will the media openly admit they were wrong?

Oh it went silent and there were men who themselves pretend they are women saying he know the guy wasnt non binary because they can tell. The irony was hilarious


May 15, 2017
yes it is @JoChris
this evil thing won woman of the year
even just to ingrain that tging agenda

the more in the wh the better it's a msm
jackpot even more the more visible the
tg'ed is

"On October 19, 2021, it became the first openly transgender four-star officer in the nation's eight uniformed was named as one of USA Today's women of the year in 2022, which recognizes women who have made a significant impact on society."

edited above paragraph
with "it" in lew of its name as I said I'm trying
not to feed any energy into these things anymore
as much is humanly possible,by spelling/pronunciation
being done wrong on purpose

I do Hope my posts make sense as sometimes when
going to edit I lose a word here and there(or forget)as
I'm trying to make sure the "spelling"of certain words I
want to feed energies into is written correct and those
I don't are not

I Know the spelling/words I choose,not everyone

if Ya have any questions about a post that Ya don't
wanna ask in the threads it's not pulled off topic(like
I'm doing now sorry) or w/e

Ask me as I'm always more than Happy to Help
anyway I can
Jun 26, 2022
I was just about to post about it, Richard "Rachel" Levine, the "woman" of the year, pushing for more children to be castrated via puberty blockers

These conversations do not have to be limited to or restricted to a medical setting,” said Levine. “Offer yourselves as informational resources not just for youth but for schoolteachers, principals, school boards, professional organizations, recreation centers, county commissioners, and others who would benefit from this information and your perspective.”

Levine went on to mention these conversations are essential to countering “assumptions that are underlying today’s attacks on trans people.” He continued:

Pushing back this veil of ignorance requires this extra effort. We have reached a tipping point for the role in the medicine and civic life, for the health and well-being of LGBTQI+ plus youth and other Americans. Those who attack our community are driven by an agenda of politics. They are rejecting the value of … well-established science and …basic human compassion.

This is not the first time Levine has promoted mutilating minors. The Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila previously revealed Levine’s sinister agenda for America’s youth back in July. Here is an excerpt of her report along with a video:

They’re after our children.

Joe Biden’s Assistant Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine said we need to “empower” kids to go on puberty blockers.

Dr. Levine, a biological male who claims to be a woman, is the transgender face of the Biden Regime’s push for surgical and chemical castration of children.