US (s)election thread, 2024


Mar 18, 2017
They got rid of Biden because they couldn't control the narrative of him winning even with cheating or too big to rig
Everything happening right now is controlled chaos. If this JP Morgan guy knew back in January(well the article ran in January which means he must have known about this 4/5months prior)...predicting that he'd drop out for health reasons, it stands to reason that whatever solution is going to be presented has long been in the works.
Next up on the agenda is Taylor Swift endorsement of Kameltoe. Never underestimate the power of that witch.
Funny you should say this because the T.I.P (Transition Integrity Project) is more ways than one. Rosa Brooks, the Georgetown professor who co-founded the group that war-gamed the 2020 election came up with this fabulous idea:

On the other hand, the Heritage Foundation also formed their own group with the same name (TIP) creating an exercise gaming out post-election drama.
This part made me laugh

Scenarios in the 2024 report include Attorney General Merrick Garland’s ordering Trump’s arrest days after he wins the Nov. 5 election. In another scenario, Trump is victorious, but Biden and Garland’s Justice Department immediately launches a multistate investigation into voter intimidation and tells local officials to stop announcing vote tallies.

“If people accept the lie that a Trump win would be the end of the nation, some may feel justified in manipulating the process to ensure against such an outcome,” the report concludes. “TIP 2024’s exercises suggest that President Biden and his allies—with assistance from a weaponized governmental bureaucracy and loyal proxies in corporate media—are well-equipped to undermine electoral procedures or to challenge results that run counter to their interests.”



Jun 17, 2017
This is concerning....
i think it was taken out of context, and he usually says one stupid thing per rally. i think he also stated that he wasnt a christian, too... unless hes covertly saying he is a jew (theres some evidence his family might be-- theres a video on about it).
do you have a clip of the video and what he said before and after this?

even MAGA people would be up in arms if he stayed in office past his 4 years, so in my opinion, i think its a nothing burger.

JD vance is getting a lot of flak about his comments about old cat ladies. i think the dems are reaching for anything while they boost up kamala during her honeymoon period.


Feb 8, 2021
I think he knew what he was saying.
I loved Trump before the COVID scam happened. But know I know we are being played by all of them.



Jun 17, 2017

4:25. judge joe brown says that kamala is 1/2 indian and 1/2 caucasian... that the father claimed he was white (mixed irish and hindu) who was living in jamaica which was simply a part of the british empire where anyone could travel with ease.

i guess she has to play the race card to get the black vote, but this will be exploited by trump. i think it will backfire terribly, even with MSM claiming that it is a ''right wing conspiracy''.


Mar 18, 2017
Reposting these

Americans might take to the streets. In fact, it is likely that many people will engage in protests against the new regime, perhaps even before it has had a chance to prove itself deserving of them. But then what? Even in his first term, Trump and his advisers on more than one occasion discussed invoking the Insurrection Act. No less a defender of American democracy than George H.W. Bush invoked the act to deal with the Los Angeles riots in 1992. It is hard to imagine Trump not invoking it should “the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs” take to the streets. One suspects he will relish the opportunity.

And who will stop him? His own handpicked military advisers? That seems unlikely. He could make retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff if he wanted, and it is unlikely a Republican Senate would decline to confirm. Does anyone think military leaders will disobey commands from their duly elected, constitutionally authorized, commander in chief? Do we even want the military to have to make that call? There is every reason to believe that active-duty troops and reservists are likely to be disproportionately more sympathetic to a newly reelected President Trump than to the “Radical Left Thugs” supposedly causing mayhem in the streets of their towns and cities. Those who hope to be saved by a U.S. military devoted to the protection of the Constitution are living in a fantasyland.

Resistance could come from the governors of predominantly Democratic states such as California and New York through a form of nullification. States with Democratic governors and statehouses could refuse to recognize the authority of a tyrannical federal government. That is always an option in our federal system. (Should Biden win, some Republican states might engage in nullification.) But not even the bluest states are monolithic, and Democratic governors are likely to find themselves under siege on their home turf if they try to become bastions of resistance to Trump’s tyranny. Republicans and conservatives throughout the nation will be energized by their hero’s triumph. The power shift at the federal level, and the tone of menace and revenge emanating from the White House, will likely embolden all kinds of counter-resistance even in deep-blue states, including violent protests. What resources will the governors have to combat such attacks and maintain order? The state and local police? Will those entities be willing to use force against protesters who will likely enjoy the public support of the president? The Democratic governors might not be eager to find out.

Because of Kagan's piece^^, JD Vance took action
Sen Vance in letter to Biden admin accuses WaPo writer of encouraging ‘open rebellion’ against US



Nov 5, 2022
My take on what's happening...The entire fraudulent system will be removed, voting will be a thing of the past. "We'll have it fixed so good, you're not going to have to vote" (Trump)
Power back to the people.

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
You gotta love the turn around

after the debate and when crooks missed ( :( ) it was a lock for Trump and now he’s back peddling

The EC favors republicans and trump may be the literal devil so I’m not cocky but it’s a whole new ball game and trending Harris


Jun 17, 2017
You gotta love the turn around

after the debate and when crooks missed ( :( ) it was a lock for Trump and now he’s back peddling

The EC favors republicans and trump may be the literal devil so I’m not cocky but it’s a whole new ball game and trending Harris
the turn around only exists in TV land. she cannot get a crowd for her rally and has to rely on internet zoom calls.
what IS in her favor is that no one knows what her stance is or her background... yet. the general population simply knows shes running against trump. thats good enough for hard core dems, but the independent voters, at some point, will want to know what her plans are. she has none, and inflation is rampant.

trump will debate her-- shes got no chance at all against him-- and it will seal his victory (if theres an election).
1. how could she allow someone in bidens condition to continue running the country?
2. why did she screw up her job as border czar?
3. whats her plan for the future? (trump has agenda 47 or something.)
4. what are her qualifications? she never won a primary.
5. she was nominated by "the party" and not the democratic voters. doesnt that bother you? thats as bad as bernie sanders being pushed out by hillary in 2016.