Yellowbunzz tasty
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  • Why do femenists preach out on misogyny yet view drag shows as entertainment and male to female sex changes as non-offensive?.....somethings not adding up 0_o
    It's stunning how many issues feminists remain silent on when according to their own beliefs they should be screaming from the rooftops. FGM, sharia law, abortion of female babies - complete silence. If high ranking female leaders/politicians aren't democrat/leftist, they viciously tear them down proving once and for all feminism isn't about women's rights & equality.
    Yellowbunzz tasty
    Yellowbunzz tasty
    @Lurking009 right!! Like. this thing is only on the basis of what the media places as morality, current feminists have no moral standard either then the media and there's a deep fear of persecution this instilling this is a correct in their mind.
    Yellowbunzz tasty
    Yellowbunzz tasty
    This is the only thing I can come up with to justify this since either then that....their just stupid.Not only that but I genuinely believe both men and women hate women (from my experience).
    Hey there, for anyone who views my Videos thread. I was wondering how you would want me to section the videos as playlists instead so it's both neater and easier to locate what you want to watch or listen to. So do you want me to section things according the the name of the channel,section it according to what is being discussed, or section it according the name of the celebrities.
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    I didn't know you had a video thread. o___O
    I didn't know you (we) could organize anything in here like that... wow.
    Yellowbunzz tasty
    Yellowbunzz tasty
    @elsbet haha, I do it's for those who want to watch videos instead of reading on these forums and stuff, I sometimes go back to watch for myself if I want some information on something....i can do that. to a certain degree by editing my previous posts and new ones however I want to see which is most preferable first.
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    Any valid tips for hunting animals from experience. I want to do it as a means to bond with my father however because I'm a female he thinks I won't survive in the wild.
    I thought the show "Euphoria" was horrid and an innaccurate depiction of high school....till I looked at my own high school experience...although not as was flipping spot on. Although I do believe it should be watched by parents...just so they know what really goes on in high school. Heck the amount of wild stories I've heard and witnessed are crazy
    Do you think its more of a case of "art" (media actually) imitating life, or of media influencing real life?
    Yellowbunzz tasty
    Yellowbunzz tasty
    I think it's mainly media influencing real life considering it displayed casual sexual relationships between teenagers as normal. Thus most girls I knew once we entered 8th grade began to adhere to this due to their vision of high school through the media lense all the way to senior year(to which they were more careful then I suppose) was quite sad seeing however the media imitated the very thing it created.
    Are interracial relationships wrong? These famous conspiracy theorists have me confused on my stance with it, granted I've seen the Bible has nothing against it.
    So you're saying white people are Hivites?
    White people -- Aryan Race. Hivites are different race, they don't related to everyone.
    Yellowbunzz tasty
    Yellowbunzz tasty
    What race are Hivites?
    Hivites, I guess. They have 0 blood type.
    Any previously backslidden Christians here who actually repented?I'm in desperate need for some help here (by backslidden I mean over 1 year of ignoring God and sinning trying to come back but still struggling with sin.. not just a few months of backsliding.)
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    Pray for forgiveness and mean it in yur heart, it s written that "If your brother comes to you three hundred times and asks for forgiveness, you shall forgive him threehundred times" He knows your heart, he forgives. Everyone backslides.
    Red Sky at Morning
    Red Sky at Morning
    I ran away from the Lord for years and made decisions very much based on a “self first” attitude. When I gave up my rebellion and came back to “my Father’s house” I was amazed by His grace and forgiveness. I determined not to waste any more time. Around this period, I watched this:

    I have heard its a sin to doubt Gods forgiveness... the Lords forgiveness is beyond our comprehension and the offer is always out here for us... Dont let the devil trick you into moving further away from Gods plan for you, God promises that there is salvation through repentance and
    the door is always open for us...
    Talk shows,reality shows,twitter and other platforms which accomodate celebrities to speak were designed on the basis of us thinking that these people are normal and do every day things like ourselves when infact its untrue.If you don't believe me just select an interview of a famous celebrity you liked before and binge on the content and gossip about them. I swear you'll think vigilant citizen is on crack.
    Btw do you think mkultra will be introduced o the whole population, as in it will be mandatory for everyone to be in an mkultra facility? I dont think so but I would be interested in hearing some theories on it.
    @Yellowbunzz tasty , I concur. Though IMHO, MKUltra is a tool that is used on a select few beings (consider hundreds or thousands; out of 7to8Billion populace) (prolly bloodline or genetic selection) who in turn are successfully able to draw and binge on the attention of the remaining gullible masses. (1/2)
    We / the gullible masses, idolize and try to copy these select mkUltra beings eventually ending up "following" them - akin sheeps in a herd. The select mkUltra beings are mostly portrayed as 'idols' (viz.a.viz.- Pop Idol, American Idol, et. al.) and we gullible human beings substantially respect them, adore them, etc. (bordering to worshipping them). i.e. Idol Worship! (2/2)
    I just came to the mind-boggling realization that freemasonry, the illuminati and the rest of those devil worshippers are quite boring, they don't t do much which is new,just the same old 'we are smarter then you so we are going to put these symbols in your face" granted these things have spells however how boring and miserable must your life be that you're constantly trying to shove things down the publics throat.
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    Albeit, via their boring life, them world renowned paedophiles and satanists are able to binge on the "transient fruits of the temporary matrix" regardless.
    And gullible populous either starves or dies in oblivion.
    In the meantime, their own purpose of life isn't any where near even to be fulfilling but they got nothing on it to care for anyway.
    They make us stupid then blame us for being stupid? All mind games to make themselves feel superior.
    Its quite odd how having conversations on this thread can be sometimes spiritually draining. I think I might need a break at this point. Do visit my Wiiam Branham thread if you are looking in for the truth, however I won't be able to answer anyone there since I'm going to take a break.....maybe even forever.
    Well, I hope you come back. I just got here and you're one of the few people I'm following so far.
    Yellowbunzz tasty
    Yellowbunzz tasty
    I might....perhaps when I'm more spiritually mature.
    Let's talk about the garden of Eden.

    Who believes Eve ate an actual fruit and gave it to Adam to eat?

    Who believes that Eve had sexual intercourse with the serpent?
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    More deflection. This does not prove the NT's preservation. This is a merely a small detail incidental to the bigger argument, incidental even to the main argument of the book that the writer quoted from, 'Forged'. If I quote you 10 more Bible scholars skeptical of the inerrancy of the NT, will you find little details to nitpick in their books too? At this rate you'll never convert me.
    Red Sky at Morning
    Red Sky at Morning
    I think it circumstantially indicates an early dating for the Gospel of Luke. The implications are there for you to consider.
    And they have no knowledge of it; they do not follow anything but conjecture, and surely conjecture does not avail against the truth at all.
    - Quran, 53:28
    Part 3: Saying hell is eternal means it was the creator but it was created for the devil and his angels.
    One day there will be no hell, devil or sin. There will be just the Lord God Almighty and his children living in eternity. For eternal life is gained by being with the eternal God
    Part 2: There has been a clear distinction between forever and eternal in the King James Version(the original English Bible) despite having explained it to people multiple times. This is why we need to go to the original Bible version instead of translations that continue on and on till the word of God is misinterpreted.
    Part 1: God is eternal and once someone departs from the Lord God, they receive death.

    Hell was created for the devil and his angels. Whatever is created has a beggining and an end. God was never created, he is the creator therefore he is eternal. And the Bible even references that heaven and earth shall pass away but God's word will never pass.
    The adversary's punishment in the lake of fire is supposed to last for eternity, though. Wouldn't that imply that the lake itself, and hell by extension, would last as long as Satan's punishment?
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    Yellowbunzz tasty
    Yellowbunzz tasty
    The adveseray's punishment will last the longest since he causedthe destruction. It won't last him eternity though. It may be a billions decades or more but he will be extinct eventually. Like jail systems, when people are sent to jail, some spend more time then others eventually they are all out. Forever is in a space of time, God exists out of time. The adversary will burn for a looooong time but not for eternity.
    Devouted Christian(message believer) trying to help those seeking the truth.

    Imperfect but hopefully we can help people open their eyes

    Favourite Quotes

    The truth will set you free- internetbox

    ❤❤God is Love- Bible❤❤
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