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  1. Tidal

    With the world’s eyes on Afghanistan, how does the Taliban represent Islam?

    Alright mate we get the message, you don't like girls..;)
  2. Tidal

    Thread dedicated to the Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven.

    True Catholic priests are a credit to Christianity..:) "There be of them, that have left a name behind them, that their praises might be reported" (KJV: Ecclesiasticus 44:8)
  3. Tidal

    With the world’s eyes on Afghanistan, how does the Taliban represent Islam?

    Mate, I'm a red-blooded straight hetero Christian male, so of course I take an interest in women.. :p Jesus said- "at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one...
  4. Tidal

    With the world’s eyes on Afghanistan, how does the Taliban represent Islam?

    No, Obama should simply have kept his trap shut instead of admitting the Tali couln't be beat..:) He said it while he was still President, so if he knew the Tali couldn't be beat, why diidn't he simply pull all US troops out instead of letting them go on being killed? And imagine how US troops...
  5. Tidal

    With the world’s eyes on Afghanistan, how does the Taliban represent Islam?

    Great stuff..:) But in fairness to the vast majority of normal straight American people, it's only a minority of godless atheists who support LGBT..:)
  6. Tidal

    With the world’s eyes on Afghanistan, how does the Taliban represent Islam?

    When Obama stupidly said this 5 years ago it must have made the Taliban do high fives all round and gave them a tremendous morale boost and added impetus-
  7. Tidal

    With the world’s eyes on Afghanistan, how does the Taliban represent Islam?

    I saw a Taliban leader saying on the TV news yesterday that as long as Afghans respect Sharia law they've nothing to fear from the Taliban. Top- Sharia Law Bottom- not Sharia law..:)
  8. Tidal

    With the world’s eyes on Afghanistan, how does the Taliban represent Islam?

    Yes yes, we know muslims are all sweetness and light, you'll be telling us next it was Mary Poppins who killed 3000 innocent office workers on 9/11.. :p Oh wait, this previously unseen startling footage has just emerged!-
  9. Tidal

    Is there any point planning for future?

    Yes I've been hanging in survival forums for years..:) A big country house like this below (we'll call it 'Doomsday Hall') would be a good bet, especially if its ringed with a perimeter of barbed wire and an anti-vehicle ditch. I think a group of around 25 people would be able to work the land...