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  1. S

    Who do Muslims really worship?

    Wasn’t Allah a prophet who married (I bet it wasn’t HER original idea:) a 9 year old girl or something? Am I close????
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    Former Witch Speaks On Halloween

    Just so we are clear, darling, If the star in the circle (a Pentagram) is pointing DOWN, that is a sure sign of Satanism. If the star in the Pentagram just happens to point UP, it’s a symbol used by Wiccans, and is NOT a symbol of evil. Understand now? They are two totally different symbols...
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    Former Witch Speaks On Halloween

    You are absolutely wrong. I KNOW real Wiccans, and have been invited to join covens, and have done rituals (positive only). I shouldn’t really LABEL myself.. ignorant people like you are too quick to automatically group everyone in the same category am a free spirit, and refuse to live my life...
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    Man enough

    Actually, would you be so kind as to show us tangible PROOF of your ridiculous assessment of men in today’s society? Thanks so much!
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    Former Witch Speaks On Halloween

    Invite demons? And you get your facts from where, darling? Sounds like your confusing Wicca with Satanism (calls on specific demons for certain purposes during their black masses, *I* do not). All magic is absolutely NOT “evil; “you sound like the typical mindless, blind follower of organized...
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    Former Witch Speaks On Halloween

    You are absolutely wrong. I was involved in my own absolutely positive interpretation of Wicca (positive, white magic only..) as a solitary practitioner. I was thrilled to meet several other strong, positive female Wiccans/Witches who I am to this day very close with. Absolutely NONE of my...
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    Putin. Controlled op. Confirmed.

    Hey! Did you read the recent article on Putin’s recently exposed “torture prisons” in Russia?!? It was in the NY Post…it’s VERY disturbing!! It’s all set up: someone is hired to tie up the prisoners, r*pe the males with broomstick handles, beat them, etc…It’s insane!! Pictures and videos were...
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    Evil in Music

    All being a Feminist means is that us women want to be treated as a man would treat another male (as a complete human being), not as a sexual toy, an automatic second class citizen solely due to our gender, not as an inferior human being, etc). Women do NOT dominate and control either the...
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    Creepy-Sleepy-Sniffy Uncle Joe Biden Thread

    But she was really hip n cool in college when she said she listened to rap/hip hop music, remember?! . I read somewhere she also was called out on messing up the artist or cd she was supposedly into or something too! Oopsie!
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    The "Virgin Mary" Appears in the Sky, End Times deception.

    I love how anti-sex Catholics are! It’s quite hilarious to me how a woman (Mary) incredibly still remained “a virgin” even after becoming impregnated with her child!! Wow! I had no idea that artificial insemination has been around for SUCH a long time! Incredible, isn’t it?! (Sarcasm…)
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    Jussie Smollett trial?

    I’m so glad that he isn’t being let off the hook for his asinine, ridiculous, self humiliating, and absolutely lame attempt at “self promotion!” It was obviously a ridiculous, terribly planned “publicity stunt” that tanked!! Talk about being self destructive and desperate. What he did was a...
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    I think your freaking out over nothing. Any sane male (unless he is tr Your claim makes absolutely zero sense. Here’s why: incase you accidentally forgot, our entire world is ruled under a PATRIARCHAL system, NOT a matriarchal one. That means that MEN hold ALL of the power, make all of the...
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    Marilyn Manson accused of abuse, more like a MK handler

    I absolutely agree with you. I have a gorgeous, 20 year old female goth friend who attended one of his concerts here in our city. I heard that rock stars have people who scope out audience members for hot girls, and invite them backstage to meet the particular singer/band and “party” with them...
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    Lil Nas X - Montero (blatantly satanic)

    First of all, most of these up and coming “artists” ( in ANY genre; not exclusively rap music) are; to put it in general terms; not “lucky” enough to grow up “privileged monetarily wise,” and have never experienced what it’s like to own a fancy car, “nice house,” “designer clothes,” and have had...
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    Lil Nas X - Montero (blatantly satanic)

    As a proud lgbt woman, I detest the fact that “the powers that be” are essentially, blatantly furthering their pro-Satanism negative bullshit using a black gay male. I loathe both racism and obvious negative depictions of lgbt people. Some of my most loyal, fantastic, and genuinely kind & open...
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    Celebrities/famous Folk Who 'know' Thread

    I don’t think Roseanne is a “sell out” when you consider on her original show, the fabulous Sandra Bernhard (who is an openly lesbian entertainer) was cast for some episodes, “Darlene” (Sarah Gilbert) is also openly out about being a lesbian, and remember how Roseanne mocked singing “The Star...
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    Halsey/Kardashians and the humiliation/assassination of man

    “Patriarchy” as “true liberation” for a “woman,” you claim? Well, I assume your a man by your horrifying, and truly misogynist OPINION, and I just happen to be a woman. The mere act of another gender (males) having full control over another (females) very lives & total existence is nothing but...
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    Evil in Music

    Nice analysis; right on point about the “glorification” of women such as Kim Kardashian appearing out of literally nowhere and; like Paris Hilton, became “famous” for making a (lame) porn tape. Now, if an “unknown” woman chose to make a porn tape, and her, let’s say “conservative,” or...