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  1. twoeyes

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    Hi guys, I thought it'd be interesting post it here, how they use the term rain man that from what I remember is one of lucifer's many names I might be looking too much into it so it's up to you Timestamp 6:35
  2. twoeyes

    BTS discussion thread That stare creeped me out a little, he looks like he's about to cry
  3. twoeyes

    BTS discussion thread

    Hello, thank you, I'll look it up
  4. twoeyes

    BTS discussion thread

    Thank you so much for caring I'll certainly look up those supplements Yes I do struggle with holding grudge but although the reminisce comes back to hunt me from time to time I overcame the hatred I used to feel which is good enough I think Praying is important but I tend to feel guilty...
  5. twoeyes

    BTS discussion thread

    Hi, could you recommend me some herbs to help me with anxiety and depression
  6. twoeyes

    BTS discussion thread

    Absolutely, "spies" and ocultists would be the first ones to discredit this website tho, claiming we are wasting our times, we can't stop talking about it 'cause we are still fans and then all the really important things that we learned here (I'm a big enthusiast of symbolism and mithology) and...
  7. twoeyes

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    Great ;)
  8. twoeyes

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    The video is not appearing on the albums of my device when I click in "Attach files" :rolleyes: Does anyone know another way to do it? Update You can find the video on vimeo but apparently you can't download
  9. twoeyes

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    And the video was deleted of course Luckily I downloaded it and I tried to reupload it only to be messaged by YouTube that the content goes against their terms This is censorship plain and clear
  10. twoeyes

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    . This is why Jesus preached about loving your neighbour, loving and praying even for your enemies, repentance, forgiveness but is He heard?! No, people constantly blasphem, mock Him, deny repentance 'cause they are too proud and engage in all sorts of sordid practices that God has been warning...
  11. twoeyes

    The Bible Teaches Terrorism and Killing Infants

    Gosh this thread is disgusting, so much hate speech when we are already living in such hard times, sadly I can't report this
  12. twoeyes

    Azealia Banks digs up and boils dead cat..

    She is openly a witch so it doesn't really surprise me but she is not really bright to actually film it lol
  13. twoeyes

    BTS discussion thread In his Book, Fritz springmeier says that Joseph Mengele, a nazi doctor responsible for bringing to the US his refined technique in the mind control field, travelled worldwide programming people and that the Moriah's (another illuminatti...
  14. twoeyes

    BTS discussion thread

    Thanks, I will
  15. twoeyes

    BTS discussion thread

    If BTS is actually under mind control does that mean that there's a branch of the Project monarch in korea? 'Cause they were born and raised there, or they were programmed after coming to america? But the simbolysms were there since the very beginning this is why it's confusing to me. I did...
  16. twoeyes

    BTS discussion thread

    it's surprising he stood up for something so controversial, I hope this is not a publicity stunt
  17. twoeyes

    BTS discussion thread

    Mentioning God means nothing really, so many people do it but their actions show the total opposite and also, we don't know which god he was talking about, most definitely lucifer from we've seen in their music videos
  18. twoeyes

    BTS discussion thread

    You need to do some research to understand the origins of christmas
  19. twoeyes

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    Don' Don't rely on what people say here, do a better research on the topic if you really wanna learn, this is just a speculation forum