If there is some kind of key word they use to control them, like trigger words, then there would obviously be a way, a counter keyword/code, to set them back into their "initial" state?
But if they're in too deep and have been for a long time under that kinda spell, it needs a lot of time to heal, what with having foggy memories or blackouts that most likely are side effects from that kind of treatment. Assumptions, truly, but well.
Have you seen Captain America and the Winter solider? They've been feeding us content about their plans for so long, right there under our noses in movies -.-
This is pretty much them showing us how trigger words work to set a certain character/side/personality to their puppets to control them, after of course they have them trained and programmed to react to them on command. I think this kinda stuff happens in the military too, I think. Just an assumption. Pretty sure same thing happened to Black Widow with the whole Red Room training too, that's another example, if you're familiar with Marvel movies.
And check this out: the bad guy in the story, the bad organization (Hydra) and their NWO agenda. I don't know whether to laugh at their blatant arrogance and bluntness in yet such a subtle way, or laugh at how dumb we are. We really became consumers, being fed by the Elite, and manipulated right and left shamelessly.
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They are pretty much saying their plan you know? They are creating diseases by sabotaging crops with Chemtrails they shoot in the sky with aircraft, poluting water and the atmosphere, they use nanotechnology I assume in vaccines or sthg worse, it's all about making money [create health hazards = people are sick and scared = make new vaccine = make money], and hormones enhancing in foodstock to get people sick and hormonaly-inbalanced for some = LGBTQ stuff), they monitor the whole media and banking systems so they create more infairness, burden to the masses, control what news they see, control their thought process in a way, they share only the content they want us to see, many educational systems around the world are flawed with useless stuff and controlled by the govt so people don't act out if there are too many critical thinkers who see the flaws in the society, they distract us with films and music industries from seeing the whole big picture, we are blind to all the subtle and subliminal messages through symbols and whatnot, it's everywhere even in many monuments or religious places. Let's not even bring in the mobile and auto-industry, they all are pushing for more AI tech, and it's already in the market, and robots and crazy things. There's already 3D printing and cloning etc...They're pushing more and more things that will destroy the whole of humanity by bringing more misery, crimes, injustice, strife in everyone's life. Nuclear weapons? Scare tactics and NATO, UN, North Korea is a CIA puppet, all involved with the Elite.
Just like Hydra, they are making life miserable on purpose in all aspects of our world, just so we'll have no other way out from it but to willingly give up our freedom and accept their help, their "fake" security.
They are sugarcoating it with marketing and psychological techniques that it's for the betterment of humanity to go for the tech, it's for the future, better lifestyle, safety.
They already have micro-chips in people. There's in Florida, and Wisconcin I believe, there have been some workers in a company that were implanted that RFID chip, already. They want to control us. How? Under one rule, one world, one brain, everyone connected with RFID chips -.-