Kids Online Safety Act passes the senate. see what u can do.


Nov 1, 2023
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has a 4 step process (usually a prewritten letter to send to your representative) can be found here:


May 15, 2017
tptb targeting the Children to bring about a digital Id for the Peoples
to access anything that tptb consider safe for consumption(full 1984)

they start with the Children,always the Children,elderly,disabled or animals
their go to' victims
they have Us mapped out,they Know how Our brains/minds work
they Know,most Good decent morally sound Peoples Heart/Soul frequencies
will react to any one of those and they can control for the most part the reaction
and steer it

they created the internet to be highly addictive,so eventually they'll have Us
plugged into it permanently
they Know the Children today that have been born since around 2005 cannot live
without the technology(which divoc only compounded) or the social platforms

We Seen when tptb used their bioweapons on Us

Children/lots of teens did to have access to their friends,sports etc....
it wasn't because they thought there is this killer "disease"out there causing Peoples
to drop dead
it was all to get back to their normal
which no matter what it is tptb throw out at them,they will be willing to do whatever it
takes for them to keep things as normal as possible

We already Know that's what they're pushing for,a digital number to identify Peoples
they tried with divoc and their stupid passports/papers and they will keep trying

imho that's the mark
soon as We're assigned a digital number and that's Our trackable every second of
everyday in every single aspect of Our life/reality
once there is a mandatory law that requires the number to do anything in society as
a Peoples,they win

We all need to be against anything like this online safety act which in reality won't do
anything to actually keep Children safe,it just helps tptb get closer to their goals