LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)


Mar 15, 2017
Warning: the topic is M-MA rated so if easily offended please don't continue reading.

Super long but old thread has gone quiet

... weird since the backlash has become huge this year! YouTube and Twitter has become a massive battleground. It has shown the TERFs fighting against the Transwomen, LGB speaking out against T, parents fighting against transgender surgery for kids.

To start off:
The one that deserves to go down in history as number 1 of 2021 so far is #Superstraight guy.
Original video from Tiktok.

His followup

The #superstraight movement went crazy for weeks and so did the transactivists (a lot got banned for death/ r*pe threats and tweets to encourage self-harm.)

The trans-supporters then whined, pouted and guilt-tripped. It hasn't worked. The Superstraighters continue to put out tweets like these recent cleaner ones:

Please add all variety of Tweets and links to show that the majority of people are starting to fight against the LGBT+ extremists (demanded to be given rights at our expense, not just "live and let live" like they claimed).
Oct 2, 2017
Twitter is desperate to stop women fighting back against trans ideology.
So many women have been banned on Twitter for saying things like woman equals adult human female, or lesbaians don't want to date transwomen because they are exclusively same sex attracted, while death and r*pe threats continue.
Reddits the same. The recent controversy over that trans woman who was paid to moderate Reddit. Who was discovered to have a father who tortured and roses a young girl, and a boyfriend and then a finance who were also pedophiles. All four were into sissy porn and play. When people called it out they were banned on Reddit until it got to the mainstream and they had to fire her.

Trans or gender ideology plus LGBT have also been trying to force p***philia, trying to make it normal, from dressing up children tosexualise them, petitioning to lower the age of consent ( sometimes as low as 10) and to changing p***phile to map ( minor attracted person) so as not to offend the pedo, even going as far as to make a pride flag for maps.

Twitter is such a cesspool, they have a real problem with child porn, it's freely available on twitter, yet they won't ban anyone who has it ( but don't call a transwoman a male) it's so bad Putin came out the other day and gave twitter a 40 day ultimatum to get rid of the child porn or he's banning twitter in Russia.

Gender ideology is a cult, look at how they treat detransitioners, they abuse or out right refuse to admit they exist.

Terf is basically the new witch or heretic. Anyone who does not subscribe to pronouns are sinners. It's a messed up cult but since superstraight came out their little empire is starting to falter. I think that's why they are becoming more aggressive. More abusive they are loosing control and more are waking up to how toxic it is.


Mar 15, 2017
Twitter is desperate to stop women fighting back against trans ideology.
So many women have been banned on Twitter for saying things like woman equals adult human female, or lesbaians don't want to date transwomen because they are exclusively same sex attracted, while death and r*pe threats continue.
Reddits the same. The recent controversy over that trans woman who was paid to moderate Reddit. Who was discovered to have a father who tortured and roses a young girl, and a boyfriend and then a finance who were also pedophiles. All four were into sissy porn and play. When people called it out they were banned on Reddit until it got to the mainstream and they had to fire her.

Trans or gender ideology plus LGBT have also been trying to force p***philia, trying to make it normal, from dressing up children tosexualise them, petitioning to lower the age of consent ( sometimes as low as 10) and to changing p***phile to map ( minor attracted person) so as not to offend the pedo, even going as far as to make a pride flag for maps.

Twitter is such a cesspool, they have a real problem with child porn, it's freely available on twitter, yet they won't ban anyone who has it ( but don't call a transwoman a male) it's so bad Putin came out the other day and gave twitter a 40 day ultimatum to get rid of the child porn or he's banning twitter in Russia.

Gender ideology is a cult, look at how they treat detransitioners, they abuse or out right refuse to admit they exist.

Terf is basically the new witch or heretic. Anyone who does not subscribe to pronouns are sinners. It's a messed up cult but since superstraight came out their little empire is starting to falter. I think that's why they are becoming more aggressive. More abusive they are loosing control and more are waking up to how toxic it is.
I happily call myself TERF, despite being quite a conservative Christian wife and mother. It is only a name from reality-deniers, who think that insults will silence their critics. It is time for the 99% of people who know that identity does not change sex to stop being silent and fight for the Truth.

Yes Twitter is the cesspool of legal websites. People skilled at wordgaming need to learn how to play Twitter's game against them. #superstraight might be the first stage.


Dec 21, 2018
I call this process autophagy.

In a society it is natural to have distinction, and with time these distinctions have grown:

Let's say, feudal europe you were either male or female, everyone was equally poor. This would mean only if you would work in the fields or at the textiles. (n = 1)

Then, bam, french revolution and now you have rich or poor. Now you are either an opressed or an opressor. (n = 2)

We got the industrial revolution, everyone was equally poor again, and everyone worked the same at the factory. (n = 1)

Then, bam, 1929 crisis. After that we got the welfare state, working rights. The next division came as the civil rights era from the 50's to the 60's. You're now either black or white (n = 2).

Passing the 60's you got the hippies. The free love era. San Francisco has become the liberal hub. We got acceptance of the gay culture, heck, we even got now a "gay culture" (n = 2 x 2).

The 90's. If memory serves me right it was the feminism, right? (n = 2 x 2 x 2).

The 00's were quiet times in civic uproar. I call these years "the funtimes". Economical growth, relative peace I guess. The major threat were terrorist groups, the western world was mad at them, along with some atomic threats. Mostly diplomatic issues, I guess (n = 1).

During the 10's we got this:


After that we got sex vs race vs wealth vs gender all at once, n = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 totalizing 8 classifications.

Then with trump we got one more (the same thing happened in brazil), left vs. right, increasing 2, totalizing 16 divisions.

But then, how do you fracturate it further? The physical world is well known for having you know, limits to stuff. So let's create imaginary genders.

Back in 00's I remember the acronym was only GLS (gays, lesbians and sympathizers), then it became LGBT, now it is so big that they use LGBTQ+. A quick google search returned at least 12 genders, this alone makes a whooping 72 classifications.

This is way too fracturated. There is no way this many divisions is going to sustain itself. Even if you don't count the 12 genders fighting eachother it has become a too sensitive topic, people have to mind their words carefully to not to offend someone, that's why I call this autophagy. It has become so big that it is now consuming itself with inner struggles, specially now that trump is gone and there is no bigger cause for them to unite.

Of course that this was all done on purpose.
Dec 22, 2019
Twitter is desperate to stop women fighting back against trans ideology.
So many women have been banned on Twitter for saying things like woman equals adult human female, or lesbaians don't want to date transwomen because they are exclusively same sex attracted, while death and r*pe threats continue.
Reddits the same. The recent controversy over that trans woman who was paid to moderate Reddit. Who was discovered to have a father who tortured and roses a young girl, and a boyfriend and then a finance who were also pedophiles. All four were into sissy porn and play. When people called it out they were banned on Reddit until it got to the mainstream and they had to fire her.

Trans or gender ideology plus LGBT have also been trying to force p***philia, trying to make it normal, from dressing up children tosexualise them, petitioning to lower the age of consent ( sometimes as low as 10) and to changing p***phile to map ( minor attracted person) so as not to offend the pedo, even going as far as to make a pride flag for maps.

Twitter is such a cesspool, they have a real problem with child porn, it's freely available on twitter, yet they won't ban anyone who has it ( but don't call a transwoman a male) it's so bad Putin came out the other day and gave twitter a 40 day ultimatum to get rid of the child porn or he's banning twitter in Russia.

Gender ideology is a cult, look at how they treat detransitioners, they abuse or out right refuse to admit they exist.

Terf is basically the new witch or heretic. Anyone who does not subscribe to pronouns are sinners. It's a messed up cult but since superstraight came out their little empire is starting to falter. I think that's why they are becoming more aggressive. More abusive they are loosing control and more are waking up to how toxic it is.
Be careful, they'll say they don't condone it. I don't support it.


Feb 5, 2018
Sugarprincess, when I saw the title of this post that's the first thing I thought of. I read the articles about James Charles yesterday. It seems as though he was really bold in how he went about flirting with these men/boys, and I think that's because LBGT+ definitely has immunity in the media when it comes to things like this. Though they are being called out for it more and more, I doubt you will ever see them get the same treatment for their behavior as R Kelly or Bill Cosby.

Makeup lovers are boycotting Morphe as the brand stays silent on James Charles sexting allegations (

James Charles Allegations Timeline: Teens Say He Sent Sexual Snapchats (


Feb 5, 2018
I call this process autophagy.

In a society it is natural to have distinction, and with time these distinctions have grown:

Let's say, feudal europe you were either male or female, everyone was equally poor. This would mean only if you would work in the fields or at the textiles. (n = 1)

Then, bam, french revolution and now you have rich or poor. Now you are either an opressed or an opressor. (n = 2)

We got the industrial revolution, everyone was equally poor again, and everyone worked the same at the factory. (n = 1)

Then, bam, 1929 crisis. After that we got the welfare state, working rights. The next division came as the civil rights era from the 50's to the 60's. You're now either black or white (n = 2).

Passing the 60's you got the hippies. The free love era. San Francisco has become the liberal hub. We got acceptance of the gay culture, heck, we even got now a "gay culture" (n = 2 x 2).

The 90's. If memory serves me right it was the feminism, right? (n = 2 x 2 x 2).

The 00's were quiet times in civic uproar. I call these years "the funtimes". Economical growth, relative peace I guess. The major threat were terrorist groups, the western world was mad at them, along with some atomic threats. Mostly diplomatic issues, I guess (n = 1).

During the 10's we got this:

View attachment 54426

After that we got sex vs race vs wealth vs gender all at once, n = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 totalizing 8 classifications.

Then with trump we got one more (the same thing happened in brazil), left vs. right, increasing 2, totalizing 16 divisions.

But then, how do you fracturate it further? The physical world is well known for having you know, limits to stuff. So let's create imaginary genders.

Back in 00's I remember the acronym was only GLS (gays, lesbians and sympathizers), then it became LGBT, now it is so big that they use LGBTQ+. A quick google search returned at least 12 genders, this alone makes a whooping 72 classifications.

This is way too fracturated. There is no way this many divisions is going to sustain itself. Even if you don't count the 12 genders fighting eachother it has become a too sensitive topic, people have to mind their words carefully to not to offend someone, that's why I call this autophagy. It has become so big that it is now consuming itself with inner struggles, specially now that trump is gone and there is no bigger cause for them to unite.

Of course that this was all done on purpose.
Well said


Mar 4, 2020
SON - "An older boy at school is gay"
LIBERAL LEFTIE POL-CORRECT PARENTS (smiling) - "We must respect and tolerate his choice of sexual preference"
SON - "He keeps asking younger boys to go into the bushes with him, is it wrong and sinful?"
PARENTS - "We mustn't be judgemental, and anyway we must respect the boys choice of whether to go with him or not to explore their own sexuality, they probably wouldn't like it anyway"
SON - "I liked it"
PARENTS (outraged) - "The filthy degenerate hell-bound pervert!, We'll kill him, get the gun!!!"


Mar 15, 2017
I call this process autophagy.

In a society it is natural to have distinction, and with time these distinctions have grown:

Let's say, feudal europe you were either male or female, everyone was equally poor. This would mean only if you would work in the fields or at the textiles. (n = 1)

Then, bam, french revolution and now you have rich or poor. Now you are either an opressed or an opressor. (n = 2)

We got the industrial revolution, everyone was equally poor again, and everyone worked the same at the factory. (n = 1)

Then, bam, 1929 crisis. After that we got the welfare state, working rights. The next division came as the civil rights era from the 50's to the 60's. You're now either black or white (n = 2).

Passing the 60's you got the hippies. The free love era. San Francisco has become the liberal hub. We got acceptance of the gay culture, heck, we even got now a "gay culture" (n = 2 x 2).

The 90's. If memory serves me right it was the feminism, right? (n = 2 x 2 x 2).

The 00's were quiet times in civic uproar. I call these years "the funtimes". Economical growth, relative peace I guess. The major threat were terrorist groups, the western world was mad at them, along with some atomic threats. Mostly diplomatic issues, I guess (n = 1).

During the 10's we got this:

View attachment 54426

After that we got sex vs race vs wealth vs gender all at once, n = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 totalizing 8 classifications.

Then with trump we got one more (the same thing happened in brazil), left vs. right, increasing 2, totalizing 16 divisions.

But then, how do you fracturate it further? The physical world is well known for having you know, limits to stuff. So let's create imaginary genders.

Back in 00's I remember the acronym was only GLS (gays, lesbians and sympathizers), then it became LGBT, now it is so big that they use LGBTQ+. A quick google search returned at least 12 genders, this alone makes a whooping 72 classifications.

This is way too fracturated. There is no way this many divisions is going to sustain itself. Even if you don't count the 12 genders fighting eachother it has become a too sensitive topic, people have to mind their words carefully to not to offend someone, that's why I call this autophagy. It has become so big that it is now consuming itself with inner struggles, specially now that trump is gone and there is no bigger cause for them to unite.

Of course that this was all done on purpose.
I think there were decades where more was happening by stealth.
60s -80s a lot of alternative groups, feminism, hippies, drug usage, peace versus Vietnam war, civil rights started fighting against traditions/ Judeo-Christianity foundations of Western cultures.
Some were good e.g. equal rights for African Americans and support for abuse survivors.
Some were bad e.g. extremist feminists.
Dysfunctional families/ couples became more and more common on TV/ movie.
In 90s-00s I remember a lot of LGBT+ friendly sitcoms like Will and Grace and then Ellen came out too. A fair bit of anti-double standards talk e.g. "you straight people can't talk about sanctity of marriage... so many of you divorce these days' (which sadly is true).
The gay marriage laws passing across many cultures did bring to the surface what many conservative Christians warned would happen : polygamy and almost alternative lifestyles being supported. Pretty well only bestiality and p*dophilia are still condemned by anyone with the least moral standards.

The horror stories of how LGB people being terribly harassed and abused online by T really are shocking to anyone with a heart. I still find it amazing that somehow T has managed to make itself the powerful one, at expense of LGB people.
It makes me wonder how many people in positions of power are transgender themselves/ relationships with T.
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Apr 12, 2017
I think anyone who needs to react strongly to trans-activism by making it a part of their own identity and declaring themselves “super straight” secretly jerks it to tranny porn. I’m sorry, but they are totally telling on themselves here. This just has male insecurity written all over it.

I once read an interesting blog entry explaining the reasons it exists and why trans porn is one of the most popular categories... aka “chicks with dicks” ... not to mention the oversized breast implants and porn star look. This stuff is not exactly made for a trans audience, so who is watching it? I’ll give you one guess.


Apr 15, 2021
I think anyone who needs to react strongly to trans-activism by making it a part of their own identity and declaring themselves “super straight” secretly jerks it to tranny porn. I’m sorry, but they are totally telling on themselves here. This just has male insecurity written all over it.
It's not just straight men. Straight women, gay men and lesbian women (and more than a few bisexuals) have ALL rallied behind the "super" movement because overcorrection leads to reactivity. Have you not read about how lesbians were labelled "terfs" for not wanting to date pre or non-op trans women? Or how these same trans women invade lesbian dating spaces but only want access to cis women and not other trans people?

The trans movement has been headed down a tyrannical path for years now and this is the push back. I'm not fussed either way, this is all planned to sow more division but at the end of the day people getting frustrated because 2% of the population wants to bend the other 98% to their subjective reality was always going to lead to backlash. The whole "if they're against it they're insecure and secretly craving the D" is played out and a pathetic excuse to ignore the hypocrisy of TRAs.

I once read an interesting blog entry explaining the reasons it exists and why trans porn is one of the most popular categories... aka “chicks with dicks” ... not to mention the oversized breast implants and porn star look. This stuff is not exactly made for a trans audience, so who is watching it? I’ll give you one guess.
Interesting blog you were reading. Men who watch "tranny" porn are either closeted or have had their minds twisted by porn addiction. It literally rewires your brain and leads you to look for the next "hard hitting" category. Most men who fetishize trans women would never date or settle down with one, it's all sexual because deep down they will never see them as real women. So I have no idea what popular porn categories have to do with anything. All it means is men watching that dehumanize trans women just like they do biological women. It's scientifically verifiable that that shit messes with your mind and the other popular categories (teen, non-consent, etc.) are proof of that.
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Apr 15, 2021
Twitter is desperate to stop women fighting back against trans ideology.
So many women have been banned on Twitter for saying things like woman equals adult human female, or lesbaians don't want to date transwomen because they are exclusively same sex attracted, while death and r*pe threats continue.
Reddits the same. The recent controversy over that trans woman who was paid to moderate Reddit. Who was discovered to have a father who tortured and roses a young girl, and a boyfriend and then a finance who were also pedophiles. All four were into sissy porn and play. When people called it out they were banned on Reddit until it got to the mainstream and they had to fire her.

Trans or gender ideology plus LGBT have also been trying to force p***philia, trying to make it normal, from dressing up children tosexualise them, petitioning to lower the age of consent ( sometimes as low as 10) and to changing p***phile to map ( minor attracted person) so as not to offend the pedo, even going as far as to make a pride flag for maps.

Twitter is such a cesspool, they have a real problem with child porn, it's freely available on twitter, yet they won't ban anyone who has it ( but don't call a transwoman a male) it's so bad Putin came out the other day and gave twitter a 40 day ultimatum to get rid of the child porn or he's banning twitter in Russia.

Gender ideology is a cult, look at how they treat detransitioners, they abuse or out right refuse to admit they exist.

Terf is basically the new witch or heretic. Anyone who does not subscribe to pronouns are sinners. It's a messed up cult but since superstraight came out their little empire is starting to falter. I think that's why they are becoming more aggressive. More abusive they are loosing control and more are waking up to how toxic it is.
Notice how this movement disproprtionately affects women and not men? I always knew radical feminism and trans ideology were going to cannibalize each other.


Mar 15, 2017
I think anyone who needs to react strongly to trans-activism by making it a part of their own identity and declaring themselves “super straight” secretly jerks it to tranny porn. I’m sorry, but they are totally telling on themselves here. This just has male insecurity written all over it.

I once read an interesting blog entry explaining the reasons it exists and why trans porn is one of the most popular categories... aka “chicks with dicks” ... not to mention the oversized breast implants and porn star look. This stuff is not exactly made for a trans audience, so who is watching it? I’ll give you one guess.
There are many Superstraighters who are heterosexual, lesbian or gay.
I am a straight woman. I most certainly cannot imagine having any desire to be with a woman who has convinced herself she is really a man.

1. Obvious physical differences. No amount of surgery or use of love toys will change the fact that "he" does not have the "equipment". No amount of hormones will make the physical appearance permanently change.
2. I would only want a person who is in touch with reality.
3. I only want a person who is comfortable with their true self, love handles and all. Playing pretend 24/7 is not the same as accepting yourself.
4. I only want a person who does not need to be affirmed by every person on the plant that "he" really is a man. (Yeah right).


Mar 15, 2017
It's not just straight men. Straight women, gay men and lesbian women (and more than a few bisexuals) have ALL rallied behind the "super" movement because overcorrection leads to reactivity. Have you not read about how lesbians were labelled "terfs" for not wanting to date pre or non-op trans women? Or how these same trans women invade lesbian dating spaces but only want access to cis women and not other trans people?

The trans movement has been headed down a tyrannical path for years now and this is the push back. I'm not fussed either way, this is all planned to sow more division but at the end of the day people getting frustrated because 2% of the population wants to bend the other 98% to their subjective reality was always going to lead to backlash. The whole "if they're against it they're insecure and secretly craving the D" is played out and a pathetic excuse to ignore the hypocrisy of TRAs.

Interesting blog you were reading. Men who watch "tranny" porn are either closeted or have had their minds twisted by porn addiction. It literally rewires your brain and leads you to look for the next "hard hitting" category. Most men who fetishize trans women would never date or settle down with one, it's all sexual because deep down they will never see them as real women. So I have no idea what popular porn categories have to do with anything. All it means is men watching that dehumanize trans women just like they do biological women. It's scientifically verifiable that that shit messes with your mind and the other popular categories (teen, non-consent, etc.) are proof of that.
From what I have read on multiple sources it is lesbians who have suffered the most abuse from transwomen who say they are lesbians.
Lesbian calling for lesbians to remove L from LGBT.

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Dec 22, 2019
From what I have read on multiple sources it is lesbians who have suffered the most abuse from transwomen who say they are lesbians.
Lesbian calling for lesbians to remove L from LGBT.

Bro the rainbow community is really falling apart. I love it! :)

Is it bad that I love it?