Who do Muslims really worship?


Jun 28, 2020
I’m an openly bisexual woman and am definitely pro-sex. And what others do in their bedrooms is none of my business. I live my life according to THIS quote: “do as you will as long as you hurt no one;
So, do as thou wilt?

I'm wondering if you take Alister Crowley as some kind of role model because you sound alot like him. I mean the "white" wiccan magic that you practice fits right in there with Mr Crowley.

Its very interesting to see @BeemBow like your posts. While she's hating on satanists in one thread, and you appear to be one... But apparently, is in total agreement with you.

It is what it is. I'll cya on judgement day when the Almighty will fill you in on what you used to do.

Jun 4, 2021
A new breakthrough.






NEW YORK and 911

How the heck did the prophet Mohammed know about 911 and New York????


Jan 29, 2018
A new breakthrough.






NEW YORK and 911

How the heck did the prophet Mohammed know about 911 and New York????
I admit that I dont understand where you are coming from or your methodology... but Im not going to put you down either. Perhaps you are over my head here or perhaps its vice vice-versa... perhaps that doesnt apply at all. Either way you seem peaceful, respectful and genuine so all I can say is salaam :)
Jun 4, 2021
I admit that I dont understand where you are coming from or your methodology... but Im not going to put you down either. Perhaps you are over my head here or perhaps its vice vice-versa... perhaps that doesnt apply at all. Either way you seem peaceful, respectful and genuine so all I can say is salaam :)
W Salaam back at you...

why dont you understand it....it really is simple


Jun 28, 2020
A new breakthrough.






NEW YORK and 911

How the heck did the prophet Mohammed know about 911 and New York????



Multiple Sclerosis

With this we can conclude that Ronald McDonald...


Has a deadly skin disease.

MtV... music television.


Look closely, the upside down M actually contains a triangle.

A triangle is actually the all seeing eye.


Mtv is Illuminati confirmed.



Jun 28, 2020
I feel pity towards religious women, not just muslim women but christians too. Imagine worshipping a male god and scubscribing to a religion that tells you you're responsible for the original sin, that your body is profane, and that you have to spend your entire life apologizing for even existing. I can't imagine walking around with that much self-hatred.
There is no original sin in Islam.

Its not about self hatred. Its about having something valuable that is worth protecting.

You really shouldn't feel sorry for Muslim woman. There is a reason Islam remains to be the fastest growing religion on the planet with woman outnumbering the men. Clearly they have found something that you are still looking for.
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Jan 29, 2018
I feel pity towards religious women, not just muslim women but christians too. Imagine worshipping a male god and scubscribing to a religion that tells you you're responsible for the original sin, that your body is profane, and that you have to spend your entire life apologizing for even existing. I can't imagine walking around with that much self-hatred.
The Islamic concept of God does not incorporate God as a male other than basicaly saying "You can sometimes refer to God as "he" because that is what you are used to, but to be clear God is neither male nor female, but the Creator of males and females."


Nov 23, 2021
I can see how one would think that, considering what iSIS do to "infidels". Its off with their head! Violent believes..
I’m not sure who created ISIS, who helped them suddenly achieve such a big stake in reality but you’re telling me they were smart enough to evade NATO bases which are smothered ALL over the Middle East? Ha. The rise of ISIS came just in time to halt world leaders from joining together to say NO to the creation of the state of Israel. ISIS is most likely backwards, tribal people who claim to be muslim as well as Mossad, working together to create a terror that came and went so that today we can see Israel on the map. They needed a ‘good guy’ to curb the bad guys. As for violent beliefs… please…just.., don’t. I would NEVER associate KKK with Christianity because Christianity is a beautiful religion with a beautiful message and the KKK is just a violent, sickening group who used the cover of Christianity. I would never bring up the truth about the supposed Christian Crusaders who tortured, raped and murdered so many people to covert them to Christianity, I know Christianity is not about that life. Jesus, Son of Mary, was a great human. His kindness and understanding would never need to be forced onto people, people would just join from the goodness. That is Gods will. So the people who take elements from the Quran out of context and believe that Islam is violent, you need to re evaluate what you’re thinking… isn’t that what we are? vigilant citizens who refuse to believe the narrative being fed to us?


Oct 24, 2021
Could someone please explain how the Quran mixes up Mary the mother of Jesus with Miriam the sister of Moses and Aaron? I know the bottom notes of chapter 19 in the Quran state that Aaron was the same Aaron being the brother of both Mary's even though they lived many centuries apart. How is this possible? Did allah somehow bring Aaron back to life centuries later?
Jun 4, 2021
Could someone please explain how the Quran mixes up Mary the mother of Jesus with Miriam the sister of Moses and Aaron? I know the bottom notes of chapter 19 in the Quran state that Aaron was the same Aaron being the brother of both Mary's even though they lived many centuries apart. How is this possible? Did allah somehow bring Aaron back to life centuries later?
can you please link a source?


Oct 24, 2021
i have read the Koran multiple times in english and arabic...

i personally think you are making things up now to show your hatred towards Islam..
You should read more closely.

The Arabic word for "Mary" (the mother of Jesus) is the same as the word for "Miriam" (the sister of Moses and Aaron). If the Qur'an is not the word of God, this confusion might cause problems for Muhammad. Interestingly enough, the Qur'an confuses Mary with Miriam.

Qur'an 19:27-28--"At length she brought the (babe) to her people, carrying him (in her arms). They said: 'O Mary! Truly an amazing thing hast thou brought! O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman unchaste!"
Notice that the Qur'an refers to Mary (the mother of Jesus) as the "sister of Aaron" (i.e. Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron). Even Christians during the time of Muhammad recognized this error, and Muhammad had a chance to respond.

Sahih Muslim 5326--"Mughira b. Shuba reported: When I came to Najran, they (the Christians of Najran) asked me: You read 'O sister of Harun ["Aaron"]' (i.e. Hadrat Maryam) in the Qur'an, whereas Moses was born much before Jesus. When I came back to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) I asked him about that, whereupon he said: The (people of the old age) used to give names (to their persons) after the names of Apostles and pious persons who had gone before them."
So Muhammad's response is that people in the time of Mary would refer to a pious young woman as the "sister of X," where X might be a prophet from 1400 years earlier. The problem is that we have no record of such a practice in first century Israel, and we don't even find it used elsewhere in the Qur'an. The obvious conclusion, then, is that Muhammad simply made a mistake, and that he tried to correct it by making something up.

Two more points are worthy of note in al-Muslim's hadith. First, the Christians of Najran knew nothing of the practice of referring to pious young women as the sister of some prophet, even though they would have been familiar with traditions about Mary. Second, the Muslim who talked to them obviously didn't know that this was a figure of speech, since he was stumped by the refutation and had to go back to Muhammad for an answer. Thus, Christians knew nothing of the practice Muhammad referred to, and Muslims who had been reciting the Qur'an in Muhammad's presence were never told that "sister of Aaron" was a metaphor. Indeed, they only learned this when Muhammad had been accused of erring.

But things get even worse. The father of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam was a man named Amram (Arabic: "Imran"):

1 Chronicles 6:1-3--"The sons of Levi were Gershon, Kohath and Merari. The sons of Kohath were Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel. The children of Amram were Aaron, Moses and Miriam."
Hence, if Muhammad really believed that Mary the mother of Jesus was the same person as Miriam the sister of Moses and Aaron, it wouldn't surprise us to find Muhammad referring to Mary as "the daughter of Imran." Not surprisingly, this is exactly what we find in the Qur'an and the Hadith:

Qur'an 3:35-36--"Behold! When the wife of Imran said: 'O my Lord! I do dedicate unto Thee what is in my womb for Thy special service: So accept this of me: for Thou hearest and knowest all things.' When she was delivered, she said: 'O my Lord! Behold! I am delivered of a female child!'--And Allah knew best what she brought forth--'And no wise is the male like the female. I have named her Mary, and I commend her and her offspring to Thy protection from the Evil One, the Rejected.'"
Sahih al-Bukhari 3769--"Narrated Abu Musa Al-Ashari: Allah's Messenger said, 'Many amongst men attained perfection but amongst women none attained the perfection except Maryam (Mary), the daughter of Imran, and Asiya, the wife of Fir'aun (Pharaoh)."
Note that Mary's mother is called "the wife of Imran." The Qur'an certainly takes the application of this metaphor to an extreme, for now we must assume that there was a first century practice in which a pious woman would be called the "wife" of the father of a prophet!

Thus, if we are to believe Muhammad's explanation for what appears to be a rather obvious error in the Qur'an, we must believe that there was a first century practice in which people would refer to a pious young woman as "the sister of X" (where X was a prophet who died centuries earlier), and as the daughter of the wife of Y (where Y was the father of prophet X), and as "the daughter of Y" (where, again, Y was the father of prophet X). When we combine this with the fact that, by an amazing coincidence, there was indeed a woman named Miriam who was both the sister of Aaron and the daughter of Amram, and whose mother was the wife of Amram, we have to wonder why the author of the Qur'an would pass on such a confusing collection of metaphors, with absolutely no evidence that these metaphors were ever used in the first century, and with the only reasonable conclusion being that Muhammad didn't know that Mary and Miriam were two different people, who lived more than a thousand years apart.


Oct 16, 2020
So Muhammad's response is that people in the time of Mary would refer to a pious young woman as the "sister of X," where X might be a prophet from 1400 years earlier. The problem is that we have no record of such a practice in first century Israel, and we don't even find it used elsewhere in the Qur'an. The obvious conclusion, then, is that Muhammad simply made a mistake, and that he tried to correct it by making something up.
The Bible only refers to Mary as the "daughter of Abraham"; and Joseph and Jesus as the "son of David", respectively, which were terms used to signify that they were Hebrews of the tribe of Judah. But since the Qur'an calls Mary the "daughter of Imran", it can not be based on descent because Amram was of the tribe of Levi, so it is claimed that "Imran" is actually referring to Joachim. However, this does not hold weight due to the fact that it also calls her the "sister of Aaron", which means it is can only be referring to Miriam, the sister of Moses, for whatever reason. Claiming in spite of the evidence that it refers to Mary, the mother of Jesus, is merely grasping at straws.