Womens health:How to cope with “that time of the month?”


Aug 22, 2021
Suck it up.
When that time of the month hits, I do what I always do and what y'all should do; just try to not be a complete Beach about it. Prepare a tea. Put your head up, do your hair, and smile for the world.


Sep 3, 2018
Hi Everyone.I wanted to know how does one cope with menstrual pains,the fatigue,the dizziness,being bloated etc.

That time of the month comes with a lot of problems especially with your digestive system.I wanted to know how does one cope with out using medication?What food to eat,exercises etc?

Assistance would be highly appreciated.
Greetings! I used to miserably anticipate “that time of the month,” a.k.a. “Bloody Mary with horror every single “bloody” month, from when I first encountered her on “Independence Day” (yeah; how ironic) at age 12 up until a few years back. I’m bisexual, and my last lover was a man, so we spoke about me going on birth control. I agreed to it with another long term lover several years prior, and was not too thrilled about my experience. I took the daily pills, and the side effects were quite unpleasant and negative. I ended up gaining weight, feeling pretty depressed, and was always nervous that I’d make a mistake and accidentally miss a dose. I was already naively very over- medicated at the time, so adding another medication to my cocktail was overkill. NOW, thanks to the joys of modern technology, Planned Parenthood offers an interesting variety of new types of birth control. I decided to give the “Implant” a try, and I am honestly ecstatic regarding its positive results! (Note: I spoke with another woman in the waiting room at Planned Parenthood, and she had a very negative reaction to the Implant; it’s important that all women understand that this birth control method works differently for every woman, and I cannot speak for all who have tried this…. Only myself). You can have the Implant in your arm for 5 years, then it needs to be replaced. She was having hers removed due to the fact that she had non stop periods and physical pain to boot! :( My experience has been the exact opposite)!! I used to have nasty monthly PMS for a few days before Bloody Mary appeared (which included wild mood swings, rage, over the top horniness, stomach cramping, headaches, depression, etc). All of these insidious ailments carried on for the next 5 days along with very heavy bleeding, body aches so debilitating that I had no choice but to take refuge in my comforting bed to recover, my sex drive is ordinarily very high, but during my period my feelings of lust were through the roof (I felt like I was like an animal in heat), and I felt very unstable emotionally, to put it mildly. NOW, my life is 100% better!! I no longer have the misery of a “full 5 day trip to hell period OR living through the nightmare of dealing with PMS any longer! The most I have to deal with is light spotting of blood once in a while at best, or a very short two day, light period, if anything at all! No more cramps, mood swings, feelings of unnecessary rage & unprovoked thoughts of violence, depression, overwhelming horniness, etc! It did not hurt at all to have the implant put in my left arm; I did not look (mind over matter always helps..) They did not let my significant other hold my hand, or be present when the Implant was inserted, (which I made an issue about, by the way..I did not think that was right). The Implant is around 99% effective, and had sex at the time with my bf, I never became pregnant. I must close with my honest answer for getting rid of those killer period-inspired tummy-area cramps…The absolute best and most effective way to release unwanted tension and stress in my body during my pesky, dreaded, uncomfortable monthly visit with Ms. Bloody Mary was; get ready for this, ladies…. Here it is….ORGASMS!!!!! (It was THE best way that I really experienced intense pleasure, ended up relaxing my internal muscles, succeeded in making all of my built up stress absolutely disappear, and felt an explosive, overall calming effect both mentally & physically that was better than ANY painkiller out there on the market)! :)
The best orgasm, in my opinion, is from cl*total stimulation..I know I’m guaranteed to have a “happy ending” every single time I achieve this myself, but of course, choosing to have a willing sex partner who is skilled enough to genuinely please you is definitely another good option :) When Ms. Bloody Mary chooses to visit a woman; it’s a very different experience for each and every female. I hate to admit this, but when I had to deal with a consistent 5 days of emotional & physical hell every single month; PLUS the “pre-menstrual insanity syndrome,” I felt literally truly temporarily “out of commission” in my life, and found it very difficult to function “normally” as a human being. Now, Bloody Mary is rendered basically powerless anymore to make my life waaaay more difficult than it should be, and I am EXTREMELY grateful!! Hope this helped someone!


Sep 3, 2018
Hi Everyone.I wanted to know how does one cope with menstrual pains,the fatigue,the dizziness,being bloated etc.

That time of the month comes with a lot of problems especially with your digestive system.I wanted to know how does one cope with out using medication?What food to eat,exercises etc?

Assistance would be highly appreciated.
Hi Damsel! How art thou? For the past few years, instead of traditional birth control pills (which caused my depression to worsen, I gained a lot of weight, and would absolutely never take them again; in this day & age, those birth control pink pills are considered “old school” in my opinion. I went to the fantastic Planned Parenthood, and for free, I had the “implant” procedure performed. They inserted it in my left arm. My grueling… horrific, cramp & pain filled past menstrual periods were absolute hell for me since I was 12 years old. The implant has fabulously reduced my “periods” to spotting here & there, and that’s it! :) Talk about liberation!! NOW, I suggest you Google info on the implant because I’ve met different women who have had very, very bad side effects from the implant. One lady in the waiting room for example was having an excessive amount of periods, and was having the implant removed. The side effects differ for every woman. I’m bi, and prefer women, so…the implant is helpful even though I’m not having sex with men anymore. Also.. when I had my period, ORGASMS would help immensely by taking away my killer cramps. No sex?!?! I vehemently disagree! My sex drive was even higher than normal when I had my period, and regular orgasms/sex would make a world of difference!! I hope you feel better; I don’t miss my period one bit!!


Sep 3, 2018
Hi Damsel! How art thou? For the past few years, instead of traditional birth control pills (which caused my depression to worsen, I gained a lot of weight, and would absolutely never take them again; in this day & age, those birth control pink pills are considered “old school” in my opinion. I went to the fantastic Planned Parenthood, and for free, I had the “implant” procedure performed. They inserted it in my left arm. My grueling… horrific, cramp & pain filled past menstrual periods were absolute hell for me since I was 12 years old. The implant has fabulously reduced my “periods” to spotting here & there, and that’s it! :) Talk about liberation!! NOW, I suggest you Google info on the implant because I’ve met different women who have had very, very bad side effects from the implant. One lady in the waiting room for example was having an excessive amount of periods, and was having the implant removed. The side effects differ for every woman. I’m bi, and prefer women, so…the implant is helpful even though I’m not having sex with men anymore. Also.. when I had my period, ORGASMS would help immensely by taking away my killer cramps. No sex?!?! I vehemently disagree! My sex drive was even higher than normal when I had my period, and regular orgasms/sex would make a world of difference!! I hope you feel better; I don’t miss my period one bit!!
Oh wow… I forgot that I already responded to this post. Oopsie!