BBC pushing anti conspiracy theories/think for yourself

Feb 22, 2020

I dont believe the entire alt media is co-opted all though I can see that I may come across as thinking such. I just try to make my point a little harshly at times.

The point is that the elites basically control all the big players, the most accessible players, so any truth will always be drowned out by the shills. And the ridiculous joke conspiracies become the ammunition they need to discredit any alternative thought.

Whats good though is that certain truths just cannot be stopped and become mainstream anyways.

Look at Epstein for example. Despite the rubbish and disinfo of Pizzagate, Epstein is mainstream. Even the likes of CNN and Fox News were basically saying his "suicide" was very suspicious. The world knows that child trafficking is a thing that involves those at the top like Prince Andrew etc. Everybody knows about Epstein, there are Netflix shows, albeit to do damage control, but the truth of these crimes are out there, and EVERYBODY is talking.

We don't need clowns talking about Hillary Clinton eating babies in a pizza parlor basement. That gets us nowhere.

Im afraid these shills have destroyed terms and ideas of a "deepstate" These were ideas coined by Peter Dale Scott, and they described hidden networks of financiers, intelligence operatives, think tanks, criminal syndicates. Today "deepstate" means anybody who opposes Trump.

These clowns have destroyed conspiracy research IMO. Its just an arm of fascist propaganda at this point.

There's very few guys I trust.

I like The Antedote podcast. Very intelligent analysis and they don't just follow the popular trends that the operatives put out to decieve people. I suggest people should check them out.


Mar 30, 2020
They're going to say that Anthony Quinn was QAnon.

That will be a great stepping stone for them in the information war.


Dec 19, 2017
Ah, the old witch's propaganda machine (though not the only one).


Jul 27, 2017
It has become popular because they have been pushing this movement for decades and sowing the seeds of this radicalism going back to the John Birch Society and Goldwater in the 50's and 60's. Talk radio and Fox News has also played its role in laying down the foundation, and of course the "truth movement" or as I call it the "conspiratainment industrial complex" wrapped things up bringing in genuine truth seekers around the fraud of 911, and then pushing their poison to bring us to the present day with Qanon and Trump worship. This has been a long plan, well over half a century long with billions of dollars of propaganda and military psychological operation warfare directed at the American public. Of course some liberals were taken in by this psy op, it wasn't only directed at conservatives.

Again this psy op has also targeted the left, which is where Russia Today, Jimmy Dore, Tulsi Gabbard, Krystal Ball, Tim Pool all come into play. These high profile influencers all have financial incentives to sell out to this agenda, if they aren't actually decieved, or it could even be a bit of both. The Nazi party also had a more leftist wing, which were eventually purged in the night of the long knives. These same useful idiots on the left will be dealt with if they get their wish and bring some right wing "populist" to power.

but that is exactly what happend, thats what a psy op is. Information warfare targeting your mind to manipulate and decieve you. They can get at you through many avenues.

Religious (which many black and hispanics are very religious)

a big part of this psy op was to destroy the credibility of the MSM and then offer the alternative (independent media) which was not so independent but controlled by a different faction of elites and played off as grassroots. Again the Nazis did this exact same thing calling media the enemy of the people. To an extent it is, but the mistake would be to put blind faith in the alternative they prepared for you, which in many cases contained even more lies and disinformation than the MSM.

We have come to the point where a large section of the country will believe some anonymous clown on social media over the news. Ask yourself if that is really a good thing ? Somebody could litearlly tweet "Trump can fly" and a lot of people would believe it, and when the MSM says "no Trump cannot fly" they would yell "fake news, deep state,"

that is a very dangerous level of delusion for much of the country to be under.
No kidding. Every breaking news source is brought to you by uncle intel on twitter.
It won’t be true so let’s throw some numbers and cry foul and watch the people buy in
Oct 2, 2017
but Pizzagate IS fake news.

You see with garbage like that YOU are giving the MSM the ammunition they need to fully discredit you.

Instead of talking about actual child trafficking like Saville, Epstein, or many of Trump's associates, you make up garbage about underground dungeons in a pizzashop, when the place didn't even have a basement. You push all sorts of nonsense that can easily be debunked, and you've spoiled any chance of real talk about the subject.

These traps are being set to discredit YOU and anybody else who really wants to do research based on actual facts, and not simply retweet or repost garbage on social media.
your missing the point, the ppint is how can a corporation mock, deride and criticize something to do with p***philia like pizza gate when they have harboured one of the worst pedophiles and hes not even the only one, its just Saville was the most prominent, another is Rolf Harris
Apr 13, 2017
When you ignore that the word psyop means precisely that thing... then yeah it would be illogical. But you can’t ignore the word PSYOP when it’s the crux of the issue.
The psyop is a neocon/paleocon operation that has liberals jump aboard the neocon/paleocon train to attack liberalism while the traditional neocons like Bill Kristol and George W. Bush have all flipped to the neoliberal side, and while the remaining Israel First neocon agents like Ben Shapiro and Dan Crenshaw are in a fight with America First paleocons like Nick J. Fuentes.

It wouldn’t hurt if some people realise that incoherence is the root of all evil and start being a bit coherent, if it’s not too much to ask.
Apr 13, 2017
This is the problem here Art.
Qanon has spread so much disinfo that it’s created a mistrust not just in government but in society.

The ones you argue against on here like Vancity and Jess see government corruption but you’re quick to label them as leftist.
They are leftists. They’re even far-left. So what’s your point? There’s misinfo in Qanon, no one’s denying that.
Apr 13, 2017
but Pizzagate IS fake news.

You see with garbage like that YOU are giving the MSM the ammunition they need to fully discredit you.

Instead of talking about actual child trafficking like Saville, Epstein, or many of Trump's associates, you make up garbage about underground dungeons in a pizzashop, when the place didn't even have a basement. You push all sorts of nonsense that can easily be debunked, and you've spoiled any chance of real talk about the subject.

These traps are being set to discredit YOU and anybody else who really wants to do research based on actual facts, and not simply retweet or repost garbage on social media.
One can summarise your analyses as guilt-by-association fallacies with non-sequiturs. That’s basically it. An example of a non sequitur: « The pizza place has no basement, therefore the Pizzagate conspiracy is wrong. » No. It simply means that the place doesn’t have a basement where they kept underground child molestation events. That’s it. It doesn’t refute anything about the allegations of participating on some level in child trafficking rings.
Apr 13, 2017
The only point you made here based in reality is that Dump supposedly gained votes among minorities. I personally think the polls are skewed by relying on such small sample sizes. His "popularity" is irrelevant anyways; 1/2 of eligible voters don't vote. So a 1/4 of voting age citizens chose him over a Democrat, whopee. The fact he was seen as less capable than a demented, incoherent corporate tool is hilarious.

The rest of your opinion is a fantasy. Extremely few people on the left have a shred of respect for Dump. He's a narcissistic, perverse, disgusting, corrupt scam artist whose popularity was generated by algorithms (and hatred of Hilary). Honest leftists are critical of the entire power structure and only refer to him to call out the hypocrisy of the Democrats. You're dense to confuse criticism of liberals as some sort of pass on a disgusting freak like Dump. You don't realize how many on the alt-right who were optimistic have now abandoned his and the Q train? The fact you go on everyday defending such a perverse, pathological liar is very odd to say the least.

So back on topic: @vancityeagle brings up some interesting thoughts. While I disagree that the "entire truth movement" has been co-opted, Q and Alex Jones have had a large impact bringing conspiracy based subject matter to to the forefront in conservative media. Think how much the landscape has changed in 4 years. I agree it's a defeating situation because real topics of concern are muddled by Trumpites whose childishness discredits the whole conversation. Their delusions allow mainstream thinkers to mock anyone questioning official narratives.

Voter fraud is a great example: Democrats themselves have had hearings to discuss the pitfalls of digital voting. We all know voting by machine is insecure without physical records (like they do in Venezuela). But now supposedly the presidential election was flawless and if you challenge the legitimacy of digital tabulation you're a far-right extremist and a Trump worshiper. The topic gets swept under the rug while an AI program alerts the white-coats to swing by and pick you up lol.
Overall agree with your on-topic section.

Let’s talk about Trump though. It’s amazing how people can have such different perspectives of someone’s character or behaviour, even though everyone’s perception is probably based on their interpretation of what good character or behaviour is. Everyone agrees he’s narcissistic to a degree, possibly corrupt to an extent as well, but what makes you say he’s perverse, disgusting and a scam artist?

Also, what’s a leftist, let alone an honest leftist?


Apr 26, 2017
That’s not the impression I get from the Trump base at all. All I see is every Republican who isn’t fully backing Trump is considered a traitor and is going to feel it in the next primaries. Like irrationalninja said, it isn’t GOP vs Democrats or left vs right anymore. The paradigm has shifted.
The American populace, especially conservatives, have had enough of feckless Republicans and spineless RINOs caving to globalist/leftist Democrats, as they sell off the wealth and liberty of the American people. The externalization of this synthesis of Democrats/Republicans has altered the paradigm to where people, feeling abandoned by their political leaders, are standing up and demanding Trump’s stated vision should continue—to Keep America Great—and the old system of partisan politics and selling off the interests of the American people, in the advance of socialism, should be retired.

Republicans have long joined Democrats in off-loading American interests to the highest bidder. Trump has shown there is a way to protect American interests where everyone wins—the only net loss being the lined pockets of swamp creatures doing the bidding of corporate and foreign interests. Feckless Republican politicians are despised by American populists, to a greater degree than leftist Democratic politicians, due to their cowardice and continual siding with globalists against the interests of the American people.

On the other side, classical liberals—real liberals—disillusioned by its morally bankrupt leadership and intellectual depravity, are leaving the Democratic party, in droves, as it becomes consumed by radical leftists fighting for a cultural Marxist utopia of fascistic social justice. Classical liberals see Marxist ideology (i.e. hatred of capitalism) as a threat to individual liberty and expression. The tribalism epitomized by BLM and Antifa are in direct opposition to the nationalist/populist sentiments expressed by people wanting to preserve the nation’s history and traditions, undergirded by the U.S. Constitution.

With Republican politicians continuing to attempt to undermine Trump, the vitriol is reaching fevered levels as they are exposed for their adherence to the status quo and apparent allegiance with the globalist Marxist horde—currently held in check by Trump—waiting to fleece the American people for everything they are worth. For the Deplorables, the status quo is unacceptable.


Jan 10, 2019
Overall agree with your on-topic section.

Let’s talk about Trump though. It’s amazing how people can have such different perspectives of someone’s character or behaviour, even though everyone’s perception is probably based on their interpretation of what good character or behaviour is. Everyone agrees he’s narcissistic to a degree, possibly corrupt to an extent as well, but what makes you say he’s perverse, disgusting and a scam artist?

Also, what’s a leftist, let alone an honest leftist?
My terminology is confusing. Taking from Chris Hedges, a leftist (or left) to me represents anti-war, workers rights, democratized workplaces. From this standpoint liberal is a derogatory label, someone who supports corporate/military power as long as their identity issues are placated. I guess by liberal I mean neoliberal.

I'm sure you've heard the full spectrum of criticism which is why I'm surprised you still ally yourself. Is it simply in opposition to the Democrats? I was thinking of your "New Conservatism" thread, I mean Groyper and that segment of the alt-right have long moved on. Cernovitch (pizzagate), Jones, and that entire network have been shown to be what they are.

It's everything man- his fake medical military deferment, his mentorship together with Roger Stone under the flaming homosexual Roy Cohn (you don't think they were abused?) to surviving off the wicked Jewish mafia. How do people forget the pathological liar donated to the democratic party for decades? Every appointment from his Christian pastors, cabinet, and administration are pathetic frauds. He's a traitorous swine. Look at his pardons- Kushner's corrupt dad along with other white-collar criminals, 4 Blackwater murderers. I could go on and on (and yet you already know these facts)...

Biden and Harris are terrible but it's no excuse to defend the right hand of Rothschild. There's no lesser of two evils. Evil is just evil, simple.


Jul 27, 2017
They are leftists. They’re even far-left. So what’s your point? There’s misinfo in Qanon, no one’s denying that.
Now we’re agreeing. But rather than blaming the left. Why not label them as extremist? Antifa and far right extremist are the same in my opinion


Jul 27, 2017
Overall agree with your on-topic section.

Let’s talk about Trump though. It’s amazing how people can have such different perspectives of someone’s character or behaviour, even though everyone’s perception is probably based on their interpretation of what good character or behaviour is. Everyone agrees he’s narcissistic to a degree, possibly corrupt to an extent as well, but what makes you say he’s perverse, disgusting and a scam artist?

Also, what’s a leftist, let alone an honest leftist?
What’s a right winger? Let alone an honest right winger?

If someone is good in character regardless of their views. Left/right are labels to divide.

I’m not making excuses for antifa etc. They’re domestic terrorist. But the supposed extremist opposition should be held to the same standard
May 14, 2017
The reason why conspiracy theorists are easy to demonize by the media is because they are willing to believe everything. Pizzagate, Qanon, antivax, etc. Throw in the fact that after about 2014, when the Great Internet Culture Wars began, the religious fundimentalists did their very best to chase away anyone that wasn't a conservtive Christian... I mean, I can't be the only one who remembers when this l forum was filled with a variety of people, with a wide ranged of beliefs; occultists, athiests, Christians, Muslims, with all sorts of various politcal beliefs... But certain voices get louder and try to speak over everyone else... And well, people get fractured.

If someone is good in character regardless of their views. Left/right are labels to divide.
I could agree with this to a degree... But I have a question. If we managed to overthrow or so-called masters, how would we ensure we aren't put back into chains again? That system would have to be either right-wing or left-wing (as in, believing in private ownership or public ownership of the means of production). And since we just overthrew people that owned the world themselves, would we be keen to give the power to a single group?

There's a different between to false right and left of the culture war, which is used to divide, and the right and left of economic systems.


Mar 16, 2017
The psyop is a neocon/paleocon operation that has liberals jump aboard the neocon/paleocon train to attack liberalism while the traditional neocons like Bill Kristol and George W. Bush have all flipped to the neoliberal side, and while the remaining Israel First neocon agents like Ben Shapiro and Dan Crenshaw are in a fight with America First paleocons like Nick J. Fuentes.

It wouldn’t hurt if some people realise that incoherence is the root of all evil and start being a bit coherent, if it’s not too much to ask.
Youve been duped into thinking an elitist globalist trust fund baby is a populist that gives a shit about people like you and me. He doesnt. None of them do. That’s a psyop. It wouldn’t hurt if some people acquired a modicum of common sense, if It’s not too much to ask.


Mar 16, 2017
They are leftists. They’re even far-left. So what’s your point? There’s misinfo in Qanon, no one’s denying that.
I’m far left? Based on what? You people just throw words around with no substance. If believing people who work should be able to Afford to feed themselves and see a dr when they’re sick makes me far left.. so be it. I think that just makes me human and not an asshole.


Jan 11, 2020
In the 90s they just mocked anyone who did not follow the official story, same in the 2000s, but ive noticed a different method happening lately, the dangerous conspiracy theorist. First they ignored David Icke, love him or hate him, he was either ignored or ridiculed, but now ive seen articles about how dangerous he is, and the latest anti conspiracy theory rhetoric is the Nashville bombing.

However it seems like the BBC is really pushing the idea that anyone who questions the official story or government is dangerous. here are two of their latest articles

the casualties of conspiracy
how to talk to the VICTIMS of conspiracy theories

Remember kids people who question the official narrative are victims of brainwashing, mentally ill, entranced by fantasy
View attachment 50020

View attachment 50021

but i do find the title of the reporter from both of these articles quite interesting 'specialist disinformation reporter''

View attachment 50019

Marianna Spring twitter

maybe its worth doing a thread showing all the anti conspiracy theory attempts by the mainstream media, i know we all touch on it in other threads but it would be worth having all of them together, to see if there is a pattern emerging
BBC is getting more totalitarian woke by the moment.

Might stop paying my licence fee till I get the unbiased, rational, measured propaganda that I am used to.


Jul 27, 2017
The reason why conspiracy theorists are easy to demonize by the media is because they are willing to believe everything. Pizzagate, Qanon, antivax, etc. Throw in the fact that after about 2014, when the Great Internet Culture Wars began, the religious fundimentalists did their very best to chase away anyone that wasn't a conservtive Christian... I mean, I can't be the only one who remembers when this l forum was filled with a variety of people, with a wide ranged of beliefs; occultists, athiests, Christians, Muslims, with all sorts of various politcal beliefs... But certain voices get louder and try to speak over everyone else... And well, people get fractured.

I could agree with this to a degree... But I have a question. If we managed to overthrow or so-called masters, how would we ensure we aren't put back into chains again? That system would have to be either right-wing or left-wing (as in, believing in private ownership or public ownership of the means of production). And since we just overthrew people that owned the world themselves, would we be keen to give the power to a single group?

There's a different between to false right and left of the culture war, which is used to divide, and the right and left of economic systems.
We as society have to get over the fear and pride.
We have so many problems when it comes to race, class, gender I’d sound stupid trying to explain.

The thing is people allow the media to give them perception and create stereotypes. Stereotypes create fear and set up emotional boundaries that can lead to anger/hate.

It makes simple human abilities like compassion into a complex struggle.

We do have good people still out there which gives me hope. The thing is humans are stubborn. Those emotional barriers they put up are not easily broken down and I can understand that and respect that.

But to truly make beneficial progress we are going to have to step out of our comfort zones


Jul 27, 2017
It’s ok to have pride like nationalism, race etc.
Just don’t take it to the extreme where it causes you to hate. The funny thing about being super passionate about something is when you get so wrapped up in it and it defines you, there’s always that potential of lashing out unknowingly. It helps to kinda take a step back and hear someone out before labeling them something. How do you make meaningful relationships if you just push people away cause they differ from you?

Part of growing as a complete person is knowledge. Knowledge can be uncomfortable but is necessary for development