BBC pushing anti conspiracy theories/think for yourself

Feb 22, 2020
Youve been duped into thinking an elitist globalist trust fund baby is a populist that gives a shit about people like you and me. He doesnt. None of them do. That’s a psyop. It wouldn’t hurt if some people acquired a modicum of common sense, if It’s not too much to ask.
Let's be honest, I dont even think the psy op is all that good. Its fricking obvious Trump serves the elites.

The problem is that he has been signaling so much racism and right wing culture war nonsense that anybody sympathetic to those views has become deluded to anything else. They can't see beyond the things he does that they like.

He ain't anti establishment, he's anti progressive, and thats the only reason people support him, because they are either racist or anti progressive. The 2 basically go hand in hand.


Feb 2, 2019
can you blame them when "conspiracy theories" are now synonymous with Q Anon.

Conspiracy theorists got played by the elites and shot themselves in the foot.

It started with "flat earth" and other nonsense, and now Trump the "anti-pedo crusader" LMFAO.

All by design.

I warned people.
Are you Ryan Reynolds? You talk a lot of Hollywood crap. Earth is flat, politicians, celebs...are a bunch of pedos, who have a bunch of sacrifice days to level up or keep up. Facts over conspiracy.


Apr 26, 2017
Let's be honest, I dont even think the psy op is all that good. Its fricking obvious Trump serves the elites.

The problem is that he has been signaling so much racism and right wing culture war nonsense that anybody sympathetic to those views has become deluded to anything else. They can't see beyond the things he does that they like.

He ain't anti establishment, he's anti progressive, and thats the only reason people support him, because they are either racist or anti progressive. The 2 basically go hand in hand.
Today, “progressive” is just another word for “communist.” You are correct, if you are saying Trump is anti-communist.

If he is signaling anything, it is the threat of communists tearing down the country.

I’m far left? Based on what? You people just throw words around with no substance. If believing people who work should be able to Afford to feed themselves and see a dr when they’re sick makes me far left.. so be it. I think that just makes me human and not an asshole.
You could be described as “para-communists:” Though hesitant to openly describe your political beliefs, you consistently defend and promote the actions and ideals of the far left (e.g. defending and promoting the domestic terrorism of Antifa/BLM).
May 14, 2017
Earth is flat..
People that say stuff like this is why no one takes conspiracy theorists serious. Even the ancient Greeks didn't think the world was flat and by the middle ages, Christian and Islamic scholars both new it was round.

Today, “progressive” is just another word for “communist.” You are correct, if you are saying Trump is anti-communist.

If he is signaling anything, it is the threat of communists tearing down the country.
There are no communists in American politics. If you think there is, actually pick up the Communist Manifesto and read the damn thing. I'm not a Marxist by any means but America is 100% capitalist. We're more "free market" (read: corporate controlled) than other highly conservative nations like Poland and Japan.

You could be described as “para-communists:” Though hesitant to openly describe your political beliefs, you consistently defend and promote the actions and ideals of the far left (e.g. defending and promoting the domestic terrorism of Antifa/BLM).
You do realize there's a whole slew of economic/political ideals on the left, right? I'm in favor of BLM and at least sympathetic to Antifa... But I'm not communist, even if I'm anti-capitalist. Since you know, there's a whole lot of different theories. Learn them instead of sounding like the sort of person who just repeats the same wrong talking points.


Jan 22, 2018
However it seems like the BBC is really pushing the idea that anyone who questions the official story or government is dangerous. here are two of their latest articles
It appears that your thread has been derailed by irrational people who want to chat politics....which doesn't happen very often on this forum :rolleyes:

I'll just post this observation, the last paragraph highlighted.

by Awoken2 on Mon Oct 09, 2017 1:50 am

Today I've been trying to solve the puzzle of why the mainstream media employ extremely poor crisis actors to tell highly implausaable stories after these staged events which we are now constantly bombarded with.

Here is my conclusion.

Since 9/11 the psychopaths who really run the world have had only one real threat to their anonymity and their nefarious actions and that was social media platforms such as YouTube etc. People who didn't buy into the bullshit started doing their own investigations and were sharing their findings.

Now this was a problem, sure they owned all the media and newspapers but the word was getting out that big big lies had been told by the Government to it's people. It had to be stopped.

So how do you stop a group of people from sharing damaging information on social media?

There is a war going on right now and it's a war of information. Knowledge is power and they don't want a public with the right knowledge.

So how about creating some fake terror attack, lots of people dead, do the ISIS thing then get some really poor actors on the telly who's actions alone arouse the suspicion of the conspiracy theorists/awakened. Now you've got all the real truthers making more videos exposing these terrible crisis actors and then you get this... You can't be making videos about "conspiracy theories" because it's disrespectful to the people that died, channel gets shut down, another truther is silenced.

It's happening now and has been happening for years. I can virtually guarantee you that some time soon it will be standard policy for YouTube to shut down anybody who tries to expose the mainstream media.

It's getting more Orwellian by the day.


The BBC is simply the main propaganda arm of the government. It's one of the most corrupt organisations in the world.


Apr 26, 2017
But I'm not communist, even if I'm anti-capitalist.
But an anti-capitalist IS a communist...

You would be what J. Edgar Hoover described as a “dupe.” An individual who is noncommunist, yet unknowingly does the work of the Party.

BLM and Antifa are communists:
“The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.” —The Communist Manifesto


Jan 11, 2020
It appears that your thread has been derailed by irrational people who want to chat politics....which doesn't happen very often on this forum :rolleyes:

I'll just post this observation, the last paragraph highlighted.

by Awoken2 on Mon Oct 09, 2017 1:50 am

Today I've been trying to solve the puzzle of why the mainstream media employ extremely poor crisis actors to tell highly implausaable stories after these staged events which we are now constantly bombarded with.

Here is my conclusion.

Since 9/11 the psychopaths who really run the world have had only one real threat to their anonymity and their nefarious actions and that was social media platforms such as YouTube etc. People who didn't buy into the bullshit started doing their own investigations and were sharing their findings.

Now this was a problem, sure they owned all the media and newspapers but the word was getting out that big big lies had been told by the Government to it's people. It had to be stopped.

So how do you stop a group of people from sharing damaging information on social media?

There is a war going on right now and it's a war of information. Knowledge is power and they don't want a public with the right knowledge.

So how about creating some fake terror attack, lots of people dead, do the ISIS thing then get some really poor actors on the telly who's actions alone arouse the suspicion of the conspiracy theorists/awakened. Now you've got all the real truthers making more videos exposing these terrible crisis actors and then you get this... You can't be making videos about "conspiracy theories" because it's disrespectful to the people that died, channel gets shut down, another truther is silenced.

It's happening now and has been happening for years. I can virtually guarantee you that some time soon it will be standard policy for YouTube to shut down anybody who tries to expose the mainstream media.

It's getting more Orwellian by the day.


The BBC is simply the main propaganda arm of the government. It's one of the most corrupt organisations in the world.
The BBC is the Ministry of Truth.

They are well worth observing.


Mar 16, 2017
The thing is...we're just all sleepwalking into it. Even discussing it here and raising awareness outside only reaches a few people, any outrage will just be a scratch on the big beast. I really don't know where we'll go from here.
Feb 22, 2020
It appears that your thread has been derailed by irrational people who want to chat politics....which doesn't happen very often on this forum :rolleyes:

I'll just post this observation, the last paragraph highlighted.

by Awoken2 on Mon Oct 09, 2017 1:50 am

Today I've been trying to solve the puzzle of why the mainstream media employ extremely poor crisis actors to tell highly implausaable stories after these staged events which we are now constantly bombarded with.

Here is my conclusion.

Since 9/11 the psychopaths who really run the world have had only one real threat to their anonymity and their nefarious actions and that was social media platforms such as YouTube etc. People who didn't buy into the bullshit started doing their own investigations and were sharing their findings.

Now this was a problem, sure they owned all the media and newspapers but the word was getting out that big big lies had been told by the Government to it's people. It had to be stopped.

So how do you stop a group of people from sharing damaging information on social media?

There is a war going on right now and it's a war of information. Knowledge is power and they don't want a public with the right knowledge.

So how about creating some fake terror attack, lots of people dead, do the ISIS thing then get some really poor actors on the telly who's actions alone arouse the suspicion of the conspiracy theorists/awakened. Now you've got all the real truthers making more videos exposing these terrible crisis actors and then you get this... You can't be making videos about "conspiracy theories" because it's disrespectful to the people that died, channel gets shut down, another truther is silenced.

It's happening now and has been happening for years. I can virtually guarantee you that some time soon it will be standard policy for YouTube to shut down anybody who tries to expose the mainstream media.

It's getting more Orwellian by the day.


The BBC is simply the main propaganda arm of the government. It's one of the most corrupt organisations in the world.

You don't think the elites have their shills ALL OVER social media and YouTube ?

All you need to know is the prevelance of Qanon on social media to know there is just as much nonsense found on these platforms.

And yes that includes content that has been banned.


Mar 13, 2017
I would summarize this anti-conspiracy push as the professional world telling us we aren't expert enough. A key feature being them painting with a broad brush, essentially telling us it's impossible to meet the standard. More importantly, I see this all as a form of projection.

The people pushing the "expertise" agenda aren't experts either. It's a way to say they don't know, aren't going to find out about, and don't really care without looking like a total idiot. In other words, it's called lazy thinking, and it's how they want everyone to be. This story bugs me, especially because the BBC is technically one of my business competitors.

Most reasonable people should see these arguments from the BBC are trash. They appeal to authority, appeal to ridicule, and create a zero-sum game, which is all fallacies, BTW. No "winner" on planet Earth wants to play a game where the score can be 1 point for the winner and -1 point for the loser. The only people who want to play a game like that are called CHEATERS.


Jan 22, 2018
You don't think the elites have their shills ALL OVER social media and YouTube ?
Yes I do, and forums such as this have long been subverted, hence the huge amount of repetitive nonsense that gets posted on here daily.

All you need to know is the prevelance of Qanon on social media to know there is just as much nonsense found on these platforms
Qanon is all part of the same censorship campaign. It has bred a group of mentally stunted revolutionaries who then go on line posting wild conspiracy theories....thus strengthening the call for Internet censorship.

Was it Goebbels?

If you want to defeat the opposition, you need to lead them.


Jan 22, 2018
The good ol' BBC who have been demanding money with menaces from every household in the UK from the "detector van" scam that ran for over 20 years which duped people into believing that men in vans were driving around with a big antenna identifying anybody who had a TV and hadn't bought a licence to the threat of court action if you didn't buy a TV licence.

Meanwhile they have one of the worlds most prolific pedo's fronting the annual children in need charity campaign and also throw in a weekly show where he gets to get up close and personal with lots of kiddies who want Uncle Jim to fix it for them. It just doesn't get much more in your face than that.

I'm still planning on nailing the lying bustards over their Grenfell Tower pantomime, all in good time.
May 14, 2017
But an anti-capitalist IS a communist...
So distributism is communism? Syndicalism is communism? Mutalism is communism? That's news to me, especially since all three have very different economic ideals and don't agree with the communist view of the world in a lot of key places.

You would be what J. Edgar Hoover described as a “dupe.” An individual who is noncommunist, yet unknowingly does the work of the Party.
I mean, in a round about way, sure, with a lot of reaching that would be hard ever for Mr. Fantastic. A communist and I would share a vaguely similiar endgame... But here's the thing that a lot of people don't seem to realize; sometimes the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy. As an anarchist, I know what happens historically to people like me in communist regimes; we have to toe to party line or face death and/or exile.

'cause you know, the state isn't a fan of people that think the state shouldn't exist. The real world is complicated, dude, and trying to force everything into a two-side binary is sort of dumb.

BLM and Antifa are communists:
BLM, sure. They admit to having Marxist ideals. Most antifa are anarchists though. Some might be communists, but others might be some other ideology.


Mar 16, 2017
Today, “progressive” is just another word for “communist.” You are correct, if you are saying Trump is anti-communist.

If he is signaling anything, it is the threat of communists tearing down the country.

You could be described as “para-communists:” Though hesitant to openly describe your political beliefs, you consistently defend and promote the actions and ideals of the far left (e.g. defending and promoting the domestic terrorism of Antifa/BLM).
No ones advocating communism you simple minded fool. There is a big wide space between unfettered die hard capitalism and communism. That’s just another word you like to throw around to try and validate yourself that means nothing considering you aren’t even using it properly. And by properly I mean in accordance with its actual definition.

I will repeat: people deserve to be paid enough for their labor to afford a place to live, food, and have the ability to see a doctor without going bankrupt. If that makes me a radical i will proudly wear the radical tag til the day I die. It does not, however, in any way shape or form make me a communist. Grow up.
Feb 22, 2020
No ones advocating communism you simple minded fool. There is a big wide space between unfettered die hard capitalism and communism. That’s just another word you like to throw around to try and validate yourself that means nothing considering you aren’t even using it properly. And by properly I mean in accordance with its actual definition.

I will repeat: people deserve to be paid enough for their labor to afford a place to live, food, and have the ability to see a doctor without going bankrupt. If that makes me a radical i will proudly wear the radical tag til the day I die. It does not, however, in any way shape or form make me a communist. Grow up.
we are dealing with people who think Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are communists.

that is how far gone from reality these people are, and then we wonder why they believe nonsense like Q Anon and believe Trump is "fighting the deep state"

These people just listen to and absorb all kinds of misinformation and nonsense comming from different variants of the same network of elites. Whether its Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, Infowars, Breitbart, or a plethora of Youtube and social media shills regurgitating the same talking points. It's the same Zionist elites pushing the right wing culture war which is in no way based on reality, but the fear porn of religious and ideological bigots.

Its gotten so bad now that these people deny reality just by default, many will want to "act out" in order to fight their culture war.

If you are not with them, then you are automatically a deep state communist. LOL

Words and definitions mean nothing to these people. Logic means nothing to these people. Laws and principles mean nothing to these people. Even the constitution they so love to preach about, mean nothing to these people. They just want to WIN. By winning that means them forcing their antiquated and primitive views and way of life on to you to follow. They can never be wrong, they can never lose, unless "cheated" of course.

Once again we are not dealing with logical people. This is important to understand.


Jan 10, 2019
No ones advocating communism you simple minded fool. There is a big wide space between unfettered die hard capitalism and communism. That’s just another word you like to throw around to try and validate yourself that means nothing considering you aren’t even using it properly. And by properly I mean in accordance with its actual definition.

I will repeat: people deserve to be paid enough for their labor to afford a place to live, food, and have the ability to see a doctor without going bankrupt. If that makes me a radical i will proudly wear the radical tag til the day I die. It does not, however, in any way shape or form make me a communist. Grow up.
Funny ATM I had the the same post cued up to reply.

The "communist Democrats" is another delusional Trump meme swallowed whole by his republican followers. Remember the "communists coming to destroy the suburbs" comments at the RNC?

The progressives (all 15 of them) in congress are democratic socialists at the extreme, not socialists. In any other country Sanders and Warren would barely be considered left. It turns out FOX news did a poll and found 75% of Americans favor a type of nationalized medicine... you know like those radical communist outposts Canada an Great Britain. As @Corvus Metus as said numerous times the US doesn't have a true socialist party.

@vancityeagle mentioned Trump co-opting the term "deep state"- "communist Democrats" is a 2nd one. Another I remembered is the term "fake news" his PR team took control of and altered the meaning. Any journalism that didn't pay him enough praise is fake news, it's such a joke.
Feb 22, 2020
Donald Trump's entire re election plan was to scare his base that Radical Communism was going to take over the country via Joe "I dont even believe in Medicare 4 All" Biden. It was Vote Trump or let radical Antifa and BLM take over. This is such a comical take, but its amazing how often you see it repeated on Conspiracy forums.

This is the script the radical right has been operating on for almost 100 years.

The Communist threat.


Mar 16, 2017
Donald Trump's entire re election plan was to scare his base that Radical Communism was going to take over the country via Joe "I dont even believe in Medicare 4 All" Biden. It was Vote Trump or let radical Antifa and BLM take over. This is such a comical take, but its amazing how often you see it repeated on Conspiracy forums.

This is the script the radical right has been operating on for almost 100 years.

The Communist threat.
That anyone could consider joe Biden a communist or radical to any degree.. just confirms our public school systems are absolute shit and we are experiencing a nationwide stupidity crisis like never before imagined.


Mar 16, 2017
Funny ATM I had the the same post cued up to reply.

The "communist Democrats" is another delusional Trump meme swallowed whole by his republican followers. Remember the "communists coming to destroy the suburbs" comments at the RNC?

The progressives (all 15 of them) in congress are democratic socialists at the extreme, not socialists. In any other country Sanders and Warren would barely be considered left. It turns out FOX news did a poll and found 75% of Americans favor a type of nationalized medicine... you know like those radical communist outposts Canada an Great Britain. As @Corvus Metus as said numerous times the US doesn't have a true socialist party.

@vancityeagle mentioned Trump co-opting the term "deep state"- "communist Democrats" is a 2nd one. Another I remembered is the term "fake news" his PR team took control of and altered the meaning. Any journalism that didn't pay him enough praise is fake news, it's such a joke.
The man is a marketing genius and probably a NLP master clinician. That’s all I can really say. Anyone calling him an idiot is an idiot themselves.

as I said elsewhere.. I think I’m just immune from being around rich nyc assholes and conmen my whole life. Which is why I doubly don’t understand the contingent of NY’ers who can’t see through him.