LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)


Mar 4, 2020
The issue is how do women spot the good guys from the bad guys..

Date him, and if he turns out to be a bozo, ditch him..:)
Same applies for men who are looking for a good woman, she may have the face of an angel and be all sweetness and light at first, so all we can do is date her for a while to see if she changes later on.



Jul 27, 2017
I'm lost for words...
We live in a world now where heroes are villians, villians are heroes and good morals are considered weak.

crime is celebrated, perversion and altered realities are too much accepted. Welcome to communist usa comrade


Mar 4, 2020
Sadly, most atheists are sick in the head-

"To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled" (Titus 1:15)



Jul 27, 2017
Sadly, most atheists are sick in the head-

"To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled" (Titus 1:15)

Sshhh you’d be considered a raysiss arshole these days for speaking out against these bozos.

Kinda crazy how all this has gotten widely accepted and defended to the point of cancel culture huh?


Mar 4, 2020
Other sickhead lying atheists that spring to mind are David Attenborough, viewers were outraged when he slipped some fake footage of baby polar bears in a zoo into one of his TV wildlife programmes and tried to pass it off as taken in the wild.

More recently TV "historian" Dan Snow said there were British women combat pilots in WW2 and that sparked outrage too, viewers saying "How can we ever trust anything Snow says again?"

And only recently Putin said "We beat the nazis on our own", obviously trying to airbrush out of history the massive support we Allies gave Russia via the arctic convoys.

My everyday life experience has been that you can never trust an atheist, they may seem alright at first, but later on they're guaranteed to show their true colours and let you down, I could tell you stories..;)


Jan 11, 2020
Other sickhead lying atheists that spring to mind are David Attenborough, viewers were outraged when he slipped some fake footage of baby polar bears in a zoo into one of his TV wildlife programmes and tried to pass it off as taken in the wild.

More recently TV "historian" Dan Snow said there were British women combat pilots in WW2 and that sparked outrage too, viewers saying "How can we ever trust anything Snow says again?"

And only recently Putin said "We beat the nazis on our own", obviously trying to airbrush out of history the massive support we Allies gave Russia via the arctic convoys.

My everyday life experience has been that you can never trust an atheist, they may seem alright at first, but later on they're guaranteed to show their true colours and let you down, I could tell you stories..;)
But you don’t believe in God or Jesus.
You mock them constantly with memes.
You stick jesus’s face on celebrity bodies like some fake religious porn.

You even have a meme of a gay jesus incel you have used it a few times.

Stop being such a hypocrite, lisa.


Mar 4, 2020
My dad was a chronic liar, for examp when i was 7 he promised to take me to see the 1955 film of my hero "Davy Crockett; King of the Wild Frontier" when it came to our local Trocadero cinema but he never did.
I'll never forget the disappointment I felt at school when I mentioned to my mates how i was looking forward to seeing it and they said "You've missed it, it came and went at the Troc weeks ago".
It was a double disappointment because not only had I missed it, but I realised my dad had lied to me (sniffle).
I did eventually see it though, albeit 50 years later on youtube..:)


Jul 27, 2017
But you don’t believe in God or Jesus.
You mock them constantly with memes.
You stick jesus’s face on celebrity bodies like some fake religious porn.

You even have a meme of a gay jesus incel you have used it a few times.

Stop being such a hypocrite, lisa.
He dumber than a bag of rocks in a meth kitchen on Tuesday afternoon down in T or C, NM.

That boy there ms. Cintra. Confused cause he didn’t have a daddy


Jul 27, 2017
Other sickhead lying atheists that spring to mind are David Attenborough, viewers were outraged when he slipped some fake footage of baby polar bears in a zoo into one of his TV wildlife programmes and tried to pass it off as taken in the wild.

More recently TV "historian" Dan Snow said there were British women combat pilots in WW2 and that sparked outrage too, viewers saying "How can we ever trust anything Snow says again?"

And only recently Putin said "We beat the nazis on our own", obviously trying to airbrush out of history the massive support we Allies gave Russia via the arctic convoys.

My everyday life experience has been that you can never trust an atheist, they may seem alright at first, but later on they're guaranteed to show their true colours and let you down, I could tell you stories..;)
So if Putin said that about russian history it must be true. I mean it’s in their history books Just like all the history written in the bible.

Guess the arctic convoys didn’t exist
Oct 2, 2017
Sadly, most atheists are sick in the head-

"To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled" (Titus 1:15)

And pedo priests in the Catholic and Protestant religions? p***philia which is prominent in Islam? To me it's more a link between those in power and their perversions.


Jul 27, 2017
And pedo priests in the Catholic and Protestant religions? p***philia which is prominent in Islam? To me it's more a link between those in power and their perversions.
Then those pedos hide behind religion/jesus to justify what they did. Of course the brainwashed cult followers lap it up and forgive


Mar 4, 2020
Then those pedos hide behind religion/jesus to justify what they did. Of course the brainwashed cult followers lap it up and forgive

Most Christians and Jesus would rather put a noose round peedos necks..:)-
Jesus said- "if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" (Matt 18:6)


Mar 4, 2020
Confused cause he didn’t have a daddy

Who me? Nah, I had a dad but he wasn't much good, he was a workaholic- literally- and sent himself half-nutty with overwork, he once told my mam- "That shoe factory's my life".
He used to go ballistic at the slightest thing, like when as a kid I threw some orange peel down the toilet but it wouldn't flush because it was too buoyant, so he started ranting and raving and kicking me like a dog, what a stone cold loser..:)
Oct 2, 2017
Most Christians and Jesus would rather put a noose round peedos necks..:)-
Jesus said- "if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" (Matt 18:6)
We still don't know the full extent of what priests did in both Christian sects because both churches spend all their time covering it up. Instead of helping those effected, many of those abused died in asylum's pit their by the church so they could not speak out about the abuse. Islam well that's another ball game all together.


Mar 4, 2020
So if Putin said that about russian history it must be true. I mean it’s in their history books Just like all the history written in the bible.
Guess the arctic convoys didn’t exist

But mate, even the Koran admits the Old T prophets and Jesus were something special, so try telling muslims the Koran is a pack of lies if you dare.. :p

[Koran 2.136]- "We believe in Allah and in that which had been revealed to us, and in that which was revealed to Ibrahim [Abraham] and Ismail [Ishmael] and Ishaq [Isaac] and Yaqoub [Jacob] and the tribes, and in that which was given to Musa [Moses] and Isa [Jesus].."

[Koran 2.253]- "Allah..gave clear miracles to Isa [Jesus] son of Marium [Mary], and strengthened him with the holy spirit."


Mar 4, 2020
We still don't know the full extent of what priests did in both Christian sects because both churches spend all their time covering it up..

Yes for example church bosses let a convicted peedo join a church because he said he was "cured", but they didn't tell any of the church members about his past.
Guess what? Yup, within 5 minutes he was abusing the kids of the members, you couldn't make it up..



Jul 27, 2017
But mate, even the Koran admits the Old T prophets and Jesus were something special, so try telling muslims the Koran is a pack of lies if you dare.. :p

[Koran 2.136]- "We believe in Allah and in that which had been revealed to us, and in that which was revealed to Ibrahim [Abraham] and Ismail [Ishmael] and Ishaq [Isaac] and Yaqoub [Jacob] and the tribes, and in that which was given to Musa [Moses] and Isa [Jesus].."

[Koran 2.253]- "Allah..gave clear miracles to Isa [Jesus] son of Marium [Mary], and strengthened him with the holy spirit."
I’ve already stated my opinion that this stuff you constantly quote has more than likely been tampered with through out history.

C’mon mate, you claim to be a rebel but you fall for verses that have passed more editing than an auto tune pop song in pre production.
