What are the main problems in the catholic church?

Jack W

Aug 6, 2021
I have a list of the main problems in the Catholic Church:

- The Pope is Satanic.
- Promote covid vaccine = poison (mark of the beast).
- Demand to obey the WHO (Bill Gates = Satanism).
-Discriminatory: no woman can reach a position of power in the church.
- There are many cases of p***philia.
- Confessing to the priest and then think that you are automatically forgiven by God is foolish. (only God forgives).
- Praying to the martyrs for guidance or help is foolish. (they were human, not God).

Any other problem?
Please feel free to comment.
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May 15, 2017
Focus on mary and apparitions but I do think there's alot of good in the Catholic Church.

The sanctity of life doctrine. Pro life and pro marriage and the regard they have for these issues is very admirable.
May 15, 2017
Because there are people within the church that do alot of good and have a devotion to christ.

I believe there are only two kinda people.

Born again and not born again. And u can be Catholic and born again.


Jun 28, 2020
If you're gonna bash other relgions (we do have catholics here) you should post in the Den, which is a hidden forum for members only. Otherwise expect VC to delete it.


Mar 4, 2020
Where is Den?

The problem with the Den is that only forum members can see any posts in there, which means a lot of the non-member guests who visit VC won't be able to see them.
That's why I myself never post in the Den, because I want my posts to be seen by members and non-members alike.
VC is an open free speech forum, so if you want to bash religion or anything else, go ahead and post in the normal forums, don't let people bully you into hiding in the Den..:)

PS you asked "What are the main problems in the catholic church"
The answer is simple- its satanic to the core..:)

Jack W

Aug 6, 2021
The problem with the Den is that only forum members can see any posts in there, which means a lot of the non-member guests who visit VC won't be able to see them.
That's why I myself never post in the Den, because I want my posts to be seen by members and non-members alike.
VC is an open free speech forum, so if you want to bash religion or anything else, go ahead and post in the normal forums, don't let people bully you into hiding in the Den..:)
Okay, thanks :)

PS you asked "What are the main problems in the catholic church"
The answer is simple- its satanic to the core..:)
Exactly, that's my main problem with the catholic church... And it will be very difficult to change the satanic leaders in the church because is not a real democracy..the Pope is chosen by a satanic group.. and the followers can't vote.
I think the best option is choose another religion.
The catholic church must fall soon.


Jun 28, 2020
The problem with the Den is that only forum members can see any posts in there, which means a lot of the non-member guests who visit VC won't be able to see them.
That's why I myself never post in the Den, because I want my posts to be seen by members and non-members alike.
VC is an open free speech forum, so if you want to bash religion or anything else, go ahead and post in the normal forums, don't let people bully you into hiding in the Den..:)

PS you asked "What are the main problems in the catholic church"
The answer is simple- its satanic to the core..:)
The reason we have the Den is because of the religious topics. Just ask anyone who was here on the last boards.
While this thread is attacking Catholics.

Feel free to post here, but if VC deletes it, well, i told ya so.


Mar 4, 2020
..I think the best option is choose another religion.

Or to simply be non-denominational like me..:)
I'm a christian but don't go to church because I never found one I felt comfortable with, and anyway we don't need organised religion to do our thinking for us.
Jesus said:-"You have one teacher, me" (Matt 23:10)
"And the common people heard him gladly" (Mark 12:37)
"There is one mediator between God and men,- the man Jesus Christ" (1 Tim 2:5)
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith" (Heb 12:2)
"There is no other name under heaven that can save us" (Acts 4:12)

Regarding the Catholic church, Satan's fingerprints are all over it, for example he's suckered them into wasting their breath praying to dead humans (Mary and "saints"), even though Jesus said to pray directly to God- "This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name..."(Matt 6:9+)
Catholic prayers to Mary and "saints"are therefore like useless blank cartridges..:)

Also, Catholics don't like girls-

I wonder which bit of this they don't understand-
Paul said- "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28 )
"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will preach, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. On my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will speak." (Joel 2:28-32)
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Mar 4, 2020
The reason we have the Den is because of the religious topics..
As a Christian, I've come under attack many times out in the open forums and enjoy kicking their butts in return, it's great fun, and as far as I know none of us have ever been deleted..:)
Our posts in the Den are largely wasted because not everybody can see them.


Jun 28, 2020
As a Christian, I've come under attack many times out in the open forums and enjoy kicking their butts in return, it's great fun, and as far as I know none of us have ever been deleted..:)
Our posts in the Den are largely wasted because not everybody can see them.
Looking past the fact that you start most arguments, i mean i could quote a dozen different people here who call you a troll..

You weren't here on the old boards Tidal but some arguments got pretty vile, obviously bad enough for VC to want to hide them from his main audience. As the Den never existed before this iteration of VC forums. While the oldest accounts here say 2017, VC has been around for over a decade.

Regardless, i have zero admin powers on these boards so do as you will. If you get promoted or deleted, it has nothing to do with me.


Mar 4, 2020
Looking past the fact that you start most arguments, i mean i could quote a dozen different people here who call you a troll..

Mate, you used to be a christian but you converted to Islam, so in my book that makes you just a failed christian.. :p
And muslims say Jesus as not the son of God, and that a stunt man took his place on the cross, so that makes you a fibber too-
"A liar denies Jesus is the Christ, and is an antichrist" (1 John 2:22/23)

It's you who are the troublemaker, coming here with your muslim mates to try to say muslims are all sweetness and light, so naturally I have to go into Delbert Grady mode..:)



Jun 28, 2020
Mate, you used to be a christian but you converted to Islam, so in my book that makes you just a failed christian.. :p
And muslims say Jesus as not the son of God, and that a stunt man took his place on the cross, so that makes you a fibber too-
"A liar denies Jesus is the Christ, and is an antichrist" (1 John 2:22/23)

It's you who are the troublemaker, coming here with your muslim mates to try to say muslims are all sweetness and light, so naturally I have to go into Delbert Grady mode..:)

When 1 in 4 humans are Muslims, its crazy how often you make yourself irrelevant.


Mar 4, 2020
When 1 in 4 humans are Muslims, its crazy how often you make yourself irrelevant.

Christianity rules the world mate, live with it.
When you were a christian you were on the winning side, but then you decided to join a losing side, dunno what your family and neighbours in Houston must think of you..:)


Houston, Daze has a problem..:)

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Jun 28, 2020
Yep, I'm just gonna chalk up your broken record-ness where you constantly (constantly) repeat the same garbage as dementia.


Aug 22, 2021
They/We/all of us need to follow the 10 commandments, which specify that we shouldn't worship any image, and what do they do? Go ahead and worship images/statues/Saints/Virgin Mary. Nope. Only God, you only communicate to him through his son. You don't worship or pray to any other humans/things...
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