Islam has carried out around 40,000 jihad attacks worldwide since 9/11
Amazing. Since 9/11, you say? Amazing.
So, you're saying that Islam is responsible for 9/11? Were they also responsible for the Crusades or the Inquisition? What about the 1st world war, the 2nd world war? Oh, yes, Adolf Hitler was actually a Muslim, a jihadist, how dumb of me, sorry. Mussolini also was a Muslim who loved to kill people, more than 400.000 people were killed, to be precise. He loved to kill more than hugging his own mother, the true definition of a "Muslim."
Ah, those Muslims, they never learn.
Wait, were you trying to tell me that Christianity were responsible for the entire Mayan language, culture destruction, too?
No, you're wrong, Muslims did that, too.
Muslims were also responsible for the departure of Yugoslavia and the Bosnia war, too. Oh, right, even the war in Pakistan, Afghanistan, those bloody savages Jihadists, my goodness. Muslims are bloody savages, killer-machines, they're all pedos, killers, they even hate their own parents, and as soon as they're born, the parents give them a machete because why not? It's a satanic religion, right?
You thought I was done? You better be joking, mate. Ancient Greece was also affected by Islam.
Did you think that all of this damage started after pagan Rome corrupted Christianity? You mean to tell me the good 'ole Christanity? No way would they ever do that, it was Islam.
Pagan Rome corrupted Islam, not Christianity. How dare they to mock the perfect religion called Christianity, and their God called Jesus, who was born into this earth as a man, but it turns out later on that he was unsure of himself and his so-called quest, he wasn't just a man, a normal human being, he was a God in a human body, he was born on earth to understand mankind better, a God, the Almighty, the Saviour, the creator of this Universe. So, what did he do afterwards?
Well, he allowed the Rome's and the Jews, practically gave him a two thumbs up, a green light to nail him on the cross because that's what Gods do. Gods love to bleed and die, according to Christians. They're the holiest people of all, they have never started any war, not them good 'ole Christians.
Christians are also extremely skilled at doing maths, they're the best in business, hands down. They believe 1+1+1 equals 1.