Lawlessness, lack of love or care in society

May 15, 2017
Is it just me or is society cold now?

When talking about mental health etc how can we promote mental health and support lockdowns and isolation. The same healthcare system is telling you on one hand they are there for your mental health on the other hand they are encouraging masks and lockdowns.

People seem to be alot more callous and uncaring. Love seems completely conditional and people are discarded as objects.

There doesn't seem to be much forgiveness, (cancel culture). Any further insight you have into this would be interesting thanks


Nov 10, 2021
The war is spiritual. THe world is the domain of satan, and tptb serve him. In our time on Earth, we can choose to go with the flow or choose God's will.

Everything offered by the establishment is an inversion. Including the idea of mental health so frequently discussed.

Actual mental health is inaccurately characterized to dissuade real growth and strength.
May 15, 2017
The war is spiritual. THe world is the domain of satan, and tptb serve him. In our time on Earth, we can choose to go with the flow or choose God's will.

Everything offered by the establishment is an inversion. Including the idea of mental health so frequently discussed.

Actual mental health is inaccurately characterized to dissuade real growth and strength.
What do u mean by the last statement how is mental health characterised ?


May 11, 2020
We have rebelled against God and rejected him and his commandments. He is removing his hand of protection and as a result Satans kingdom is getting more control and power over society. There is a greater demonic presence so as a result there is more mental illness and wickedness.

2 Timothy 3:13
King James Version

13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.


Mar 26, 2021
Is it just me or is society cold now?

When talking about mental health etc how can we promote mental health and support lockdowns and isolation. The same healthcare system is telling you on one hand they are there for your mental health on the other hand they are encouraging masks and lockdowns.

People seem to be alot more callous and uncaring. Love seems completely conditional and people are discarded as objects.

There doesn't seem to be much forgiveness, (cancel culture). Any further insight you have into this would be interesting thanks
The Luciferian Marxist agenda requires systematic dehumanization of individuals. It requires grouping people as faceless representatives of a “race” or collective.

They can’t hold onto power without creating, nurturing and weaponizing prejudice.


May 11, 2020
2 Timothy 3:1-7
King James Version

3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Oct 20, 2021
Is it just me or is society cold now?

When talking about mental health etc how can we promote mental health and support lockdowns and isolation. The same healthcare system is telling you on one hand they are there for your mental health on the other hand they are encouraging masks and lockdowns.

People seem to be alot more callous and uncaring. Love seems completely conditional and people are discarded as objects.

There doesn't seem to be much forgiveness, (cancel culture). Any further insight you have into this would be interesting thanks
I think the main problem is that the people who are in control are mentally ill and want to destroy the unvaccinated because they represent the biggest threat to their plan. I think it is obvious by now that the vaccine is for all intensive purposes world war 3 and they want to put anyone who refuses the vaccine in concentration camps which is already happening in Australia and Austria.
May 15, 2017
I think the main problem is that the people who are in control are mentally ill and want to destroy the unvaccinated because they represent the biggest threat to their plan. I think it is obvious by now that the vaccine is for all intensive purposes world war 3 and they want to put anyone who refuses the vaccine in concentration camps which is already happening in Australia and Austria.
While this is a major factor I'm talking about the dehumanisation of society and empathy beyond the COVID stuff.

Covid plays a huge role. We as people have literally been reduced to statistics in one way or another.

But even things such as squid game are desensitizing people to violence and death. Technologies living in a virtual bubble also reduces peoples empathy and "human experience" so to speak.

It's like recounting a tale, to actually experiencing it. You are not getting the full effect. There's so much more to this.

We are also being programmed to hate traditional family units. Be more accepting of the less than ideal instead of striving for it we are glorifying fractured living like separated families and divorces.

Also whats with the adverts constantly showing interracial relationships? I myself have had one but the way it's pushed constantly I don't understand this. It's almost like everything conventional is no longer allowed.

Im seeing people acting certain ways that they have been completely programmed to act. A big one I see personally is women having utter contempt for men. I think this is where some of the incel concepts have arose from. There's much more but I'd like to explore these things here and post programming anyone sees such as this.


May 11, 2020
They found out that during and before WW2 it was very common for soldiers to not acctually shoot to kill. Allot of soldiers didnt want to take the lives of other human beings. The elite think tanks thought of a way to reverse this and desensitize populations to make them more prone to kill. They started to introduce death scenes into cartoons. By the vietnam war the problem had resolved itself.

Think of how much death and destruction people witness in movies and video games now. People are desensitized into devaluing human life and their neighbor.
Oct 20, 2021
While this is a major factor I'm talking about the dehumanisation of society and empathy beyond the COVID stuff.

Covid plays a huge role. We as people have literally been reduced to statistics in one way or another.

But even things such as squid game are desensitizing people to violence and death. Technologies living in a virtual bubble also reduces peoples empathy and "human experience" so to speak.

It's like recounting a tale, to actually experiencing it. You are not getting the full effect. There's so much more to this.

We are also being programmed to hate traditional family units. Be more accepting of the less than ideal instead of striving for it we are glorifying fractured living like separated families and divorces.

Also whats with the adverts constantly showing interracial relationships? I myself have had one but the way it's pushed constantly I don't understand this. It's almost like everything conventional is no longer allowed.

Im seeing people acting certain ways that they have been completely programmed to act. A big one I see personally is women having utter contempt for men. I think this is where some of the incel concepts have arose from. There's much more but I'd like to explore these things here and post programming anyone sees such as this.
Well I watched the movie called The Final Warning which btw is on you tube and it was made decades ago but it lays out what is happening now. The message I got from it was that Gentiles will be destroyed. The movie is a Christian movie but really well made. I found out about it on these forums and recommend watching it.


Nov 10, 2021
What do u mean by the last statement how is mental health characterised ?
In short, I would suggest that real mental health is found while striving to become the you that God made you to be even as you accept your flaws.

What I see around me touted as mental health is quite weak. Blaming everything and everyone else for your problems, comparing oneself to everyone else, inflated egos without any real core identity. Then there's the whole situation where an individual's identity depends on the entire world going along with that, true or not.

The most emotionally fit people in my life would without fail be described by mainstream ANYTHING as racist, misogynist, and xenophobic and the list goes on.
Oct 20, 2021
Lawlessness alert: the blm guy who killed at least 6 people by plowing through a Christmas parade a few days ago has been released on $1000 bail even though he has a history of jumping bail. Also he has posted videos and other social media stuff about killing white people.
Feb 22, 2020
Is it just me or is society cold now?

When talking about mental health etc how can we promote mental health and support lockdowns and isolation. The same healthcare system is telling you on one hand they are there for your mental health on the other hand they are encouraging masks and lockdowns.

People seem to be alot more callous and uncaring. Love seems completely conditional and people are discarded as objects.

There doesn't seem to be much forgiveness, (cancel culture). Any further insight you have into this would be interesting thanks
You raise great points about society being cold.

But your best examples of this are "cancel culture" and mask mandates ?

Feb 22, 2020
The Luciferian Marxist agenda requires systematic dehumanization of individuals. It requires grouping people as faceless representatives of a “race” or collective.

They can’t hold onto power without creating, nurturing and weaponizing prejudice.
Dehumanizing of individuals ?

You mean what fascists like Tucker Carlson does every day on America's most popular cable show on TV.

It was fascists and white supremacists like him who weaponized prejudice hundreds of years ago and continue to do so.

It's so boring watching devils cast stones from glass houses.
Mar 15, 2019
We have rebelled against God and rejected him and his commandments. He is removing his hand of protection and as a result Satans kingdom is getting more control and power over society. There is a greater demonic presence so as a result there is more mental illness and wickedness.
In the movie "Let The Right One In", the vampire waited at the door before entering the house of the boy who would be his friend and she said she couldn't enter without his invitation. In the past centuries we have accepted central banks all over the world (FED). Democracy and secularism. Their education system: secular education, space hoax. Taxes you pay to a fairy tale book called NASA in the USA. People here are most likely only against the covid-vax and have had other mandatory vaccinations. And they gave it to their babies.

People see a very little part of Satan.
Feb 22, 2020
They found out that during and before WW2 it was very common for soldiers to not acctually shoot to kill. Allot of soldiers didnt want to take the lives of other human beings. The elite think tanks thought of a way to reverse this and desensitize populations to make them more prone to kill. They started to introduce death scenes into cartoons. By the vietnam war the problem had resolved itself.

Think of how much death and destruction people witness in movies and video games now. People are desensitized into devaluing human life and their neighbor.
And now you have the most popular cable news show making a hero out of a guy who went looking for trouble with his AR-15 and killed 2 unarmed people, shooting another, and attempting to shoot another.

Talk about devaluing Human life.

The most popular show in America does that every day.

Yes Babylon is fucked.
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May 15, 2017
And now you have the most popular cable news show making a hero out of a guy who went looking for trouble with his AR-15 and killed 2 people, shooting another, and attempting to shoot another.

Talk about devaluing Human life.

The most popular show in America does that every day.

Yes Babylon is fucked.
There's literally a thread on that. Is that all you are interested in posting about right wing politics?
Feb 22, 2020
There's literally a thread on that. Is that all you are interested in posting about right wing politics?
That is a perfect response to someone who brought up the elites social engineering the devaluation of life.

You too full of yourself to see the relevance ?


May 11, 2020
And now you have the most popular cable news show making a hero out of a guy who went looking for trouble with his AR-15 and killed 2 unarmed people, shooting another, and attempting to shoot another.

Talk about devaluing Human life.

The most popular show in America does that every day.

Yes Babylon is fucked.
Why dont you ever call out the demoncrat mainstream media? They are literally promoting genocide calling the world to get the poison death shot. They are mass murderers guilty of genocide. Now they are MURDERING CHILDREN! We all ought to be enraged at what they are doing, and your piping about Tucker Carlson.
Feb 22, 2020
Lawlessness alert: the blm guy who killed at least 6 people by plowing through a Christmas parade a few days ago has been released on $1000 bail even though he has a history of jumping bail. Also he has posted videos and other social media stuff about killing white people.
The guy is a deranged POS.

However you are a LIAR and clearly a propagandist with a disgusting agenda.

1. The guy has not been released on $1000 bail. His bail has been set at $5 million.

2. Why do you describe him as BLM ? He posted support for BLM, that doesn't "make him blm" more than half the country supports BLM, so you could disingenuously try and connect BLM to any crime.

Would be no different than trying to claim a criminal who is vegetarian somehow makes vegetarianism evil.
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