Stand With Ukraine? No Thanks. Business As Usual.


Jan 29, 2018
Doesn't matter. It was eventually Berezovsky who brought Putin to power but they fell out right after. Then we had years of Berezovsky trying to stick it to Putin by blaming him for murders of Politkovskaya and Litvinenko and a whole pile of slanderous horse dung, but he ended up asking forgiveness before he hung himself (or got killed) in London.

Edit: grammar
You both make solid points.


Jul 28, 2021
Putin threw one major oligarch in jail, because the guy had a bust up with his buddy Abramovich.
Which oligarch are you talking about ? Ihor Kolomoyskyi stole billions from Abramovich and got away with it ,are u referring to him ?
Only oligarch that comes to mind that Putin jailed for a decade was Mikhail Khodorkovsky who tried to privatize pretty much all of russians oil and was planning to sell it to the west.

Havent found any solid proof that Putin is a freemason,2 guys before him were for sure.Biggest plundering of Russia started with Yeltsin who let the jew-oligarchs grab/privatize whatever they pleased.
"The last President of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachov, became a freemason in the Knights Templar in the United States, where he received the degree Knight of Malta ( Novoye Russkoye Slovo, New York, December 1989; Oleg Soloviov, "Freemasonry in World Politics in the 20th Century", Moscow, 1998). On 16 November 1991, Russian President Boris Yeltsin was also initiated into this lodge (Sovetskaya Rossiya, 9 September 1993). "

Unofficial story goes that Putin's St Petersburg fraction took over Russia to stop the plundering by the west .Key moment for that was sinking of MS/Estonia in 28 september 1994 where 852 people died -
15 survivors "dissappeared" shortly after they got rescued - they probably saw something that they were not supposed to see.
Ship was used to smuggle out stuff stolen from Russia using the cover of civilians. 2 military trucks were the last ones to enter the ship ,dozens of people saw it but the cargo on it remains speculation . According to "Felix report" that was made by KGB members in Putin's fraction the cargo on the ship was huge amount of heroin and forty metric tonnes (40,000 kg) of radioactive cobalt and some osmium. Heroin probably belonged to CIA and came from Chechnya.Newly made Estonian puppet government were supposed to return millions of rubles to Russia that got left behind in the main bank but instead they sold the rubles to Chechens who payd in dollars.Why would chechens want to buy currency of an collapsing empire and where did they get millions of dollars ? Smells like CIA black-op.
Dozens of western countries were very quick to co-operate with the ship cover-up .Russia offered help to lift it to surface but the swedes wanted to cover it in concrete as soon as possible (why the fck would u cover up an shipwreck with concrete ?). First official diving mission to the ship was NOT to study why it sank but to look for one jewish smugglers briefcase ( Aleksandr Voronin who was specialized in selling space-tech stolen from russia).Briefcase was found and what was in it remains a mystery.
So i guess russians blackmailed the west - if plundering doesnt stop then the real story about the incident will see daylight.
After this incident west calmed down for a bit with plundering of russia ,soon after Yeltsin resigned and gave the power to Putin.

After the bolshevik revolution Estonia got their independence and was also used as an smuggling route to move russias stolen riches to the west .
Between 1917–1921 around 500 tons of gold was smuggled to Sweden through Estonia .Olof Aschberg ,jewish banker in sweden who also financed the bolsheviks was the main receiver of the gold .It got melted up and sold in auctions all over europe.

One of the biggest if not the biggest discovered money laundering in recent history also happened in Estonia .Between 2007-2015 more than 200 billion euros of russias money had been moved to west through banks in Estonia(that are owned by sweden and denmark).Russia had sent couple of times some bank official to Estonia that demanded that Estonians start an investigation into that matter but the russian was politely told to f*ck off. He got murdered on the street after he returned to Russia from Estonia (cant recall his name atm).

Im still not sure if this conflict between Russia and Ukraine is part of NWO plan or Putin really gave up on trying to play ball with these crooks.Time will tell i guess.


Jan 29, 2018
It is with great sadness that I feel obligated to report that The Doors have joined up with the Ukraine bullshit. They are now selling The Doors t-shirt special edition Ukraine colors with proceeds going to some jive charity associated with Ukraine. Is nothing sacred anymore? This is The End. Cancel my subscription to the resurrection.
"Got blood in the streets its up to my ankles!"
I thought Harris was Indian as someone from India and they have been trying to pass her off as black? Where has Pocahontas been hiding lately?
Shes half Indian, part Jamaican and the rest is white I think... Warren? Her and Sanders are still counting their money from selling out the people at the Democratic primaries and with covid in 2020 eh?


Jul 28, 2021
Good video thanks. So this movie is another example of predictive programming. How nice of them to show how much they care. I guess I will try WION. I liked her accent.
From the comments - "The markings on the invasion forces are to identify the invading troops so they don't shoot or bomb each other, the markings are as follows Z = russian federation, Z in square box = russian forces from crimea, O = russian forces from belarus, V =russian marines, X = chechens, A = special russian forces ".
I dont know if that's what those symbols mean exactly but seems probable.Both sides use same tanks and other equipment,gotta tell somehow who-is-who maybe idk.


Jul 28, 2021
Interesting article from 2015 -

I wonder in whose pockets will this money end up ...


Jul 31, 2017
I do not claim to be a genius but on the other hand I was smart enough to not get vaccinated with poisonous fake vaccines so I think that qualifies me to question the latest scam the MSM and crooked politicians are perpetrating. First of all our country is run by liars and thieves that have vested dishonest interests in Ukraine. These are the same people who tried to kill us with poisonous fake vaccines. Now the Evil Ones have this new scam and it is called Stand With Ukraine. And just like I said to fake poisonous vaccines I say no thank you to Stand With Ukraine.
So then you support Russia invading another country by using flimsy excuses like "special operations against Nazis" and bombing cities and killing innocent civilians in the process, among other war crimes? And wouldn't that also make Putin an "Evil One" by your logic?

I don't feel like America has much to gain from supporting Ukraine other than continuing to use it as a buffer against Russia as long as Ukraine maintains its independence, but as long as American troops aren't deployed to Ukraine and America simply supplies monetary aide and weapons to them, I can't complain. And please spare me the "but rising oil prices!!!" hoopla; we've dealt with this many times during the Iraq War and the 2008 recession. It's inconvenient, but not the end of the world.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Worthwhile article from Irish Savant.



May 15, 2017
Just saying
since I seen/posted that video the other day
which again I am gonna warn of the very descriptive
wording being used,I tried to fast forward as
most know it's already a trigger issue for me
but it wasn't fast enough to not hear somethings
I am still crying from it's just awful
these are not people we are dealing with
they deserve no mercy

I am hoping it is but know it's not
that putin is actually trying to free children
and stoping all kinds of atrocities

if he is it's all part of the show
to gain peoples trust as most
know that children,older people,animals
will always pull the heart strings of people
as most are good/decent people
that have a moral compass still
It will make him look like a hero

I dunno yet I'm trying to figure it out
all we are sure off is
their lips are moving so they are lying

Aug 12, 2020
So then you support Russia invading another country by using flimsy excuses like "special operations against Nazis" and bombing cities and killing innocent civilians in the process, among other war crimes? And wouldn't that also make Putin an "Evil One" by your logic?

I don't feel like America has much to gain from supporting Ukraine other than continuing to use it as a buffer against Russia as long as Ukraine maintains its independence, but as long as American troops aren't deployed to Ukraine and America simply supplies monetary aide and weapons to them, I can't complain. And please spare me the "but rising oil prices!!!" hoopla; we've dealt with this many times during the Iraq War and the 2008 recession. It's inconvenient, but not the end of the world.
I support you being ignored tikamakomba.