
Feb 22, 2020
A Jew is a follower of Judaism. Genetics have nothing to do with it. If you want proof put Jew into a search engine and look at the colors.
This is true.

But most of the powerful Jews, who influence world events that people like to complain about, are white jews. White Jews even discriminate against black jews in Israel, and have sterilized them, just like other white people have done throughout history.
Mar 15, 2019
How come they don't become a race when they don't marry non-Jews? What do you say to Jewish families who have only married their cousins for centuries?

"Jewish" has two meanings as a follower of Moses and a race. That's why some Jewish truthers separate the Jews as Kabbalist Jews and followers of Moses.


Jan 22, 2018
But more importantly China and India do not run the world.

Although China is increasing in power and influence to be a major player, but they are still behind.

The US is the most dominant power block in the world by far. Has been for well over 100 years.

The US is run by hetero sexual white men, as is the EU, and thw UK another very powerful power block.

The silly Tucker Carlson promoted idea that there is a "woke war" on straight white men, serves as a distraction and a culture war agenda to divide and sow chaos.
Was just wondering why you posted this response twice? six minutes apart.

.....are you trying to pass yourself off as a bot by any chance? a disguise?.....feckin genius move!!


May 10, 2021
I miss the days when people were just gay or did what they wanted without it being turned into an ad "how to be" or "who to love and accept" I know the 80's were difficult for gay people, but I felt like around the 2000's it wasn't a big deal anymore (I'm not gay and can't speak to this directly, just what I've observed being around gay people and/ or having gay friends). Now it feels like this media PUSH for acceptance is inspiring animosity for many people who haven't even asked for their lifestyle to be broadcasted into some fkng campaign. Who gives a flying fuck who a grown man or women loves or does, just leave the kids alone, I say.

It seems like the whole reason this is even up for discussion is due to this push, and now we have no choice but to point out our differences to each other and judge what's good, bad, right and wrong. I do not support any kind of indoctrination (particularly with kids) but now it's happening and we're sucked into this BS agenda and I think it's giving many of us a bad look.
Yes, exactly, I once posted a post about BLM and LGBT being more dividing than uniting, and got banned for 'hate speech' from the entire reddit.


Apr 26, 2017
"wokeness" (whatever that really means)
But you should know what it means. It is your whole identity on this forum:

The constant “REEEEEEcism” and “White SupREEEEEEEmacy” (signaling your virtue) in the absence of any fact-based arguments, while regurgitating the lame-stream media’s regressive narratives like a good NPC.


Mar 15, 2017
In India having lighter skin is seen as a sign that you're from the upper class, because the lower class people work in the sun and are often of darker skin complexion. And in China, they undergo tons of plastic surgery to fit the european beauty standards - mostly to debride their eyes. So there is white supremacy in China and India, to say otherwise is just pure ignorance.
THAT is colorism, not racism. And BTW, I still stand by my words. White supremacy does not exist in China & India. White man does not tell the Chinese government or the Indian government what to do on their own mainland. But all of this is another thread for another day.
Feb 22, 2020
But you should know what it means. It is your whole identity on this forum:

The constant “REEEEEEcism” and “White SupREEEEEEEmacy” (signaling your virtue) in the absence of any fact-based arguments, while regurgitating the lame-stream media’s regressive narratives like a good NPC.
Yes your non existent white supremacy just lead a pathetic incel to go and murder 10 black people on the name of stopping "white genocide" the fraudulent conspiracy theory many of you peddle.

What are your "fact based" arguments ? Denying reality is not an argument.


Jul 28, 2021

"The man of the future will be race-mixed."
—Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
"Coudenhove-Kalergi is recognized as the founder of the first popular movement for a united Europe. His intellectual influences ranged from Immanuel Kant, Rudolf Kjellén and Oswald Spengler to Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche. In politics, he was an enthusiastic supporter of "fourteen points" made by Woodrow Wilson on 8 January 1918 and pacifist initiatives of Kurt Hiller. In December 1921, he joined the Masonic lodge "Humanitas" in Vienna.In 1922, he co-founded the Pan-European Union (PEU) with Archduke Otto von Habsburg, as "the only way of guarding against an eventual world hegemony by Russia." In 1923, he published a manifesto entitled Pan-Europa, each copy containing a membership form which invited the reader to become a member of the Pan-Europa movement. He favored social democracy as an improvement on "the feudal aristocracy of the sword" but his ambition was to create a conservative society that superseded democracy with "the social aristocracy of the spirit." European freemason lodges supported his movement, including the lodge Humanitas.Pan-Europa was translated into the languages of European countries (excluding Italian, which edition was not published at that time), the constructed language Occidental and a multitude of other languages, except for Russian."

"According to his autobiography, at the beginning of 1924 his friend Baron Louis de Rothschild introduced him to Max Warburg who offered to finance his movement for the next three years by giving him 60,000 gold marks. Warburg remained sincerely interested in the movement for the remainder of his life and served as an intermediate for Coudenhove-Kalergi with influential Americans such as banker Paul Warburg and financier Bernard Baruch. In April 1924, Coudenhove-Kalergi founded the journal Paneuropa (1924–1938) of which he was editor and principal author. The next year he started publishing his main work, the Kampf um Paneuropa (The fight for Paneuropa, 1925–1928, three volumes). In 1926, the first Congress of the Pan-European Union was held in Vienna and the 2,000 delegates elected Coudenhove-Kalergi as president of the Central Council, a position he held until his death in 1972."

What is "The Kalergi Plan"?
" "The Kalergi Plan" consists of the genocide of white people through miscegenation and mass immigration of non-whites to Europe. This plan, drawn up in 1923 by Count Richard Kalergi, is inspired by human mastery over farm animals. It seeks to generate a passive, tame, predictable and manipulable mixed race, of inferior character and intelligence, over which the Jewish aristocratic elite could eternally rule, since this inferior mind would prevent them from organizing to rebel, and even realize that they are dominated.
The term Eurasian-Negroid race can be found in Kalergi's books. That is what the Suprematist Zionists are desperately trying to achieve. The extinction of all cultures and races, particularly the European. Kalergi shared the opinion of Joseph Arthur de Gobineau on the high performance of the white race, especially the Nordic sub-race, but did not aspire to the promotion, conservation and strengthening of it, but its destruction. "

"European integration would be just the first step in creating a world government. In his book ‘Praktischer Idealismus’, Kalergi explains that the citizens of the future “United States of Europe” will not be the people of the Old Continent, but a new mixed breed, the products of thorough and widespread miscegenation.
He states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and other non-White races, to create a multiracial population, with no clear sense of tradition or identity and therefore easily controlled by the ruling elite.
Kalergi proclaims the need to abolish the right of nations to self-determination and outlines the break-up of nation states through the use of ethnic separatist movements and the destruction of the nations themselves through mass migration.
In order for Europe to be easily controlled by the future elite, Kalergi proposes the creation of a homogeneous mixed breed population, and as to who should be the new elite?
Although no textbook mentions Kalergi, his ideas are the guiding principles.
The belief that the peoples of Europe should be mixed, to destroy your identity, to break down traditional ways of living and create a single mixed race, is the reason for community policies that promote minority interests.
The underlying motives are not at all humanitarian, because the driving power behind the ruthless regime dominating the EU, plans the greatest genocide in history.
Multiracialism is to create weakened disparate population without national, historical or cultural cohesion.
In short, the Kalergi plan have been and still are, the basis of official government policies intent upon the genocide of the Peoples of Europe,through mass immigration.
If look around us, the implementation of the Kalergi Plan seems to be at an advanced stage."


Apr 26, 2017
What are your "fact based" arguments ?
Lol. Fact-based arguments are formed by using real facts (not Wikipedia “facts”) to state a premise, or premises, as evidence of the validity of an argument. A premise may be used in dialogue in an attempt to convince someone of something they may not agree with or know anything about. Fact-based arguments, as opposed to rhetorical posturing (i.e. “REEEEEEEcism; White SupREEEEEEEmacy”), provide support or evidence for the position one is arguing.

In the absence of evidence, wokeism thrives. The rhetoric behind “REEEEEEcism” and “White SupREEEEEEEmacy” is accepted when fact-based dialectic is replaced with Woke dumb-fuckery.


Mar 19, 2018

'I will never be a man, ever… Medical transition is an illusion; you create an illusion of the opposite sex—there is no such thing as changing genders. You can't,' Newgent continued.

I was getting a little nervous. If I had said anything like that to the pro-trans crowd, they would turn on me in an instant.

'Isn't this transphobia now against yourself, maybe?' I asked tentatively.

'No, it's reality. It's reality,' she said. 'The reality is, is that if you medically transition, you create an illusion of the opposite sex for comfort. Why is that transphobic?'


Jun 9, 2022
Was just wondering why you posted this response twice? six minutes apart.

.....are you trying to pass yourself off as a bot by any chance? a disguise?.....feckin genius move!!
yeah something is off in the sentence structure. It definitely comes across as a garbled kind of speech or when someone is learning a new language and they have to write a few paragraphs to test out their language skill.


Jan 22, 2018
yeah something is off in the sentence structure. It definitely comes across as a garbled kind of speech or when someone is learning a new language and they have to write a few paragraphs to test out their language skill.
Yeahhh poor old VCE has been malfunctioning around here for quite some time now....he's kinda this perpetual political loop.

Haven't seen him in a while. Bless his little cotton socks
Last edited:


Sep 8, 2018
THAT is colorism, not racism. And BTW, I still stand by my words. White supremacy does not exist in China & India. White man does not tell the Chinese government or the Indian government what to do on their own mainland. But all of this is another thread for another day.

Look at the pandemic. There is one government. Period. China does what they are told to do. India does what they are told to do.
The Chinese and Indians are part of the Masonic brotherhood. Are there any vestiges of colonial impact on those countries? Of course.

As for the Indians specifically, the Brahman are descendants of the invaders who slaughtered many of the Dalit’s ancestors. The untouchables are the “lowest caste”.

Corvus Corax

Mar 15, 2017

'I will never be a man, ever… Medical transition is an illusion; you create an illusion of the opposite sex—there is no such thing as changing genders. You can't,' Newgent continued.

I was getting a little nervous. If I had said anything like that to the pro-trans crowd, they would turn on me in an instant.

'Isn't this transphobia now against yourself, maybe?' I asked tentatively.

'No, it's reality. It's reality,' she said. 'The reality is, is that if you medically transition, you create an illusion of the opposite sex for comfort. Why is that transphobic?'
That person is so like a friend - trans guy - quite troubled,surgery didn't fix his problems. just made more. Talking now of being null
Poor guy. Nice guy, just with problems


Sep 3, 2018
A Jew is a follower of Judaism. Genetics have nothing to do with it. If you want proof put Jew into a search engine and look at the colors.
I hear you, but know many, many Jewish people who choose not to practice Judaism, but who are Jewish by birth.


Jan 29, 2018
This is true.

But most of the powerful Jews, who influence world events that people like to complain about, are white jews. White Jews even discriminate against black jews in Israel, and have sterilized them, just like other white people have done throughout history.
I dont think those Jewish peoples are actually "white" unless they are converts, but your point is well taken...


Mar 19, 2018

"The NHS's controversial child transgender clinic will shut its doors after a damning report found it was 'not safe' for children. The gender identity service at Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust will be replaced by regional centres at existing children's hospitals, which will provide more holistic care with 'strong links to mental health services'.

It comes in response to an ongoing review led by senior paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass, who warned the clinic was 'not a safe or viable long-term option'.

She found other mental health issues were 'overshadowed' in favour of gender identity issues when children were referred to Tavistock's Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS)."

Un-freaking-believable. How many young lives have they completely ruined before finally reaching the correct and logical conclusion that emphasis should be on mental health services because transgenderism IS a mental disorder. There is nothing phobic in calling it what it is.

I hope clinics like Tavistock and everyone involved are sued into oblivion for the willful abuse and exploitation of children. I am so angry at the unnecessary, permanent physical and mental damage they have caused in the name of "progress". These clinics also cause much larger collateral damage because they normalize the mutilation of children as the solution to what is clearly a mental problem. They are global "influencers" of the worst kind.