VCF Christian Fellowship

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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
A long time ago now I watched a clip which I found really inspiring, and which reflected the kind of dynamic Christianity I have encountered here and elsewhere.

Christians here come from every time zone and culture and from all denominational backgrounds. We have the opportunity to learn from one another, share our joys and challenges and encourage one another as brothers and sisters in the Lord. The intention of this thread is to create an “all purpose” area to be real, open and to allow positive interaction for the interesting mix of followers of Jesus this forum draws in.

There have been other threads going back a few years where Christians have gathered but as there are so many new voices on this forum I felt it might be helpful to start something fresh!

To make this possible, I guess we have to start with setting out the basics of Christian faith within which we have fellowship.

I used to be involved in a university Christian Union. In the UK universities, Christian fellowships that draw members from diverse backgrounds fall under the umbrella of UCCF (University and Colleges Christian Fellowship). One thing they do is to have members subscribe to the doctrinal basis.

Our Doctrinal Basis

The Doctrinal Basis represents the central truths of the Christian faith as we discern them in the Bible. From the beginning of the CU movement nearly 100 years ago, it has been the basis of our unity, the foundation of our ministry and the content of our message. We are unashamedly confessional and value gospel clarity and gospel unity

Our Doctrinal Basis

The basis of the Fellowship shall be the fundamental truths of Christianity, as revealed in Holy Scripture, including:
  1. There is one God in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  2. God is sovereign in creation, revelation, redemption and final judgement.
  3. The Bible, as originally given, is the inspired and infallible Word of God. It is the supreme authority in all matters of belief and behaviour.
  4. Since the fall, the whole of humankind is sinful and guilty, so that everyone is subject to God's wrath and condemnation.
  5. The Lord Jesus Christ, God's incarnate Son, is fully God; he was born of a virgin; his humanity is real and sinless; he died on the cross, was raised bodily from death and is now reigning over heaven and earth.
  6. Sinful human beings are redeemed from the guilt, penalty and power of sin only through the sacrificial death once and for all time of their representative and substitute, Jesus Christ, the only mediator between them and God.
  7. Those who believe in Christ are pardoned all their sins and accepted in God's sight only because of the righteousness of Christ credited to them; this justification is God's act of undeserved mercy, received solely by trust in him and not by their own efforts.
  8. The Holy Spirit alone makes the work of Christ effective to individual sinners, enabling them to turn to God from their sin and to trust in Jesus Christ.
  9. The Holy Spirit lives in all those he has regenerated. He makes them increasingly Christlike in character and behaviour and gives them power for their witness in the world.
  10. The one holy universal church is the Body of Christ, to which all true believers belong.
  11. The Lord Jesus Christ will return in person, to judge everyone, to execute God's just condemnation on those who have not repented and to receive the redeemed to eternal glory.
If you read the above and are happy to stand for Jesus in this online space, just reply by saying “I’m in” and share a bit about yourself if you would like to.

One last thing…
There is great potential in Christian unity but there are many secondary doctrines over which we will hold different views and these are best left for debate and discussion outside this thread.
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Mar 15, 2017
I am in.
I was very active on this forum several years ago until several crises had happened offline. People in my immediate sphere of life became a much higher priority as a result.
It was my father's recent death that made me slowly reconsider returning here but now only as an information sharer for genuine seekers and encourager of fellow Christians. My father had had a basic Anglican upbringing. He knew enough to argue religion but not enough to believe in Jesus. Unless in the last moments he had a sudden conversion I do not expect to see him in Heaven.

Of course that makes me sad: all the head knowledge in the world did not lead him to Christ. All the good deeds, his adventurous spirit and his generally positive influence on people around him will not have earned him a place in Heaven.
He had 80 years on earth, but there is no guarantee any of us will last that long.

So Christians on this forum, be unlike my father and seek what is eternal. This life's pleasures and entertainment only lasts for a very short while compared to eternity.


Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I am in…

A week ago we had the news that a friend of ours had ended his life. Checking the mail, he had also sent us a letter telling us why. He had been planning it for years, but had never let on and seemed really positive and happy in his interactions. I had touched on issues of faith but out of social politeness I never really went into detail (for fear of causing offence).

I learned a couple of things - first, share the gospel with those you know and love - you might well be in their lives for a reason. Second, it’s ok not to be ok.

Here you can be both anonymous and honest. If you are struggling, don’t suffer alone, either message the group or message someone via a conversation. Christians frequently go through hard times, both from struggles within and from external circumstances beyond their control. Read Psalms - David suffered, complained, doubted, questioned and rejoiced.


Oct 22, 2022
I am in!
Phew I thought I would never find a way of posting a comment and some on this forum know how shy and retiring I am!
I became a disciple of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on 2nd October 1975 but, for varying reasons, my growth was virtually nil until I escaped the wiles and snares of an organisation which claims to be Christian. It was the Lord Who was able to get through to us eventually and I am increasingly thankful. Since then He has led us to brilliant Bible teachers and I have learnt more in these last seven years than I learnt in the whole of the previous 40. When you think about it, it is absolutely incredible what God can do!
In the meantime I thought I would share just one thing which God showed to my beloved and I through these horrendous last almost three years. Where we are, and our age and state of health has meant we have a pretty static lifestyle these days and what with social distancing, masks, churches closing (now that was the enemy's doing, since when has he ever succeeded in closing churches doors before, globally?) And then there were lockdowns and something I read, early on, caught my eye - God tells us not to fear, He tells us to endure, and I was at a loss as to how on earth I could do these things, then that which I read leapt up at me - of course I ask God to give me His peace, His endurance, etc, etc. So that is what I do every morning on waking and my brain subsequently waking - then I put on the armour and lo, and behold, most of the time we have both sailed through these dreadful times - which if you knew me, you would know is a miracle. Yes, I have taken my eyes off the ball now and again, but I ask His forgiveness and ask again for all that I will need that day and He has been just and faithful to give me everything I have needed that day to get through it! Forgive this long-winded story but may He do the same for you. However, never forget His mercies are new every morning and so you need to ask every morning - God is a good Father and He knows His children flourish better when they thoroughly depend upon Him.


Oct 22, 2022
I am in…

A week ago we had the news that a friend of ours had ended his life. Checking the mail, he had also sent us a letter telling us why. He had been planning it for years, but had never let on and seemed really positive and happy in his interactions. I had touched on issues of faith but out of social politeness I never really went into detail (for fear of causing offence).

I learned a couple of things - first, share the gospel with those you know and love - you might well be in their lives for a reason. Second, it’s ok not to be ok.

Here you can be both anonymous and honest. If you are struggling, don’t suffer alone, either message the group or message someone via a conversation. Christians frequently go through hard times, both from struggles within and from external circumstances beyond their control. Read Psalms - David suffered, complained, doubted, questioned and rejoiced.
I love your reminder of the plethora of emotions David experienced in his life, it is good to be reminded of the fact that the people we read about in the Bible, apart from Jesus Christ of Nazareth of course, were incredibly fallible human beings and yet God used them and I think, that for most of us, it is the desire to be used by Him which is uppermost in our minds - there is no 'high' like it!


Oct 22, 2022
I am in.
I was very active on this forum several years ago until several crises had happened offline. People in my immediate sphere of life became a much higher priority as a result.
It was my father's recent death that made me slowly reconsider returning here but now only as an information sharer for genuine seekers and encourager of fellow Christians. My father had had a basic Anglican upbringing. He knew enough to argue religion but not enough to believe in Jesus. Unless in the last moments he had a sudden conversion I do not expect to see him in Heaven.

Of course that makes me sad: all the head knowledge in the world did not lead him to Christ. All the good deeds, his adventurous spirit and his generally positive influence on people around him will not have earned him a place in Heaven.
He had 80 years on earth, but there is no guarantee any of us will last that long.

So Christians on this forum, be unlike my father and seek what is eternal. This life's pleasures and entertainment only lasts for a very short while compared to eternity.

View attachment 82013
My heart goes out to you in relation to your father as I doubt, very much, I will see any of my parents - biological or adopted when I go home. This breaks our hearts so we do well to remember how much God's heart is broken at the death of anybody who refuses to turn to Him. We have to accept that everybody has free will - but this hurts. May the Lord bring you comfort and an assurance that when you get to be with Him, there will be so much to do, to see, to visit, etc, etc, that you will not feel the lack - you will be too busy. By the way I am rapidly approaching 80 years on earth so some of us will last that long but should the Lord come for us before my 80th birthday I will not be complaining, quite the opposite in fact!


Mar 15, 2017
I am in!
Phew I thought I would never find a way of posting a comment and some on this forum know how shy and retiring I am!
I became a disciple of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on 2nd October 1975 but, for varying reasons, my growth was virtually nil until I escaped the wiles and snares of an organisation which claims to be Christian. It was the Lord Who was able to get through to us eventually and I am increasingly thankful. Since then He has led us to brilliant Bible teachers and I have learnt more in these last seven years than I learnt in the whole of the previous 40. When you think about it, it is absolutely incredible what God can do!
In the meantime I thought I would share just one thing which God showed to my beloved and I through these horrendous last almost three years. Where we are, and our age and state of health has meant we have a pretty static lifestyle these days and what with social distancing, masks, churches closing (now that was the enemy's doing, since when has he ever succeeded in closing churches doors before, globally?) And then there were lockdowns and something I read, early on, caught my eye - God tells us not to fear, He tells us to endure, and I was at a loss as to how on earth I could do these things, then that which I read leapt up at me - of course I ask God to give me His peace, His endurance, etc, etc. So that is what I do every morning on waking and my brain subsequently waking - then I put on the armour and lo, and behold, most of the time we have both sailed through these dreadful times - which if you knew me, you would know is a miracle. Yes, I have taken my eyes off the ball now and again, but I ask His forgiveness and ask again for all that I will need that day and He has been just and faithful to give me everything I have needed that day to get through it! Forgive this long-winded story but may He do the same for you. However, never forget His mercies are new every morning and so you need to ask every morning - God is a good Father and He knows His children flourish better when they thoroughly depend upon Him.
Like you I have had an interesting spiritual walk to put it mildly. Do you mind telling us which organisation it was, or if you aren't comfortable doing that which false teachings in particular led you astray ?
God released me from false teachings of the Roman Catholic church, Charismania and stopped me from getting heavily involved in mysticism. What was evil has been used for good. I appreciate my bible believing fundamentalist church so much because they keep to the bible. Without prior experience with multiple false teachings I would never have appreciated their simple style of teaching and living.


Mar 15, 2017
My heart goes out to you in relation to your father as I doubt, very much, I will see any of my parents - biological or adopted when I go home. This breaks our hearts so we do well to remember how much God's heart is broken at the death of anybody who refuses to turn to Him. We have to accept that everybody has free will - but this hurts. May the Lord bring you comfort and an assurance that when you get to be with Him, there will be so much to do, to see, to visit, etc, etc, that you will not feel the lack - you will be too busy. By the way I am rapidly approaching 80 years on earth so some of us will last that long but should the Lord come for us before my 80th birthday I will not be complaining, quite the opposite in fact!
Thank you for your well wishes and kind words. I am now 50 and free of family responsibilities minus my husband, so it is time to work for God again online even if it is in a very small forum. I know we all need to fight the spiritual battle together. It was a lot more active the last time I was here [in a negative sense] so I hope we can get to know each other all much easier.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
A friend reminded me of this passage this morning (for anyone feeling weary or less “important”)

1 Corinthians 3:4-9 NKJV
[4] For when one says, "I am of Paul," and another, "I am of Apollos," are you not carnal? [5] Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one? [6] I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. [7] So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. [8] Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor. [9] For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, you are God's building.


Feb 8, 2021
I am in! :)
So grateful you started this thread Red Sky at morning.
Looking forward to having more fellowship with other Christians here.
One of the things I've noticed is, this last year God has placed so many other believers in my life. God has truly blessed me with so many brothers and sisters in Christ!
What a beautiful idea for a thread.


Mar 15, 2017
I am currently watching morning TV and all the news stories have been very worrying. There are warnings about serious hikes in interest rates and power price rises soon. It is so easy to worry about such things... but this is exactly relevant to what Jesus said in the "Sermon on the Mount"



Feb 8, 2021
I am currently watching morning TV and all the news stories have been very worrying. There are warnings about serious hikes in interest rates and power price rises soon. It is so easy to worry about such things... but this is exactly relevant to what Jesus said in the "Sermon on the Mount"

View attachment 82017
2 Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind
Jun 26, 2022
I'm in.
This is a great idea for a thread!

While I don't know the exact date I came to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, it was less than 3 years ago, I'm ashamed to admit. However, the Lord has blessed me with a love of the truth (and reading) and I set out to read and study the Bible daily for hours and I have grown so much in the faith.

My testimony is truly awful, so i don't know how much to share... i went through the standard atheist, to questioning, to new age pathway that many confused people find themselves going through. Even once I realized that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life i came dangerously close to getting fooled by the idea that i needed to join His one "true church". Thankfully, all my Bible studying and my husband set me straight.


Mar 15, 2017
I'm in.
This is a great idea for a thread!

While I don't know the exact date I came to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, it was less than 3 years ago, I'm ashamed to admit. However, the Lord has blessed me with a love of the truth (and reading) and I set out to read and study the Bible daily for hours and I have grown so much in the faith.

My testimony is truly awful, so i don't know how much to share... i went through the standard atheist, to questioning, to new age pathway that many confused people find themselves going through. Even once I realized that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life i came dangerously close to getting fooled by the idea that i needed to join His one "true church". Thankfully, all my Bible studying and my husband set me straight.
Except for people who are blessed to be born again as children and never straying far from God, we all have our own history we now see as shameful and damaged.
Even this old evangelist at my church this morning! [specific personal section for time poor: 3:43 -5th minute]

God bless him for his openness about his early days. We should all pray we are as fervent and strong spiritually as him in our 70s+!!


Aug 24, 2017
I'm a he, 28, and I can tell both VC and VCF contributed in drawing me closer to God and the Bible. How to start..
Growing up in a secular country I had huge anxiety problems, I practically wasn't speaking for the 15 first years of my life. With trust issues it certainly was not easy to believe people, let alone God. I thought logic and reason was the way to go in fact old me had a hard time even hanging around with christians because it seemed like role play to me and I was thinking goodness doesn't really exist so why bother with religions? After all, I thought i was a nice person so that would do the trick.

I have a large family, unfortunately like many I had to live with an abusive father and a violent brother too. It was very difficult for me to accept the idea that my father, absent most of the time would attend church pretending to be super religious.
My mother having to deal with most of the abuse was and still is a true christian, she's one of the main reason I still bothered to read the Bible from time to time to be honest.

I thought Jesus was an interesting person though, but I saw way too much dysfunctional christian lives that led me astray so I created my safe space mostly made of gaming and sexual content. Whether people were around me or not, I felt alone and empty in fact at some point being alive and socially active felt like a chore to me where you pretend to look happy and act like life struggles doesn't exist.
When I say I love the Lord to death today it certainly isn't a loose expression I'm using, I was so lost and so done but grace prevailed.

Reading VC articles I couldn't help but feel intringued by the things presented to me like how the world isn't exactly like what we think it is (or very exactly like the Bible says it is) until I found myself in the same space as CS Lewis in Mere Christianity where he wrote :

For moods will change, whatever view
your reason takes. I know that by experience. Now that I am a Christian I do have moods in which the whole thing looks very improbable: but when I was an atheist I had moods in which Christianity looked terribly probable.
This rebellion of your moods against your real self is going to come anyway. That is why Faith is such a necessary virtue: unless you teach your moods "where they get off," you can never be either a sound Christian or even a sound atheist, but just a creature dithering to and fro, with its beliefs really dependent on the weather and the state of its digestion. Consequently one must train the habit of Faith.
In the span of a year I could see all my contradictions and inconsistencies in my reasonings & philosophy and got convinced I had to give up all my hatred, stop the resistance, and surrender to Jesus.

I'm not giving the full story but that's my way to say I'm in for sure.
If you have prayer requests, you can count on me to pray.


Mar 15, 2017
I'm a he, 28, and I can tell both VC and VCF contributed in drawing me closer to God and the Bible. How to start..
Growing up in a secular country I had huge anxiety problems, I practically wasn't speaking for the 15 first years of my life. With trust issues it certainly was not easy to believe people, let alone God. I thought logic and reason was the way to go in fact old me had a hard time even hanging around with christians because it seemed like role play to me and I was thinking goodness doesn't really exist so why bother with religions? After all, I thought i was a nice person so that would do the trick.

I have a large family, unfortunately like many I had to live with an abusive father and a violent brother too. It was very difficult for me to accept the idea that my father, absent most of the time would attend church pretending to be super religious.
My mother having to deal with most of the abuse was and still is a true christian, she's one of the main reason I still bothered to read the Bible from time to time to be honest.

I thought Jesus was an interesting person though, but I saw way too much dysfunctional christian lives that led me astray so I created my safe space mostly made of gaming and sexual content. Whether people were around me or not, I felt alone and empty in fact at some point being alive and socially active felt like a chore to me where you pretend to look happy and act like life struggles doesn't exist.
When I say I love the Lord to death today it certainly isn't a loose expression I'm using, I was so lost and so done but grace prevailed.

Reading VC articles I couldn't help but feel intringued by the things presented to me like how the world isn't exactly like what we think it is (or very exactly like the Bible says it is) until I found myself in the same space as CS Lewis in Mere Christianity where he wrote :

In the span of a year I could see all my contradictions and inconsistencies in my reasonings & philosophy and got convinced I had to give up all my hatred, stop the resistance, and surrender to Jesus.

I'm not giving the full story but that's my way to say I'm in for sure.
If you have prayer requests, you can count on me to pray.
I bet you relate a lot to what King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes chapters 1-2.
The very last verse changed the hopelessness in his words:

In a way that is similar to the tone of Paul in Romans 7:14-25, hopeless in our condition without God until the last verse in the chapter.
