LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)

Oct 2, 2017
So a trans 'comedian' did a show in the Uk on Channel 4. They sang about being a better woman than actual women, about husbands masturbating to him, and having sex with people mothers. He then stripped off completely naked and played his piano with his penis live on TV.

Its also worth noting when he strips naked the background is covered in eyes. So the symbols are there.

The first video is his song without nudity the second has nudity so be warned

Warning video has nudity



Mar 15, 2017
Even though Twitter censors try their best to hide the backlash, the hostility against Transwomen is coming out in comments.
e.g. Read the backlash in hidden comments!!! :D
Some good ones:

It is incredibly sad to see Joe Biden met up with that failed man.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Only when it's correctly understood that being LGBTQ++, or a supporter of these queers and sexual freaks and predators (including all legislators), is a capital crime, and the penalty is enforced against the criminals, will this filth come to an end.

This sexual perversion is destroying not only basic decency and the fundamental building block of a healthy society (the traditional family), but it's also destroying the lives of the children who are intentionally taught all of this gender fluidity confusion.

There are two genders: male and female. There are no others. And marriage is the union between a natural man and a natural woman under our Creator. There is no other. Marriage most certainly does NOT require the state to be a third party issuing permission (aka "a marriage license") for the corporate merger to take place for taxing purposes.


Mar 15, 2017
BY DR H JOYCE — OCT 22, 2022
An open letter to the master and senior tutor of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, in the run-up to my public talk on Tuesday October 25th, and in response to their ignorant and insulting characterisation of my work as “offensive, insulting and hateful”.

.... Why is her "offensive, insulting and hateful work" so bad that it caused academics to announce they would boycott this event? Joyce dares - DARES I SAY - to express concern about' the baleful impacts of gender-identity ideology on vulnerable groups, including women, children and same-sex attracted people.''

TRANSLATION: she cares about real women's and real girls' needs too much, now THAT is unforgiveable.
Jan 27, 2018
This reminds me...
I recently saw a documentary about priests who had messed with kids.
Either within the documentary itself, or some one commenting about this documentary
said with frustration something to the effect that
whatever you feel about priesthood,
there seemed to be a distinct trend with whom ever finalizes the candidates chosen
to allow people who have that tendency to abuse children.
Many of the men later convicted
were ones who people had questions about way before the allegations, prosecutions, and
sometimes even before the man finished his priesthood preparation.

It wasn't that EVERY priest did this,
but for the ones that did, people in charge of the ordination often knew about the tendency
way before the men became priests.
But they did not stop the ordination, nor put protections in place to safeguard the children.
They recruit their own and reject outsiders... this is how they build up their ranks and infiltrate the churches. This is also how they build up their ranks and infiltrate any establishment... schools...boy scouts, you name it.


May 15, 2017
surprised c,nn even aired it but I'm sure
it's only so they can slim it in the light of
look how barbaric far behind the progressive
democracy these societies are

do have a point of it not being proven
that this is how Peoples are born so i
can understand their stance on this topic

I have said few times now I Believe if We get
rid of these evils with all their twisted sick
perversion of so much in Our World iwould
disappear after awhile

don't get me wrong Ya may have a few exceptions
to the rules,not in the numbers We have today
it would be a small fraction of Peoples and so
long as they are adults that can consent Idc what
is done between them



Jun 9, 2022
Great and informative article on this truly disturbing phenomenon happening today by Christopher F. Rufo. He nails down how the drag queen story hour started, it’s disturbing origins and their sick program that looks to upend children’s lives with their ideas that focus on the transgressive and abjection. They love those two words and what they represent for their sick goals.



Mar 15, 2017
Sounds like he/she/it is still looking for someone else to blame.
True in a way. She was allowed to have treatments way too young. What a mess this is - children making life changing decisions that can never be undone.
I found her clip on detransitioning.


Apr 24, 2022
True in a way. She was allowed to have treatments way too young. What a mess this is - children making life changing decisions that can never be undone.
I found her clip on detransitioning.
She would have needed psychological help - as they all do. But, if you read her tweets, she said, that she would have found a way to transition - with or withour her mothers approval.


May 3, 2017
She would have needed psychological help - as they all do. But, if you read her tweets, she said, that she would have found a way to transition - with or withour her mothers approval.
A real damn if you do damn if you don't situation. If her mother had of said no, she would have been called a bigot, may have cut her off or offed herself. She went through with it and still not happy. A lot of these people have deeper issues and I think wanting to change gender is a symptom of a deeper problem. This is what TBTB want to promote. Who wins?

Also my opinion is that they need to go through deliverance as well.


May 15, 2017
tptb win like always with evil,anything they approve
of or heavily promote its because it's all part of w/e
agenda/s they wanna push at the moment

this helps them gender bend,control population
cause bigger divides between families/friends and
society in general,confuses the heck outta Our
Children to the point they allow their bodies to be

without the ability to reverse it when down the road
they realize they were confused Children making decisions
they never should have been making or even thinking
about when they were too young to do so

tptb have always used the divide and conquer card
since the beginning,Peoples are easier to control if
they're bickering/hating/killing each other instead
of taking out the evils We should be tptb

unfortunately until We rid Our World of these evils
nothing is ever going back to what it was bc

We are already in a world that is no longer Ours atm
if We allow tptb to keep hiding behind the divides or
labels they give Us they've already won

to stop a snake it's not the tale Ya go after,the
snake can heal from that and still go on to kill
We need to get the head gone first this is Our only

all Our anger towards all Our family,friends,neighbors
even the pharmacy/medical staff should be focused and
direct it to where it needs to be
tptb are counting on the fact that they've done it this way
for eons now and have gotten away with it

they don't expect any repercussions coming to them,because
they never do as We're always to divided We never look in their

these evils Know Us so well,they spend billions in finding how
to break us spiritually/mentality,how to control every aspect of
what most think is a free life how to kill Us by getting Us to do
it for them they Know exactly who will get targeted by Us for the
horrendous last 3 yrs they Know it's not them so they don't care,

I say lets throw a curve ball and go after tptb,who actually make
and enforce the laws We must abide by,who are responsible for
every single death/injury w/e We've See /experienced its tptb
We need to hold accountable and who We should be demanding
justice from

go to their houses and rallies/speaking gatherings ,glue
Yourself to their cars/houses etc.. lets do this right,by using
the same technologies they've given Us that tptb use as weapons
can be turned on them as easily as they can turn it on Us

We need to show tptb this time We See them clearly plane
as day,We Know what they are and what they've been doing
to Our Children,to Us,to Our World

We've all had enough they are done period,anyone under the
impression that We can dispatch these evils and that they will
leave power positions they've held for so long peacefully,that they
will apologize for all the deaths/physical,mental damage done to
Us,will not happen in reality they will fight tooth and nail to keep
their seats of power

even jailed would not stop them,usually they get to go to a jail that
really isn't a jail it's more like a vacation spot,that they can reach out
and rule their evil minions from,come on if gang/mafia,etc... can do
it in
real jails,this would be a cake walk from one of the elites jails

I said it before will say it again and probably even again again
again after that,without the evil twisted perversion of tptb Our
World will slowly start to Heal from allthey have done


Mar 15, 2017
She would have needed psychological help - as they all do. But, if you read her tweets, she said, that she would have found a way to transition - with or withour her mothers approval.
And that is exactly why it is such a mess. Health professionals are **expected** to support the child's decision to alter their physical body in order to have it match the sex they believe they really are.

The guilt trips are massive towards anyone who dares to contradict the narrative. Parents are told their children will kill themselves if they don't affirm their gender identity. Same for teachers and everyone else who will listen.
"We did what the experts told us - a Canadian family tells their story


Mar 15, 2017
tptb win like always with evil,anything they approve
of or heavily promote its because it's all part of w/e
agenda/s they wanna push at the moment

this helps them gender bend,control population
cause bigger divides between families/friends and
society in general,confuses the heck outta Our
Children to the point they allow their bodies to be

without the ability to reverse it when down the road
they realize they were confused Children making decisions
they never should have been making or even thinking
about when they were too young to do so

tptb have always used the divide and conquer card
since the beginning,Peoples are easier to control if
they're bickering/hating/killing each other instead
of taking out the evils We should be tptb

unfortunately until We rid Our World of these evils
nothing is ever going back to what it was bc

We are already in a world that is no longer Ours atm
if We allow tptb to keep hiding behind the divides or
labels they give Us they've already won

to stop a snake it's not the tale Ya go after,the
snake can heal from that and still go on to kill
We need to get the head gone first this is Our only

all Our anger towards all Our family,friends,neighbors
even the pharmacy/medical staff should be focused and
direct it to where it needs to be
tptb are counting on the fact that they've done it this way
for eons now and have gotten away with it

they don't expect any repercussions coming to them,because
they never do as We're always to divided We never look in their

these evils Know Us so well,they spend billions in finding how
to break us spiritually/mentality,how to control every aspect of
what most think is a free life how to kill Us by getting Us to do
it for them they Know exactly who will get targeted by Us for the
horrendous last 3 yrs they Know it's not them so they don't care,

I say lets throw a curve ball and go after tptb,who actually make
and enforce the laws We must abide by,who are responsible for
every single death/injury w/e We've See /experienced its tptb
We need to hold accountable and who We should be demanding
justice from

go to their houses and rallies/speaking gatherings ,glue
Yourself to their cars/houses etc.. lets do this right,by using
the same technologies they've given Us that tptb use as weapons
can be turned on them as easily as they can turn it on Us

We need to show tptb this time We See them clearly plane
as day,We Know what they are and what they've been doing
to Our Children,to Us,to Our World

We've all had enough they are done period,anyone under the
impression that We can dispatch these evils and that they will
leave power positions they've held for so long peacefully,that they
will apologize for all the deaths/physical,mental damage done to
Us,will not happen in reality they will fight tooth and nail to keep
their seats of power

even jailed would not stop them,usually they get to go to a jail that
really isn't a jail it's more like a vacation spot,that they can reach out
and rule their evil minions from,come on if gang/mafia,etc... can do
it in
real jails,this would be a cake walk from one of the elites jails

I said it before will say it again and probably even again again
again after that,without the evil twisted perversion of tptb Our
World will slowly start to Heal from allthey have done
We have to fight this when we can.
It doesn't take much salt to turn water salty.
It doesn't take much light to show what is hiding in the darkness.