LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)

Jun 26, 2022
First US trans soldier and Navy Seal is detransitioning and wants to raise awareness.

Retired Navy SEAL Chris Beck in 2013 announced he was coming out as a transgender woman named Kristin Beck.

Nearly 10 years later, Chris Beck announced he has detransitioned and warns young people about the transgender agenda taking the country by storm.

Chris Beck also exposed the VA and revealed how the VA provided doctor convinced him he was transgender and hatched a book deal!

"Chris Beck, a combat veteran with 13 deployments, was introduced to America when he came out as the first Trans soldier.” Robby Starbuck said of his interview with Chris Beck.

“He’s sitting down with Robby Starbuck now to reveal that he’s de-transitioned, how the VA provided doctor convinced him he was trans in a 1 hr session, how the VA doctor hatched a deal to release a book together, how CNN used him and most importantly, to warn the children who could be harmed next.”

"Everything that happened to me for the last ten years destroyed my life. I destroyed my life. I’m not a victim. I did this to myself, but I had help,” Chris Beck told Robby Starbuck.

“I take full responsibility,” he continued. “I went on CNN and everything else, and that’s why I’m here right now, I’m trying to correct that.”
Jun 26, 2022
A federal appeals court blocked mandate that religious hospitals or doctors with faith based objections are required to do sex change surgeries.

A federal appeals court today permanently blocked the Biden Administration’s attempt to force religious doctors and hospitals to perform gender-transition procedures, concluding that the Administration’s plan would violate a key federal law protecting religious freedom. This is the second appeals court ruling blocking the Administration’s controversial transgender mandate.

“The federal government has no business forcing doctors to violate their consciences or perform controversial procedures that could permanently harm their patients,” said Luke Goodrich, VP and senior counsel at Becket. “This is a common-sense ruling that protects patients, aligns with best medical practice, and ensures doctors can follow their Hippocratic Oath to ‘do no harm.’”


Mar 15, 2017
I agree with what you're saying, but at the same time i feel the need to point out that perhaps it may not be their BODY that these people are rejecting (although i cannot deny that it is the body that gets affected the most with these chemical castrations and mutilating surgeries).

To elaborate, i thank God every day that I was not born 15-20 years later, because i don't know what all this ideology - and the forced acceptance and affrimation of it - would have done to me.

I never had a problem with having a female body, but the expectations placed on females, the gender roles - be pretty, popular, flirtatious, outgoing, be into fashion, what forms of media should be enjoyed, what hobbies are acceptable - let's just say that i never fit in. The majority of my friends were boys and i never learned how to play the "girl politics" or i dont know what to call it, but the unspoken rules of female friendship that i never understood. As a grown woman i still don't understand them!

My mother constantly berated me and called me "masculine" since i was a toddler because of the way i would play, and once i grew older, my lack of interest in fashion. My dad all but gave up on me as a girl and focused all his father-daughter attention on my same age female cousin. He was a good father, not abusive, but treated me more as a father would treat a son.

Anyway, i never rejected my God-given female sex, but part of it is that growing up the idea of a child CHOOSING to change sex was unthinkable, not promoted and encouraged. It's a lot more difficult to be a misfit tomboy in a culture where from almost every source the message is "you're really a boy!" and becoming one will fix all your problems.

I really feel for these girls and young women who are being tricked that there is only one way to be a female and if you dont fit into the generalizations it must mean you're in the wrong body.

And i notice that the alt media will bring up the issue of "body disphoria" being a cause of these girls confusion (saying things like "all teenagers are uncomfortable at some point in their changing/undergoing puberty bodies), but usually ignore the social aspects and difficulties that may exist as well. Some of us have no issue with our body, we just struggle to navigate the expectations placed on us because of our gender.
I was the same - I hate to think how many tomboys [as we were known in the 80s and probably until 00s or even later] are being told they are trans or non-binary or catgender or this week's latest fad neopronoun!

The internet has to be a major part of why people jump to conclusions straight away.
From a conservative Christian website:
Q: "Should I be worried that my daughter might be "transgendered" because she likes to dress and act like a boy and spends a lot of time playing sports with her dad?"

Before the internet I don't think parents would have thought of that. I certainly don't remember the word transgender ever mentioned in my teen years [1985-94]. Probably many people said the girl was lesbian because the lesbian stereotype is "butch", but it certainly wasn't transgender!!!
Jun 26, 2022
The internet has to be a major part of why people jump to conclusions straight away.
From a conservative Christian website:
Q: "Should I be worried that my daughter might be "transgendered" because she likes to dress and act like a boy and spends a lot of time playing sports with her dad?"
Wow, the fact that a Christian mom would even have that cross her mind!

The article was interesting. And it brought back some memories. Once again, thank God i was born back when i was!

The article mentioned encouraging the girl to spend some time with girls. I wonder what we're supposed to do if that doesn't work... one of my childhood memories is my mom inviting over a few girls as a sort of playdate for me when i was 6 or 7. She came back to check on us and found me off in the corner reading a book while the girls played with my toys. The look on my mother's face of disappointment or disapproval filled me with so much shame but i just literally did not know how to socialize with girls.


Sep 21, 2021
I was the same - I hate to think how many tomboys [as we were known in the 80s and probably until 00s or even later] are being told they are trans or non-binary or catgender or this week's latest fad neopronoun!

The internet has to be a major part of why people jump to conclusions straight away.
From a conservative Christian website:
Q: "Should I be worried that my daughter might be "transgendered" because she likes to dress and act like a boy and spends a lot of time playing sports with her dad?"

Before the internet I don't think parents would have thought of that. I certainly don't remember the word transgender ever mentioned in my teen years [1985-94]. Probably many people said the girl was lesbian because the lesbian stereotype is "butch", but it certainly wasn't transgender!!!
From the concept of "gender identity" in thought and feeling, this has "transfigured" into literal, physical "identity." Nowadays, one has to "transgender" by going under the knife, and having the "required body mutilations & modifications."

In the "olden days," the extreme physical act of surgical "sex change," i.e., change in genitalia, was the "ultimate."

Since the advent of the internet and the era of the so-called "influencers," the "idea" of "transgenderism" has come about with a dramatic change in meaning...with the invasive "transgendering" of the mind, body, and spirit.. Truly the devil is so hateful of the human beings, he wants to "eat them up...bones and all..."


Sep 21, 2021
Being transgender is a trend...and it is facilitated and proliferated through social media.
This is an unprecedented event in society worldwide, and there are side-effects.
This nightmare has just begun.
I must say the "trend" has been "artificial and forced" because it's all part of the satanic agenda of the evil globalists...


May 15, 2017
posted this in the tg thread too Thanks

was this really in a threat of being taken out idts
not in this sick world that's allowing peoples to marry,
their pets,pillows,holograms and colours to list a few
things I have Seen

another agenda protected that will be a lot harder
to remove/repeal w/e,how happy do all those evils
look about it,anytime they're happy We shouldn't be

let's admit it ,We here already Knew soon as r v w
happened,tptb started their whole"oh no same sex
might be next"that it was never gonna happen tptb
just needs it to look that way

if states still have control over the piece of paper and
can say no(did anything change?)would that make Your
marriage in a state like that legal or Ya would have to go
somewhere outta state to get the piece of paper

See the opposition crocodiling her way through her
speech,she's not in the emotion because she's playing
a part and don't have those emotions she's part of the
team,same feather/wing,on one bird

tptb always stirring up the fighting/divides,using every divide
they can manage being deployed on Us right now I wouldn't
put it past them to film the xav gatherings,farmers
pro w/e it would show bigger numbers that way

always dividing Us using an illusion of having a choice when
there is NO choice,Were watching actors play characters that
is it

won't stop until We stop it


May 11, 2020
posted this in the tg thread too Thanks

was this really in a threat of being taken out idts
not in this sick world that's allowing peoples to marry,
their pets,pillows,holograms and colours to list a few
things I have Seen

another agenda protected that will be a lot harder
to remove/repeal w/e,how happy do all those evils
look about it,anytime they're happy We shouldn't be

let's admit it ,We here already Knew soon as r v w
happened,tptb started their whole"oh no same sex
might be next"that it was never gonna happen tptb
just needs it to look that way

if states still have control over the piece of paper and
can say no(did anything change?)would that make Your
marriage in a state like that legal or Ya would have to go
somewhere outta state to get the piece of paper

See the opposition crocodiling her way through her
speech,she's not in the emotion because she's playing
a part and don't have those emotions she's part of the
team,same feather/wing,on one bird

tptb always stirring up the fighting/divides,using every divide
they can manage being deployed on Us right now I wouldn't
put it past them to film the xav gatherings,farmers
pro w/e it would show bigger numbers that way

always dividing Us using an illusion of having a choice when
there is NO choice,Were watching actors play characters that
is it

won't stop until We stop it
It's classic gas lighting. Kanye said that their modus operandi is to "traumatize and monetize" us.