Weird Stuff In Food Now Includes MRNA Vaccines?


May 15, 2017
Id like to add that i started supplementing one of my kids with organic grassfed whole milk (not formula, but actual milk) when she was 8 months old, and it was fine. No allergies or other issues.

Often times parents are scared to give milk before the first year, but if the baby can eat solids and cheese then there isn't much of a difference.

Just in case this helps out anyone.
straight from a farm ToxicFemininitySucks?
I find it the best imho

when We had the farm I would drink the milk,We milked
fresh that morning from either cow/goat and I Loved it
than I moved to a city setting and started drinking bag/jug
milk that's been processed,it was so yuck even to this day
it gives me massive stomach aches and a headache
I try to drink/use as little of it as I can

I'm still looking for somewhere to buy that straight unpasteurized
milk but now with all the laws/fines
no one around here are doing that

I agree some parents are so scared to give a lot of
things before a year
the only thing I waited on peanuts at 6mnths I started the eggs
even though many are hesitant to do that til the yr mark
the way I looked it if I was eating it and could make it
Good for a baby mine ate it too


Jun 17, 2017
Id like to add that i started supplementing one of my kids with organic grassfed whole milk (not formula, but actual milk) when she was 8 months old, and it was fine. No allergies or other issues.

Often times parents are scared to give milk before the first year, but if the baby can eat solids and cheese then there isn't much of a difference.

Just in case this helps out anyone.

goat milk > cow milk

worst to best:

1% milk ultra pasteurized
1% milk
2% milk
full fat milk

above this line: conventional milk has titanium dioxide added to it, so it looks whiter (and lasts longer in the fridge). TiO2 is not healthy.

organic 1%
organic 2%
organic full fat milk
organic full fat (whole milk) non-homogenized

above this point: mucus forming. below this point: non-mucus forming "superfood" milk

organic full fat, non-homogenized and non- pasteurized (raw whole organic milk)
organic full fat, non-homogenized, non-past, biodynamic grass-fed

the raw milk wont "go bad". it will become clabbered milk, then sour further into yogurt. its drinkable at all stages. the raw milk kefir will only get more and more sour with fermentation (more probiotic).

pasteurized milk goes bad and will turn black or brown or start growing mold on it.
Jun 26, 2022
I'm still looking for somewhere to buy that straight unpasteurized
milk but now with all the laws/fines
no one around here are doing that
In my state it's actually legal to sell, so it's available in health food stores.

They have both unpasteurized all the way, and pasteurized but not homogenized, i think they call it "creamtop".

My husband absolutely refused for me to give her unpasteurized tho, and so we tried both the creamtop and the organic grassfed whole

I've had farm fresh milk before and it was soooo good.

I agree some parents are so scared to give a lot of
things before a year
the only thing I waited on peanuts at 6mnths I started the eggs
even though many are hesitant to do that til the yr mark
the way I looked it if I was eating it and could make it
Good for a baby mine ate it too
So far the only thing we've been waiting to full year for is honey.

Oh and none of them gwt any raw fish yet.

This probably wont apply to most on this site, but i read somewhere that allergies are linked to foods the child eats when recovering frim vaxxes. Something about their immune systwm being on overdrive b3cause of th3 obvious so it learns to attack the food as well. Wish i'd saved the link.
Jun 26, 2022
I don't understand the point of 1% or 2% milk.

Why not just buy whole and then add some water to it at home? Makes more of it too.
(Real ?, not rhetorical - does anyone know why?)

I read years ago that when 1% and 2% milk is made they take out the nutrients along with the fat, so then they have to reconstitute it in order for it to be legally called "milk".

organic full fat, non-homogenized and non- pasteurized (raw whole organic milk)
organic full fat, non-homogenized, non-past, biodynamic
Could you explain the difference between these 2?


May 15, 2017
In my state it's actually legal to sell, so it's available in health food stores.

They have both unpasteurized all the way, and pasteurized but not homogenized, i think they call it "creamtop".

My husband absolutely refused for me to give her unpasteurized tho, and so we tried both the creamtop and the organic grassfed whole

I've had farm fresh milk before and it was soooo good.

So far the only thing we've been waiting to full year for is honey.

Oh and none of them gwt any raw fish yet.

This probably wont apply to most on this site, but i read somewhere that allergies are linked to foods the child eats when recovering frim vaxxes. Something about their immune systwm being on overdrive b3cause of th3 obvious so it learns to attack the food as well. Wish i'd saved the link.
Your so lucky I wish I did guess if I want it I would have
to get somewhere to have a farm again

I Heard the same thing and mine didn't get fish(haven't had raw)
around 5
I've always been iffy on the bones,they're so tiny that I waited til
I felt they were old enough understand about not swallowing
them and looking/watching out for them,in case there were any

I don't understand the point of 1% or 2% milk.

Why not just buy whole and then add some water to it at home? Makes more of it too.
(Real ?, not rhetorical - does anyone know why?)

I read years ago that when 1% and 2% milk is made they take out the nutrients along with the fat, so then they have to reconstitute it in order for it to be legally called "milk".

Could you explain the difference between these 2?
I've never understood that either it's gotta be watered down
or thinned out somehow right and if that's the case why can't
Ya just do it Yourself by adding water

they take out everything Good for Us and leave all the garbage
adding even more to it
tptb poison Us every which way they can eh
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Jun 17, 2017
Could you explain the difference between these 2?
biodynamic is a term originated by rudolf steiner. the process might sound silly, but apparently it works.

post 167 by lightseeker:


May 15, 2017
Some lucky people have got space to grow their own stuff, crisp and pure..:)

View attachment 92685
for now as We already own nothing most just don't realize it
read through the laws for most places and they will show Ya
at anytime tptb wants they can take all of it

even if it's been Your land for over a 100yrs and We're Seeing
tptb do exactly that with many of the farmers lands all over
the west and east of the world
in the vision of tptb World their farms will be the only farms that
are allowed

it will be to grow and raise the gmo'ed plants and all the bugs
they wanna feed Us
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Sep 4, 2023
at anytime tptb wants they can take all of it
even if it's been Your land for over a 100yrs and We're Seeing
tptb do exactly that with many of the farmers lands all over
the west and east of the world..
Here in Britain new housing developments are springing up all the time on farming land, but what puzzles me is why farmers never seem to protest about it. Are they being paid big cash by the govt in compensation to keep them sweet or what?


May 15, 2017
that's exactly what's happening @Flarepath

We Heard it over the last 3yrs how tptb offer 3x or more
what a crop/butcher or land is worth
if Your a struggling farmer which again thanks to the last yrs
many are Your gonna take it

price of feeds,seeds,fertilizer,taxes etc.. went up along with
everything else
smaller farmers that were farming enough for their families and
little extra cash profit from the market
they're telling Us they can no longer afford to keep their families
stocked like normal

of course if Ya have someone offering that much more than
something is worth Peoples unfortunately will jump at that offer

the farmers like say in the east that are protesting trying to keep
their farms are still losing them to tptb confiscating them and
not paying the farmers a dime for them that way as they have
legal loopholes like this "climate"crap


Mar 15, 2017
Raw milk is a pain to get in the UK. It’s not illegal but it’s so discouraged and it’s near impossible to get it unless you have access to a WhatsApp group or community which have a deal with a farm.
We get a local delivery of raw milk, fresh organic eggs, cheese, cream etc. You have to place an order by a Friday and pick up on a Sunday. It’s a bit of a hassle but the difference in my gut health, general well-being has being incredible.

We have farmers markets too but they don’t tend to sell too many raw milk products, transportation and on site storage is a bit of an issue.

I’m not a fizzy drink person but in the past I’ve craved it and I’ve always gone for diet ones with sweeteners. Turns out aspartame is linked to cancer and Alzheimer’s.



Mar 15, 2017
I also think food standards are pretty poor in the US. Whenever we travel to the Middle East, they have a ton of imported American ‘food products’. The ingredients lists I’ve seen are ghastly…

I’d say it’s easier to eat healthier in the UK BUT don’t be fooled, we’re not far behind the US. Everything from bread to porridge, whether organic or from the local bakery has industrial seed oils, especially vegetable and rapeseed. Crisps here are generally just seasoned potatoes but they do have industrial seed oils so I avoid.

genuinely very hard to eat clean but I find cooking at home and trying to buy seasonal fruit and veg helps a lot. It’s expensive but tbh what isn’t expensive these days.


May 15, 2017
I'm so Happy no one in my family drinks this crap and
now for sure We won't be
my other half tried it once said it tasted like crap I Trust
their opinion so never even tried it

Oct 20, 2021
I'm so Happy no one in my family drinks this crap and
now for sure We won't be
my other half tried it once said it tasted like crap I Trust
their opinion so never even tried it

Someone bought me one and it tasted like cat piss. I only drank it to be polite because a little can cost $4.