Uh oh - Britney Spears back in "mental facility" 2019...

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019

brittney spears cloned/replaced?

25:02 to 25:50.
Gotta admit that was kinda freaky.
Jun 26, 2022
Looks like the police showed up at her house after fans called because of one of her videos.
Poor woman, i can't even imagine.

Pop superstar Britney Spears finally decided to address a recent wellness check she received from local law enforcement after posting a video that went viral featuring her doing a little jig with a couple of very realistic-looking knives. Spears’ mental health has been questionable at best for years now, but folks were convinced she was doing much better these days. It wasn’t that long ago that she was finally released from a conservatorship, during which her parents ran her estate, due to her not being stable emotionally and psychologically.

In the initial video that led to the wellness check, which was posted on Instagram, Spears can be seen awkwardly jerking and gyrating with the two knives. Honestly, one could probably believe they were indeed fake — up until the point she clangs them together and they clearly sound metallic. Many fans were worried after seeing the video.

On Saturday, Spears took to Instagram again for a post that slammed cops for, in her own words, listening to “random fans” who phoned them about the video. It is kind of weird that strangers on the internet, who probably don’t know Spears beyond interviews and social media posts, would call the police on her as if it was any of their business. Guess that’s the world we live in now.

Lots of folks rooted for Spears to win the court case and get out from underneath the iron fist of her parents. But it turns out that, well, maybe that’s not such a good thing.

I’m still not sold that Spears is mentally stable. However, if she wants to dance around with knives, real or fake, in the privacy of her own home, and is not hurting anyone else, why should I or anyone else care? Maybe I’m wrong.
It is very troubling how different sites keep parroting that perhaps she should still be under conservatorship.
I'm not saying the way she's behaving is right, i'm saying that it is (sadly) about the same as the overall culture.

If people are saying she should be under conservatorship for posting weird videos, indecent selfies, etc, they can make a case to imprison anyone who challenges the narrative.


May 15, 2017
I don't even Know if I Believe fans are calling
for a reconservativeship

at times in her videos it looks like someone wearing
a filter of her and it's not actually her
We Know tptb do as they Please with whoever is in the
club and that unfortunately a celebrity is worth more dead
than alive

maybe what We're Seeing is tptb's gearing up to either have
her die because they were gonna put her back on one or they
do put her back under a conservativeship
than they'll just tell the public she killed herself because of that
and she's already been dead because of whatever
I Hope that's making sense
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Jun 17, 2017
Looks like the police showed up at her house after fans called because of one of her videos.
Poor woman, i can't even imagine.

It is very troubling how different sites keep parroting that perhaps she should still be under conservatorship.
I'm not saying the way she's behaving is right, i'm saying that it is (sadly) about the same as the overall culture.

If people are saying she should be under conservatorship for posting weird videos, indecent selfies, etc, they can make a case to imprison anyone who challenges the narrative.
how are these "wellness checks" even legal? do the police have a right to enter the premises if no one answers the door?


May 15, 2017
how are these "wellness checks" even legal? do the police have a right to enter the premises if no one answers the door?
think it makes it so there is more of a reason
during a wellness check if no answers Polymoog
cause that could mean they're incapacitated to the
point they cannot answer or dead
Jun 26, 2022
how are these "wellness checks" even legal? do the police have a right to enter the premises if no one answers the door?
In my opinion warrantless entry is unconstitutional and violates the 4th.

Unfortunately, the supreme court sees it differently.

The case had to do with the police coming back and confiscating g u n s, which the court struck down, but they were very clear that the police are allowed to enter if no one responds (and honestly, i'm willing to bet that they can also enter if the person responds through the door but doesn't open).

It's outrageous, in my opinion.

What's to stop people from claiming they havent seen someone recently and having the cops show up without a warrant?

Seems like a way for tptb to encroach on privacy laws. Seeing as how they don't care if people live or die, but now suddenly they do.

I did a quick search and unfortunately, no one seems to care if people get affected by this unless theyre black.


May 15, 2017
she is telling Us straight out she wasn't /isn't in control of her
as far as the abortion I wouldn't doubt if it was some sorta
lautir for jt to come up in ranks,the fact she said she wouldn't
have done it seems to suggest she was forced into it

"Shaving my head and acting out were my ways of pushing back," she stated, explaining that she got rid of her hair in an attempt to have some semblance of control
But according to Spears, it didn't work, as she went on, "But under the conservatorship I was made to understand that those days were now over. I had to grow my hair out and get back into shape. I had to go to bed early and take whatever medication they told me to take."

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Oct 10, 2023
how are these "wellness checks" even legal? do the police have a right to enter the premises if no one answers the door?
As with most legal questions, the answer is: "It depends." It depends on a lot of things, not limited to local laws, jurisdictional issues, conservatorship issues, past interactions with those involved, knowledge (or lack thereof) of the instant situation, and so on.

There is no one blanket answer. It depends, and every situation is unique. Perhaps a better answer is: "Sometimes."

If the police peer through a window and see a dead body on the floor, absolutely. If no one answers, and the mailman has noted a pileup in the mailbox when he knows the occupants and notices that the cat has not been fed or watered for weeks, and the next of kin hasn't had her usual phone call from her aged relative who in the past has checked in religiously every Sunday for the past five years, then very probably. If the garbage man pipes in that he saw the occupants only yesterday dropping their refuse to be picked up as usual, and the family car is still warm from a recent outing, then we are entering more protected territory.

One can hypothesize endlessly, from the "absolutely" end to the "protected" end of the spectrum. In the end: it depends on the facts of the situation.
