Dangers Of Marijuanas


Jun 17, 2017
Notice MSM is now extolling the virtues of using it.
they want to genetically modify it, so theres money involved. not to mention that state dispensaries are popping up everywhere.

Also I think using it can cause weight gain because it makes food taste so good.
only indica makes you hungry. carbs cause weight gain-- pig out on fruit and veggies.

From what I have read smoking it daily and excessively is bad for the lungs and in certain cases it can exacerbate schizophrenia and causes paranoia too.
eating edibles eliminates the smoke/lung problem. almost everything 'excessively and daily' is bad-- its great for taking the edge off... if you need to take the edge off daily, you need to reexamine your lifestyle, relationship(s), and/or job.
i 'dry out' for several months between use.


Mar 27, 2017
Nice looking plants. They are easy to grow. Only time in my life I ever went to jail was for growing two in my room with lights. But I am getting suspicious about everyone encouraging using it. Notice MSM is now extolling the virtues of using it. Also I think using it can cause weight gain because it makes food taste so good. From what I have read smoking it daily and excessively is bad for the lungs and in certain cases it can exacerbate schizophrenia and causes paranoia too.
Speaking of which:


Mar 23, 2021
Nice looking plants. They are easy to grow. Only time in my life I ever went to jail was for growing two in my room with lights. But I am getting suspicious about everyone encouraging using it. Notice MSM is now extolling the virtues of using it. Also I think using it can cause weight gain because it makes food taste so good. From what I have read smoking it daily and excessively is bad for the lungs and in certain cases it can exacerbate schizophrenia and causes paranoia too.


Aug 22, 2021
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this is why I stopped
it was all good for the first few times but then awful bad trips & 3 cases of extreme paranoia
before covid a good tropical night could try a bit for a night, with some cheap can beer, & poppers but since 2020 been clean in every way
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Jun 17, 2017
View attachment 104962

this is why I stopped
it was all good for the first few times but then awful bad trips & 3 cases of extreme paranoia
before covid a good tropical night could try a bit for a night, with some cheap can beer, & poppers but since 2020 been clean in every way
you are free to abstain forever but allow everyone else the freedom to use.
(whats a popper?)


Aug 22, 2021
you are free to abstain forever but allow everyone else the freedom to use.
(whats a popper?)
definitely i support any adult to use it freely, in fact i got gummys in case my dad looses his temper (due to Vietnam era war triggers he was a Marine)

& as the tiny bottle is just something that i remember before the pandemic
whenever ppl are going to have ""fun"" with a special one
well a little beer & weed is suppose to make it more pleasant but the poprs would enhance it bit more, like ecstasy
before the pandemic like a stallion but after the pandemic =


Jun 28, 2024
From 2019 up until a few months ago, I was throwing up large amounts of bright yellow bile and blood routinely. I was often in excruciating pain and the process to get the bile and blood out was horrendous. It didn't just come out all at once, it was a rigorous process that took many hours. I would first burp up lots of gas, then throw up the bile little by little. It was bright yellow. Then there would be traces of old dried blood. Then eventually, if I was able to stick with the painful process, I would throw up fresh blood. It hurt tremendously. I went to see a number of doctors and gastroenterologists and they didn't know what was causing it. I cut out dairy, gluten, etc., and nothing worked, I continued to have the issues. The doctors suggested that I have my gallbladder removed, so I did and it made things much worse. It was terrible. I was in so much pain that I wanted to die. Many days a week I would take 5 hour baths because it was the only thing that could give me temporary relief. I also smoked weed to help with the symptoms, and it helped, but only so much.

Eventually, I was talking to a friend and relaying my issues. He told me that I had CHS - Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome. He was sure of it. He said the bright yellow bile and the long baths were a dead giveaway. I had never heard of it and none of my doctors ever mentioned it, in fact they said that smoking weed could be beneficial. Well, it was slightly beneficial in the short term, but it turns out that in the long term, it was completely detrimental to my health and it was the cause of all my issues. I quit cold turkey after smoking daily for over 20 years. This was several months ago and I have not thrown up since. My issues went away completely. It's amazing how much better I feel. During the episodes, my body would lose control of its thermoregulation and I would get the chills really bad, shivering and feeling terrible. I would get so dehydrated I was at risk of kidney failure. People have actually died from CHS, so marijuana has in fact killed people. Most people who get it, don't believe that weed is the cause or they don't have the strength or self-control to stop. I'm lucky I did. Weed can be really bad for some people and the stronger strains they're making now has who-knows-what in it. I'm so glad I was able to quit.