Bangladeshi Hindus


Sep 8, 2018
The Palestinian strategy has been part terror and part PR / narrative. I don’t think my doubt of that narrative has an entirely spiritual component. It’s just what I have observed of the parties over the years I have been watching them.
What you’re telling me is that some Christians are better than others? Is that correct?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
What you’re telling me is that some Christians are better than others? Is that correct?
I don’t follow?

For clarity, perhaps I should substitute “Hamas” narrative for “Palestinian” narrative if that helps. Since the term “Palestinian” in its modern usage was coined by Jassir Arafat after the failed attempts to defeat Israel militarily, it is easy to fail to distinguish ethnic identity from political or ideological badge.

Actually I congratulate your acuity - much of the animosity of such debates is cased by failing to distinguish between ethnicity and ideology.
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Aug 6, 2024
Former Brigadier General Aman Azmi Released Following Sheikh Hasina’s Downfall

This is Abdullah Aman Azmi. He is a former Bangladeshi Army officer and the son of late Ghulam Azam, a prominent leader of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, who died in prison in October 2014.

The Sheikh Hasina regime sacked him from his position and was abducted and forcibly disappeared in 2016 by the brutal Sheikh Hasina regime for simply defending his father and being a son of a leader of Jamaal-e-Islami.

Aman Azmi spent 8 years at the infamous secret detention facility known as ‘Aynaghor’ (House of Mirror). The name ‘Aynaghor’ was given to the facility because a detainee can't see anyone except himself, like a mirror.

He spent 8 years in a single cell. He couldn’t see the sun, couldn't hear Adhan and his family didn't know if he is dead or alive!

Following the downfall of the Hasina’s regime. He released and now reunited with his family.

During his years of imprisonment:

- His mother passed away. They didn't even give him the news of his mother’s death. He came to know about his mother's death after three years!

- One of his son passed away.

- His wife waited for him for 7 years. She remarried thinking he was dead.

These were his words following his release:

"How long have I not seen the light and air, I have not seen the world of Allah, I have not been allowed to hear the call to prayer. The amount of tears that I have wiped on this towel, if collected, a lake could have been made."



A Muslim suffering under a tyrannical arrangement.

I will share Bangladesh updates on this thread.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Hundreds of thousands of Hindus in India took to the streets to demonstrate in solidarity with the Hindus of Bangladesh who have been subjected to genocide for several days by Muslims.
Aug 6, 2024
Hundreds of thousands of Hindus in India took to the streets to demonstrate in solidarity with the Hindus of Bangladesh who have been subjected to genocide for several days by Muslims.
Evil is projecting itself on others.
People like you and pajeets on X have been recruited to distract from today's massacre in Gaza where they burnt people alive early morning.
Aug 6, 2024
There have been anti Hindu pogroms in Bangladesh. The fact of the atrocities in Gaza doesn’t change anything.
I think compared to US ,where blood thirsty extremist evangelicals have supported Israel's genoc!ding Gaza population openly, it might be(alleged) few unhinged extremists in BD which this guy provides zero evidence of, and is advocating for the Israel right of murdering innocent people, this claim holds no weight and is extremely hypocritical.


Aug 20, 2023
I wonder when people will start to realize and stop deceiving themselves.


Now the real questions are, do you truly believe in the coming life after death, and where would you prefer to pay for your sins, before you die, or after?

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
I wonder when people will start to realize and stop deceiving themselves.

View attachment 108548

Now the real questions are, do you truly believe in the coming life after death, and where would you prefer to pay for your sins, before you die, or after?
don’t want your god or your higher power
Want power to get higher

don’t need a mother fucker looking down on me mother fucker looking down on me

at least I know wherever I go I got the devil beneath my feet
Aug 6, 2024

Desbakht(the patriot) is one of the biggest (4.5M) political commentator from India, which tackles and covers geopolitical situation around the world specifically South Asia, he gives balanced ,level headed commentary unlike mainstream Indian media. They covered this whole Bangladesh fiasco since the start, according to Aakash Banarjee, this whole situation is complicated and politically motivated, Awami league leaders were attacked including Sheikh Hasina. Awami league is a secular party, supported by minorities. Due to civil unrest, many incidents of dacoity and robbery are reported, shops been vandalised in many parts of BD but naturally minorities feel more fear and restlessness due to power vacuum. The army of BD along with BN and JI parties are safeguarding specifically the minorities. On 12:28 marks, he went hard on religious-pimps who are twisting the whole civil unrest situation and painting it as communal riots, making the situation worse but what else you can expect from shameless Westerners who have been gaslighting others to hide their trail of blood and justify devastation they've left in our regions.


When it comes to propaganda, pajeets are no less than Hasbara.

OP has compared the Bangladesh scenario to Israel/Palestine conflict, Israeli state/occupying forces has been committing genocide since ages, as Aakash highlighted Bangladesh Army is safeguarding all civilians including minorities, how can you compare isolated hate crimes to a state-sponsored(West sponsored)genocide of innocent civilians ??
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George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
I think compared to US ,where blood thirsty extremist evangelicals have supported Israel's genoc!ding Gaza population openly, it might be(alleged) few unhinged extremists in BD which this guy provides zero evidence of, and is advocating for the Israel right of murdering innocent people, this claim holds no weight and is extremely hypocritical.
Nothing can justify what is happening in Gaza, and I’m sure that is only fanning the flames of religious and ethnic hatred in places like Bangladesh. But this is also happening and it’s not something Israel planned or made up.

What religious people and conspiracy theorists cannot grasp is that sometimes things just happen without someone planning it.

The truth is no one is in control, the world is rudderless and that is a terrifying thought to most people.


Jun 17, 2017
What religious people and conspiracy theorists cannot grasp is that sometimes things just happen without someone planning it.
it just happened, like the one day monkeys started walking on two feet, started talking, and creating civilization when they were genetically fit to exist as they were.

other things just happen, like WTC 1 and 2 go down, theres a pool of molten metal for months in the sub basements underground from the heat, and most bodies are incinerated, yet the passport of the hijacker just happens to survive intact.

The truth is no one is in control, the world is rudderless and that is a terrifying thought to most people.
is this your first day on planet earth?

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
it just happened, like the one day monkeys started walking on two feet, started talking, and creating civilization when they were genetically fit to exist as they were.

other things just happen, like WTC 1 and 2 go down, theres a pool of molten metal for months in the sub basements underground from the heat, and most bodies are incinerated, yet the passport of the hijacker just happens to survive intact.

is this your first day on planet earth?
I could debunk much of what you claim or point out the leaps in logic and logical fallacies but you know as well as I it doesn’t matter.

what you are selling isnt truth, you’re not interested in it, what you do is construct a reality designed to herd people into believing that Jews are cause of all the worlds problems and that the solution is Nazism. All you and lightseeker are is a recruitment method for fascism


May 17, 2020
Hundreds of thousands of Hindus in India took to the streets to demonstrate in solidarity with the Hindus of Bangladesh who have been subjected to genocide for several days by Muslims.
Millions of people the world over have demonstrated against the Genocide in Gaza. Naturally you will deny there's a Genocide.

Thousands of people in Israel have demonstrated against Netanyahu.

The latest protest from Israel,

So my Q to you is, why has Bangladesh suddenly become more important to you than Israel? And why have you stopped speaking out for the return of the hostages?


Mar 15, 2017
So my Q to you is, why has Bangladesh suddenly become more important to you than Israel? And why have you stopped speaking out for the return of the hostages?

I think it’s an attempt to appear that he’s not racist. He wants to show that he cares (albeit marginally) about a group other than his. Notice how he only mentions the Bangladeshi Hindus though, not the Muslims. He has a serious issue with Palestinians because they’re mostly Muslim. He’s had all this time to mention any empathy for the Christians there, but he doesn’t care at all for his brothers in faith. It’s sickening. Plus, speaking on how Palestinian Christians have suffered would be an admission that Israel is committing inexcusable acts. He won’t ever compromise his position on Israel.

Also, Hindus are staunch supporters of Zionist and Israel, so supporting them now and bringing light to their suffering could also be a nod from Red to them.