US (s)election thread, 2024


Mar 18, 2017
regarding the new pandemic (covid 2, monkeypox, or avian flu)... are people going to be as complacent as they were? i think thats lost its novelty, unless they start marburg and the jabbed people start dropping dead in the streets. no one will take monkeypox seriously.
The Establishment isn't going to beg us this time and bribe us with doughnuts, beer, prostitutes and porn just to get the shot. It will be forcefully done and that is why i believe that they want to corner people leaving them with no other choice (except death) but to get the shots. Collapsing the global markets at the same time that they push a new health scare makes sense because the average person will only agree to get the shots inorder to eat or if the State threatens to kidnap their kids. You forget they did exactly that in 2020....people said they got the shot because they wanted to travel or keep their jobs.
thats crazy. but im intrigued!!

scaramucci is still butthurt about trump booting him out during his term, so i would put zero stock in anything he says.
I know! It's crazy and i didn't post the Scaramucci tweet because it was strong enough material just something in that narrative.
Your thoughts on what Vivek was talking about here? Dems won't will be Republicans but not Trump.


Jun 17, 2017
I know! It's crazy and i didn't post the Scaramucci tweet because it was strong enough material just something in that narrative.
Your thoughts on what Vivek was talking about here? Dems won't will be Republicans but not Trump.
first, vivek actually seems human (unlike most of them). not that i trust him (like i said, hes a big pharma guy). i think hes alluding to the fact that if trump is (s)elected, the dems will claim he is ineligible for office because hes a felon or guilty of that insurrection, and the RINOs will have a vote and install a neocon president.

The Establishment isn't going to beg us this time and bribe us with doughnuts, beer, prostitutes and porn just to get the shot. It will be forcefully done and that is why i believe that they want to corner people leaving them with no other choice (except death) but to get the shots. Collapsing the global markets at the same time that they push a new health scare makes sense because the average person will only agree to get the shots inorder to eat or if the State threatens to kidnap their kids. You forget they did exactly that in 2020....people said they got the shot because they wanted to travel or keep their jobs.
theres no way the new shots will gain traction after all of this dirt about the dangers of the covid vaccines has come out in mainstream news. i cant see that happening. PLUS... covid destroyed brick and mortar. many people now work from home at their job (via zoom or something), and having the new vax wouldnt prevent them from doing their job. as far as shopping is concerned, theres amazon and that business (i cant remember) where theyll shop at supermarkets for you and deliver it, so you dont need to physically go to a/any store.

the global market collapse-- thats a possibility. i think the fed didnt change interest rates on the biden administrations orders so that the stock market dips and investors pull their money out and stick it in the bank to bolster the shaky banking situation. more banks will fail in the very near future, theyll print more money, crypto will skyrocket as people will put their money in that (why have it in fiat?), and then things will start coming apart from there.


Jun 17, 2017
RFK jr wouldnt make a good president, but id love to see him as health and human services secretary.
hes good with crypto and understanding vaccines. thats about it. he is completely out to lunch when it comes to the 2nd amendment.


Mar 18, 2017
The current head of the CFR (Michael Froman) while at Citigroup wrote out a list of Obama's cabinet picks most of the names on the list wound up in those positions.
The cabinet from hell...

It's clear that there is intense fighting between the factions on the lower rungs of the power ladder (like the election war gaming) but this would push the factions into the deep end.
If this scary group of radicals doesn’t light a fire in you to ensure President Trump gets reelected, nothing will.

it only makes sense since your boy tried to steal it last time and will again if he loses so why not be prepared?
My boy and his handlers won't go down without a fight this time. Both factions are prepared and the anarchist in you will revel in the carnage.

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
The cabinet from hell...

It's clear that there is intense fighting between the factions on the lower rungs of the power ladder (like the election war gaming) but this would push the factions into the deep end.
If this scary group of radicals doesn’t light a fire in you to ensure President Trump gets reelected, nothing will.

My boy and his handlers won't go down without a fight this time. Both factions are prepared and the anarchist in you will revel in the carnage.
Why would I want this when there’s like a 15 percent chance that the your side wins and you start you identitarian massacres of all non whites?

Another US civil war would be the worst war conflict in world history and would almost guarantee the end of civilization as we know it, why do you think I want this?

I may be anarcho-sympathetic but I’m not revolutionary, the changes necessary to save our world will be done through hollowing out the institutions of power while building parallel institutions to one day render the state useless but a civil war may very well lead to worldwide nazism or extinction/collapse of civilization the best case scenario in a civil war is free pockets of autonomous zones as in Rojava but the best scenario still leaves millions dead

I’m not the one dreaming of a day of judgement and retribution for my enemies I leave that to the Christians, Muslims, zionists and Nazis.


Jun 17, 2017
Why would I want this when there’s like a 15 percent chance that the your side wins and you start you identitarian massacres of all non whites?
where do you come up with this?

these non-white voters didnt get the message, apparently...
(btw, it was GREAT hearing that "being black" or "being a woman" wasnt a qualification for voting her in.)

trump already had a term in office and no one was massacred. why would he have waited for a second term to start the massacre?

if you have a bit of time, colonel (do you prefer that?), give a quick breakdown of what you think would happen during a trump presidency (and a harris presidency). im curious. you can describe this in terms of a world with no NWO involvement or with NWO involvement.
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Nov 8, 2022
Karlita: "Both factions are prepared..." Again and again. You cannot do a superficial analysis, let alone a deeper one.. And then "why are they making this revolution for us" - well, because you are stupid and you deserve it. Such fools, the cowardly naive people of the last days. But proud - if you tell them some things that they have not thought about, they do not read, because they know and are proud to be satisfied with their knowledge. Well, you are stupid, there is nothing more

With all the sins, a little bit of each. I mean: don't think at all that you don't deserve your fate. Why not?


Nov 8, 2022
A great reset is a great deal. This is exactly the kind of sifting that was needed to clean things up by arranging them hierarchically and - each with his deserved.
Apr 4, 2024
So RFK endorsed Trump and Trump said he would have RFK lead a panel into investigating the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and the attempt on Trump, as well as have RFK go after big pharma. Not gonna lie, sounds great. I just wish that something would actually come out of that...


Jun 17, 2017
So RFK endorsed Trump and Trump said he would have RFK lead a panel into investigating the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and the attempt on Trump
the investigations have been done already. good researchers like jim fetzer know what happened. second, all of the conspirators are dead now. 9/11 should be officially reopened and investigated, because we can still hang guiliani, bush, his brother, wolfowitz, cheney, whitman, etc.

as well as have RFK go after big pharma
a slap on the wrist with punitive damages only. the corporations will take a hit, and the people who planned the bioweapon will be free. that investigation will never go deep enough.


May 15, 2017
this is insane,how can anyone think this isn't a selection and that
they actually have a voice when it comes to tptb

so if the influencers were russian interference,who's doing this
interference,anyone wanna take a guess what the other side will
say?think it will start with c ?
it's all a show,they're all part of a club and We are NOT apart of it


May 15, 2017
I thought Ya needed to be an actual citizen to be able to vote
and it sounds like he is saying if Ya do vote than Ya are a citizen
regardless if Ya came the correct legal route or not
maybe this is why there's sanctuary cities



Jun 17, 2017

was on vacation last week. in general, all of the rural areas are heavily pro trump and the cities are liberal. i saw huge trump signs in the countryside while the city had "love is love, no matter what age" lawn signs.

harris has her mouth shut to keep her out of trouble, but with the aurora, CO "venezuelano gang" news reigniting the open border discussion, shes bound to look bad this week.

the debate should go bad for her. shes a poor speaker, and has everything to lose with a poor performance since no one has really heard her outline any real plan. plus, trump will finally bring up the fact that she
(1) watched bidens brain turn to mush over the course his presidency while she stated how sharp he was, (2) did nothing on the border problem, and (3) was partly responsible, being the VP of biden, for the horrible state of the economy.
with a few rehearsed sharp phrases and retorts, trump will wreck her and get the sliver of independent voters (mind boggling that there are registered voters on the fence about whom to vote for) to go with him (for this month, at least). i cant see kamala having a second debate. that would be suicide for her.

we still have an "october surprise" next month to keep us intrigued.

btw: RCP presently projects kamala winning, 273 to 265-- an 8 point swing.
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May 15, 2017
think the october surprise might be something to do with
joe all to get kh in the seat ahead of time
idk have to wait and See