God at Eventide

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Where to Find Me - Always. - August 21

Man so often seeks, and marvels that he does not find. Why? Because only along the path of simple obedience am I to be found.

I said, "I came not to do Mine own Will but the Will of Him that sent Me." I tread, as I always trod, the path of simple obedience. Along it shall I be found.

Man must be simply obedient to My Commands before his feet can come My way. Then, seeking, he truly finds Me. I said you must become as little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
True Power. - August 22

Many are speaking ABOUT Me, and they marvel that their words have no Force. They are not My Words, they are words about Me. Oh, how different.

The world is surfeited with words about Me.

The world needs to see Me, not to hear of My Power, but to see it in action. Not to hear of My Peace, but to see that it keeps My followers calm, unruffled and untroubled, no matter what the outward circumstances.

Not to hear of My Joy, but to see it, as from hidden depths of security, where true Power and Peace abide, it ripples to the surface of the life, and is revealed to those around.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Hunger for Righteousness. - August 23

Many are wondering why their desire for righteousness is not satisfied according to My Promise. But that Promise was on condition that there should be hunger and thirst. If the Truths I have given have not been absorbed, there can be no real hunger for more.

So, when you miss the Joy-Light on your path, when the vision seems lost, and the Voice silent, then ask yourself, have you failed to live out the lessons that you were taught?

Live out My teaching in your lives, and then, hungry for more, come to me, Bread of Life, Food of your souls.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Might and Majesty. - August 24

You see Me sometimes as the Man of Sorrows. Behold Me, too, in the Majesty of My God-head.

Not always can man disregard My Wishes and break My Commands.

I view the desecration of My Image, I see the ruin of the kingdom of earth which was to have been the Kingdom of the Lord. I see passions let loose and innocence spoiled, and man clamouring for the mastery.

Then the Man of Sorrows walks a King with flashing eyes, as He sees the down-trodden, the oppressed, the persecuted and the persecutor, the tyrant and the weak.

How long shall I have the patience? HOW LONG?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
House of the Spirit. - August 25

"Lest perhaps you should let them slip" - "Hold fast that thou hast." Each Truth learned has to be cemented to your Being by obedience.

Your soul-character is like a building. It IS a building (the Temple) in which the God-Spirit can make a Home.

Bricks lying on the ground separate are useless; placed together, united, they form a building. So obedience is the mortar by which Truths are retained and become a part of the Being. Truths which would otherwise be lost.

So every Truth I give you must be lived out.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
"I Die Daily." - August 26

I enjoined that if any man would follow Me (and I am The Way - the only way - home) he should deny himself and take up his cross.

The denial thus impressed upon My disciples as necessary was not a mere matter of discipline, of giving up, of going without.

It was a total repudiation of any claim the 'Self' might make, ignoring it, refusing to acknowledge it.

Not once was this to be done, but daily; there was to be a daily recrucifixion of any part of the 'Self'-life not already completely dead.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
One Spirit-led Family. - August 27

Have no fear. Wonders unfold.

In this Life or in the Larger Life, the lesson is the same - the absorption of My Spirit - living, thinking and acting in My Spirit, until others are forced to see and recognize its Power and claims.

Does this mean loneliness for My Follower? Nay, rather, though you, the human-'Self'-you, has no recognition, the real you, transformed by My Spirit, shares in all that fullness of operation and resultant Joy.

You are no isolated Being but one of a mighty Spirit-led family, partaker of all the family's well-being, co-operative in every act of each member, sharer of the blessing of each.

A foretaste this of Heaven's oneness and fulfillment.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Thread of Gold. - August 28

Let my Spirit of Calm enter your Being, and direct you, filling you with Peace and Power. Find in each day that thread of gold that runs through all, and that links up all the simple tasks and words and interests and feelings into one whole.

Consciously hand the day back to Me at its close, leaving with Me all that is incomplete. It is Heaven's work to complete man's imperfect or unfinished task, when it has been of Heaven's ordering.

See the Joy of Life, and you, by that very act, increase it. Joy grows by man's consciousness of Joy.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Divine Extravagance. - August 29

Let Christ be in you in all wealth of Wisdom.

It is the niggard attitude of My followers that casts a slur upon My religion.

Dwell upon the Divine extravagance of terms used by those who knew something of the wonder of my Kingdom - "The riches," "The wealth," "The fullness." There is no stint with God.

The only limit is set by the inability of My followers to take. Wealth of Wisdom and unlimited Power to help others may be yours.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Stand Invincible. - August 30

Life, earth-life, is a battle. A battle in which man will always be the loser unless he summons Eternal Life-Forces to his aid. Do this, and all that has the power to thwart you slinks back defeated.

Say, in the little as well as in the big things of life, "Nothing can harm, nothing can make me afraid. In Him I conquer." Stand invincible, face to the foes of life.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Heaven's Music. - August 31

Lift up your heart.

Lift it up - its love and its longings, leaving fears and faults behind.

Let your heart draw its strength and vitalising Joy and Confidence from Me, your Lord.

Let no vibration stir your Being, that is not in harmony with the Eternal Music of My Kingdom.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
It is Enough. - September 1

and I will speak.

I seldom force an entrance through many voices and distracting thoughts. There must be first the coming apart, and then the stilling of all else, as you wait in My Presence. Is it not enough that you are with Me?

Let that sometimes suffice.

It is truly much that I speak to you. But unless My Indwelling Spirit is yours, how can you carry out My wishes, and live as I would have you live?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
You Shall Hear. - September 2

Listen to My Voice. Share all your joys and sorrows and difficulties with Me, remembering always that we share the work.

More and more souls will be sent to you to help. Be ready, attuned to My slightest whisper. There is no lack of help for My servants, but so often they are not in a receptive mood.

Listen and you shall hear is the continuation of "Ask, and you shall receive," "Seek, and ye shall find," "Knock, and it shall be opened unto you -"

Listen, and you shall hear.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Your Failures are Mine. - September 3

Lord I present to Thee my failures. Only Thou couldst . . . repair the harm that I have wrought.

Because you are Mine I must identify Myself with all you are. I play the harmony of which you made such discord. I sound the hope in ears you had no charm of Love to woo from sin and failure.

I lead to happier ways those you misjudged, despised.

I take your failures, and because your desire is towards Me, and you know Me as Lord, these, your failures, it is My sacrificial task to bear, to reclaim.

Step up from your slough of failure in the robe of faith and love I give you.

Be strong to save as you have known salvation, strong in Me, your ever-conquering Lord.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
We Walk Together. - September 4

Lord I would walk with Thee.

See, I set My pace to yours as a loving parent does to that of his child.

So there must be much silence in our companionship, because you are not yet able to bear all the Wonder-Truth I long to impart.

But though words might find you unresponsive, you cannot fail to grow in My Presence, to grow in Grace, to grow in understanding.

So in that Rest I promised to those who come to Me, you do indeed gain the strength that comes from security in Love.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Love Leaps Forward. - September 5

You must keep close to Me.

Faithfulness is not merely obeying the expressed commands of My Written Word. It is the intuitive knowing of My Wish, by close and intimate contact, from which has grown true understanding of Me.

Even with this knowing, faithfulness can only be possible when you are fortified with the Strength that Communion with Me gives.

If you know My slightest wish, and have absorbed from Me the Strength in which to carry it out, then Love leaps forward, responsive, rejoicing in the Lord.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
No Pride. - September 6

Are you ready for training and discipline? Like my winter-trees, seemingly useless and impotent, to those who do not understand the enrooting in Me which keeps you steadfast amid storms and winter cold.

All through the dark months, when your beauty (your power to help and shield) has been sacrificed, you are yet drawing in strength and sustenance.

The time to help will come again, and you will have learned to have no personal pride in the beauty of your foliage and the restfulness of your shade.

You will use them for those who need them, but will give the glory to Me, your Lord.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
"Lord, My Lord!" - September 7

The human heart craves a Leader, one whose will it delights to obey.

It craves a oneness of aim and achievement with a loved one. It craves to be understood.

It craves to reveal itself without reservations, and to gain only strength thereby.

To gain, too, an ever more intimate revelation of the heart of the loved one. Where can the heart of man find satisfaction as with Me?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Perfect Harmony. - September 8

No discordant note mars your intercourse with Me, for only with Me can life be perfect harmony.

There may be much to regret on your part; failure; disloyalty; fear; sin.

In My Holy Presence all that is swept away by My Hand of Love. Only Love, Peace-bringing, Harmony-producing Love, remains. If you are to face the World and maintain your calm, you must take to the world, and your tasks in it, My Peace and Harmony.