God at Eventide

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Joy of Harvest. - August 1

He that reapeth receiveth wages and gathereth fruit unto life everlasting, that both he that reapeth and he that soweth may rejoice together.

Do you not see that if you are careless about the reaping you have prevented the harvest-joy of the sower?

If by your life and character you do not reap to the full that which they have sown, you are robbing them of the well-earned fruit of their labours.

Further learn this lesson. There are many of My workers and servants in different spheres of activity to whom you owe the seed of word or example or loving help that has influenced you.

It is a sacred trust. Use it fully. Pass-on what you have learned.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Still Love and Laugh. - August 2

This has ever been My command to you. Love and Laugh. There is a quality about true Love to which laughter is attune.

The Love that does not pulse with joy (of which laughter is the outward sign) is but solicitude. The Joy of Heaven is consciousness of God's Love.

It was that Love that brought Me to your world.

Consciousness of that Love called forth your joy. Study My Words in the Upper Room - "Loved of My Father"; "I will love him"; "That your Joy might be full."

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Love Lightens the Load. - August 3

In due season you shall reap if you faint not.

The Way may seem long and dreary.

Sometimes My Heart of Love aches that I have to ask you to tread so long and so weary a way. Yet to each of My followers the road chosen is surely the one best suited to his feet.

But feet grow weary. Have you let Love smooth the toilsome way? We walk together.
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Vision of Love. - August 4

Love is the flower.

Love is the seed from which that flower germinates.

Love is the soil in which it is nourished and grows.

Love is the sun that draws it to fulfillment.

Love is the fragrance that flower gives out.

Love is the vision that sees its beauty, and

God is Love, all-knowing, all-understanding, from whom all Good proceeds.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Love in the Unlovely. - August 5

Love to all must mark all you do if you own Me Lord, and if you would be a true follower of Me.

"His banner over me was Love." Those words express not only the loving Protection round you, but the banner under which you march as soldiers of Me, your Captain.

It serves to remind you of that for which you stand before the world. It is in Love's Name you march. In Love's Name you conquer. It is Love you are to take into the unlovely places of the world. It is the only equipment you need.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Deaf Ears. - August 6

Man cries for help. Man feels his need of Me. All unmindful that countless times I draw near unheard, pass on unnoticed, speak to deaf ears, touch brows fretted and wrinkled by earth's cares.

"The Christ is dead," man says.

Alive and longing, full of a living tenderness I passed his way to-day. He heeded not.

Man hears the storms, the wind, the earthquake, and his ears, still pulsing with the echoes, he hears no Still Small Voice. Oh, do not miss Me, My children.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Balm for All Ills. - August 7

Love and care and pray. Never feel helpless to aid those you love. I am their help. As you obey Me and follow My teaching in your daily life, you will bring that help into operation.

So, if you desire to be used to save another, turn to your own life. As far as you can, make it all that it should be.

Let your influence for Me extend ever further and further. Let Love be your balm for all ills. The Power in which you will break down all barriers.

It stands, too, for the Name of the God you love and serve. So, with His banner floating o'er you, go on in glad confidence to victory. Your task to help, to strengthen, raise, heal. Only as you love will you do this.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
No Hurt. - August 8

He that overcometh shall not be hurt by the second death.

The first death is the death to 'Self', the result of overcoming, of 'Self'-conquest. This is gradual death.

When it is complete, the second death shall cause no hurt. For it is only the conquering Spirit sloughing away its human habitation for a better Life.

The courage My Martyrs showed was not only fearlessness engendered in time of persecution through faith in Me, and in My power to support and sustain. It was consequent on the overcoming of 'Self' already achieved. 'Self', having truly died, this second death had no hurt for them.

Theirs was then the Risen Life with Me.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Undivided. - August 9

Live in My Peace.

There must be no divided life in this.

Peace in your heart. That heart-rest that comes from constant communion with Me, and from an undisturbed trust in Me.

Then Peace round you, where others are conscious of Me, and of that Peace as My Gift, and of the rest and strength and charm into which they are drawn.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Glad Surprise. - August 10

Live so near to Me that you may never miss the opportunity of being used by Me. It is the prepared instrument, lying nearest to the Master Craftsman's Hand, that is seized to do the work.

So be very near Me, and you cannot fail to be much used. Remember that Love is the Great Interpreter, so that those who love you and are near to you are the ones you can help the most.

Do not pass them by for others, though your influence and helpfulness will gradually spread, in an ever widening circle. You will live in a spirit of glad surprise.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Absolute Honesty. - August 11

Learn to act slowly with sanctified caution.

Precipitancy has no part in My Kingdom.

Be more deliberate in everything, with the deliberation that should characterize every soul, for it is one of the credentials of that Kingdom.

Lack of poise and dignity means lack of Spiritual Power, and this it must be your aim to possess.

Be truthful in all things, honest with an honesty that can be challenged by the world, and by the standards of My Kingdom, too.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Holy Revelry. - August 12

Live with Me. Work with Me. Ever delight to do My Holy Will. Let this be the satisfaction of your lives. Revel in it.

Let the wonder of My care for you be so comforting that you may see no dullness in drudgery, in delay . . .

The Glory of My leading (the wonder of its intimacy) reveals such tender knowledge of you, past and future.

Let this reveal Me to you, and so daily increase your knowledge of Me.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The Road You Took. - August 13

Look back at The Way I have led you.

Say to yourself, "Is not my Lord as strong to-day as in the days that lie behind me? Did He not save me when human aid was powerless? Did He not keep His Promise, and protect and care for me? Can I, remembering that, doubt His Power now?"

So you will gain confidence and a firmer trust. As your faith is thus strengthened, My Power can operate more freely and fully on your behalf.

You are only beginning to realize My Wonders. You will see them unfold more and more as you go on. Bring Me into all you do, into every plan, every action.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Riches of His Grace. - August 14

It is for My followers to make My Word, the very Word of God, attractive.

My Word has to dwell in you richly. There must be no stinting, no poverty, but an abundance of rich supply.

Note the dwell. Nothing fitful, as I have told you. Make its home there. Fittingly belong there. No question of meagre or exhausted supply.

The Word of God grows in meaning, in intensity, for you, as you bring it into operation.

Remember, too, the Word of God is that Word made flesh, Who dwells with you, your Lord Christ (the Anointed) Jesus (Saviour).

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
My Image Restored. - August 15

Look unto Me until your gaze becomes so intense that you absorb the Beauty of Holiness.

Then truly is the petty, unworthy 'Self' ousted from your nature. Look to Me. Speak to Me. Think of Me.

So you become transformed by the renewing of your mind. Other thoughts, other desires, other ways follow, for you become transformed into My Likeness.

Thus you vindicate The Ways of God with man - man made in His Image, that Image marred, but I still had trust in man; trust that man, seeing the God-Image in Me, the man Christ Jesus, would aspire to be remade and rise again - into My Likeness.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Expectancy. - August 16

In all your work, your meetings with others, have ever the consciousness of My brooding Love surrounding you. Continue ye in My Love.

Meet Me at eventide with loving expectancy.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Premature Blessing. - August 17

Give me strength to wait Thy time, accept Thy discipline.

Only your failure to do this can delay the answers to your many prayers.

The blessing you crave needs a trained, disciplined life, or it would work your ruin and bring upon you a world's criticism that could but harm the very cause, My Cause, which you so ardently seek to serve.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Broken Bonds. - August 18

Loose the fetters that bind me to earth and material things.

They shall be loosed. Even now your prayer is being answered. But you can only be completely released as you live with Me more and more.

Thought-freedom from 'Self'-claims comes by a process of substitution. For every claim of 'Self', substitute My claim. For every thought of fear or resentment substitute a thought of security in Me and of Joy in My Service. For every thought of limitation, of helplessness, substitute one of the Power of a Spirit-aided life.

Do this persistently. At first with deliberate effort, until it becomes an almost unconscious habit. The fetters will snap and gradually you will realize the wonder of your freedom.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Bounteous Giving. - August 19

Lord I ask for Thine unlimited supply.

I give with no niggard hand. See the Beauty in Nature, the profusion, the generosity. When I give you a work to do, a need of another's to meet, My supply knows no bounds.

You, too, must learn this Divine generosity, not only towards the lonely, the needy, whom you contact, but towards Me, your Lord.

Measure the wealth of Mary's gift by the offerings given to Me nowadays by those who profess their Love for Me. Ungenerous giving dwarfs the soul.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Glorious Opportunity. - August 20

Man's life is no tragedy or comedy staged by a God of Whims.

It is man's glorious opportunity of regaining what humanity lost - assisted by the One Who found the path-direct, and Who is ready at every point, and all along The Way to supply man with the Life Eternal.

That Life Eternal which alone enables him to breathe, even here and now, the very air of Heaven, and to be inspired with the Spirit-Life in which I lived on earth; God made man.