Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

Dec 26, 2017
Is too much of a coincidence for me to ignore it and I'm not buying SM reasons

seeing all the pictures with SM artists with coal briquetes is disturbing because these same idols were crying and suffering at Jonghyun's funeral just a few days ago, now they are posing and smiling while holding the same thing Jonghyun used to kill himself?

this whole thing looks like a parody of his death
this whole thing is disgusting, how can these celebrities smile with that substance that he supposedly killed himself with? but these celebrities is puppet and if company ask them to smile, they will

it is noticeable that there is no shinee member here participated
Dec 26, 2017
sorry, this will definitely sound stupid but... why just coals? SM is rich, why didn't they buy them heaters at least? it will last longer and they would benefit from it more than just coals.

EDIT: Apparently low-income families in Korea use coal, because they don't have any electricity. In my country even poor families have access to gas heating and electricity. Some don't, but others help them, or the town (in which they live) covers it.
I believe that they are doing that deliberately, so they are basically sending message to the insider that this activity is signifying the ritual sacrifice for jonghyun, they are sending these coal as part of the ritual of sacrifice to those naive families, instead of buying them something better like heater
Dec 26, 2017
Guys just be careful when talking about this. Some Korean censorship organizations (?), are going after people who talk about Jonghyun's alleged suicide.
the censorship will start to creep more and more, it will finally reach the internet and later we won't be allowed to post anything under the excuse of spreading 'fake news" or "hurting the feelings of the family' we should blindly accept all the BS of the media


Dec 22, 2017
this whole thing is disgusting, how can these celebrities smile with that substance that he supposedly killed himself with? but these celebrities is puppet and if company ask them to smile, they will

it is noticeable that there is no shinee member here participated
Exactly. Even if people want to say this is another coincidence (their favorite excuse)
How can you explain all those SM artists taking pictures with that substance after what happened?
Are they really that dense that they cant see the conection to Jonghyun and how this is just in bad taste and disrespecful to him and his family?

SM could give so many things: Blankets, clothes, etc. But they chose to give coal briquettes. Am I supposed to believe they had no bad intentions?


Jan 8, 2018
Lol at BTS fans coming after a 12-year old kid for not liking RM.
I used to like RM... that was until I heard about the possibility of him being a handler to the other members ...
ARMYs are just like fans of other artists,bashing people who don't like BTS or someone from BTS.
I used to love BTS,but I did see the satanism in all their videos,and I opted for listening to the music and I stopped watching the videos...but the lyrics seem to be disturbing.


Jan 9, 2018
Hello everyone I am new here but I am so glad i found this thread! You're all very smart i like all of you lol

I wanted to share my experience with kpop even though it was short lived. It began in mid November 2017 and I wouldn't say that i was really into kpop because i only really listened to bts BUT i will say what i thought was just innocent music curiosity turned so dark. i started becoming slowly obsessed with these guys which is a very strange thing for me because i never have been obsessed with artist before. i found myself getting sad about my image because i wasn't looking like these kpop idols , i wasn't fitting the ideal type and i wasn't "talented" enough like any of them. I began to compare myself to these people especially jungkook (because were from the same year). WHICH IS STRANGE BECAUSE NEVER IN MY LIFE HAD I EVER GONE THROUGH THIS.

It all felt strange to me and that's when I thought maybe something is wrong, because music should make you feel good not bring you down.

Also I don't think the bts guys are bad (maybe RM.. weird vibes) , but something is weird about their music or maybe just kpop in gerneral
sorry for the long post lol


Jan 4, 2018
Bts V is best friends with Park Bogum you said that Park Bo gum was part of a cult?
where did that come from and plus these are some pics they took together:



Dec 29, 2017
From the p60 to the eyes are burning, my brain is malfunctioning and I think at some point I had a taste of iron in my mouth :eek:
I thought I would be a fast reader, it took me nearly 5h !!....Thank you Lord I made it

I think this thread is becoming too dangerous for me....too addictive XD
Dec 26, 2017
Jonghyun is not a "family" to SM (and maybe other SM artists). For SM, he's just a slave. For SM artists, he's nobody, they just pretend to be sad. I remember looking at jonghyun instagram, and he rarely upload the photos of shinee member. Only with taemin n only 1 picture. Other than that, the pictures of his friend is from another company like zion.t, jung joon young, etc. Almost everybody in SM (and in that entertainment industry) pretending to be jonghyun's friend.

It's really sad, i'm not a fan of jonghyun, but as a fellow human, it's sad to see them mocking about jonghyun's death. Are they even a human?
from what I know, JongHyun was so close to Taemin and he was the closest of all, I am not sure about other members, but at one time before he was also close to Key but recently Key distanced toward more into Minho(but still can see that Key is really hurt), but any way, I think he probably will be closer to Shinee members then the SM artists, I don't believe he was close to other SM artists

at least I am glad that Shinee members hasn't participated in this disgusting activity of giving coal o_O


Dec 22, 2017
This is the only song i can think of mentioning "illuminati":
"Everyday we getting big money illuminati
There’s no eternal star but that’s not us
People ask where I got it all from
“Your money, is your family rich?”
Man this is my fuckin rap money
Thank God oh my God, my soul did a good job, R.I.P"