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  1. Tikawanda

    Wendy Williams "faints" On Live Tv

    Eh. She's an attention-seeking drama queen, so she may've been faking it.
  2. Tikawanda

    Is The Illuminati Really Supposed To Win?

    Revolution sounds easy, but it's not. I'd wager that it's practically impossible at this point since almost no one can agree on anything to begin with, so how are people supposed to unite? Talking to people about this subject is like talking to a wall.
  3. Tikawanda

    U.s. Emp Drill Planned For Nov. 4-6

    Seems like Jade Helm 2.0, in the sense that I doubt anything will come of this.
  4. Tikawanda

    Society For The Colonization Of Antartica

    I do wonder if Antarctica will ever have actual cities someday, or if it'll remain mostly uninhabitable forever.
  5. Tikawanda

    Would You Buy A Alexa Or Not?

    I'm pretty sure that all of my devices already spy on my online activities and send my personal info to various government agencies, but even so, I wouldn't confide in Alexa.
  6. Tikawanda

    Bible Codes: Nasa Discovery Of Nibiru Is Pre-messianic Warning To World [video]

    The source is a Zionist website, so I'm not sure why anything claimed in the article would be taken seriously. :oops:
  7. Tikawanda

    Was Socrates Black Or White?

    Why does it matter if he was Black or White or anything in between? It seems like a moot point to me; I haven't even seen SJWs debate this, which says a lot since they're usually the first ones who would raise hell over race identity.
  8. Tikawanda

    October 31st, Next False Flag Attack?

    Well, we already died on September 23rd, so what more is there to fear? :confused:
  9. Tikawanda

    California Fire- Haarp

    It's California; we get devastating wildfires every year. I don't think this one is manufactured.
  10. Tikawanda

    Pc Culture Is Fascism

    I can't completely sympathize with the complaints about the Left & political correctness, because the Right is just as bad, only at the opposite end of the spectrum obviously. I wouldn't want to live in a world where either the Left or the Right have complete control, so I just try my best to...