Annoying Trends

Oct 20, 2021
I can't STAND those home videos shows either, the ones where everyone gets hurt! It's not even funny, I don't see how someone in pain could be considered so. Just another way to desensitize the population, so when someone truly gets hurt around them, they will just laugh it off like it's nothing.
I can see why you guys would be annoyed with this trend.
At least Bob Saget is no longer around.
Jun 26, 2022
I can't STAND those home videos shows either, the ones where everyone gets hurt! It's not even funny, I don't see how someone in pain could be considered so. Just another way to desensitize the population, so when someone truly gets hurt around them, they will just laugh it off like it's nothing.
I can see why you guys would be annoyed with this trend.
I agree, not funny at all.

It would seem we are living in a dystopia as predictive programmed in the movie idiocracy

Jun 26, 2022
I haven't heard of this movie, but wow, it sure does seem like there was some predicting there!
I highly recommend.

It's a comedy, so it doesn't really focus on the "why" but it's one of the best predictive programming movies, in my opinion. All the elements are there - people getting dumber and amused by stupidity, complete inability to follow logic, breakdown of functioning society, people walking around like advertisements, lewd sexual conduct (the movie is not graphic tho), etc.
Jul 12, 2022
I highly recommend.

It's a comedy, so it doesn't really focus on the "why" but it's one of the best predictive programming movies, in my opinion. All the elements are there - people getting dumber and amused by stupidity, complete inability to follow logic, breakdown of functioning society, people walking around like advertisements, lewd sexual conduct (the movie is not graphic tho), etc.
I will have to check this out one day, thanks for the recommendation! It's really eerie how accurate they make these things, and if we ever say that these programs are actually telling the truth, people would say it's just a movie! Happened when I tried to mention the book 1984 to someone I know, and this person said it's just a book, can't be true. That's how they get us. Put it in works of "fiction"


Jul 24, 2022
Barber shops seem to be falling out of fashion. When I was a lad, it was a semi-monthly routine to go to the barber shop with my Dad. Those were the days when the standard cut for men was the Burr. I don't know what they call that these days. I started to call it the Howie when I was a devotee of that football show that had Howie on it. I haven't watched that in many years. I gave up Sportsball over a decade ago.

ANYWAY, there has been in my town only one or two or maybe three barber shops for most of the past century: there has always been the traditional Whites; there has always been the Mexican and "others" shop (founded by a pair of Vietnamese refugees from THAT war); and there has always been one in the darker part of town, an area we still call "Dalworth" for the name of its main street. Keep in mind that I grew up in the segregated times past (our schools did not integrate until the mid 1970s). These virtually segregated barber shops were simply a reflection of the "way it was" for us; nobody batted an eye or complained, and one could go to any of these establishments and be hair-cutted; in fact we often did patronize shops in the "other" parts of town when (for example) Don was sick or on his vacation.

Don has passed on many years now (his was the "Whites" shop); the Palace shop (Vietnamese) is now closed also; I know that one of the brothers retired some years ago, and the other brother must be about ninety years old by now. I think you can still find a cut in Dalworth if you looked or asked for one. More likely you'll find some bar-b-q and a cold beer with Bubba; I'd wager to bet that he'd offer a free cut with his hedge trimmers, though.

We've got a Barber College in town now. Lots of students, but they're just there to collect their Pell Grants and fulfill probation requirements. A few of their graduates (who seem to be mostly Hispanic) opened a shop in old downtown but they cater especially to the Hispanic population. I've gotten a cut there when the Palace was closed. I didn't like the atmosphere--it gave me a disco feel instead of the traditional home-spun barber. To each his own.

I think most people now just cut their own hair, or let a family or friend do the cutting. That picture of the faddish haircut reminds me of what we called a Jellyroll cut. Short side, long top. The top is not quite a Jellyroll, but it could easily be a J-roll with some Dippity-Do and proper combing.

As for myself: I haven't been to the barber in many a year. My hair goes uncut and is now kept in a ponytail that now reaches near to my butt. Ever oncet in a while I'll just reach back and give it a snip out in the front yard. Gives the birds and squirrels a bit of nesting material.
Oct 20, 2021
Barber shops seem to be falling out of fashion. When I was a lad, it was a semi-monthly routine to go to the barber shop with my Dad. Those were the days when the standard cut for men was the Burr. I don't know what they call that these days. I started to call it the Howie when I was a devotee of that football show that had Howie on it. I haven't watched that in many years. I gave up Sportsball over a decade ago.

ANYWAY, there has been in my town only one or two or maybe three barber shops for most of the past century: there has always been the traditional Whites; there has always been the Mexican and "others" shop (founded by a pair of Vietnamese refugees from THAT war); and there has always been one in the darker part of town, an area we still call "Dalworth" for the name of its main street. Keep in mind that I grew up in the segregated times past (our schools did not integrate until the mid 1970s). These virtually segregated barber shops were simply a reflection of the "way it was" for us; nobody batted an eye or complained, and one could go to any of these establishments and be hair-cutted; in fact we often did patronize shops in the "other" parts of town when (for example) Don was sick or on his vacation.

Don has passed on many years now (his was the "Whites" shop); the Palace shop (Vietnamese) is now closed also; I know that one of the brothers retired some years ago, and the other brother must be about ninety years old by now. I think you can still find a cut in Dalworth if you looked or asked for one. More likely you'll find some bar-b-q and a cold beer with Bubba; I'd wager to bet that he'd offer a free cut with his hedge trimmers, though.

We've got a Barber College in town now. Lots of students, but they're just there to collect their Pell Grants and fulfill probation requirements. A few of their graduates (who seem to be mostly Hispanic) opened a shop in old downtown but they cater especially to the Hispanic population. I've gotten a cut there when the Palace was closed. I didn't like the atmosphere--it gave me a disco feel instead of the traditional home-spun barber. To each his own.

I think most people now just cut their own hair, or let a family or friend do the cutting. That picture of the faddish haircut reminds me of what we called a Jellyroll cut. Short side, long top. The top is not quite a Jellyroll, but it could easily be a J-roll with some Dippity-Do and proper combing.

As for myself: I haven't been to the barber in many a year. My hair goes uncut and is now kept in a ponytail that now reaches near to my butt. Ever oncet in a while I'll just reach back and give it a snip out in the front yard. Gives the birds and squirrels a bit of nesting material.
A pony tail that reaches your butt? I assume you are a female?


Jul 10, 2023
These boots:
They have been worn by so many people over the course of seven years or so now, it's so irritating.
The price also says it all.
Just because something is popular, doesn't mean everyone has to jump on the bandwagon lol


Jul 24, 2022
I assume you are a female?
You'd be wrong. Many men my age wear a ponytail now. After so many years of going to the barber religiously to keep it trimmed for the office, its a refreshing respite. Saves money, too.

Most people just think of us as old hippies.
Jun 26, 2022
There's also been a trend of barbershops/haircut places that cater exclusively to children. The seats are shaped like little cars or planes and there's a screen in front of each one showing cartoons.

I took my son once and the lady got mad because i declined the lollipop lol.


Jul 24, 2022
There's also been a trend of barbershops/haircut places that cater exclusively to children. The seats are shaped like little cars or planes and there's a screen in front of each one showing cartoons.

I took my son once and the lady got mad because i declined the lollipop lol.
Well that's weird. I have only seen the "booster" seats in a barber shop ... those little benches they would place in the chair to boost the victim up a bit. Plus, they give lollipops now? Shoot, I never got NUTHIN. and CARTOONS?? Man no wonder all these special spoiled snowflakes are cropping up all around. In my day we got our asses beat and LIKED it by Gar.

WHICH REMINDS ME ... the elder one (my ancient Granny) asked yersterday if they weren't clean sheets on the bed in the spare bedroom. I said no, Why you ask, Old One? and she said my worthless nephew was a-comin' for a spell from Californy, would I please put the sheets on the baid for his lazy ass. And I said, "He can damn well do it hisself Granny, I got a game leg and a poor back and I ain't runnin' no hotel. Con sar if she didn't way WELL I guess I'll have to do it MY SELF. And I said You go do what you want, but I ain't going to spoil no 50 year old man. And BTW Granny, the trash in there is HIS'n anyways, he just left all that trash when he moved out years ago, and I'll be Gosh Darned if I'm gonna touch his leavins, he a grown man and he can do it his self.

Boy Howdy, she made a big dramatic production of a-huffin' and a-puffin' and workin' her bones to a frazzle just soes that lazy-ass PoS could have a nice time of a hotel experience. BTW this is the BROTHER of the cross-dressing creep that I banned from the property, I ain't havin' no damn weirdo-lookin' Klingon hangin' around here. Honest to GOD, he looks like a Female Klingon--and you KNOW them things is BUTT UGLY.

That side of the family got some bad roots, they musta took after my Uncle Red.