Bella Thorne


Dec 28, 2021
Did anyone see the recent quotes from Bella Thorne on a podcast with Emily Ratajkowski saying she was fired or denied a role at age 10 for supposedly flirting with the director? She said it was crazy that an adult would accuse a child of this and that even if she said “come eat my bleep right now” she was just a child and he should not call it flirting.
I think it’s clear Bella has been a product of the industry for a young age and as gross and sad as it is I can absolutely see an mk ultra child programmed for sex coming on seductively to an adult if she’s been sexually abused and mk ultra programmed her whole life.
just a sad gross story overall and I’m not sure why she’d even share it.


Dec 31, 2022
i dont believe anything celebrities say in the media these days anything can be said or the shit they come up with can be fabricated just to make people pay attention to them, aka its an other distraction tactic. dont believe everything you read see or hear about celebrities


Dec 28, 2021
i dont believe anything celebrities say in the media these days anything can be said or the shit they come up with can be fabricated just to make people pay attention to them, aka its an other distraction tactic. dont believe everything you read see or hear about celebrities
Very true!


Dec 31, 2022
Very true!
the thing i dont get its always got to be about the rich the rich dont care about ordinary ppl so long as they can rake in the views and make money from shitty stuff like podcasts and youtube channels and people are dumb enough these days to give the rich so much attention and money its baffling really that folk still blabbing about the rich online when theres more things they could be doing with themselves ik i have done it too but im fckng tired and bored of the rich ngl


Dec 28, 2021
the thing i dont get its always got to be about the rich the rich dont care about ordinary ppl so long as they can rake in the views and make money from shitty stuff like podcasts and youtube channels and people are dumb enough these days to give the rich so much attention and money its baffling really that folk still blabbing about the rich online when theres more things they could be doing with themselves ik i have done it too but im fckng tired and bored of the rich ngl
I am too honestly. In this situation it just seemed like a sad and perfect example of how kids in the entertainment industry are abused and groomed and set on a course of exploitation from a young age that they just can’t escape from. Look at her career and trajectory and who she is now and how she lives and makes her money and it’s so obvious. It is a waste of time to speculate when there’s more important and dire things going on but hey this is a forum for such discussions, so here we are.


Dec 31, 2022
I am too honestly. In this situation it just seemed like a sad and perfect example of how kids in the entertainment industry are abused and groomed and set on a course of exploitation from a young age that they just can’t escape from. Look at her career and trajectory and who she is now and how she lives and makes her money and it’s so obvious. It is a waste of time to speculate when there’s more important and dire things going on but hey this is a forum for such discussions, so here we are.
honestly i only know of her from disney which is a heavily controlling and fabricated industry where it factory produces tossers like her and miley cyrus and the likes its odd how a lot of celebrities are programmed to indoctrinate people into following celebrities lmfao, as though we cant not concentrate on ourselves we must have all these mindgames that the elites like to play on society and we must normalise celebrities and worship all their aspects of them its fucking weird that you can google so much about celebrities but it still wont add any value its judt mindless information that we dont need about them but the elites seem to think they can put these dumbarse celebrities out give them a background story and fool people into following fabricated celebrities. its why the likes of kpop has so many groups because they factory produce them using similar blueprint as most celebrities in the west, they all seem to have thay woe is them narrative despite them being far richer than the rest of us i also cant stand it when they use the social media platforms to further cry about shit get offline do smth else oh wait its not in their narrative to be fckn normal


Jun 8, 2019
I think if people like Bella were sexualized at a young age or around adults who behaved like that, of course she would pick it up and do it too, maybe without even realizing what she's doing. Kids are sponges and learn by observation and imitation. (She could be MK'd but I think these points are still important regardless.)

For example, little kids twerking/sexual dances in TikTok videos - they probably don't know the sexual context, they just think it's a fun dance move they saw and are just playing. My cousins and I used to imitate the Jingle Bell Rock dance from Mean Girls when we were preteens/maybe a little younger not knowing it was sexy/suggestive, we were just kids dancing around doing something fun we saw on TV, the adults thought it was "cute" and were just happy we were occupied and not bothering them when they were socializing.


Dec 31, 2022
I think if people like Bella were sexualized at a young age or around adults who behaved like that, of course she would pick it up and do it too, maybe without even realizing what she's doing. Kids are sponges and learn by observation and imitation. (She could be MK'd but I think these points are still important regardless.)

For example, little kids twerking/sexual dances in TikTok videos - they probably don't know the sexual context, they just think it's a fun dance move they saw and are just playing. My cousins and I used to imitate the Jingle Bell Rock dance from Mean Girls when we were preteens/maybe a little younger not knowing it was sexy/suggestive, we were just kids dancing around doing something fun we saw on TV, the adults thought it was "cute" and were just happy we were occupied and not bothering them when they were socializing.
if im being honest i could care less about tiktok if kids want to be treated like objects when they do sexual dances bc its a tiktok trend then so be it. kids dont seem to have any consequences for using that stupid garbage app anyway so i say let them do it and let them ruin themselves


Jun 8, 2019
if im being honest i could care less about tiktok if kids want to be treated like objects when they do sexual dances bc its a tiktok trend then so be it. kids dont seem to have any consequences for using that stupid garbage app anyway so i say let them do it and let them ruin themselves
The thing is that the kids probably don't realize the behavior is sexual or that social media is addictive. Which is why it's important for the adults to watch out and guide them, the same way you guide kids away from other dangerous behavior like playing in the middle of a busy street.

Definitely agree TikTok is garbage. I don't use the app and never will.


Dec 31, 2022
The thing is that the kids probably don't realize the behavior is sexual or that social media is addictive. Which is why it's important for the adults to watch out and guide them, the same way you guide kids away from other dangerous behavior like playing in the middle of a busy street.

Definitely agree TikTok is garbage. I don't use the app and never will.
it seems like tiktok is for kids yet theres grown adults using the app too its so cringe worthy something id never do esp when the app is data laundering the users information well any site and app does that but still i wouldnt trust any app that comes from china. plus these days kids dont mind being used for entertainment be it on youtube instragram or tiktok so what else can we say about it? people arent resposnible online anyway *shrugs* lmfao. theres family channels which specifically put their addresses out for anyone to google and then they put bragging tiktoks about how rich they are which makes them liable to be robbed.


Dec 28, 2021
it seems like tiktok is for kids yet theres grown adults using the app too its so cringe worthy something id never do esp when the app is data laundering the users information well any site and app does that but still i wouldnt trust any app that comes from china. plus these days kids dont mind being used for entertainment be it on youtube instragram or tiktok so what else can we say about it? people arent resposnible online anyway *shrugs* lmfao. theres family channels which specifically put their addresses out for anyone to google and then they put bragging tiktoks about how rich they are which makes them liable to be robbed.
I don’t know how true this is but I heard or read that TikTok in china is educational while here it is downright detrimental. So they’re building up their youth while tearing ours down.


Mar 26, 2021
I find Bella Thorne very credible. She seems like a child who was literally prostituted out at a very young age and is preternaturally worldworn.

I get the impression that she doesn’t care what she loses from it, even her life, she’s going to throw it all out there and see if anyone will pay attention.

In interviews, she’s not playing the game, she’s confessing what she knows and sharing what she’s experienced and it’s like no one can hear her. Sometimes she’ll say something point blank to an interviewer and they’ll just gloss over it and she’ll glare at them, incredulously while they do.

I think of the speech given by the character Rose in “Titanic”, explaining a feeling of social powerlessness and being swept up in social forces beyond your control:

... I Feel I'm Standing In The Middle Of A Crowded Room, Screaming At The Top Of My Lungs, And No One Even Looks Up."

That’s exactly what I think best explains Thorne trying to communicate exactly what she experienced as a child star, to those paid to ignore or deflect it.