How And Why Does Israel Have So Much Power?


May 17, 2020


May 8, 2023
Simply put, they have money printing machines that they have outlawed every non-Jew and non-Zionist from having. They sit on their asses, don't do any work of any kind (except plan on how to kill humanity), print themselves billions to trillions of dollars, and think they are gods. This causes mass inflation.


May 8, 2023
What really pisses me off are those absolute retards who completely shut down, dismiss everything as "conspiracy theories", who refuse to think further and dead end their thinking. Those people are actual useful idiots, useless eaters that will be killed off when the Georgia Guidestones and Deagel's mass population genocide objectives are reached.

I have been studying conspiracies for over 15 years and they are ALL Jewish


Jun 28, 2020
I have been studying conspiracies for over 15 years and they are ALL Jewish
This is probably true for the past 25 years. Even before then. As every conspiracy I can think of since 9/11 does lead back to Zion. But saying "all" might be pushing it.

Idk, how about the gulf of Tonkin, a false flag that put the US in Vietnam. Did Israel benefit? Idk. Pearl Harbor is another. We knew an attack was coming but did nothing because the US wanted war. Did this benefit Israel? idk.

I guess you could say false flags are not conspiracies, but what is a conspiracy? It's 2 or more people conspiring to break the law, So imo false flags would count. 9/11 is certainly a false flag and probably the biggest conspiracy in our lifetime. It absolutely stripped American freedoms. All they have to do is call you a terrorist, and you're off to Gitmo without trial.

I could be wrong, Idk, tying them to everything seems excessive. Reality is, not every Jew is evil. I can recommend 3 or 5 without thought. David Sheen, Norman Finkelstein, Gilad Atzmon.

Somewhat of a confliction actually, The Bible says they are not Jews (Rev 2:9 and 3:9) and this is clear as 70% of Israelis claim atheism. On the other hand, when Islamic prophecy says Muslims will end Jewish supremacy, it calls them Jews.
Idk, sorry for the long-winded post.
Mar 30, 2017
Informative episode with Gordon and Matt discussing the nuances within Judaism and zionism and factions within both camps. @DavidSon , have you watched this as I know you also watch Matt Ehret. It's long show, but they do cover a lot of material:

Breaking History Ep 50: The Roots of the Pale of Settlement (2hrs, 1min)


Jan 29, 2018
What really pisses me off are those absolute retards who completely shut down, dismiss everything as "conspiracy theories", who refuse to think further and dead end their thinking. Those people are actual useful idiots, useless eaters that will be killed off when the Georgia Guidestones and Deagel's mass population genocide objectives are reached.

I have been studying conspiracies for over 15 years and they are ALL Jewish
I dont know about all... but lets just say they punch way above their weight in that department.
Mar 30, 2017
Israel's Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine

This is a great documentary of zionism controlling the US. I liked the fact that it's by a former zionist and Jew and references Christopher Bollyn, who I always enjoy reading and listening to. Needless to say, Matthew discloses a lot. There was always the suspicion that they were responsible for the deaths of JFK (I couldn't believe the "wink"!) and RFK, but after watching this, there's no need for anymore speculation. It even confirmed the assassination of JFK Jr.

On the YT version, someone suggested that it should be in home theatre and school. I agree, but would Americans do anything differently if it was? To reference, Karly posted this tweet here:

That military spending is all due to Israel while the world watches the US fall in real time, I'm reminded of this quote:



May 20, 2017
That military spending is all due to Israel while the world watches the US fall in real time, I'm reminded of this quote:

More than just military spending.
The Zionists believe that the withdrawal of US support would be an existential threat to Israel.
As such, they control many spheres, from the political sphere, the media sphere, the justice sphere, and a large part of the educational sphere.

The American form of government required a moral and informed citizenry and they have ensured the opposite.

Give them bread and circuses, and they will never revolt.
Juvenal (circa 55–127 A.D.), Roman poet

It would require a significant challenge to dislodge this tumor state.


Nov 29, 2023
This is a great documentary of zionism controlling the US. I liked the fact that it's by a former zionist and Jew and references Christopher Bollyn, who I always enjoy reading and listening to. Needless to say, Matthew discloses a lot. There was always the suspicion that they were responsible for the deaths of JFK (I couldn't believe the "wink"!) and RFK, but after watching this, there's no need for anymore speculation. It even confirmed the assassination of JFK Jr.

On the YT version, someone suggested that it should be in home theatre and school. I agree, but would Americans do anything differently if it was? To reference, Karly posted this tweet here:

That military spending is all due to Israel while the world watches the US fall in real time, I'm reminded of this quote:

Wow, did Netanyahu really say that? That's insane.
Mar 30, 2017
Wow, did Netanyahu really say that? That's insane.
Yes, he did. I posted about the comment earlier in the thread. It was to Johnathan Pollard:



Nov 29, 2023
Yes, he did. I posted about the comment earlier in the thread. It was to Johnathan Pollard:

Thanks. I wasn't questioning the previous exchange, I just wanted to check that I wasn't missing anything.

I can't get my head around how he could say something as disgusting as that, and doesn't get reprimanded? And various forum users actually think he's a good guy??? There is no explanation for that level of stupidity / arrogance.
Mar 30, 2017
I can't get my head around how he could say something as disgusting as that, and doesn't get reprimanded?
I understand your questions are probably rhetorical, but in case they aren't, who's going to reprimand him? The closest thing we have are the arrest warrants from the ICC. Whether or not they hold any legitimacy is yet to be seen. The man is clearly a psychopath and he and his ilk have had the US under their thumb for more than ½ a century.

And various forum users actually think he's a good guy??? There is no explanation for that level of stupidity / arrogance.
It describes the tone on here who root for him and are apathetic towards what's transpiring in Palestine, IMHO. I just finished listening to Matt Ehret where he described what's happening from a geopolitical standpoint is a moral decay of the West and what's happening in Palestine is evidence of that. As each day passes, the sides become more defined between good and evil and history will reflect back to see what nations that actually had moral integrity and cared about humanity. Matt does hold out some hope for the future as he did say in one of his videos history has proven that things can turn around in the 11th hour.

I also keep this phrase in mind because Israel's hubris and spreading their global hatred couldn't be anymore evident:

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Nov 29, 2023
I understand your questions are probably rhetorical, but in case they aren't, who's going to reprimand him? The closest thing we have are the arrest warrants from the ICC. Whether or not they hold any legitimacy is yet to be seen. The man is clearly a psychopath and he and his ilk have had the US under their thumb for more than ½ a century.

It describes the tone on here who root for him and are apathetic towards what's transpiring in Palestine, IMHO. I just finished listening to Matt Ehret where he described what's happening from a geopolitical standpoint is a moral decay of the West and what's happening in Palestine is evidence of that. As each day passes, the sides become more defined between good and evil and history will reflect back to see what nations that actually had moral integrity and cared about humanity. Matt does hold out some hope for the future as he did say in one of his videos history has proven that things can turn around in the 11th hour.

I also keep this phrase in mind because Israel's hubris and spreading their global hatred couldn't be anymore evident:

Yes, definitely rhetorical and asked incredulously to no-one in particular, more so out of astonishment.


Mar 15, 2017
In case it was never mention within 90 pages of THIS thread thus far, AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee] is one of the main reason why Israel [Is(is)/Ra/El] has so much political AND economical power. In most cases, no U.S. politician can win most political offices unless he/she bow their heads to the Israelis government's [false] Zionism doctrine! And taking AIPAC's donation money is THE fastest way to do just that.

Whenever any of you get a chance, please check out my thread about Trump's new running mate, J.D. Vance.