How Do You Stay Healthy?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Interesting and useful article, thanks. Though it is about healthy nutrition, I didn't find a word about fasting there. I read about its benefits and I'm thinking about giving it a try.
You're welcome and thank-you for your reply.

Fasting is a very important part of spiritual and physical health. It wasn't referred to in that particular article, because it focused strictly on The Diet found in The Law.

Fasting the body when it is sick (as animals instinctively do), actually allows the body to heal faster, as energy that would otherwise be diverted to digest food can be used to speed up the natural healing process. Prolonged fasting is also a way to detoxify the body, as it burns fat which is where the body stores toxins that it can't expel.

The Prophets fasted and received spiritual vision as part of their reward for doing so. And Jesus fasted (water only) for 40+ days and nights, and is The Example that everyone should be following.

There are definitely many benefits to fasting that are often overlooked by most.


Jul 31, 2018
Is there anyone here who faced health issues and needs to lose weight ASAP to manage the condition? What can you advise?


Jun 28, 2020
Is there anyone here who faced health issues and needs to lose weight ASAP to manage the condition? What can you advise?
Never had health issues, but weight lose is basically calories in / calories out. If you want to lose weight, you need to burn more than you consume.

Probably the best exercises you can do is weightlifting as the body stays in a metabolic state for much longer, (24, 48 hours) burning calories, compared to running where the metabolic burn stops almost as soon as you sit down. .

While exercise is important, you're not going to outrun a bad diet. Spend 3 hours on the treadmill and ruin it with a single chocolate milk shake. Start your weight loss in the kitchen.

Expect it to take time. There is only one path to...
lose weight ASAP
...and that is surgery, liposuction. If you go this route and don't change your habits, know you'll gain it all back in about 6 months.

When everything is high calorie (loaded with fats and sugars) and most people spend 10-16 hours a day sitting at home / work. Weight lose is essentially a lifetime commitment.

Just try to be more active. Even if It's something simple like tapping your fingers when you watch tv. Fidgeting can burn excess calories. Next time you go and get some fast food, walk there. Even if it's 2 miles away. It makes a difference. Grab your headphones and listen to a podcast, the time goes by quickly.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Water only fasting burns fat quicker than any other method, and helps detoxify the body, which stores toxins in the fat.

It also establishes and builds "self" control.


Aug 22, 2023
Is there anyone here who faced health issues and needs to lose weight ASAP to manage the condition? What can you advise?
For me it involves a balanced diet, regular exercise, and enough sleep. Focus on whole foods and stay hydrated. Incorporate a mix of cardio and strength training for fitness. Aim for gradual weight loss, around 1-2 pounds per week with this article, by creating a calorie deficit through diet and exercise. Prioritize consistency and patience for sustainable results
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