Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jul 18, 2022
I was Sushant's fan, big time. I can see what are you trying to say. But don't jump to conclusions either. You and me being an ordinary citizens has no incentive to push forward any narrative, yes k-netizens should demand a thorough investigation.
I want K-netizens to demand a fair investigation because an unbiased investigation is very much needed to bring out the real truth of Moonbin's case and I want the truth to come out. But I'm not jumping to any conclusions, I'm just saying what happens in reality, that's all. I don't know how much you know about Sushant's case. But I have followed his case from the very beginning so I know everything about his case and I have said this in my previous posts as well. However, I'm glad that you understood my point.


Jun 2, 2021
Exactly they give too much credit to these frail humans who are referred to as I guess "tptb" as I read in posts. The true sovereignty belong to Allah and sometimes things are completely random and putting 2+2 at a death of somebody instead dealing it with grace, is a bit insenitive imo.
Also something I would like to mention, the ritual and sacrificial death are committed by pagans or satanists, people who are from Abrahamic religions should not associate power to these things.
Yes Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H told us not to associate eclipse with bad omens. These people are Pagan and they really do these rituals thinking they will gain power by forming partnerships with the demons but Allah has power over everything. We Muslims should not think that they can harm anybody with these rituals.


Jul 18, 2022
Ditto. You basically repeated the thought behind what I said and even some of the words that I
I copied your words. Seriously? While I didn't copy your words at all and I was just putting my point in a polite way? Wow. But if you feel like this then it is not my problem because I have said what I had to say. And I don't care what You think about my point of view. Also, for your kind information, I have never copied anyone's words here and I don't need to copy someone's words to express my opinions at all because I have my own words to express my opinions. So I don't need to do anything like that at all. But maybe you did that's why you are getting so offended, lol. But by the way, you are so funny. Because you made me laugh so hard with your unsolicited and stupid opinion about me, lol.
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Sep 21, 2021
I copied your word. Seriously? While I was just making my point in a polite way? Wow. But if you feel like this then it is not my problem because I have said what I had to say. And I don't care what You think about my point of view. Also, for your kind information, I have never copied anyone's words here. But maybe you did that's why you are getting so offended, lol. But by the way, you are so funny. Because you made me laugh so hard with your unsolicited and stupid opinion about me, lol.
Wow! Calm down, bro... I'm not offended...You are! You just revealed who you are with your reply! Lol! Let me warn you to watch your words. Stop going ad hominem...if you know what that means...


Jul 18, 2022
Wow! Calm down, bro... I'm not offended...You are! You just revealed who you are with your reply! Lol! Let me warn you to watch your words. Stop going ad hominem...if you know what that means...
I'm totally cool but you're not, that's why you're still getting so offended, lol. However, you just revealed who you are, not me, with your answer, lol. And you're warning me to watch my words? While you need to mind your words, I don't, lol. And I haven't said anything that requires me to mind my words. Because I just said what I saw, that's all. Therefore. Anyway, I have no problem with you because you are my sister in CHRIST. But if you have you can share it I don't mind at all, lol.


Apr 19, 2020
Feb 20, 2020
about moonbin’s death let me share with you what came to me in the Spirit while i was looking into it and asking God for what’s going on. the manager they mentioned in the article was highlighted as well and i'm still not sure why but he is involved in what went on that is what i felt in the spirit.

there is way more than what they are revealing. also YAH let me know that saying that every case of death is caused bc the person was depressed or had mental illness is easy way to just close it and cause people not to question it anymore.


this is what came in the Spirit with capital letters
  • vaccine (the jabs open spiritual doors to entities who can come whenever they want and if a person has not repented for taking the jab and is not covered with the Blood of Jesus and doesn’t have the hand of protection of God upon them then they would become literal piece of meat(food) to the demons)
another thing i felt YAH revealing to me was that this case is going to be the beginning of many truths coming to the light. much dirt will be bought to the surface the pool will get muddy all will come out
  • sacrifice (it is always a sacrifice even if its a suicide just think about what drives people to suicide and how it is spirits attempting to steal their souls)

YAH also highlighted the name of their comeback which is incense i was wondering how does it connect and was very confused but then i got the understanding in the spirit.

smoke from the burning incense is believed to guide the dead to pass safely from here to the after life.

astro (astronaut) incense (guides the souls of the dead to a safe place) astronauts leave the earth(physical world) (at least that is what people believe they do) to go to different planets (realms). do you see the connection here? bc when God revealed this to me i was speechless and in shock.

another thing

the fans have been well molded by the companies on how to react and not to cross a line not to suspect anything … well done the sheep are following not knowing that they are being ignorant and controlled to stay out of it so the case can be closed quickly and the actual ppl who are at fault will not be caught (TOO BAD FOR WE ARE IN THE TIME OF JUDGMENT WHERE ALL THATS BEEN DONE IN DARKNESS WILL COME TO THE LIGHT)


Feb 7, 2022
The "older guy" is K@ng D0ng W0n, one of the top Korean movie actors in the business. He has had no real scandals since his career started in the early 2000s. He's in his early 40s I think. T@e from b*t*s was seen clinging to him backstage last year. View attachment 86009
Plus, he was in a popular movie with IU recently.
View attachment 86010
So suffice to say the actor has been around a lot of idols. And it looks like Rose only messes with big wigs. I've been said bp are a bunch of glorified escorts for high rollers.

And what do you mean "drug" picture? What happened?
There is a video of celine creative director touching lisa weirdly.