Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jan 1, 2018
SM just released Jonghyun's MV
That mv is beautiful... I know in mv has 'something'... :'( ( i mean symbol,but im not good in analyze)
His album cover. It's red for sacrifice and the light and shape of the shadow looks more like his spirit is leaving his body.
Yeah that on him :'(

Speaking of 5 year olds and the world, have you seen this soon-to-debut 8 (or 9) year old girl?

Apparently she hangs out at the bar, decompressing with drinks and light flirtations.

"Na Haeun is most known for her cover dances on Youtube, where she has over 1 million subscribers. She also appeared at the Melon Music Awards 2017 and on Star King in the past. The 9-year old will make her official debut with the song "So Special" on the 26th. On the 24th, Haeun will be having her first stage at a fanmeeting & showcase which will be streamed live on YouTube."


I know another poster shared the shirley temple video -

and keeping that in mind, it makes a performance like this really creepy, since her overalls have a heart on the backside (why emphasis a child's backside?)

poor kids
Why the concept 9 nine years children at club?! Not cafe?! And the boy looks so interested at naeun, like want to try flirt, and makeup on naeun and the boys so matured.
If im a parents, i will not my 9 years old kid make this mv.

And holland ( latest debuted korean singer) so trending in my country :'( he got more than 1 million view in one day :'( an read the comment so many likes to him, even in many religion lgbt its a sin but i read many comment proudly love his concept :'


Dec 23, 2017
I would not be surprised to see Na Haeun becomes the next Hyuna in the future. She reminds me of Ella Gross, yet another child model loved by the pedophiles. She is half Korean. (she has a monarch butterfly emoji beside her name "Ella G. ")

If you pay attention to her facial expression, it does not look so normal. I mean I am aware that she was born beautiful, but she has this mature gaze that captures adults' eyes in a not-so-normal way. I found out about her when one of my guy friends liked her pictures on Instagram, and then I found out that a lot of my other guy friends also followed her. That does not mean that everyone who likes her is a p***phile, it is just that somehow the whole system is trying to normalize p***philia to be somewhat acceptable even for normal and straight people. Shame on her parents for overexposing their child.
wow, yes, I know what you mean. I see it too. Her expressions and movements are too adult - together with the makeup, hair/clothing styling - she's depicted as a little woman (or even as a little bombshell) more than a child. It really is sad to see parents do this to the ones they're supposed to protect... at such a vulnerable age, with so many crazies out there too.

I was noticing earlier today, a woman who made up an outfit (pants and shirt/jacket) for her daughter (around the same age as these girls), and she made it out of velvet and sequins, and took several shots of her daughter, showcasing her figure in a mature way - her backside was really emphasized as well. My mother came up behind me, and was amazed at 1) the woman dressing her kid in such adult manner, and then 2) the photos she took of her.

The parents aren't even allowing their children to have a childhood.

Why the concept 9 nine years children at club?! Not cafe?! And the boy looks so interested at naeun, like want to try flirt, and makeup on naeun and the boys so matured.
If im a parents, i will not my 9 years old kid make this mv.
it is really creepy, both with the girl, and also putting the little boy out there as a sexual interest too. Its like both children are available...
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Dec 24, 2017
SM just released Jonghyun's MV
Of course they had to put one eye symbolism everywhere. I feel sad for capturing these screenshots, but I just have to. I cannot accept how they are doing this to a deceased person.

The 2 buttons on the left look like eyes

He was seen entering a closed door, does this mean anything?

He wore a necklace with keys (one of them is probably for the door)


Jan 1, 2018
Of course they had to put one eye symbolism everywhere. I feel sad for capturing these screenshots, but I just have to. I cannot accept how they are doing this to a deceased person.

The 2 buttons on the left look like eyes

He was seen entering a closed door, does this mean anything?

He wore a necklace with keys (one of them is probably for the door)
Thank u for ur explanation , before i watch the mv, i think it will be so many one eye , and we right...

Weird scene open closed door so many times >_>

Too bad its his last mv, when in mv he look happy T^T


Jan 14, 2018
I am just sharing my dream I have today, it might benefits some here, I have dream that my mp3 is turning on from its own, and I thought my brother is doing prank with me, I talked to him then he said he never done anything on mp3, then I turned it off, then it started again playing music with louder sound, I was terrified, it won't stop, then demon appeared to me and urging me to listen to music again, then I waked up scared, this is happened after 2 days since I stopped listening to Kpop, its surely demonic music :confused:
Really? Wow. If that is the case, then you really should stop listening. I do think if anything is glazed with satanic influence it is the music and imageries themselves. You may be under Satanic oppression. May I ask what religion are you? I remember you said you were not Christian?

Meanwhile, I actually have had a similar but positive event take place in my more 2 years ago when I was living in Asia. But this actually took place not in my dream. Me being Christian, I sometimes had Christian friends visit when they are sad and we share each other's burden. So this one girl she had broken up with her boyfriend who I knew also. After I got her call, I felt the Lord burdening my heart to pray for her (very clearly), like she had some burden that really needed special deliverance and somehow I had to serve her in some way. But this is when my human frailty kicked in. On the day we were supposed to meet I had a long day and was really tired. Instead of praying for her and seeking God's leading, I opted to surf the internet on my iPad. I kept procrastinating even though I felt a compelling need to pray for her ( and I knew it would need to read the Bible to speak to her heart), but I insolently played on until it was past 4 o'clock and she was coming in 30 minutes. I still won't stop (sometimes Christians act badly -sorry for my bad witness), but all of a sudden my ipad plays out a song. Do you guys know the song: Break Every Chain? I had never heard of it before. But the song just came out of my iPad playing loud, and instantly I knew the Lord was reminding me to pray - like this time it is important. I knew it instantly because there was no music stored in my ipad anywhere. The only thing that could have played music was the radio app but it was not opened. I then proceeded to close every app there was and even turned off the Wifi, and yet it was still playing "there is power in the name of Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus, to break every break every chain.." My heart just knew the Lord love this sister and wanted to break her chains! But that was not it, it played another song before ending: How Great Thou art." I was obviously amazed! So I instantly began praying and reading the Bible to see where God would lead me to say, and I had this feeling that she had some life scars that she is still suffering from. I prayed the Lord would break every chain - this I prayed in Jesus Christ's name. And guess what, she came and she herself just told me all about a big secret which involved a lot of pain and sin leading to the loss of a baby. God set her free that day, and she kept on texting me how she felt differently, and finally got back with the Christian brother and today they are married. I know it sounds crazy. And it doesn't happen often everyday. But the Lord is faithful to those who really seeks Him and literally takes the sins of the world. I am so glad to share it with you all.

"SHinEeHeaven", I hope you know you can cry out to Jesus and put your trust in Him as well. As he can take away our sins as we belief in the Son, and pray to the Heavenly Father who created us for our every need. All we need is Him.
Here I attach the songs that were playing that day on my iPad:


Jan 14, 2018
Actually, coal briquettes charity by celebrities is common to be held every winter in Korea.

The poor people probably need these briquettes now more than ever since the government just hiked the price in November last year.

I agree though that it somehow feels offensive that these celebrities are giving away coal briquettes just after Jonghyun's alleged suicide by using the same stuff. They could have donated coal briquettes without making it a big news. Especially SM Entertainment, before the event in 2017/2018 (after Jonghyun's death), they had never made this event publicly known before. It was only mentioned as a small part of the news from 2016:
"연탄 배달, 김장 담그기, 독거 노인 월동 준비용품 전달 등 다양한 활동을 펼친다."
"Coal briquettes delivery, kimchi dipping, and delivering supplies for elderly people to prepare for the Winter"
Heck, it was not even held in Winter and I believe it is not covered in the English media.

The picture looked like this, so plain and ordinary:

So why did it become like this this year?

They looked so happy. What generous people are Lee soo-man and his artists are, right?

By the way, I found this thread on a forum
and people are like "Please understand that this is not about Jonghyun, people need to stop relate everything at that direction".

I would not find this too suspicious if they had done this every year with the same kind of publicity. Bad move, SM, bad move.
I appreciate your comment and research. This forum can use that as we are talking about stuff that can very much be beyond our knowledge and we can go terribly wrong imagining things and connecting things without cross-checking. Thanks.


Jan 14, 2018
for me, Kpop is usually the worst, after I listen to it, I became very unmotivated for my religion and listening to religious song become so off, but other mainstream music like Cpop doesn't do that for me, I don't know why though.
Thanks, May God bless us all here
I find that to be very true. I literally was hooked within one day of listening a particular iKon song. I instantly really liked Bobbi and listened to his song "Holup" which pretty much puts you almost in a high and I kept watching reaction videos to it and liked what the girls said about Bobbi which was very stupid. I ended up on YouTube all day and realized right away something was wrong. How could I listen to a song continuously for that many times and still want to watch the MV. Someone has already shown the MV here, which has a few illuminati symbolism as well. I went out with friends and just could not get it out of my mind, and yet I had literally not listened to secular songs FOR YEARS before then. There is definitely something about K-Pop, especially some songs. The weird thing is my professor later that week my Christian professor concluded class with a seemingly random but timely reminder (I think ordained by God) for us. He said music was "a powerful medium" and went on to ask us be very careful with it. So I forced myself to stop listening. And yes, you are right, once you listen you are so absorbed you are just not motivated to do anything else anymore.


Jan 1, 2018
Hello guys, i want to tell story about me today.
Today, i was in fifth floor, in large class room, and full of people.
I was open this website and other website,after that im off my phone to learn.

Today , i feel earthquake. Im worry but not panick. Everyone said earthquake but not panick. Everyone not really panick because it not big,but how can they keep calm when there was earthquake,we dont know it will be become more or less.
Before, i think someone prank my table,keep shaking my table, I DONT NOTICE ITS THAT EARTHQUAKE UNTIL SOMEONE SAY THAT,im so stupid.

Luckily, its not big because its not in my city, but beside my city.
And im more feel grateful in from source city until now theres no victims, but many building broken.

Seriously, its like what i saw in video.

Im so grateful to God to still let me and everyone live in this world, im still have so many sins.

if you feel u someone shaking ur table , dont ignore it.
If u have vertigo, still take it seriously (someone dont get out from building because they think they got vertigo)

At that time, i dont know i should protect myself under the table or get out, im choose to get out.

That happen twice and in 2 minutes.


Jan 1, 2018
Wow break every chain is one of my favourite song from Tasha Cobbs. I want to say something like what Tee has been said, but i hesitant. I lived in a country which had 5 religion and we must honor one another's religion that's why (i'm sorry for my excuse).

SHineEHeaven, whoever you are, i don't know who you are. But these few days, i'm praying about you. Not because that i want to, but God put something in my heart, that He, Jesus loves you so much. He want me to care about you too that's why i'm praying. I'm not talking about religion, but you need to know Jesus, He loves you so much and want to help you.

When i was 6 years old, i almost raped by my cousin. At 9 and 10, i sexually molested in the school every week. Other than that my family suffered bankcruptcy, so my mother became stress and beat me almost everyday, i suffered violence since 10 years old thats why i never close to my parent even in my highschool. In the school, i suffer bullying. I don't know where to go and i don't believe God since then.

In 1st year in university, i go to some christmas event in campus. And when i'm (pretending to) praying, an older sister hugging me, and suddenly i'm in spiritual place. Theres demon pulling my feet and i'm look like just out from a black mud, my body smeared of a stinky and sticky black liquid. And suddenly in front of me there is One Big Guy, His clothes are white. I don't need to pretending i don't know who He is. It's Jesus. He hugging me, with His white (and soft and fragrant) clothes. So i'm telling Him, "God don't hug me, for i'm dirty and i'm afraid i will blemish your clean clothes." And you know what? God caressing my hair after that. My dirty, smelly, stinky, wet hair.

I'm crying after that. I never know that i deserved to be loved. I don't know that i will loved by someone despite of my dirtiness. There's a time when i'm being biseksual and p***phile at the same time. But God healed me already. It's Jesus who came to save me. So i believe the same Jesus will save and heal everyone and everybody other than me. I hope this useful for you guys.

Sorry for out off topic btw :) peace

Hi,since my eng is not good enough im sorry if im use wrong words

Im happy you still believe God after your hard time...
I wish i can do something for u, if u want to talk something u can chat me,
Dont stop to believe, God have unlimited power,
My friend was from broken home family,she has best friend, she spend many times with her, he almost become lesbian but luckily someone want to date her,and now he has boyfriend,luckily shes not become lesbian

Hey, dont think like that o:) everyone deserved to get loved, dont worry

I become single so many year , someone want to be my boyfriend but i ignore him, i dont want to in wrong relationship just for lust and will not end on marriage.

My family was an introvert she was alone most of her time, she never in relationship but now she will married. She know the boy from friend and they are match. She is 30 years old


Jan 9, 2018
Something that always confuses me is who exactly is telling these fashion designers and music video creators to add all this supposed symbolism? I mean are they adding it themselves? Are all the MV directors, lyricists, camera men, backup dancers, and fashion designers/hair stylists satanists/illuminati? Like what's the process there?

Especially in kpop where it's no secret/not a lie that the group members have absolutely zero say in their music videos or clothing options on stage/at events. (In fact, for Momo of Twice to have been allowed to choreograph her own dance in that one part of "Likey" is a miracle, honestly.)

Guys i made this research, i mean i'm thinkin of this, this could be right or not, it's up to you.
You may see a lot of song contain LA inside it, like LA devotee (brendon urie said the LA stand for los angeles but i think he's lying), The River (the lyric: "as i walk through the valley of the shadow of LA), in korea we find LA song by rain.
Be careful, LA stand for lucifer angel.

That's why it's a little bit strange in Twice -Likey, they're flashing the L with their hand multiple times, and Likey lyric made no sense, that song tell about what kind of thing it's unclear, they just want to flashing that lucifer thing multiple times.

And the newest is sunmi heroine.
At 0.16 the cross in white color
At 1.19 flashing devil horn
At 1.23 the costume she wear red color with a tail (cosplaying devil)
At 3.26 the cross in black color
I think the mv has a story about sunmi now completely at devil side.

Here's she flashing the initial of her master:
Another L
Eh? Likey made perfect sense. Likey starts with an L and the lyrics make sense because they're telling a guy they like "me likey", a term used (not so often anymore, but I still hear it sometimes by people who still think it's 2009) to, well...say you like something. Fluttering heart, me likey, me likey likey likey...Yeah.
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Dec 22, 2017
Something that always confuses me is who exactly is telling these fashion designers and music video creators to add all this supposed symbolism? I mean are they adding it themselves? Are all the MV directors, lyricists, camera men, backup dancers, and fashion designers/hair stylists satanists/illuminati? Like what's the process there?
the directors of the videos are definately involved. There is a reason why BTS has been using the same director since "I need U" and after that all their MVs are heavy in symbolism
And I believe the choreographers are "in the know" too considering all the choreos with symbolism in kpop cant be a coincidence

Big 3 companies usually use the same choreographers and directors for all their songs and videos so they work with the same team every time and this also includes the stylist and make up staff

I'm not saying all of them are satanists but they follow the orders of their boss or the people who gives the orders. that would be the director or maybe the CEO telling the director what kind of concept the video should have
Dec 26, 2017
Really? Wow. If that is the case, then you really should stop listening. I do think if anything is glazed with satanic influence it is the music and imageries themselves. You may be under Satanic oppression. May I ask what religion are you? I remember you said you were not Christian?

Meanwhile, I actually have had a similar but positive event take place in my more 2 years ago when I was living in Asia. But this actually took place not in my dream. Me being Christian, I sometimes had Christian friends visit when they are sad and we share each other's burden. So this one girl she had broken up with her boyfriend who I knew also. After I got her call, I felt the Lord burdening my heart to pray for her (very clearly), like she had some burden that really needed special deliverance and somehow I had to serve her in some way. But this is when my human frailty kicked in. On the day we were supposed to meet I had a long day and was really tired. Instead of praying for her and seeking God's leading, I opted to surf the internet on my iPad. I kept procrastinating even though I felt a compelling need to pray for her ( and I knew it would need to read the Bible to speak to her heart), but I insolently played on until it was past 4 o'clock and she was coming in 30 minutes. I still won't stop (sometimes Christians act badly -sorry for my bad witness), but all of a sudden my ipad plays out a song. Do you guys know the song: Break Every Chain? I had never heard of it before. But the song just came out of my iPad playing loud, and instantly I knew the Lord was reminding me to pray - like this time it is important. I knew it instantly because there was no music stored in my ipad anywhere. The only thing that could have played music was the radio app but it was not opened. I then proceeded to close every app there was and even turned off the Wifi, and yet it was still playing "there is power in the name of Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus, to break every break every chain.." My heart just knew the Lord love this sister and wanted to break her chains! But that was not it, it played another song before ending: How Great Thou art." I was obviously amazed! So I instantly began praying and reading the Bible to see where God would lead me to say, and I had this feeling that she had some life scars that she is still suffering from. I prayed the Lord would break every chain - this I prayed in Jesus Christ's name. And guess what, she came and she herself just told me all about a big secret which involved a lot of pain and sin leading to the loss of a baby. God set her free that day, and she kept on texting me how she felt differently, and finally got back with the Christian brother and today they are married. I know it sounds crazy. And it doesn't happen often everyday. But the Lord is faithful to those who really seeks Him and literally takes the sins of the world. I am so glad to share it with you all.

"SHinEeHeaven", I hope you know you can cry out to Jesus and put your trust in Him as well. As he can take away our sins as we belief in the Son, and pray to the Heavenly Father who created us for our every need. All we need is Him.
Here I attach the songs that were playing that day on my iPad:
Thanks for your kind message and for caring for me, I am very will actually and happy I get rid of all Kpop songs, and since then, I have more motivation not just for religion(Buddhism) but for everything, have more space in life that is not all absorbed by Kpop
I read your story, its very nice to have such experience :), I have experiences some miracles things but its usually with dreams and I have once time such unique experience when I was meditating
I will pray for you, May God bless all of us
Dec 26, 2017
I find that to be very true. I literally was hooked within one day of listening a particular iKon song. I instantly really liked Bobbi and listened to his song "Holup" which pretty much puts you almost in a high and I kept watching reaction videos to it and liked what the girls said about Bobbi which was very stupid. I ended up on YouTube all day and realized right away something was wrong. How could I listen to a song continuously for that many times and still want to watch the MV. Someone has already shown the MV here, which has a few illuminati symbolism as well. I went out with friends and just could not get it out of my mind, and yet I had literally not listened to secular songs FOR YEARS before then. There is definitely something about K-Pop, especially some songs. The weird thing is my professor later that week my Christian professor concluded class with a seemingly random but timely reminder (I think ordained by God) for us. He said music was "a powerful medium" and went on to ask us be very careful with it. So I forced myself to stop listening. And yes, you are right, once you listen you are so absorbed you are just not motivated to do anything else anymore.
I remember back then when I get into Kpop, I listened to Mr.simple of super junior for 10 hours straight completely under trance, here is where kpop addiction has started, I believe its very demonic music with spell to put their fans hooked on them
Thanks God I am out of this, I feel more energetic and much happier since I stopped before few days, I felt like dark energy has just pulled off and thats was the reason behind my dream
Dec 26, 2017
Wow break every chain is one of my favourite song from Tasha Cobbs. I want to say something like what Tee has been said, but i hesitant. I lived in a country which had 5 religion and we must honor one another's religion that's why (i'm sorry for my excuse).

SHineEHeaven, whoever you are, i don't know who you are. But these few days, i'm praying about you. Not because that i want to, but God put something in my heart, that He, Jesus loves you so much. He want me to care about you too that's why i'm praying. I'm not talking about religion, but you need to know Jesus, He loves you so much and want to help you.

When i was 6 years old, i almost raped by my cousin. At 9 and 10, i sexually molested in the school every week. Other than that my family suffered bankcruptcy, so my mother became stress and beat me almost everyday, i suffered violence since 10 years old thats why i never close to my parent even in my highschool. In the school, i suffer bullying. I don't know where to go and i don't believe God since then.

In 1st year in university, i go to some christmas event in campus. And when i'm (pretending to) praying, an older sister hugging me, and suddenly i'm in spiritual place. Theres demon pulling my feet and i'm look like just out from a black mud, my body smeared of a stinky and sticky black liquid. And suddenly in front of me there is One Big Guy, His clothes are white. I don't need to pretending i don't know who He is. It's Jesus. He hugging me, with His white (and soft and fragrant) clothes. So i'm telling Him, "God don't hug me, for i'm dirty and i'm afraid i will blemish your clean clothes." And you know what? God caressing my hair after that. My dirty, smelly, stinky, wet hair.

I'm crying after that. I never know that i deserved to be loved. I don't know that i will loved by someone despite of my dirtiness. There's a time when i'm being biseksual and p***phile at the same time. But God healed me already. It's Jesus who came to save me. So i believe the same Jesus will save and heal everyone and everybody other than me. I hope this useful for you guys.

Sorry for out off topic btw :) peace
you guys are really nice here and caring, I love you for showing it 3>
I am glad that you are out of that experience, good for you, I will pray for you as will, thanks for doing that for me
take care, may God bless us all


Jan 14, 2018
Wow break every chain is one of my favourite song from Tasha Cobbs. I want to say something like what Tee has been said, but i hesitant. I lived in a country which had 5 religion and we must honor one another's religion that's why (i'm sorry for my excuse).

SHineEHeaven, whoever you are, i don't know who you are. But these few days, i'm praying about you. Not because that i want to, but God put something in my heart, that He, Jesus loves you so much. He want me to care about you too that's why i'm praying. I'm not talking about religion, but you need to know Jesus, He loves you so much and want to help you.

When i was 6 years old, i almost raped by my cousin. At 9 and 10, i sexually molested in the school every week. Other than that my family suffered bankcruptcy, so my mother became stress and beat me almost everyday, i suffered violence since 10 years old thats why i never close to my parent even in my highschool. In the school, i suffer bullying. I don't know where to go and i don't believe God since then.

In 1st year in university, i go to some christmas event in campus. And when i'm (pretending to) praying, an older sister hugging me, and suddenly i'm in spiritual place. Theres demon pulling my feet and i'm look like just out from a black mud, my body smeared of a stinky and sticky black liquid. And suddenly in front of me there is One Big Guy, His clothes are white. I don't need to pretending i don't know who He is. It's Jesus. He hugging me, with His white (and soft and fragrant) clothes. So i'm telling Him, "God don't hug me, for i'm dirty and i'm afraid i will blemish your clean clothes." And you know what? God caressing my hair after that. My dirty, smelly, stinky, wet hair.

I'm crying after that. I never know that i deserved to be loved. I don't know that i will loved by someone despite of my dirtiness. There's a time when i'm being biseksual and p***phile at the same time. But God healed me already. It's Jesus who came to save me. So i believe the same Jesus will save and heal everyone and everybody other than me. I hope this useful for you guys.

Sorry for out off topic btw :) peace
Did you mean you saw a vision while the sister was hugging you, or had a dream?

You are so brave in sharing your story. I believe what you said is true. When someone is abused it is usually because of Satan, and he would also bully and attack the same person through other people and means. I am not talking about ghosts haunting you. But when Satan has a person in target, he tends to do more than one thing to the person to really make them go down. I had experience in my childhood that I thought was weird too - how could everything happen to just me at the same time? But that is actually true.

You are right. Jesus does love you. Satan can harm us but God will heal us and use our story and experience to possibly strengthen us to help others who may or may not have the same experience. God is so good to us. Satan makes the victim of sexual abuse victim feel sinful and filthy, but God reveals the truth that we are saved and forever saved, forever cleansed and whole in Christ Jesus. We don't have to believe feelings, just as if any of us feel like we are in love with one of the K-Pop stars (it can feel like it is really love and you can never leave that person) it is not real. Only God's Word (which is Truth) can set us free.

I am so thankful for your story and courage. I think you are a good witness that God can use and bless. Trust Him for supplying you with a man of Godly love. The Lord is a provider and He will provide when we ask. Bless you in Jesus' Name.


Jan 14, 2018
Hello guys, i want to tell story about me today.
Today, i was in fifth floor, in large class room, and full of people.
I was open this website and other website,after that im off my phone to learn.

Today , i feel earthquake. Im worry but not panick. Everyone said earthquake but not panick. Everyone not really panick because it not big,but how can they keep calm when there was earthquake,we dont know it will be become more or less.
Before, i think someone prank my table,keep shaking my table, I DONT NOTICE ITS THAT EARTHQUAKE UNTIL SOMEONE SAY THAT,im so stupid.

Luckily, its not big because its not in my city, but beside my city.
And im more feel grateful in from source city until now theres no victims, but many building broken.

Seriously, its like what i saw in video.

Im so grateful to God to still let me and everyone live in this world, im still have so many sins.

if you feel u someone shaking ur table , dont ignore it.
If u have vertigo, still take it seriously (someone dont get out from building because they think they got vertigo)

At that time, i dont know i should protect myself under the table or get out, im choose to get out.

That happen twice and in 2 minutes.
Hi, helenatan,

May God bless you. I am sorry you went through so much fear. There is no guarantee we do not lose our lives any day, but you can be assured that Jesus loves you and if you are a believer who has given him your trust and your sins, the Lord will definitely forgive you. I often feel like one of the worst sinners, but I never give up believing he will forgive me. His patience and abounding love reaches me and sometimes makes me cry because I don't know how he can forgive me that many times and still love me and provide for me in amazing ways. I think there really isn't equal human love to the love of Christ. He is defender of the weak and the very lover we sometimes seek in the opposite sex. But only He can love us so completely, and in that love don't fear, because He has forgiveness for you no matter who you are. He just wants you to trust Him.
Jesus said he has come to save sinners, which means we all really qualify for it, haha. I guess the only step is fully trusting Him with your life and no earthquake can really threaten us again!

Bless you sister!


Jan 14, 2018
:'... Im afraid when u have different style some people think u gay or lesbi :'

That commercial mv using duality concept and even the song said " im good girl doing bad"

Hyuna look innocent in that mv and do sexy dance... Black and pink... When that commercial about shoes but wearing swimming suit :'
To follow this thread, I want to point out that BTS is provided with literally women's clothing for some of their shows as Spring Day performances. And name brands would send them unisex clothes.
But last time I shared that their CEO shared a gay singer's music with them which JK used in the G.C.F video featuring JM.
I didn't show you the MV and saw it today - it is WAY TOO explicit! I can't believe he would show this to these young men and not feel like a pervert! Anyway here it is. This really confirms that he IS intentionally trying to introduce them into gay agenda.
(Be mentally prepared. It is quite hard to look at. Feel free not to).

This makes me very sick and even more worried.
Not to mention BTS recently praised the singer Troy Sivan in their interview
Hence, you can see their boss has control/manipulation of who they collab with.
And it didn't help that BTS release a new Run episode 37, and I found Jimin wearing this:

I know a few of us are concerned with JM. I am hoping he didn't not buy this shirt but was given this to wear for the show. However the fact he agrees to wear it makes me worried even more. Given Taemin, His boss, RM's progressiveness, I just feel like maybe he has already given in and chosen the gay lifestyle. I hope this is not the case.
However, lately he was caught on camera with a mysterious figure who people at first was a girl, but it appears more like a guy who is adressed in black hoodie much smaller than him. This is then very likely his personal manager.

But the issues is how he brushed his hand all the way from top of the guy's head to his shoulder while he still behind him, then pulls him in at the very end. Just feels a little different than normal. My suspicion is made worst since there is a rumor that one BTS member is dating a Big Hit employee. It could be someone dating a female employee, but it could be male too. Check out the video here:

I feel quite discouraged by all this, and really feel it's time to move on with prayer only, because only God can help a person who's trapped in such a giant industry we have no reach of at the moment and things are going down. We can never really know everything. Worrying about these boys are not doing us any good but wasting our personal lives. I think it is okay to do research on our spare time, but ultimately people have to be responsible for their own decisions.
May God help us.
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