Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jan 24, 2024
i have gone thru the shopper music video quickly so here is the symbolism:

i don’t think i need to explain what the broken lollipop means and how it’s related to children and broken soul+ broken innocence.View attachment 101973
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there are a lot layers in shopper. she goes to an auction at midnight time for magick. the auction is happening in secrecy and there are spiritual/supernatural items there while she holds a map to the astral world. the items are also symbolic to human souls in a way as in another layer to this is the rich and mighty putting flesh for auction and having someone pay high price for it. it’s also ancient artifacts. there is really a lot going on.

we also have the concept of facade. a mart which appears as such and acts as such but something way different happens behind the closed doors. (this is something that YAH gave me a few days ago when He was opening up more the cake/tart symbolism. places that appear as one thing while their actual function is hidden from the masses)
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she clearly symbolic to an a witch or an entity in the music video as she can transform and change her appearance. all about camouflage and hidden in plain sight again.. we also have the venus on her top which i have spoken about and the symbolism here goes really deep as there is lots of word play.

venus + the sunrise MARt+the moon->mary->mar=sea=queen of heaven principality and more.
thanks a lot for these, clearly a lot is shown and IU has gone down that rabbit hole for a long time


May 18, 2023
I have to post this and praise God for what he has done! Within one week, 2 girls that I supported and prayed for daily since their debut have left the industry even though their groups are still active!! This is why if there are any Christians here, don't give up! 1 Thessalonians 5:17 and James 5:16 this is why you should fervantly pray without ceasing!! God does move and answer our prayers. You might feel powerless but God is all powerful so you just keep doing what you can do!!! Don't stop praying! God will deliver the people you care about from corruption!
I'm so happy they've been delivered from this industry and I hope and pray they have no debts. Let them live in peace in the name of Jesus.
Oh my goodness the sacrifice could've ended up being my bias Jinha but since she dropped out of the group......


Aug 23, 2022
I have to post this and praise God for what he has done! Within one week, 2 girls that I supported and prayed for daily since their debut have left the industry even though their groups are still active!! This is why if there are any Christians here, don't give up! 1 Thessalonians 5:17 and James 5:16 this is why you should fervantly pray without ceasing!! God does move and answer our prayers. You might feel powerless but God is all powerful so you just keep doing what you can do!!! Don't stop praying! God will deliver the people you care about from corruption!
I'm so happy they've been delivered from this industry and I hope and pray they have no debts. Let them live in peace in the name of Jesus.
Yes amen. I care about the group Monsta X. 4/6 members are in the military service rn. I was so worried about one of them the other day. I prayed that God will send them a soldier for them to share the gospel and to encourage them and literally the next day a photo got posted of that member smiling and showing he made a new friend in the army. It really lifted a huge weight off my shoulders.


Jul 13, 2022
another mediaplay to cover something else ?

Apparently it is about the Pres!dent and their relation with Japann and that the Pres!dent is allowing them to litter all kind of stuff into the nature with his approval. But i read the artical very quickly so it might not be entirely right.