Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

Dec 26, 2017
I remember when I looked into the 'Sewol Ferry Disaster' it seemed very weird and I read somewhere they think it was a human sacrifice, because they could have saved them if they wanted to. And then I remember hearing about the former 'president' being in a cult. So... makes sense.
yes it is definitely human sacrifice by the government, sewol ferry is there in one of the weird Korean card akin to the USA illuminati card game, its already planned long time


Jan 14, 2018
Most Kpop fans are brainwashed, and they think the fan service we see by boybands are how Korean guys act lol, its not, and its NOT NORMAL in Korea.
When I first looked at Jimin I thought this guy is an obvious gay, I know some might think this is stereotypes but I have ability easily to spot gays(don't know why though just gut feeling), and even if he wasn't gay, I am sure there will be one in BTS like any other Kpop groups, each group should have at the least one gay member, I think its done intentionally by the companies for some reason
at the end of the day, Kpop is so filled with gays and its kinda very accepted there inside the industry, so its waste of energy and time to worry about it and they don't care themselves.
I guess some of us are worried they have become gay because of abuse and grooming since teen years are formative. I do recall Jimin taking multiple pictures with a girl in school who appears to be his ex. That's why we are worried about and praying. The pictures of their gay boss and other hints that as well. However, as you mentioned, it can also be simple as he himself choosing such a path without anyone controlling him, in which case we really need not worry. However, it is really hard to tell at this stage because of all the smokes and mirrors the industry.


Dec 22, 2017
I guess some of us are worried they have become gay because of abuse and grooming since teen years are formative. I do recall Jimin taking multiple pictures with a girl in school who appears to be his ex. That's why we are worried about and praying. The pictures of their gay boss and other hints that as well. However, as you mentioned, it can also be simple as he himself choosing such a path without anyone controlling him, in which case we really need not worry. However, it is really hard to tell at this stage because of all the smokes and mirrors the industry.
their boss won an award recently and looking at their interactions with him is creepy
Here you can see Jin trying to give him a rose with his mouth?

then he posted this picture on social media



Jan 4, 2018
Jimin in his short film lie analysis part 1:
The black and white scene where Jimin looks like he's dancing was kinda similar to his dance part in SAVE ME. But it can also be as if he is being strangled or suffocated.
¤ The empty bed, probably, belongs to J-Hope. Just like Jungkook and Suga, Jimin and J-Hope were partners in The Most Beautiful Moments In Life Trilogy.
¤ Jimin was also in a hospital bed. A scene from this film explains why. As we all know in I Need You original MV he committed suicide by drowning himself in the tub. In this film, there was a scene where he fell in a tub then wakes up in the hospital bed. So he probably survived his suicide attempt or he's already in the so-called purgatory.
¤ The scene where Jimin swings a pillow or acting as if he's playing pillow fight with someone was the time where he began to hallucinate that J-Hope is still there. This resembles a scene in RUN MV when J-Hope hit/throws a pillow at Jimin.


Jan 4, 2018
Well here are lyrics to BTS - Save me:
I want to breathe, I hate this night
I want to wake up, I hate this dream
I’m trapped inside of myself and I’m dead
Don’t wanna be lonely
Just wanna be yours
Why is it so dark where you’re not here
It’s dangerous how wrecked I am
Save me because I can’t get a grip on myself
Listen to my heartbeat
It calls you whenever it wants to
Because within this pitch black darkness
You are shining so brightly
Give me your hand save me save me
I need your love before I fall, fall
Give me your hand save me save me
I need your love before I fall, fall
Give me your hand save me save me
Give me your hand save me save me
Save me, save me
Today the moon shines brighter
On the blank spot in my memories
It swallowed me, this lunatic
Please save me tonight
(Please save me tonight
Please save me tonight)
Within this childish madness
You will save me tonight
I knew that your salvation
Is a part of my life
And the only helping hand that will embrace my pain
The best of me
You’re the only thing I have
Please raise your voice
So that I can laugh again
Play on
Listen to my heartbeat,
It calls you whenever it wants to
Because within this pitch black darkness,
You are shining so brightly
Give me your hand save me save me
I need your love before I fall, fall
Give me your hand save me save me
I need your love before I fall, fall
Give me your hand save me save me
Give me your hand save me save me
Thank you for letting me be me
For helping me fly
For giving me wings
For straightening me out
For waking me from being suffocated
For waking me from a dream which was all I was living in
When I think of you the sun comes out
So I gave my sadness to the dog
(Thank you. For being ‘us’)
Give me your hand save me save me
I need your love before I fall, fall
Give me your hand save me save me
I need your love before I fall, fall


Jul 27, 2017
I am very very unfamiliar with k pop other than that gangnam style guy.
Seeing a few pics in this thread however, the entertainment industry has symbolism throughout.

Is it legit symbolism or just a trend in today's industry?


Jan 14, 2018
I don't want to bash on homosexuality either, I myself felt attracted to the same sex as a teenager, I never acted on it and it went away at around 18. But I see a lot of people that are part of army that really push the whole gay thing too far. Either saying that it's 100% fact that BTS is gay, naming them their lgbt icons and taking every little thing they can as 'evidence'.
Yes, agreed. If you let your mind go there during your formative years, you can be convinced you are gay. But there is not really homosexuality, onl taking an idea and following through with it. Once you engaged in it, you have given agreement to it with your body, and it becomes a dangerous addiction just like any other di
while I'm not OK with bashing homosexuality because in the end it's their private life. I do find disturbing that these idols are forced to do that kind of fanservice and this is considered to be part of their job
There was a show when Suga had to do the "kisssing game" with the other members and you could tell he was very awkward and didn't want to do it, he ended up doing a joke to avoid the game but the fans were mad at him because they wanted to see BTS members kissing eachother and Suga ruined their fantasy

I think enjoying the interactions is fine but when you overanalyse everything and start to get all those sexual fantasies about them it becomes weird

I see a lot of disturbing fanarts on twitter, some fans draw BTS members dressing as woman and they also post porn videos pretending it's two BTS members having sex together :oops:
The most popular fanfictions are also very violent, there is a popular fanfic where Jungkook and Taehyung had sex with eachother using a gun
A lot of fanfics also describe Jimin as a prostitute who gets raped by old men or likes to have sex with the other 6 members of BTS at the same time.
This should be disturbing to read for those teenagers but on the contrary the most agressive fanfictions are the most popular

That's why I believe the exessive shipping and the company pushing these couples so much has a bad effect in the fans because they become obsessive and some of their fantasies go too far
Gay shipping is demonic (I mean this in a literal sense), no questions asked. I left a comment a few days ago on Twitter opposing gay fan service and shipping. I cannot believe the result - I had 100+ disturbing users who privately mailed me with unfathomable aggression and abusive language, mostly not even sensible. You can tell they fail to reason and call only type curses and f words. The thing is I did not even use any heavy words in my comment, but that singers should be respected and used in these capacities. But the lunacy was beyond normal behavior. I also notice these fans leave repetitive comments to their idols that make no sense at all. They just repeat and capitalize everything - It's like they are robots. I would recommend against reading any fanfics at all, because they will influence you in a demonic way. I think the writers themselves are possessed. You sense it even seeing the thumbnails.

I am highly suspicious why this stuff is even legal. I would have guessed they would abuse the boys via fantasy, because they are driven by demonic lust which the company single-handedly formulated. If you break down the choreography in Sweat, Tears and Blood, you'll see if it plays slowly almost EVERY move is either highly suggestive, sexual. demonic and gender-bending. But they dance so fast we don't notice that's all. Their strategy is this, though every sound, move, gesture and expression, they draws every girl fan sexually to one of the guys(that is why they have so many - so at least one meets your style), then after you find yourself desperate in love and lust with that image, they begin to introduce additional aspects (the stuff they really want to bind you to) the gender-ambiguous aspect (that is why even straight acting roles such as Suga & RapMon exhibits girls traits at times). Since you are already hooked to that perceived person, you will acquire the taste for that aspect of them, and as time passes, that person takes on darkness, becomes more sensual and are scripted to engage in gay activities. During this process, a simple, unsuspecting teenager goes from liking a boy who's handsome to lusting after him, obsessing over him, then gay shipping him, then imagining gay sex scenes between him and others and finding it suddenly appealing, then after reading the fanfics, she finds herself not only insanely addicted to gay pornography, supporting it eagerly, but also beggining to enjoy the notion of violent pornography. This is a elaborate switch-&-bait scheme. I suspect many people suffer and but probably feel embarrassed to admit it. But this is how the devil really works. He always deceives you, and the K-Pop industry is a tool of spiritual slavery aimed to destroy young people. Everyone needs to get out.

Friends if you're trying to get out of K-Pop:

The way I would recommend it is cutting K-Pop off cold-turkey and have a friend or two as your accountability partner. Tapering off will only leave you temptation which will grow again. I would suggest (if you are a teen) to have your family set up your wifi-router to have timed-access. If you are an adult living alone, you can limit the number of hours of wifi-access by going into your router's setup page at and under advanced and then wireless settings to enter time slots when you want the router to automatically shut off. I currentl only have access for 2.hrs a day of access to prevent myself from wasting time on any website. By have no access to the internet most of the day except for hours you will need it for school or normal activities. Fighting temptation is hard without cutting off the source. If you want a healthy life and freedom from sin, you must admit you have wrshipped an idol and make up your mind to break it off this sin. If you're a believer, read Psalms and pray for yourself using the Pslams and with a believer friend ove your problems. The courage to admit your weakness is the first step to break Satan's hold on you. But you must surrender the imaginations when they come. Say " Lord, this lie( this false image) I give it to you. In Jesus Christ's name, I surrender myself only to you oh God, and I reclaim the lost ground yielded to Satan. I shall not obey this lie no more." Have your friend check on you every couple days. Finally each day, do something good for yourself that you know will make you feel good and healthy. For example go to that museum you wanted to go or do a facial or clean the house. It helps to play praise or worship music or audio Bible in the house in all waking moments.

Do not stay up late or spend too much time alone. If you go to bed earlier, the temptation is less because Satan attacks people when we are most tired especially late at night. Understand lust begins with a straying heart from God. Returning to our loving Savior with our needs and love is first.

This is what I'm doing, but if others have had success, please also share!


Matthew 18
7“Woe to the world for temptations to sin!b For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes! 8And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire. 9And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hellc of fire.
Last edited:


Dec 24, 2017
I am very very unfamiliar with k pop other than that gangnam style guy.
Seeing a few pics in this thread however, the entertainment industry has symbolism throughout.

Is it legit symbolism or just a trend in today's industry?
That's the problem with the entertainment industry nowadays, they make 'legit symbolism' becomes 'just a trend' so when you try to point it out, people won't believe you. They'll just say that you're just some conspiracy theorist and if something's wrong, it's you, and not the entertainment industry. It's the same kind of sh*t they're showing people on the new Taco Bell "Belluminati" commercial. They're making fun of people who are actually aware of it.

I suggest you to also read some analysis behind those pictures and not just see the pictures because believe me or not, those are real symbolism just like the ones in the Western entertainment industry. Some of the Kpop agencies also have dark history throughout their establishment. It makes sense though if people don't really get it since Kpop has a rather newer history compared to the Western music, but they're both interconnected. If they look somewhat different from the outside, it's just the elite's way to make their agenda suitable/acceptable for each culture.


Jan 14, 2018
I am very very unfamiliar with k pop other than that gangnam style guy.
Seeing a few pics in this thread however, the entertainment industry has symbolism throughout.

Is it legit symbolism or just a trend in today's industry?
If it is a trend,it certainly has trended too many years. Since you are unfamiliar with K-Pop, I highly urge you to stay away from it. It will be addictive like a drug. I only watched it because it was on the news and before I knew it it was hard to free myself from it. Curiosity kills the cat, and btw the music isn't even that good. I only watched it for the dance and still got drawn into it.

Trusting wisdom for you


Jan 14, 2018
I've seen those.. it always makes me very uncomfortable to see drawings like that. Like, these are real people??? I know we can't control people's fantasies but most of us know better than to make drawing of it and put them out there.. Like I said these are real people, who most likely see each other like family. It's so disgusting to portray them in sexual ways with each other.
I haven't seen those fics of Jimin being raped by older men.. that is really some next level shit. They need help.
This is also why we all had the (and I think right hunch) that the devil's got an abusive/oppressive scheme for Jimin in real life. Thieves, robbers, rapists, murderers including the devil who drives such impulses all have one thing in common - they can smell the weak and they always go after them. This actually happened to one of the sisters that shared on here about her being abused and bullied throughout her childhood. The reason I trusted her story and can relate it that I myself growing up was the smallest and least cared for in my family. For some reason, it was like fiction that wherever I went ppl always taunted me or abuse me. If always wondered why I always seemed to have a target on my back. I remember my sister doubting me when I told her strange and negative things happened to me all the time. But after we grew up she confessed she really noticed it was true. In fact it still kinda hapens today but thanks to God with Jesus I am much more confident and those pains have only made me stronger. A Chinese friend also suffers from weird occurences like stalkers and suicidal boyfriends. All I can say is let's not forget Satan and demons are fallen angels. They are actually smarter than us and know a lot more than us, though certainly not all-knowing like Jesus Christ. But since they are spiritual criminals they do check us out and know which one is weaker or has what kind of insecurities. Now I am just guessing here - I may be wrong, but I just had the hunch that he knows Jimin's insecurities as a guy or his potentially having been abused/mistreated, so he's on the prowL to come at him with pressure or persuasion & intimation from every angle hoping to make him give into homosexuality. This sounds stupid - but I think that's how he convince people they're gay. I remember in college I was not dating any of the guys because they were not Christians but where sleeping around. And what happened was some guy spread rumor that I was a lesbian! And at the same time some guy tried to come on to me and convince me that I would be popular if I would just "put out." If you believe K-Pop evil, you must understand Satan is more real. If Satan is real, then God the Creator more so. I believe God has called us here onto this forum somehow. Satan has a plan for harm, God has a plan for good. Let's listen to Him.

Btw, Bobby from iKon is Christian. But he was once depressed and wanted to "run away" from K-Pop. Could we be praying for a list of more serious Christians in K-Pop. Honestly some of them may be far gone, but some may even be of use to God's kingdom.


Jan 14, 2018
Yes, agreed. If you let your mind go there during your formative years, you can be convinced you are gay. But there is not really homosexuality, onl taking an idea and following through with it. Once you engaged in it, you have given agreement to it with your body, and it becomes a dangerous addiction just like any other di

Gay shipping is demonic (I mean this in a literal sense), no questions asked. I left a comment a few days ago on Twitter opposing gay fan service and shipping. I cannot believe the result - I had 100+ disturbing users who privately mailed me with unfathomable aggression and abusive language, mostly not even sensible. You can tell they fail to reason and call only type curses and f words. The thing is I did not even use any heavy words in my comment, but that singers should be respected and used in these capacities. But the lunacy was beyond normal behavior. I also notice these fans leave repetitive comments to their idols that make no sense at all. They just repeat and capitalize everything - It's like they are robots. I would recommend against reading any fanfics at all, because they will influence you in a demonic way. I think the writers themselves are possessed. You sense it even seeing the thumbnails.

I am highly suspicious why this stuff is even legal. I would have guessed they would abuse the boys via fantasy, because they are driven by demonic lust which the company single-handedly formulated. If you break down the choreography in Sweat, Tears and Blood, you'll see if it plays slowly almost EVERY move is either highly suggestive, sexual. demonic and gender-bending. But they dance so fast we don't notice that's all. Their strategy is this, though every sound, move, gesture and expression, they draws every girl fan sexually to one of the guys(that is why they have so many - so at least one meets your style), then after you find yourself desperate in love and lust with that image, they begin to introduce additional aspects (the stuff they really want to bind you to) the gender-ambiguous aspect (that is why even straight acting roles such as Suga & RapMon exhibits girls traits at times). Since you are already hooked to that perceived person, you will acquire the taste for that aspect of them, and as time passes, that person takes on darkness, becomes more sensual and are scripted to engage in gay activities. During this process, a simple, unsuspecting teenager goes from liking a boy who's handsome to lusting after him, obsessing over him, then gay shipping him, then imagining gay sex scenes between him and others and finding it suddenly appealing, then after reading the fanfics, she finds herself not only insanely addicted to gay pornography, supporting it eagerly, but also beggining to enjoy the notion of violent pornography. This is a elaborate switch-&-bait scheme. I suspect many people suffer and but probably feel embarrassed to admit it. But this is how the devil really works. He always deceives you, and the K-Pop industry is a tool of spiritual slavery aimed to destroy young people. Everyone needs to get out.

Friends if you're trying to get out of K-Pop:

The way I would recommend it is cutting K-Pop off cold-turkey and have a friend or two as your accountability partner. Tapering off will only leave you temptation which will grow again. I would suggest (if you are a teen) to have your family set up your wifi-router to have timed-access. If you are an adult living alone, you can limit the number of hours of wifi-access by going into your router's setup page at and under advanced and then wireless settings to enter time slots when you want the router to automatically shut off. I currentl only have access for 2.hrs a day of access to prevent myself from wasting time on any website. By have no access to the internet most of the day except for hours you will need it for school or normal activities. Fighting temptation is hard without cutting off the source. If you want a healthy life and freedom from sin, you must admit you have wrshipped an idol and make up your mind to break it off this sin. If you're a believer, read Psalms and pray for yourself using the Pslams and with a believer friend ove your problems. The courage to admit your weakness is the first step to break Satan's hold on you. But you must surrender the imaginations when they come. Say " Lord, this lie( this false image) I give it to you. In Jesus Christ's name, I surrender myself only to you oh God, and I reclaim the lost ground yielded to Satan. I shall not obey this lie no more." Have your friend check on you every couple days. Finally each day, do something good for yourself that you know will make you feel good and healthy. For example go to that museum you wanted to go or do a facial or clean the house. It helps to play praise or worship music or audio Bible in the house in all waking moments.

Do not stay up late or spend too much time alone. If you go to bed earlier, the temptation is less because Satan attacks people when we are most tired especially late at night. Understand lust begins with a straying heart from God. Returning to our loving Savior with our needs and love is first.

This is what I'm doing, but if others have had success, please also share!


Matthew 18
7“Woe to the world for temptations to sin!b For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes! 8And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire. 9And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hellc of fire.
Btw, I think this sermon audio may encourage you believers (Non-believers welcomed to listen, too):


Dec 22, 2017
Gay shipping is demonic (I mean this in a literal sense), no questions asked. I left a comment a few days ago on Twitter opposing gay fan service and shipping. I cannot believe the result - I had 100+ disturbing users who privately mailed me with unfathomable aggression and abusive language, mostly not even sensible. You can tell they fail to reason and call only type curses and f words. The thing is I did not even use any heavy words in my comment, but that singers should be respected and used in these capacities. But the lunacy was beyond normal behavior. I also notice these fans leave repetitive comments to their idols that make no sense at all. They just repeat and capitalize everything - It's like they are robots. I would recommend against reading any fanfics at all, because they will influence you in a demonic way. I think the writers themselves are possessed. You sense it even seeing the thumbnails.
I believe you because i've seen this behaviour from them before. Everytime BTS has dating rumors with female idols the fans go crazy and say that's impossible because BTS are gay and if you have a different opinion they will insult you

After reading the summary of those fanfics I believe the mentality of the fans is disturbed because some fics include pedopilia, incest, r*pe and violence.
The obsession with fanservice is affecting their mind if they are writting and reading those disturbing stories and this is what the company wants
Dec 26, 2017
I guess some of us are worried they have become gay because of abuse and grooming since teen years are formative. I do recall Jimin taking multiple pictures with a girl in school who appears to be his ex. That's why we are worried about and praying. The pictures of their gay boss and other hints that as well. However, as you mentioned, it can also be simple as he himself choosing such a path without anyone controlling him, in which case we really need not worry. However, it is really hard to tell at this stage because of all the smokes and mirrors the industry.
I am not saying its normal to have around 50% gays in the industry, its obviously not, they either has turned in this way by the company or the gay ritual they do, whatever the case, they are perverted


Jan 7, 2018
His album cover. It's red for sacrifice and the light and shape of the shadow looks more like his spirit is leaving his body.
Did u hear the last song of his album..Before Our this song he says
''Before spring comes shall we meet...
I know this sounds foolish
But I’m afraid to go to you
Even if you don’t understand
It’s alright, it’s alright
Because there’s still a lot of time
Before spring will come"
Like in all his other songs he is talking about his pain,misery and goodbye stuffs but in the ''last'' song he is saying non-goodbye stuffs and giving a hint that we will meet its so weird and hope lifting suspicious...


Jan 25, 2018
welcome here dear aliahlukey :)
its good that you don't want to listen to Kpop, I have been there and I understand what you went through
it was joy for me to stop that spell called Kpop, I was better person for everything by just stopping listening to Kpop, I am much motivated to pray and meditate, have much more time and motivation for life
K-drama was always so off for me, so I didn't really watched and I realized there is no mention of K-drama as satanic illuminati don't why though, may be its not as popular as Kpop, as there is no videos to debunk it, I am planning to do videos, K-drama is disgusting, I just watched some video that supposedly about Goreyo dynesty, I like that period, but K-drama is sexualising it, its really disgusting for me, I know kinda off topic :)
any way back, yes I believe in the end of the world, its very NEAR, its scary I know but this is what is going to happen, the ww3 is very near, it will happen 100% before 2023, its nuclear war which 94% of world population will die, I have done research and I am sure about it, it is sad that Korea will be harmed seriously, also Japan, I love Korea and Japan couldn't bear witnessing that :eek:, I pray for them they will survive :confused:
back again, the solution for Kpop is to cut off the music, in this way the spell will stop and so is the addiction
'btw what abt Holland? Is there has anything to do wt this Illuminati agenda? I just want to knoww. Thank you!"
its part of Gay agenda, yes its by the illuminati, to make people gay and accept it, already discussed here
lastly, continue with your journey and good luck
It felt great knowing you agreed with the end of the world part yeah its scary since today lots ppl being fooled by the industry. I believe its the part of the Illuminati agenda. I read one of the conv that you guys want to create a video about this topic, have you guys started it? Sorry for my bad English. Im not an english speaker


Jul 27, 2017
That's the problem with the entertainment industry nowadays, they make 'legit symbolism' becomes 'just a trend' so when you try to point it out, people won't believe you. They'll just say that you're just some conspiracy theorist and if something's wrong, it's you, and not the entertainment industry. It's the same kind of sh*t they're showing people on the new Taco Bell "Belluminati" commercial. They're making fun of people who are actually aware of it.

I suggest you to also read some analysis behind those pictures and not just see the pictures because believe me or not, those are real symbolism just like the ones in the Western entertainment industry. Some of the Kpop agencies also have dark history throughout their establishment. It makes sense though if people don't really get it since Kpop has a rather newer history compared to the Western music, but they're both interconnected. If they look somewhat different from the outside, it's just the elite's way to make their agenda suitable/acceptable for each culture.
Yeah no intention to get into the genre.
The symbolism is similar to that here in the US. It's all part of the music industry so I'm not shocked