LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)


Mar 15, 2017
Bro the rainbow community is really falling apart. I love it! :)

Is it bad that I love it?
No. They stopped calling only for acceptance, live safely etc a long time ago.
With rights come responsibilities.
The rest of society has a right to our own opinions as well. I will always believe marriage is for one man and one women (according to the bible). I will always believe that people cannot change sex no matter what they wear or how much they convince themselves otherwise. People like me should not be subject to abuse and even job loss.
Dec 22, 2019
No. They stopped calling only for acceptance, live safely etc a long time ago.
With rights come responsibilities.
The rest of society has a right to our own opinions as well. I will always believe marriage is for one man and one women (according to the bible). I will always believe that people cannot change sex no matter what they wear or how much they convince themselves otherwise. People like me should not be subject to abuse and even job loss.
Bible too but well God made science as well.

They need both genders to reproduce. Other wise it's unnatural.

The Agrarian

Aug 17, 2018
I think anyone who needs to react strongly to trans-activism by making it a part of their own identity and declaring themselves “super straight” secretly jerks it to tranny porn. I’m sorry, but they are totally telling on themselves here. This just has male insecurity written all over it.

I once read an interesting blog entry explaining the reasons it exists and why trans porn is one of the most popular categories... aka “chicks with dicks” ... not to mention the oversized breast implants and porn star look. This stuff is not exactly made for a trans audience, so who is watching it? I’ll give you one guess.
You would be amazed at the number of people who don't watch porn or let sexual impulses govern their lives.

No. They stopped calling only for acceptance, live safely etc a long time ago.
With rights come responsibilities.
The rest of society has a right to our own opinions as well. I will always believe marriage is for one man and one women (according to the bible). I will always believe that people cannot change sex no matter what they wear or how much they convince themselves otherwise. People like me should not be subject to abuse and even job loss.
Think about this:
By demanding to be labeled by their [unnatural] pronouns the LGBT crowd is literally demanding lies from the public.

It is against the right to freedom of religion to be coerced into lying against the most basic tenants of the Christian religion.
Do not back down.
God and the natural order He made are on your side.


Jul 31, 2017
Ayo guys. James was accused of sexual assault and p***philia yet again. The rainbow community is full of peds. God help us all.
This reasoning is somewhat disturbing, not to mention condescending. Burn James Charles at the stake all you want, but please don't start blaming the LGBT community for his actions. There are pedophiles among heterosexuals as well, so can we please stop making generalizations?


Apr 15, 2021
From what I have read on multiple sources it is lesbians who have suffered the most abuse from transwomen who say they are lesbians.
Lesbian calling for lesbians to remove L from LGBT.

I have also seen transwomen on social media make incredibly homophobic remarks to lesbians using outdated slurs and mocking ones who are more masculine presenting as though they're trying to be men . . . Which is puzzling, to say the least? Still, I'm really glad people are waking up now. There was a lull for such a long time where no one spoke up and it felt like everyone agreed. Turns out the silent majority is in fact real.


Apr 15, 2021
You would be amazed at the number of people who don't watch porn or let sexual impulses govern their lives.
And more people are turning away from it because they're recognizing how harmful it is. I never understand people who use popular porn categories to make social commentary other than the world is screwed up and a lot of it has to do with decadence. That entire industry is pure filth. And its always with regards to sexuality, they do it with animals, the ancient world, etc. Crazy.

Think about this:
By demanding to be labeled by their [unnatural] pronouns the LGBT crowd is literally demanding lies from the public.

It is against the right to freedom of religion to be coerced into lying against the most basic tenants of the Christian religion.
Do not back down.
God and the natural order He made are on your side.
I have no problem referring to a trans person by their preferred pronouns if they're respectful about it and dont demand my "compliance". Because I'm aware that there are genuinely people with gender dysphoria who feel uncomfortable with being misgendered. BUT the mistake was trying to tell the world gender dysphoria was not a mental illness and then changing language, suposedly-neutral establishment policies and trying to override other people's sexualities to validate their gender identities. That's where I call bullshit. But tbh the whole "natural order" thing is pretty much dead lol.
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Mar 15, 2017
I think anyone who needs to react strongly to trans-activism by making it a part of their own identity and declaring themselves “super straight” secretly jerks it to tranny porn. I’m sorry, but they are totally telling on themselves here. This just has male insecurity written all over it.

I once read an interesting blog entry explaining the reasons it exists and why trans porn is one of the most popular categories... aka “chicks with dicks” ... not to mention the oversized breast implants and porn star look. This stuff is not exactly made for a trans audience, so who is watching it? I’ll give you one guess.
Yes, sexual hypocrites do exist. There are some "trannyhunters" on the down low [including a few past AND present male celebrities!] that would settle for a passable feminine looking transwoman as a last resort if they can never find a biological woman that wants to be with them in the hotel/motel room @2:00am [AKA a booty call]. Even the sexual hypocrites that are straight men that are so against gay men &/or lesbian women are also THE same straight men that loves to watch some hot lesbian/bisexual women action in adult films.

And lets not overlook that fact that there are some "straight" couples within the swingers lifestyle that are into pre-op transwomen too.


Apr 15, 2021
Yes, sexual hypocrites do exist. There are some "trannyhunters" on the down low [including a few past AND present male celebrities!] that would settle for a passable feminine looking transwoman as a last resort if they can never find a biological woman that wants to be with them in the hotel/motel room @2:00am [AKA a booty call]. Even the sexual hypocrites that are straight men that are so against gay men &/or lesbian women are also THE same straight men that loves to watch some hot lesbian/bisexual women action in adult films.

And lets not overlook that fact that there are some "straight" couples within the swingers lifestyle that are into pre-op transwomen too.
Men who get off on these things are by no metric, actual heterosexuals regardless of how they self-identify.
Dec 22, 2019
This reasoning is somewhat disturbing, not to mention condescending. Burn James Charles at the stake all you want, but please don't start blaming the LGBT community for his actions. There are pedophiles among heterosexuals as well, so can we please stop making generalizations?
That's true, but think about this as well. Even fhe porn industry has p***philia, the entertainment industry has p***philia, even religion like satanism, the Luciferian religion and the false doctrines within the Christian denominations has p***philia. Let's not act like LGBTQ community isn't like one of those. p***philia is everywhere.

Drag queens, gay men and trans people are utilising kids and sexualising them in the name of the LGBTQ group to turn them into something their not. C'mon now be realistic. C'mon bro. Desmond is Amazing, Drag Queen Lactatia. This is sickening. Back then, when these 2 boys came out, people amongst LGBTQ community were praising them. Now they changed (also a lot of people saw this as well)

Why hasn't the community spoken out against it as a whole? Heterosexual p***philia has been bashed a lot only, but people seem to think that's the only p***philia. Homosexual and busexual p***philia/hebephilia exists. Have you ever heard of MAPS and Nambla. The community is full of homosexuals who are part of the community because their gay, kmt and he's using his homosexual tendecies to seduce young innocent boys. That's disgusting. So the community is full of pedos. That's not generalising. That's speaking facts.

It's like the porn industry, girls are being held hostage and forced to carry disgusting acts by olfer men. Porn isn't just videos and photos of people doing the nasty, child porn is something that exists. They are allowing it to be displayed in their sites because it's 1. Child porn. 2. It's for people to jack off and enjoy it. 3. There are pedos in the porn community. As long as your masturbating to it, it shouldn't matter. Pedo fantasies and all.
Same with homosexual p***philia existing in the community.

Wake up guys.


Apr 12, 2017
It's not just straight men. Straight women, gay men and lesbian women (and more than a few bisexuals) have ALL rallied behind the "super" movement because overcorrection leads to reactivity. Have you not read about how lesbians were labelled "terfs" for not wanting to date pre or non-op trans women? Or how these same trans women invade lesbian dating spaces but only want access to cis women and not other trans people?

The trans movement has been headed down a tyrannical path for years now and this is the push back. I'm not fussed either way, this is all planned to sow more division but at the end of the day people getting frustrated because 2% of the population wants to bend the other 98% to their subjective reality was always going to lead to backlash. The whole "if they're against it they're insecure and secretly craving the D" is played out and a pathetic excuse to ignore the hypocrisy of TRAs.

Interesting blog you were reading. Men who watch "tranny" porn are either closeted or have had their minds twisted by porn addiction. It literally rewires your brain and leads you to look for the next "hard hitting" category. Most men who fetishize trans women would never date or settle down with one, it's all sexual because deep down they will never see them as real women. So I have no idea what popular porn categories have to do with anything. All it means is men watching that dehumanize trans women just like they do biological women. It's scientifically verifiable that that shit messes with your mind and the other popular categories (teen, non-consent, etc.) are proof of that.
I can’t imagine actually caring about any of this enough to be reactionary. What if they’re all just being trolled? I can’t think of anything else someone could say that would bring more insecure males out of the woodwork than “if you won’t date me that means you’re transphobic” It’s just about THE perfect trolling tactic, let’s be honest.

The blog article was about homophobia and how it drives the market for trans porn. One of the top porn producers apparently jokes about how the company anonymously donates money to anti-gay “charities” because it’s good for business. It also mentioned how many male prostitutes will dress in drag only to pander to a certain type of “just to be clear, this doesn’t mean I’m gay” homophobic clientele.
Dec 22, 2019
This reasoning is somewhat disturbing, not to mention condescending. Burn James Charles at the stake all you want, but please don't start blaming the LGBT community for his actions. There are pedophiles among heterosexuals as well, so can we please stop making generalizations?

Check this comment out. They've been doing this for decades. You, (not you) but the people who realise this within the community are hypocrites. Damn

Lil axe

May 11, 2020
This reasoning is somewhat disturbing, not to mention condescending. Burn James Charles at the stake all you want, but please don't start blaming the LGBT community for his actions. There are pedophiles among heterosexuals as well, so can we please stop making generalizations?
the preacher at the church (i attended when i was young), married man with children, was abusing children and his own daughter, she eventually got pregnant, that's how we learned about his habits
few videos bothered me, (that were previously posted on the forums) about kids being trafficked , and hearing this particular girl Jessa's story, where she would describe one of the clients who was married with kids, and would fantasize she was his daughters while he did horrific things to her, one of Jessa's interviews -
warning: contains graphic and disturbing ideas
Dec 22, 2019
the preacher at the church (i attended when i was young), married man with children, was abusing children and his own daughter, she eventually got pregnant, that's how we learned about his habits
few videos bothered me, (that were previously posted on the forums) about kids being trafficked , and hearing this particular girl Jessa's story, where she would describe one of the clients who was married with kids, and would fantasize she was his daughters while he did horrific things to her, one of Jessa's interviews -
warning: contains graphic and disturbing ideas
That's messed up. I'm not gonna deny the fact that some denomimations in Christianity like Jehovah's Witness includes p***philia, human trafficking and child r*pe etc etc... in one of their rituals.


Apr 15, 2021
I can’t imagine actually caring about any of this enough to be reactionary. What if they’re all just being trolled? I can’t think of anything else someone could say that would bring more insecure males out of the woodwork than “if you won’t date me that means you’re transphobic” It’s just about THE perfect trolling tactic, let’s be honest.
Again, it's not just about men. Everything is always about men. Probably because you havent been the target of it but it has happened. To straight men and women, gay men and women, bisexuals who are told they have "no excuse" to not want to date trans people. Have you really been living under a rock when the whole cotton ceiling phenomenon took place in the lesbian community? Lesbian women have arguably had it the worst and there is an added threat of physical assault that isnt usually there with transwomen who target straight men. Or are you just purposefully oblivious to the fact that this isnt about trans people minding their own business while a few of them troll monosexuals? But that a large number actively force themselves into dating spaces so much so that it's inspired movements like #superstraight #supergay and #superlesbian? Or are the vocal gay men decrying this also just secretly craving pussy?

The blog article was about homophobia and how it drives the market for trans porn. One of the top porn producers apparently jokes about how the company anonymously donates money to anti-gay “charities” because it’s good for business. It also mentioned how many male prostitutes will dress in drag only to pander to a certain type of “just to be clear, this doesn’t mean I’m gay” homophobic clientele.
We all know there is an entire market of closeted gay men who try desperately to maintain the illusion they are straight. It's called being in denial and they have existed since time immemorial but this has absolutely nothing to do with this thread or my answer.
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Apr 12, 2017
Again, it's not just about men. Everything is always about men. Probably because you havent been the target of it but it has happened. To straight men and women, gay men and women, bisexuals who are told they have "no excuse" to not want to date trans people. Have you really been living under a rock when the whole cotton ceiling phenomenon took place in the lesbian community? Lesbian women have arguably had it the worst and there is an added threat of physical assault that isnt usually there with transwomen who target straight men. Or are you just purposefully oblivious to the fact that this isnt about trans people minding their own business while a few of them troll monosexuals? But that a large number actively force themselves into dating spaces so much so that it's inspired movements like #superstraight #supergay and #superlesbian?
I think it’s being sensationalized. News flash: some people are awful. My casual assessment is that they may require professional therapy to help them cope with their gender dysphoria in a healthy manner that doesn’t involve lashing out at others. Many trans-people have received the proper therapy and have transitioned in a way that allows them to employ much more healthy and constructive coping mechanisms.

Transpeople just hope to someday be treated in a way that makes them feel seen. This should be understandable for anyone. You cannot possibly imagine, nor could I ever imagine how it feels to be openly trans when so many people would rather regress back to when transpeople were excluded and mostly invisible.
Apr 12, 2017
Perhaps if transgenderism was not so unfairly stigmatized in general our society would recognize the need for readily-available therapeutic resources, and we would not see this type of lashing out and frustration. Instead of being reactionary, we could be better humans and ask: “you seem very lonely, how can we help?”
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Apr 15, 2021
I think it’s being sensationalized. News flash: some people are awful. My casual assessment is that they may require professional therapy to help them cope with their gender dysphoria in a healthy manner that doesn’t involve lashing out at others. Many trans-people have received the proper therapy and have transitioned in a way that allows them to employ much more healthy and constructive coping mechanisms.

Transpeople just hope to someday be treated in a way that makes them feel seen. This should be understandable for anyone. You cannot possibly imagine, nor could I ever imagine how it feels to be openly trans when so many people would rather regress back to when transpeople were excluded and mostly invisible.
Way to switch the goal posts. No normal person has a problem with trans people just living their lives. But again, you must have been living under a rock for the last few years when cis women wanting to date other cis women would receive death threats and threats of r*pe for stating their preferences excluded transwomen. Were you unaware of that? Shitty people exist but this was a disproportionate series of events (considering the actual number of trans people) that led to actual victims. Trans people with social media platforms themselves have called sexual "preferences" transphobic. There are several threads already linked up which you can follow to see it for yourself. When supposedly neutral corporate bodies refer to biological women as "people who menstruate" instead of just "women" or when it's considered offensive to being up biology (not in insult but as fact), then you've got a problem. That's dictatorship, not democracy.

Are you trans? If so then you cant speak for what trans people want. You clearly dont keep up with what many TRAs are actually demanding.
Apr 12, 2017
We all know there is an entire market of closeted gay men who try desperately to maintain the illusion they are straight. It's called being in denial and they have existed since time immemorial but this has absolutely nothing to do with this thread or my answer.
I disagree. It’s definitely relevant to this topic. “Closeted gay men” is a bit too stereotypical. Sure, they likely account for a small portion. I have no data to back this up, so call it a hunch... many are just men who hate some small portion of themselves that happens to entertain bi-curious thoughts or whatever, so when they see this part of themselves openly represented within another person, it’s like looking in the mirror and only seeing exactly what you hate about yourself. Basic psychological projection- we ALL project our insecurities upon others to some degree.

Also, it’s not that it’s always about men, it just happens to be more socially-stigmatized as “unmanly” and considered as something to be embarrassed about for men than it is for women.