Smallpox/monkeypox scamdemic

Mar 15, 2019
Exactly! The flaw of germ theory is that it puts a lot of focus into medicines and vaccinations that treat the diseases AFTER it has happened.
Not "a lot of focus into". Nothing to focus on in drugs. They're totally wrong, they're all poisons.
1.) “The cause of most disease is in the poisonous drugs physicians superstitiously give in order to effect a cure.”

3.) “If all the medicine in the world were thrown into the sea, it would be bad for the fish and good for humanity.”

4.) “Every drug increases and complicates the patient’s condition.”

5.) “The greatest part of all chronic disease is created by the suppression of acute disease by drug poisoning.”

6.) “Every educated physician knows that most diseases are not appreciably helped by medicine.”

8.) “The person who takes medicine must recover twice. Once from the disease and once from the medicine.”

9.) “Medical practice has neither philosophy nor common sense to recommend it. In sickness the body is already loaded with impurities. By taking drugs ( medicines ), more impurities are added, thereby the case is further embarrassed and harder to cure.”

10.) “Our figures show approximately four and one half million hospital admissions annually due to the adverse reactions to drugs. Further, the average hospital patient has as much as 30% chance, depending on how long he is in, of doubling his stay due to adverse drug reactions.”

11.) “Why would a patient swallow a poison because he is ill, or take that which would make a well man sick?”

12.) “What hope is there for medical science to ever become a true science when the entire structure of medical knowledge is built around the idea that there is an entity called disease which can be expelled when the right drug is found?”

13.) “The necessity of teaching mankind not to take drugs and medicines , is a duty incumbent upon all who know their uncertainty and injurious effects; and the time is not far distant when the drug system will be abandoned.”

14.) “We are prone to thinking of drug abuse in terms of the male population and illicit drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. It may surprise you to learn that a greater problem exists with millions of women dependent on legal prescription drugs.”

15.) “Drug medications consist in employing, as remedies for disease, those things which produce disease in well persons. Its material medica is simply a lot of drugs or chemicals or dye-stuffs – in a word “poisons!” All are incompatible with vital matter; all produce disease when brought in contact in any manner with the living ; all are poisons.”

16.) “Drugs never cure disease. They merely hush the voice of nature’s protest, and pull down the danger signals she erects along the pathway of transgression. Any poison taken into the system has to be reckoned with later on , even though it palliates present symptoms. Pain may disappear, but the patient is left in a worse condition, though unconscious of it at the time.”

17.) “This whole concept of autoimmune disease, again, is our insanity thinking that the body made a mistake.”
The flaw with the germ theory is that it misses the point that our bodies are already full of germs and they are waiting to eat us when we die.
1- THEY'RE NOT CONTAGIOUS. (so there's no point in trying to avoid them.) Indians know this best:
(1.4 billion people came from this water.)
2- Viruses are dead. They're not contagious. They are results, not causes.
3- Microbes don't eat healthy tissues.
4- Microbes are already waiting inside to eat the damaged tissues.
5- Damage is caused by poisoning, dehydration, and malnutrition.
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Mar 15, 2019
I know. What I meant was that antigens (like pollen) interact with our immune system, making our immune cells react to it and THAT leads to the formation of 'viruses'. Viruses may originate from within human bodies but antigens may come from within our body or from outside.
Viruses, once originated from a body can also spread to other people actually. Read about microzymes if you are interested and haven't encountered the topic yet.
I think allergies are caused by vaccines. To say that flowers cause disease seems very problematic. This is also "the confusing cause and effect", like viruses, cholesterol etc. (animal fats don't cause disease either). These are the things modern medicine has devised to sell medicine and, once again, to sell medicine for the diseases caused by medicines, to make us sick and to establish a tyranny. Allergies are also caused by things that go wrong in our body, not from the outside. Vaccines.



Apr 19, 2022
On May 18, according to media reports, the first person in the U.S. was found to be infected, coming from Canada, and there were also people infected near Lisbon.

If we take Strong's dictionary, the gematria of dates and key press reports, we get a match on several points at once:
Strong's H227 indicates a period, time interval or reference point (see at the very end of the post), also between the date of the official announcement of the Covid-19 pandemic and the first patient in the United States (2022) there is "code 227" as a time interval of 2 years 2 months and 7 days. And as of the date of May 18, 227 days remain to the end of the year. The gematria of the phrase encountered in news feeds "Monkeypox virus" = 227 (English Ordinal).

The next code that comes up is 138: the patient came from Canada, the "Monkeypox" disease (see screen below) was detected on May 18, which is day 138 in this non-leap year 2022. According to Strong, H138 can be seen not only as a proper name, but also as a variant of a compound word from two "lord" (H113) + "Yahweh" (H3050), which again resonates with March 11 as 11.03 or 113.

Roughly it turns out.
Declared covid(113) lord-Adon(H113) -> 2 years 2 months and 7 days have passed (H227) since then -> Monkeypox(138) - Adonijah- lord *unpronounced name*
Jul 31, 2021
There's a video of native americans who have done a press conference back in February saying they have documents proving that Trudeau has already paid millions for smallpox vaccines. I cant really link the video because the voiceover is in french so I doubt most will understand it. If anyone can find it in english that would be good.


Feb 8, 2021
My son's friend got sent home from school Thursday cause he had a rash starting on his neck.
Doctors diagnosed him with shingles. He is 16 and yes did have the COVID shot.

Interesting cause another kid also got sent home with a rash also. No word on him yet but all the teenagers were spreading that monkey pox is going around their school! The teens already have heard about monkey pox!
Oct 20, 2021
My son's friend got sent home from school Thursday cause he had a rash starting on his neck.
Doctors diagnosed him with shingles. He is 16 and yes did have the COVID shot.

Interesting cause another kid also got sent home with a rash also. No word on him yet but all the teenagers were spreading that monkey pox is going around their school! The teens already have heard about monkey pox!
I always thought older people got shingles?