The Democratic Primaries


Nov 30, 2017
Well.. I could barely sleep last night. Woke up this morning and contacted sanders local chapter and volunteered my time between March 20-April 20th (I have a break from school).

Yes, it always looked like the establishment would ensure some way, some how that Biden was the nominee. That doesn’t make it okay or a good thing. I went over his website last night and he is proposing absolutely nothing. I can’t even figure out what his message is. The only reason to run him is to ensure that either trump wins again or that the corporate Dems are protected if he doesn’t. This isn’t what’s good for the country or the people and I’m kinda tired of watching this play out personally..

I had sworn I’d never vote and kept that promise until the 2016 primaries when sanders ran because I refused to vote for the lesser of two evils - his campaign was the first time I didn’t feel like that was a choice I had to make. This country can’t sustain more of the same for much longer.. and I hate how politicians play on fear - on all sides - to ensure we stay stuck here while the rich just keep on pushing things through to advance themselves at our expense.

@weskrongden no Pennsylvania didn’t vote yet but you can look at their voting record and the fact that so many support trump to see they are also mostly “low information voters” - the white population here is a super majority, in many places it’s over 90%, some places it’s like 99%... so what is their excuse here?

And yes many people here are worried about immigrants but it’s due to fear mongering. Not any real threat to their livelihood. There aren’t any immigrants around. The bigger threat to the people of Pennsylvania is offshoring and lack of investment, infrastructure, and shitty labor laws/right to work. If they were HIGH information voters they would know this rather than patching onto immigrants as scapegoats when regionally this isn’t even a factor.
Well first of all, everything isn't economics. You said before you don't support multiculturalism. I saw this congressman chairing Bernie's campaign and his words were a multicultural coalition. Some people believe in preserving traditional American culture. Off shoring and immigration are two sides of the same coin. Both are using foreigners to undercut wages. Bernie used to acknowledge immigration was a way to undercut wages, he flip flopped for no reason. The other economic factors you point out are fair. But California is a bastion of progressive policies and has the worst income inequality in the nation. You aren't pro worker if you're pro mass immigration.


Mar 16, 2017
Well first of all, everything isn't economics. You said before you don't support multiculturalism. I saw this congressman chairing Bernie's campaign and his words were a multicultural coalition. Some people believe in preserving traditional American culture. Off shoring and immigration are two sides of the same coin. Both are using foreigners to undercut wages. Bernie used to acknowledge immigration was a way to undercut wages, he flip flopped for no reason. The other economic factors you point out are fair. But California is a bastion of progressive policies and has the worst income inequality in the nation. You aren't pro worker if you're pro mass immigration.
Everything SHOULD be economics. I agree it isn’t because people play on emotions. But I can not see any argument against immigrants that ARENT economic in nature. As I said, we don’t even have immigrants here. So name checking Scranton as an example is kinda backwards and I don’t understand it.

It’s not that I “don’t support multiculturalism” - I’m not sure where I said that or why you think it. I am okay with isolationism. IF and only if that isolationism includes ending global trade, ending immigration, ending our global military presence and ending financial assistance to other countries except in emergency humanitarian crisis.

I’m not okay with isolationism if the only part of this that is getting implemented is an attack on immigrants while the rest remains status quo. Because then it isn’t about the citizens of this country. It’s just about enriching the same people who are already enriched enough:


Nov 30, 2017
Everything SHOULD be economics. I agree it isn’t because people play on emotions. But I can not see any argument against immigrants that ARENT economic in nature. As I said, we don’t even have immigrants here. So name checking Scranton as an example is kinda backwards and I don’t understand it.

It’s not that I “don’t support multiculturalism” - I’m not sure where I said that or why you think it. I am okay with isolationism. IF and only if that isolationism includes ending global trade, ending immigration, ending our global military presence and ending financial assistance to other countries except in emergency humanitarian crisis.

I’m not okay with isolationism if the only part of this that is getting implemented is an attack on immigrants while the rest remains status quo. Because then it isn’t about the citizens of this country. It’s just about enriching the same people who are already enriched enough:
No economics are not everything. Some people have values that aren't directly tied to money. The kind of culture and environment their kids grow up on. A lot of us have no interest in a society where the media and leftists attack Nick Sandman, just because he's white. The culture wars are important to a lot of people. I brought up Scranton just to say how they didn't like the Obama administratio, that was a different train of thought entirely.

Yes, I'm against the entire globalist system . I'm against free trade, immigration, foreign aid, military interventionism, all of it. I don't have any consistency issues like many on the left.
Apr 12, 2017
Lol call me a bitch in person and see how bad you'd get hurt. Bet you're Indian with toothpick arms and can't bench your own body weight or do a pull up
I can't help it if the truth makes you angry, tuff guy. I wasn't referring to you specifically, it's nothing personal. If you're identifying and including yourself among the xenophobic little bitches I guess that's on you. *shrug*
Apr 12, 2017
You have to be an extra delicate, fragile little flower to get so angry about a kid singing on TV.
"What's this kid saying? I can't even unnerstand'im. Is this song about white people? I bet he's singin bad about white people! Grrrr!!"


Mar 18, 2017
I think Sanders will come out ahead once the delegate count is updated to include all of California and Colorado. Texas doesn't look like they are done, but the Texas vote was a pretty even split, so it won't really give Biden an edge. Maine is also undecided officially, but will be a pretty even split too.

Next week will include many states Sanders won when he ran against Hillary too. Gaining the lead in California is also huge for Sanders.

So far Sanders has gained California and Nevada and lost Oklahoma and Minnesota.

This is the wikipedia map. Obviously, Sanders is green and Biden is blue


Nov 30, 2017
You have to be an extra delicate, fragile little flower to get so angry about a kid singing on TV.
"What's this kid saying? I can't even unnerstand'im. Is this song about white people? I bet he's singin bad about white people! Grrrr!!"
Why don't you and your family go back underneath the rock you called out from disgusting filth


Jan 29, 2018
This thing is so rigged, the riggers are even having trouble keeping the lies straight. One would think they would be more proficient at this by now, but perhaps the old-guard has retired and Bottygig and Suckerberg just cant pull it off like the old school could.....


Nov 30, 2017
I think Sanders will come out ahead once the delegate count is updated to include all of California and Colorado. Texas doesn't look like they are done, but the Texas vote was a pretty even split, so it won't really give Biden an edge. Maine is also undecided officially, but will be a pretty even split too.

Next week will include many states Sanders won when he ran against Hillary too. Gaining the lead in California is also huge for Sanders.

So far Sanders has gained California and Nevada and lost Oklahoma and Minnesota.

This is the wikipedia map. Obviously, Sanders is green and Biden is blue
Bloomberg dropped out. Sanders has no chance if Warren stays in. No idea why she's in with no path to victory unless she made some backroom deals to ensure Bernie can't win.


Jan 29, 2018
Why don't you and your family go back underneath the rock you called out from disgusting filth
See? Soooooo easy.
Why dont both of yall accept each other will be here and agree to disagree or knock off the tough guy talk? Calling anyone, especially grown men "b!+@*s" aint the class way to go fellas. And this is coming from the numero uno hotheaded chucklehead on these boards lol


Mar 16, 2017
No economics are not everything. Some people have values that aren't directly tied to money. The kind of culture and environment their kids grow up on. A lot of us have no interest in a society where the media and leftists attack Nick Sandman, just because he's white. The culture wars are important to a lot of people. I brought up Scranton just to say how they didn't like the Obama administratio, that was a different train of thought entirely.

Yes, I'm against the entire globalist system . I'm against free trade, immigration, foreign aid, military interventionism, all of it. I don't have any consistency issues like many on the left.
The government should have zero say or influence in people’s personal values. If you just don’t like immigrants and there are too many where you live move to one of the myriad places in the country that don’t have them. If it’s something more then personal distaste then it is economics and there needs to be a consistent policy regarding all the factors that hurt American workers - immigrants being a tiny slice of that.

I never said you were inconsistent regarding isolation policies. But our government is. And people that don’t know better eat it up without realizing that banning immigrants without any of the other pieces won’t change anything and is exactly what the government/rich want - an easy emotional deflection from the real problem.

Yes sanders flip flopped on immigration. But he has been consistent regarding trade deals and off shoring which imo and many others opinions is a much more pressing problem then immigration.


Jan 29, 2018
Bloomberg dropped out. Sanders has no chance if Warren stays in. No idea why she's in with no path to victory unless she made some backroom deals to ensure Bernie can't win.
Pretty sure her backroom deal is already cut w/Biden. Sanders cant beat rigged machines and corrupt officials so unless we get some serious primary vote accountability, Biden will mysteriously make the cut and go on to likely lose to Trump.
Apr 12, 2017
Why dont both of yall accept each other will be here and agree to disagree or knock off the tough guy talk? Calling anyone, especially grown men "b!+@*s" aint the class way to go fellas. And this is coming from the numero uno hotheaded chucklehead on these boards lol
To be fair, I didn't name anyone specifically. :p

Besides, I have never claimed to be classy. Being immature is too tempting and too much fun sometimes. I hope you understand.


Mar 16, 2017
Pretty sure her backroom deal is already cut w/Biden. Sanders cant beat rigged machines and corrupt officials so unless we get some serious primary vote accountability, Biden will mysteriously make the cut and go on to likely lose to Trump.
I really don’t think the warren thing is about a backroom deal with a man she has been publicly feuding with for decades (Biden). I’m anticipating her dropping out any moment.
Apr 12, 2017
I really don’t think the warren thing is about a backroom deal with a man she has been publicly feuding with for decades (Biden). I’m anticipating her dropping out any moment.
It was very bluntly stated that she is only still in it to pull a portion of progressive votes away from Bernie.


Mar 18, 2017
Swing states North Carolina and Colorado would also be a win for the democratic party if you combined the democratic vote count and put it towards one candidate competing against the vote Trump received. Colorado was blue in 2016, but North Carolina was red, which means that there is the possibility that the swing states could be Trump's downfall this year.

Minnesota and Virginia do not have a vote count for Trump, but they were blue in 2016 already, so we will have to see how some of the other swing states compare in the next several weeks.


Jan 29, 2018
I really don’t think the warren thing is about a backroom deal with a man she has been publicly feuding with for decades (Biden). I’m anticipating her dropping out any moment.
I can see her dropping out as well. But after the Bernie fiasco, I dont think Warren feels confident she will receive the position she wants (if any) in a Sanders administration and has hedged her bets on tptb pulling Biden to the nomination, by hook or by crook.