Once upon a time, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, I was studying to be a Catholic Priest. Then I encountered a specific type of Catholic Priest and left the great Whore far behind, never to look back. But my Faith was reinforced like a 500 pound man wrapped around a vending machine inside an iron box in turn inside of Cheyenne Mountain.Are you a real monk?
My dumb (hee-haw) decided to get a job working for the Federal Government, thinking that would fulfill my desire for righteousness. Bet you can guess how that ended. Anyoo the experience was not without value as by the time I got done with these 2 big mistakes my eyes were as wide open as an owl after drinking a StrarCracks® Red-eye.
I applied that same fortitude and caffeine powered energy to the Scriptures and learned to read them in their original language. Then I subsequently realized the whore's sisters (Islam, Rabbinic Judaism, Hinduism, B'hai Faith...), and her daughters (Protestant Christianity and it's daughters, Orthodox Christianity), and woke up the rest of the way.
I, still being a young man, and still full of piss, vinegar, and extreme short sightedness, proceeded to inform the entire world of my findings. The results were, to say the very least, extremely painful, excruciating even. It's a miracle (truly) I survived. The results were partially: lost multimillion dollar businesses; the inability to get a job anywhere in the USA or with any US connected firm; mystery men constantly ransacking my home when I wasn't home (which later was taken from me too, multiple times); family being told (and believing) that I'm off my rocker (and after going through all this horse-hockey even if it were true, who could blame me); my children being taken away, but ha-ha, I got 'em back; women leaving me (but I'm much better off); and various injuries physical and otherwise. However, in all that, I was blessed in that I have citizenship in multiple countries and I operate frequently through proxy and because practically everyone thinks that I'm couple a fries short of a Happy Meal®, I'm not considered enough a threat anymore when they do locate me to bother.
Sorry for the diarreha of the mouth, but it's hard to sum it all up in a nutshell.
take a look at this link posted in this same thread
Who do Muslims really worship?
THE GREAT MOTHER GODDESS When studying Comparative Mythology and especially the numerous cultural Stories of Creation, the best of these stories of course included the female importance as being equal to the male archetype. Without both gender and their qualities, no creation can take part and...
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