BBC pushing anti conspiracy theories/think for yourself

Oct 2, 2017
In the 90s they just mocked anyone who did not follow the official story, same in the 2000s, but ive noticed a different method happening lately, the dangerous conspiracy theorist. First they ignored David Icke, love him or hate him, he was either ignored or ridiculed, but now ive seen articles about how dangerous he is, and the latest anti conspiracy theory rhetoric is the Nashville bombing.

However it seems like the BBC is really pushing the idea that anyone who questions the official story or government is dangerous. here are two of their latest articles

the casualties of conspiracy
how to talk to the VICTIMS of conspiracy theories

Remember kids people who question the official narrative are victims of brainwashing, mentally ill, entranced by fantasy


but i do find the title of the reporter from both of these articles quite interesting 'specialist disinformation reporter''


Marianna Spring twitter

maybe its worth doing a thread showing all the anti conspiracy theory attempts by the mainstream media, i know we all touch on it in other threads but it would be worth having all of them together, to see if there is a pattern emerging
Feb 22, 2020
can you blame them when "conspiracy theories" are now synonymous with Q Anon.

Conspiracy theorists got played by the elites and shot themselves in the foot.

It started with "flat earth" and other nonsense, and now Trump the "anti-pedo crusader" LMFAO.

All by design.

I warned people.


Apr 26, 2017
can you blame them when "conspiracy theories" are now synonymous with Q Anon.

Conspiracy theorists got played by the elites and shot themselves in the foot.

It started with "flat earth" and other nonsense, and now Trump the "anti-pedo crusader" LMFAO.

All by design.

I warned people.
Only you and @justjess claim, ad nauseam, that conspiracy theories are synonymous with Q. If informed about 21st Century geopolitics, your thinking would be different. As it stands, you live in a past where the left and the right are fighting some endless battle to bring about a utopian synthesis of Marxist ideology with capitalism (i.e. China), attempting to bring social justice to the masses, and fix the “broken” system created by racist, white supremacists. Globalism and populism appear to escape your ability to rationalize concepts outside the left/right paradigm needed for synthesis: your arguments about everything USA get confused by how misinformed you are.

It is as if you have been living in a far flung galaxy for two centuries and just showed up on Earth, telling us we are ignorant about our planet so we should listen to you.

Unfortunately, we hear talk about ancient history that is no longer relevant and has no bearing on anyone’s real life, other than your own misguided understanding of Earth’s history—making for mildly entertaining reading, but worth nothing in the realm of intellectual debate.

Like you are part of your own conspiracy to try and turn people into anti-intellectual dummkopfs...


Mar 16, 2017
Only you and @justjess claim, ad nauseam, that conspiracy theories are synonymous with Q. If informed about 21st Century geopolitics, your thinking would be different. As it stands, you live in a past where the left and the right are fighting some endless battle to bring about a utopian synthesis of Marxist ideology with capitalism (i.e. China), attempting to bring social justice to the masses, and fix the “broken” system created by racist, white supremacists. Globalism and populism appear to escape your ability to rationalize concepts outside the left/right paradigm needed for synthesis: your arguments about everything USA get confused by how misinformed you are.

It is as if you have been living in a far flung galaxy for two centuries and just showed up on Earth, telling us we are ignorant about our planet so we should listen to you.

Unfortunately, we hear talk about ancient history that is no longer relevant and has no bearing on anyone’s real life, other than your own misguided understanding of Earth’s history—making for mildly entertaining reading, but worth nothing in the realm of intellectual debate.

Like you are part of your own conspiracy to try and turn people into anti-intellectual dummkopfs...
Stop @ing me and attributing shit to me that I never said. Get over me it’s getting embarrassing.
Apr 13, 2017
can you blame them when "conspiracy theories" are now synonymous with Q Anon.

Conspiracy theorists got played by the elites and shot themselves in the foot.

It started with "flat earth" and other nonsense, and now Trump the "anti-pedo crusader" LMFAO.

All by design.

I warned people.
Qanon is information warfare from people on the inside. I think we both agree on that?

You can go two ways here. You either recognize it as an attempt from within to bring awareness of the corruption and immorality in the system in order to gain the popular support to overthrow that system, or you can interpret it as an attempt of the corrupt and immoral system (or a part of it) to fool dissidence into believing they are fighting ... themselves. Not impossible, but not very likely for multiple reasons, reasons that seem to escape your consideration.
Feb 22, 2020
Qanon is information warfare from people on the inside. I think we both agree on that?

You can go two ways here. You either recognize it as an attempt from within to bring awareness of the corruption and immorality in the system in order to gain the popular support to overthrow that system, or you can interpret it as an attempt of the corrupt and immoral system (or a part of it) to fool dissidence into believing they are fighting ... themselves. Not impossible, but not very likely for multiple reasons, reasons that seem to escape your consideration.
it is obviously the latter.

Donald Trump IS corrupt, and IS in cahoots with child traffickers, he IS the swamp.

Qanon and the conspiracy world as it exists today is simply Republican propaganda. The whole purpose of it is to push anti-Democratic party and anti-Liberal agendas. Fighting corruption and the elites is not the motive. Fighting DEMOCRATIC elites and corruption is. Republican elites and Republican corruption are not of concern.[/QUOTE]


Jul 27, 2017
Qanon is information warfare from people on the inside. I think we both agree on that?

You can go two ways here. You either recognize it as an attempt from within to bring awareness of the corruption and immorality in the system in order to gain the popular support to overthrow that system, or you can interpret it as an attempt of the corrupt and immoral system (or a part of it) to fool dissidence into believing they are fighting ... themselves. Not impossible, but not very likely for multiple reasons, reasons that seem to escape your consideration.
This is the problem here Art.
Qanon has spread so much disinfo that it’s created a mistrust not just in government but in society.

The ones you argue against on here like Vancity and Jess see government corruption but you’re quick to label them as leftist. Sure they have liberal ideologies. Liberalism is a form of freedom, liberty, expression. That represents an American right.

Antifa does not represent liberals. They represent extremist freeloaders who like Qanons or let’s use the word government operatives, use violence to push an agenda to get society to feel a certain way
Feb 22, 2020
That’s not the impression I get from the Trump base at all. All I see is every Republican who isn’t fully backing Trump is considered a traitor and is going to feel it in the next primaries. Like irrationalninja said, it isn’t GOP vs Democrats or left vs right anymore. The paradigm has shifted.
You are right to an extent, but its not what you think.

The far right faction of the Republican party has simply pulled away from the regular conservatives. The far right used to be a small fraction of the Republicans, but now it has increased massively with Trump and the CNP.

Or what I earlier described as the Neocon/Paleocon split.

There still is no legitimate populism or anti-establishment on the right.

Its simply the far right loons backed by billionaires like the Mercers want to go full mask off and bring fascism, while many Republicans would prefer things how they have been for the past few decades. I think many Republicans who are not going along with Trump's "election fraud" nonsense and his "martial law" talk are genuinely disturbed and disgusted that such open authoritarianism and corruption could take hold in America. They dont want to see American become like some 3rd world dictatorship, which Trump is basically threatening.

Change isn't always a good thing. Even though the status quo sucks. The status quo is still better than what these lunatics have in mind.

So it isn't simply Republicans vs Democrats.

The Democrats and the mainstream republicans share certain agendas.

but the mainstream Republicans and the far right loons also share certain agendas.

So the mainstream Repubs are kind of playing both sides, they are pro-Trump in some instances and against him at other times.

Another thing is that Trump is holding much of the Republican party hostage, so they are in a sense beholden to him because Trump is popular amongst many.
Apr 13, 2017
The far right faction of the Republican party has simply pulled away from the regular conservatives. The far right used to be a small fraction of the Republicans, but now it has increased massively with Trump and the CNP.
I guess it’s fair to say this is the crux of your perspective, that it’s a far right phenomenon taking over traditional conservatism, but that doesn’t explain why Trumpism has become popular all over the political spectrum, including many liberals. The past 5 years I have consistently seen liberals and leftists, not just talking about commoners, but high-profile social media influencers and podcasters too, even those who still are and still identify themselves as classic liberals or center leftists, jump on the Trump train. Trump has gained with all minority demographics compared to 2016. To then say they all got baited into supporting a far-right paleo conservative psyop is an entirely illogical conclusion. Your analysis is flawed at its foundation.
Dec 31, 2020

it is obviously the latter.

Donald Trump IS corrupt, and IS in cahoots with child traffickers, he IS the swamp.

Qanon and the conspiracy world as it exists today is simply Republican propaganda. The whole purpose of it is to push anti-Democratic party and anti-Liberal agendas. Fighting corruption and the elites is not the motive. Fighting DEMOCRATIC elites and corruption is. Republican elites and Republican corruption are not of concern.

New user here. Cool website, glad I found it.

Veagle, you have a misunderstanding of Trump and Trump supporters. You'll see in time.


Mar 16, 2017
I guess it’s fair to say this is the crux of your perspective, that it’s a far right phenomenon taking over traditional conservatism, but that doesn’t explain why Trumpism has become popular all over the political spectrum, including many liberals. The past 5 years I have consistently seen liberals and leftists, not just talking about commoners, but high-profile social media influencers and podcasters too, even those who still are and still identify themselves as classic liberals or center leftists, jump on the Trump train. Trump has gained with all minority demographics compared to 2016. To then say they all got baited into supporting a far-right paleo conservative psyop is an entirely illogical conclusion. Your analysis is flawed at its foundation.
When you ignore that the word psyop means precisely that thing... then yeah it would be illogical. But you can’t ignore the word PSYOP when it’s the crux of the issue.
Feb 22, 2020
I guess it’s fair to say this is the crux of your perspective, that it’s a far right phenomenon taking over traditional conservatism, but that doesn’t explain why Trumpism has become popular all over the political spectrum, including many liberals.
It has become popular because they have been pushing this movement for decades and sowing the seeds of this radicalism going back to the John Birch Society and Goldwater in the 50's and 60's. Talk radio and Fox News has also played its role in laying down the foundation, and of course the "truth movement" or as I call it the "conspiratainment industrial complex" wrapped things up bringing in genuine truth seekers around the fraud of 911, and then pushing their poison to bring us to the present day with Qanon and Trump worship. This has been a long plan, well over half a century long with billions of dollars of propaganda and military psychological operation warfare directed at the American public. Of course some liberals were taken in by this psy op, it wasn't only directed at conservatives.
The past 5 years I have consistently seen liberals and leftists, not just talking about commoners, but high-profile social media influencers and podcasters too, even those who still are and still identify themselves as classic liberals or center leftists, jump on the Trump train.
Again this psy op has also targeted the left, which is where Russia Today, Jimmy Dore, Tulsi Gabbard, Krystal Ball, Tim Pool all come into play. These high profile influencers all have financial incentives to sell out to this agenda, if they aren't actually decieved, or it could even be a bit of both. The Nazi party also had a more leftist wing, which were eventually purged in the night of the long knives. These same useful idiots on the left will be dealt with if they get their wish and bring some right wing "populist" to power.
Trump has gained with all minority demographics compared to 2016. To then say they all got baited into supporting a far-right paleo conservative psyop is an entirely illogical conclusion. Your analysis is flawed at its foundation.
but that is exactly what happend, thats what a psy op is. Information warfare targeting your mind to manipulate and decieve you. They can get at you through many avenues.

Religious (which many black and hispanics are very religious)

a big part of this psy op was to destroy the credibility of the MSM and then offer the alternative (independent media) which was not so independent but controlled by a different faction of elites and played off as grassroots. Again the Nazis did this exact same thing calling media the enemy of the people. To an extent it is, but the mistake would be to put blind faith in the alternative they prepared for you, which in many cases contained even more lies and disinformation than the MSM.

We have come to the point where a large section of the country will believe some anonymous clown on social media over the news. Ask yourself if that is really a good thing ? Somebody could litearlly tweet "Trump can fly" and a lot of people would believe it, and when the MSM says "no Trump cannot fly" they would yell "fake news, deep state,"

that is a very dangerous level of delusion for much of the country to be under.
Feb 22, 2020
When pizza gate came out the likes of the BBC said it was all fake news, hearsay and conspiracy theories, yet they spent over 40 years hiding a known p***phile who was abusing children in care homes, hospitals, on BBC shows and in morgues
but Pizzagate IS fake news.

You see with garbage like that YOU are giving the MSM the ammunition they need to fully discredit you.

Instead of talking about actual child trafficking like Saville, Epstein, or many of Trump's associates, you make up garbage about underground dungeons in a pizzashop, when the place didn't even have a basement. You push all sorts of nonsense that can easily be debunked, and you've spoiled any chance of real talk about the subject.

These traps are being set to discredit YOU and anybody else who really wants to do research based on actual facts, and not simply retweet or repost garbage on social media.


Jan 10, 2019
I guess it’s fair to say this is the crux of your perspective, that it’s a far right phenomenon taking over traditional conservatism, but that doesn’t explain why Trumpism has become popular all over the political spectrum, including many liberals. The past 5 years I have consistently seen liberals and leftists, not just talking about commoners, but high-profile social media influencers and podcasters too, even those who still are and still identify themselves as classic liberals or center leftists, jump on the Trump train. Trump has gained with all minority demographics compared to 2016. To then say they all got baited into supporting a far-right paleo conservative psyop is an entirely illogical conclusion. Your analysis is flawed at its foundation.
The only point you made here based in reality is that Dump supposedly gained votes among minorities. I personally think the polls are skewed by relying on such small sample sizes. His "popularity" is irrelevant anyways; 1/2 of eligible voters don't vote. So a 1/4 of voting age citizens chose him over a Democrat, whopee. The fact he was seen as less capable than a demented, incoherent corporate tool is hilarious.

The rest of your opinion is a fantasy. Extremely few people on the left have a shred of respect for Dump. He's a narcissistic, perverse, disgusting, corrupt scam artist whose popularity was generated by algorithms (and hatred of Hilary). Honest leftists are critical of the entire power structure and only refer to him to call out the hypocrisy of the Democrats. You're dense to confuse criticism of liberals as some sort of pass on a disgusting freak like Dump. You don't realize how many on the alt-right who were optimistic have now abandoned his and the Q train? The fact you go on everyday defending such a perverse, pathological liar is very odd to say the least.

So back on topic: @vancityeagle brings up some interesting thoughts. While I disagree that the "entire truth movement" has been co-opted, Q and Alex Jones have had a large impact bringing conspiracy based subject matter to to the forefront in conservative media. Think how much the landscape has changed in 4 years. I agree it's a defeating situation because real topics of concern are muddled by Trumpites whose childishness discredits the whole conversation. Their delusions allow mainstream thinkers to mock anyone questioning official narratives.

Voter fraud is a great example: Democrats themselves have had hearings to discuss the pitfalls of digital voting. We all know voting by machine is insecure without physical records (like they do in Venezuela). But now supposedly the presidential election was flawless and if you challenge the legitimacy of digital tabulation you're a far-right extremist and a Trump worshiper. The topic gets swept under the rug while an AI program alerts the white-coats to swing by and pick you up lol.