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  1. Tikawanda

    Taylor $wift

    I don't understand how someone who doesn't sing particularly well, lacks on-stage presence and charisma, and can't even dance has managed to have such a high grossing tour and basically become the next MJ in terms of popularity. The sheer amount of media attention that she gets despite being...
  2. Tikawanda

    What happened to Madonna ?

    She went off the rails after her divorce. I mean she's always been edgy, but she had toned it down quite a bit while she was married, then she slowly started going downhill around 2012 with increasingly darker visuals and themes in her music videos and performances, her strange obsession with...
  3. Tikawanda

    Woke Watch - TV shows + movies

    It's a franchise about monsters which basically ties into the occult, but your first problem with this movie was... pronouns? Really?
  4. Tikawanda

    Alex Jones and Controlled Opposition Theory also William Cooper Information

    "Overtime"? I've literally only ever seen his court case mentioned on here and on the DebatePolitics Forum where it barely gained any attention. Saying that "they" [the elite/tptb/MSM] are working hard to destroy him when 99.9% of the general public probably aren't even aware of his trial seems...
  5. Tikawanda

    Annoying Trends

    If I had to guess I'd say that VC probably figured that most people use ad blockers now, which means less ad revenue for the site. But yeah, I generally dislike paywalls.
  6. Tikawanda


    I'm not very familiar with Titanic theories, but the ones above are certainly interesting to say the least.
  7. Tikawanda

    New York Releases New Nuclear Attack PSA – What Does this Mean?

    Did anyone find VC's article about this PSA kind of... lacking? Maybe even annoyingly so? I mean the headline of the article says the PSA video is "unsettling", so you go into it thinking that there's gonna be a lot of occult symbolism or something serious, but judging by VC's overview of the...
  8. Tikawanda

    Illuminati Killing off Wendy Williams

    Are there any realistic theories about why they'd meddle in her life now? From what I know about her, she's been heavily involved in showbusiness for a long time, and she seems to have followed her script well. Oh God not the "this woman looks too tall and statuesque so she must be a...
  9. Tikawanda

    BRITNEY is Not FREE ! Something is still off about her .

    Lance Bass is an obnoxious attention seeker. And he previously admitted that he hadn't actually spoken to her in years, so I'm not sure how he would know these details about Britney Spears' life anyway. The implication from her sons being that they don't want to hang out with their own mother...
  10. Tikawanda

    Gaga Is Back Little Monsters: The Chromatica Ball of Satanism

    After thinking about it for some time, the high pressure industrial air blower/wind current theory makes the most sense to me. As in, there are blowers blowing streams of air between the stage and the front row of the audience and the thrown object was knocked down by the high pressured air...
  11. Tikawanda

    Anne Heche

    I thought blood sacrifices were usually chosen from people that the masses wouldn't expect to die? Typically young and popular celebrities? Anne was over 50 and had a history of problems for as long as I can remember. Her death seems more like a product of her self-destructive habits than a...
  12. Tikawanda

    can we talk about sunscreen?

    I'm not understanding why people wouldn't use sunscreen. Conspiracy theories aside for a moment, there's nothing pleasant about getting sunburns, so if sunscreen can be used to prevent them, then I'm all for it. I don't regularly apply it though, only when I know I'm going to be outside for a...
  13. Tikawanda

    Agoraphobia and Homophobia Just Common Sense?

    While it's perfectly fine to be unnerved by public or crowded places, why anyone would allow fear or discomfort to rule their lives is beyond me. So sure, agoraphobia is a thing, but people shouldn't use it as a crutch. Same with any phobia, although judging by this topic I'm not sure some of...
  14. Tikawanda

    Why are there so many very stuck up loser low life narcissists women nowadays?

    You have to chuckle at the irony of the OP saying that women disrespect single guys... while said OP also disrespected women by calling them "mentally retarded" and "pathetic loser". What's that old saying? "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
  15. Tikawanda

    Demonic Power

    This. Her fans were notorious for throwing "gifts" on stage and I think it must've gotten to the point where the tour's management set up Plexiglas barricades around certain parts of the stage to prevent that from happening. Alternatively, the Plexiglas could be in place for Covid-19 reasons...
  16. Tikawanda

    Roe V. Wade To be overturned

    Are you telling me that the 9 most influential judges in the United States didn't already have bodyguards?
  17. Tikawanda

    Roe V. Wade To be overturned

    What does one have to do with the other? I understand making a case against illegal immigrants since they're technically breaking the law just by being here illegally, but why is interracial marriage even in the same conversation? What exactly is wrong about consenting adults choosing to marry...
  18. Tikawanda


    It's weird. I mean I can at least sort of understand the transphobia. In the sense that trans people have been shoved into the spotlight a lot in the past decade, so there's a lot of pushback against them from the conservative crowd since this is a relatively new "fad" (for want of a better...
  19. Tikawanda

    Jussie Smullet Gets Six Months In Jail

    It seems like an appropriate punishment. If he were smarter he would've apologized publicly to earn himself at least a little good will, but I guess that was too much to ask for from a narcissist.
  20. Tikawanda

    Stand With Ukraine? No Thanks. Business As Usual.

    So then you support Russia invading another country by using flimsy excuses like "special operations against Nazis" and bombing cities and killing innocent civilians in the process, among other war crimes? And wouldn't that also make Putin an "Evil One" by your logic? I don't feel like America...