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  1. Tikawanda

    Get Woke, Go Broke Arthur ends on PBS…

    I highly doubt that the show ended for going "woke" considering that it had already peaked in relevance over a decade ago and it was only a matter of time before it ended. How it managed to stay on air for 25 years with its constant repetitive storytelling and gradually worsening voice acting...
  2. Tikawanda

    Putin officially threatens Nuclear War

    "Coldly"? Basically everyone that I've seen discuss the war on social media or forums have shared their support for Ukraine one way or another. I mean, what more do you want? NATO boots on the ground? Putin's been threatening nuclear war if other countries directly interfere with his invasion.
  3. Tikawanda

    Organic Protests Breaking Out Across the US

    So when people gather for BLM rallies or anything liberal related it's called a riot around here and cited as being Antifa's doing, but when people [mainly conservatives] gather to demonstrate their dislike of Biden it's merely an "organic protest"? That's quite a distinction. o_O
  4. Tikawanda

    The islamification of America is a clear agenda

    I literally don't understand this theory considering that Muslims in America are such a small and rather irrelevant minority. If you're afraid of any religion overtaking America, you'd be better off citing Atheism (I know it's technically a lack of religion, but still).
  5. Tikawanda

    Black Nobility

    How exactly did Israel benefit under Trump compared to other presidents? Serious question because out of all the foreign policy related stories that I remember from Trump's 4 years, his ties with Israel seemed to not be talked about that much. But I feel like every American president is...
  6. Tikawanda

    Willow Smith came out as polyamorous

    I'm not really down with polygamy, but at the same time it's one of those things that I don't necessarily condemn as long as it's between consenting adults.
  7. Tikawanda

    LGBT+ movement starting to backfire (part 2)

    This reasoning is somewhat disturbing, not to mention condescending. Burn James Charles at the stake all you want, but please don't start blaming the LGBT community for his actions. There are pedophiles among heterosexuals as well, so can we please stop making generalizations?
  8. Tikawanda

    Ship stuck at Suez

    The ship has been freed. That said I'm sorry, but the theories on both sides about this damn ship really got on my nerves; on one side there was the media exaggerating how long the ship would be stuck (many sources claimed it'd be stuck for weeks), then on the other side we had people trying to...
  9. Tikawanda

    Lil Nas X Call Me By your name satanic video

    He's such an awful person; I remember when he got exposed for having an old Twitter account that contained Islamophobic tweets and how he tried to pretend that it wasn't his account. This was a couple years ago around the time that his OTR song became a big hit, and I was shocked that he wasn't...
  10. Tikawanda

    Colorado = Terrorist Attack Alley?!?

    I think it's interesting that the shooter bought an assault weapon 6 days before the shooting considering that a judge struck down the assault weapons ban in Boulder 10 days prior to the shooting because of the NRA's lawsuit. The timing seems very... convenient.
  11. Tikawanda


    I mean, it doesn't sound implausible that Will Smith's been involved in sexual molestation or r*pe given that he's a Hollywood actor, but at the same time, I don't like relying on hearsay. I generally disagree with the #MeToo movement for that reason.
  12. Tikawanda

    NASA Rover Lands on Mars?

    Dunno where I stand on the subject of Mars rover conspiracies tbh. On one hand, I don't trust NASA in most cases in the same way that I don't trust government institutions in general. But on the other hand, it's not implausible to me that NASA can send machines to nearby planets. I just don't...
  13. Tikawanda

    Uh oh - Britney Spears back in "mental facility" 2019...

    The fact that she hasn't implicitly talked about her conservatorship or the media circus surrounding it is incredibly suspicious. I mean, her social media posts are pretty much confirmed to not even be posted by her as well; she isn't allowed to tell her side of the story and it's so blatant...
  14. Tikawanda

    Was Q a Psyop? AKA Discuss the Q Psyop without asking if it is real:)

    Dunno what to call it other than a complete waste of time. I haven't been to GLP in over a year, but I vaguely remember the first Q topic and how it had more pages than most other topics, but it was just a bunch of rambling and in-fighting and nothing actually came out of it.
  15. Tikawanda

    Predictive programming in the music industry.

    This isn't necessarily about predictive programming in music itself, but I did want to point out something that's been worrying me lately. There's been a lot of recent news about singers and musicians in general selling their music catalogs and publishing rights; most recently Bob Dylan sold his...
  16. Tikawanda

    *warning if you like animals* video of rapper Azealia banks digging up dead cat and boiling it to reanimate it

    She's insane, but most people know that. The thought of anyone boiling a cat whether dead or alive just makes me sick.
  17. Tikawanda

    The American “Coup d’etat”

    Regardless of who you'd want to act as puppet in the White House for the next 4 years, I still think it's shameless that President Trump stirred crap and instigated today's protests all for the sake of potentially keeping his job, which in itself was pretty much a lost cause since November.
  18. Tikawanda

    BBC pushing anti conspiracy theories/think for yourself

    I typically hate the BBC, and I generally find the UK in general to be quite a cesspool in terms of their media and surveillance. I can't imagine living in a place where your every move outdoors is blatantly monitored by CCTV.
  19. Tikawanda

    COVID-19 bill started a 180-day countdown for UFO disclosures

    You mean more UFO disclosures? Because I'm pretty sure that there've been tons of UFO disclosures in the past few years, although as far as I know none of them have been attributed to actual extraterrestrials.
  20. Tikawanda

    Apparently, even Arthur needs a homosexual character

    To be fair the character in question (Mr. Ratburn) was kinda alluded to be gay all along. I mean, he was a grown male with no wife or female love interest that I can remember, and he was always sort of flamboyant and even slightly effeminate. While the wedding took me by surprise since I had no...