Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


May 12, 2023
Let me give an example. Girls get the crush on 12 year old Justin Bieber when they are like 10. Because he is around the same age. And children get easily manipulated during this stage. So basically if you can capture a child crushing on these stars at this young age, you've pretty much got a fan for life. And they'll make their parents buy all the stuff.

In the end it's always about money.
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Feb 20, 2020
Also her covering her mouth with the receipt in that photo suggest not being able to speak or keeping secrets about what’s going on and who’s involved. The reddish orange background could mean they could be s@cr!fixed or k!ll3d if they reveal too much. It also could mean the pain of being in sèx slávëry. The contact lenses could represent being another person or another alter coming out of her to separate from what their doing. The blônde hair already represents being under mk programming.
yes the receipt pit right in front of her mouth signals “shh” sign but also a hand put over the mouth/deaf, dumb alters.

the red color in the room signals:

-the red room/nth room etc. also mars/bloodshed/violence/passion/“passionate” scarlet love/venus-venusians-emissaries of venus->”mary”=mar=sea->emissaries of the sea=marine spirits (this is what YAH has been highlighting and showing me for a while actually the marine spirits coming out and they are all in different forms and shapes just like the marine life is in different shapes and forms)
bringing/building up the venusian energy
the blonde hair i have spoken about it a lot so i will link here please open the thread as it’s more than just this:

the blue eyes just like everything else have layered symbolism and yes it’s linked to alters but not only:
  • blue = darkness ->darkening of the eyes->going spiritually blind & dead basically
  • we also have the anunnaki symbolism but also the perfect race (aryan as they call it) they will try to create thru eugenics.
  • &more like sex glass dolls and such there is a lot to it also norse beings blonde and white eyed very deadly and dangerous
Feb 20, 2020
View attachment 101403
receipt layers:
  • iu the product that is sold/passed around in the industry and you can see this in here “love” over the receipt
  • receipt=reset
  • to hold/ to contain=bird in a cage
  • to receive love=sex slavery/sex trafficking
more has been added: • AI “love” seduction/seductive spirits/masters of seduction etc. has been highlighted by YAH as being related to this along with the revelation i was given on manifestation of marine spirits /spirit husbands/wives thru the screen/smart hyper glasses (or whatever those thingd coming in the future will be called)

also there was this song “wife” by gidle that came out which is related to this

more things have been added to this post
Nov 2, 2023
It gives me nightmares but I keep re watching it to find an explanation and I can't. I gives me goosebumps.

I used to want to be like them in my teen years really bad. I envied them that they start working on their dreams since very young and they're showing it the world. I felt like I'm not needed in this world. But now, I realise how stupid I was. I envied people who actually are puppets to someone else. The whole media wants us to believe that we're nothing and only they're the chosen ones. And the paradox is how they tell us they're the depressed ones so we can pity them. But is going to pity us, the ordinary people. Damn, the elite really sees us as a cattle.
I'm sorry for responding so late, I know the conversation is very advanced, but I'm new.
I also felt the same, I really liked music and I also wanted to be a musical artist and when I saw these guys from BTS I felt very bad and disappointed, they were so young and look what they achieved, fighting for their dreams, they are so intellectual and talented, and you really felt quite inferior to them, as if they were superior beings, as if they had already been born destined for that, or well, that was what I believed, but the truth is that they were just ordinary young people who They liked to dance or sing, they passed an audition, and then they fell into the trap, they were exploited in every possible way and God knows what else they did to have all that fame, because let's be honest, no matter how talented you are, you won't be famous for so much time for your talent, there is something else, they are not the "chosen ones" or more special just because yes, many trainees had a lot of talent, perhaps more than the idol that did debut and were discarded, I remember an interview that I saw with a former BTS trainee who was going to debut with them, this boy killed himself working, dancing long hours and singing in BIG HIT, and he was truly good but he was simply discarded as if nothing had happened, the BTS boys dance well and their singers are not bad , but his talent was not entirely the formula for his international success.


May 12, 2023
Yes me too, i think Cube want make them the new Bp or something
Originally (g-idle) was modelled on 4minute. Which was Hyuna+her friends.

Soyeon was the main attraction after her appearances on Produce 101 And Unpretty rapstar. Some theorized she was being pushed as the replacement for Hyuna within CUBE.

tumblr_nzrtwtNs6v1v2r78mo1_400.gifmaxresdefault (8).jpg

Now though it seems like its moving more towards resembling the PussyCat Dolls


Which might have explained Soojins departure from the group. Similar to that of the Pussycat dolls member.

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Jun 26, 2022
Originally (g-idle) was modelled on 4minute. Which was Hyuna+her friends.

Soyeon was the main attraction after her appearances on Produce 101 And Unpretty rapstar. Some theorized she was being pushed as the replacement for Hyuna within CUBE.

View attachment 101570View attachment 101571

Now though it seems like its moving more towards resembling the PussyCat Dolls

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View attachment 101574

Which might have explained Soojins departure from the group. Similar to that of the Pussycat dolls member.

View attachment 101580
Yes i saw a video of that PD former member exposing that ,could be possible that Gidle doing the same


Mar 8, 2022
View attachment 101403
receipt layers:
  • iu the product that is sold/passed around in the industry and you can see this in here “love” over the receipt
  • receipt=reset
  • to hold/ to contain=bird in a cage
  • to receive love=sex slavery/sex trafficking
more has been added: • AI “love” seduction/seductive spirits/masters of seduction etc. has been highlighted by YAH as being related to this along with the revelation i was given on manifestation of marine spirits /spirit husbands/wives thru the screen/smart hyper glasses (or whatever those thingd coming in the future will be called)

also there was this song “wife” by gidle that came out which is related to this
She's blonde too. Dying the hair blonde is an infamous way of saying they were reprogrammed.